Exemple #1
  * resolves user id to user data.
  * @param int $id id to resolve
  * @return User
 public function resolveUserFunction($id)
     if ($this->cache->contains($id)) {
         return $this->cache->fetch($id);
     $user = $this->userRepository->findUserById($id);
     if ($user === null) {
     $this->cache->save($id, $user);
     return $user;
  * @Route("/entry-point/{mac}", defaults={"mac" = null})
  * @Method({"GET", "POST"})
  * @Template()
 public function indexAction(Request $request, $mac)
     // Attempting to do anything here as a logged in user will fail. Set the current user token to null to log user out.
     if (!$mac) {
         if (!$request->getSession()->get('auth-data')) {
             // No MAC code, nothing in the session, so we can't help - return to front page.
             return $this->redirectToRoute('barbon_hostedapi_app_index_index');
     } else {
         $cacheKey = sprintf('mac-%s', $mac);
         // If MAC isn't found in the cache, it's already been processed - redirect back to this route without the MAC, and try again.
         if (!$this->cache->contains($cacheKey)) {
             return $this->redirectToRoute('barbon_hostedapi_landlord_authentication_entrypoint_index');
         // store data to session and empty the cache
         $authData = unserialize($this->cache->fetch($cacheKey));
         $request->getSession()->set('auth-data', $authData);
     // Decide which tab should start as visible, so that is a registration attempt is in progress it re-shows that tab.
     $selectedTab = $request->query->get('action') ?: 'register';
     if ($request->isMethod(Request::METHOD_POST)) {
         if ($request->request->has('direct_landlord')) {
             $selectedTab = 'register';
     return array('selectedTab' => $selectedTab);
  * @param int $start
  * @param int $maxResults
  * @return Category[]|null
  * @throws RepositoryException
 public function findAll($start = 0, $maxResults = 100)
     $cacheKey = self::CACHE_NAMESPACE . sha1($start . $maxResults);
     if ($this->isCacheEnabled()) {
         if ($this->cache->contains($cacheKey)) {
             return $this->cache->fetch($cacheKey);
     $compiledUrl = $this->baseUrl . "?start_element={$start}&num_elements={$maxResults}";
     $response = $this->client->request('GET', $compiledUrl);
     $repositoryResponse = RepositoryResponse::fromResponse($response);
     if (!$repositoryResponse->isSuccessful()) {
         throw RepositoryException::failed($repositoryResponse);
     $stream = $response->getBody();
     $responseContent = json_decode($stream->getContents(), true);
     $result = [];
     if (!$responseContent['response']['content_categories']) {
         $responseContent['response']['content_categories'] = [];
     foreach ($responseContent['response']['content_categories'] as $segmentArray) {
         $result[] = Category::fromArray($segmentArray);
     if ($this->isCacheEnabled()) {
         $this->cache->save($cacheKey, $result, self::CACHE_EXPIRATION);
     return $result;
Exemple #4
 public function getTimestamp($key)
     if (!$this->cache->contains($key . ':timestamp')) {
         return (double) 0;
     return floatval($this->cache->fetch($key . ':timestamp'));
Exemple #5
  * Get the contents of an URI and cache it for CACHE_LIFETIME seconds.
  * @param  string  $uri
  * @return string
 public function getContents($uri)
     if (!$this->cache->contains($uri)) {
         $this->cache->save($uri, $contents = $this->download($uri), static::CACHE_LIFETIME);
         return $contents;
     return $this->cache->fetch($uri);
  * @param $key
  * @throws \LogicException
  * @return bool|mixed
 public function getFromCache($key)
     // If the results are already cached
     if ($this->cache->contains($key)) {
         return unserialize($this->cache->fetch($key));
     return false;
  * {@inheritDoc}
 protected function internalRemoveItem(&$normalizedKey)
     $key = $this->getOptions()->getNamespace() . $normalizedKey;
     if (!$this->cache->contains($key)) {
         return false;
     return $this->cache->delete($key);
Exemple #8
  * Returns websocket context for given connection.
  * @param ConnectionInterface $conn
  * @return ConnectionContextInterface
 protected function getContext(ConnectionInterface $conn)
     $id = ConnectionContext::getIdFromConnection($conn);
     if (!$this->contexts->contains($id)) {
     return $this->contexts->fetch($id);
Exemple #9
  * @param string $txid
  * @param int $vout
  * @return Utxo
 public function fetch($txid, $vout)
     $index = $this->getInternalIndex($txid, $vout);
     if (!$this->cache->contains($index)) {
         throw new \RuntimeException('Utxo not found in this cache');
     return $this->cache->fetch($index);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function findMatching($route, $host)
     if ($this->cache->contains($this->getCacheKey())) {
         return $this->cache->fetch($this->getCacheKey());
     $rules = $this->ruleProvider->getRules();
     $this->cache->save($this->getCacheKey(), $rules, $this->ttl);
     return $rules;
Exemple #11
 public function remember($key, \closure $callable, $lifeTime = 0)
     if ($this->cache->contains($key)) {
         return $this->cache->fetch($key);
     $data = $callable();
     $this->cache->save($key, $data, $lifeTime);
     return $data;
Exemple #12
  * @param string $ip
  * @return Location
 public function getIpData($ip)
     if ($this->storage->contains($ip)) {
         return $this->storage->fetch($ip);
     $result = $this->provider->fetchDataForIp($ip);
     $this->storage->save($ip, $result);
     return $result;
Exemple #13
  * @param int $id
 public function addGroupToQueue($id)
     $groupIds = [];
     if ($this->cache->contains(self::QUEUE_CACHE_ID)) {
         $groupIds = $this->cache->fetch(self::QUEUE_CACHE_ID);
     $groupIds[$id] = $id;
     $this->cache->save(self::QUEUE_CACHE_ID, $groupIds);
Exemple #14
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function interpret($rule)
     if ($this->cache->contains($rule)) {
         return unserialize($this->cache->fetch($rule));
     $ast = $this->interpreter->interpret($rule);
     $this->cache->save($rule, serialize($ast), $this->lifeTime);
     return $ast;
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function getRolePermissions(Role $role)
     $cacheId = sprintf('roles/%s', $role->getRoleName());
     $permissions = $this->cache->fetch($cacheId);
     if (!$this->cache->contains($cacheId)) {
         $permissions = $this->driver->getRolePermissions($role);
         $this->cache->save($cacheId, $permissions);
     return $permissions;
 public function renderLatestBlogPosts()
     $cacheId = $this->blogOptions->getCacheKey();
     $posts = $this->cache->contains($cacheId) ? $this->cache->fetch($cacheId) : [];
     $elements = [];
     foreach ($posts as $post) {
         $elements[] = sprintf('<li><a target="_blank" href="%s">%s</a></li>', $post['link'], $post['title']);
     return sprintf('<ul class="fh5co-links blog-posts">%s</ul>', implode('', $elements));
Exemple #17
  * Returns thumbnail data for the given transaction.
  * Handles the cache layer around the creation as well.
  * @param Transaction $transaction
  * @return string
 protected function getThumbnail(Transaction $transaction)
     $cacheKey = $transaction->getHash();
     if ($this->cache->contains($cacheKey)) {
         return $this->cache->fetch($cacheKey);
     $imageData = $this->creator->create($transaction);
     $this->cache->save($cacheKey, $imageData, $this->cacheTime);
     return $imageData;
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function getStructures($webspaceKey)
     if (!$this->cache->contains($webspaceKey)) {
         return $this->loadStructures($webspaceKey);
     $keys = $this->cache->fetch($webspaceKey);
     return array_map(function ($key) {
         return $this->structureManager->getStructure($key);
     }, $keys);
Exemple #19
  * @param $postalCode
  * @param null $number
  * @return array
  * @throws \RuntimeException
 public function find($postalCode, $number = null)
     $cacheKey = md5($postalCode . '_' . $number);
     if ($this->cache->contains($cacheKey)) {
         return unserialize($this->cache->fetch($cacheKey));
     $result = $this->service->find($postalCode, $number);
     $this->cache->save($cacheKey, serialize($result));
     return $result;
  * Performs a request to the QBank API.
  * @param string $endpoint The API endpoint URL to request.
  * @param array $parameters The parameters to send.
  * @param string $method The HTTP verb to use.
  * @param CachePolicy $cachePolicy The custom caching policy to use.
  * @param bool $delayed If the request should be delayed until destruction.
  * @return array The response result.
  * @throws RequestException
  * @throws ResponseException
 protected function call($endpoint, array $parameters = [], $method = self::METHOD_GET, CachePolicy $cachePolicy = null, $delayed = false)
     $cachePolicy = $cachePolicy !== null ? $cachePolicy : $this->cachePolicy;
     if ($delayed) {
         $this->delayedRequests[] = $this->client->createRequest(strtoupper($method), $endpoint, $parameters);
         $this->logger->debug('Request to QBank added to delayed queue. ' . strtoupper($method) . ' ' . $endpoint, ['endpoint' => $endpoint, 'parameters' => $parameters, 'method' => $method]);
         return [];
     if ($cachePolicy->isEnabled() && ($method == self::METHOD_GET || $method == self::METHOD_POST && preg_match('/v\\d+\\/search/', $endpoint)) && $this->cache->contains(md5($endpoint . json_encode($parameters)))) {
         /** @var string $response */
         $response = $this->cache->fetch(md5($endpoint . json_encode($parameters)));
         $this->logger->info('Using cached response. ' . strtoupper($method) . ' ' . $endpoint, ['endpoint' => $endpoint, 'parameters' => $parameters, 'method' => $method, 'response' => substr(print_r($response, true), 0, 4096)]);
         return $response;
     try {
         $start = microtime(true);
         /** @var ResponseInterface $response */
         $response = $this->client->{$method}($endpoint, $parameters);
         $this->logger->debug('Request to QBank sent. ' . strtoupper($method) . ' ' . $endpoint, ['endpoint' => $endpoint, 'parameters' => $parameters, 'time' => number_format(round((microtime(true) - $start) * 1000), 0, '.', ' ') . ' ms', 'method' => $method, 'response' => substr($response->getBody(), 0, 4096)]);
         $data = null;
         if (in_array('application/json', array_map('trim', explode(';', $response->getHeader('Content-type'))))) {
             try {
                 $data = $response->json();
             } catch (\RuntimeException $re) {
                 $this->logger->error('Error while receiving response from QBank. ' . strtoupper($method) . ' ' . $endpoint, ['message' => 'Response not in json format.', 'endpoint' => $endpoint, 'parameters' => $parameters, 'method' => $method, 'response' => substr($response->getBody(), 0, 4096)]);
                 throw new ResponseException('Error while receiving response from QBank: Response not in json format.');
         } else {
             return $response->getBody()->__toString();
         if ($cachePolicy->isEnabled() && $cachePolicy->getCacheType() == CachePolicy::EVERYTHING && ($method == self::METHOD_GET || $method == self::METHOD_POST && preg_match('/v\\d+\\/search/', $endpoint))) {
             $this->cache->save(md5($endpoint . json_encode($parameters)), $data, $cachePolicy->getLifetime());
         return $data;
     } catch (\GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException $re) {
         $this->logger->error('Error while sending request to QBank. ' . strtoupper($method) . ' ' . $endpoint, ['exception' => $re, 'message' => $re->getMessage(), 'endpoint' => $endpoint, 'parameters' => $parameters, 'method' => $method, 'response' => $re->hasResponse() ? substr($re->getResponse()->getBody(), 0, 4096) : '']);
         $message = null;
         $details = null;
         if ($re->hasResponse() && strpos($re->getResponse()->getHeader('content-type'), 'application/json') === 0) {
             $content = $re->getResponse()->json();
             if (!empty($content['error'])) {
                 $details = $content['error'];
             if (isset($content['error']['message'])) {
                 $message = ' [info]' . $content['error']['message'];
             if (isset($content['error']['errors']) && is_array($content['error']['errors'])) {
                 foreach ($content['error']['errors'] as $key => $error) {
                     $message .= "\n\t{$key}: {$error}";
         throw new RequestException('Error while sending request to QBank: ' . $re->getMessage() . $message, $re->hasResponse() ? $re->getResponse()->getStatusCode() : 0, $re, $details);
Exemple #21
  * resolves user id to user data.
  * @param int $userId id to resolve
  * @return Contact
 public function resolveUserFunction($userId)
     if (!$this->cache->contains($userId)) {
         $user = $this->userRepository->findUserById($userId);
         if ($user === null) {
         $this->cache->save($userId, $user->getContact());
     return $this->cache->fetch($userId);
 public function testWithNoCacheResponseIsCached()
     $response = new Response();
     $next = function ($req, $resp) {
         return $resp;
     $this->router->match($this->request)->willReturn(RouteResult::fromRouteMatch('home', $next, ['cacheable' => true]));
     $this->middleware->__invoke($this->request, $response, $next);
  * @param $dir
  * @return array
 public function discoverControllers($dir)
     if ($this->useCache && $this->cache->contains(self::CONTROLLER_CACHE_INDEX)) {
         $controllerFiles = $this->cache->fetch('annot.controllerFiles');
     } else {
         $controllerFiles = $this->app['annot.controllerFinder']($this->app, $dir);
         if ($this->useCache) {
             $this->cache->save(self::CONTROLLER_CACHE_INDEX, $controllerFiles);
     return $controllerFiles;
Exemple #24
  * Fetches information about the given URL.
  * @param string $url The URL to crawl
  * @return array|false Returns the gathered information as array or FALSE if none of the crawlers was able to crawl the URL.
 public function fetch($url)
     if ($this->cache && $this->cache->contains($url)) {
         return $this->cache->fetch($url);
     } else {
         $result = $this->doFetch($url);
         if ($this->cache && $result) {
             $this->cache->save($url, $result);
         return $result;
Exemple #25
  * resolves user id to user data.
  * @param int $id id to resolve
  * @return Contact
 public function resolveContactFunction($id)
     if ($this->cache->contains($id)) {
         return $this->cache->fetch($id);
     $contact = $this->contactRepository->find($id);
     if ($contact === null) {
     $this->cache->save($id, $contact);
     return $contact;
  * @param string $className
  * @return ClassMetadataInterface
 public function getMetadataForClass($className)
     if (null === $this->cacheDriver) {
         return $this->mappingDriver->loadMetadataForClass($className);
     if ($this->cacheDriver->contains($className)) {
         return $this->cacheDriver->fetch($className);
     $metadata = $this->mappingDriver->loadMetadataForClass($className);
     $this->cacheDriver->save($className, $metadata);
     return $metadata;
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function locateTemplate(TemplateReferenceInterface $template, ThemeInterface $theme)
     $cacheKey = $this->getCacheKey($template, $theme);
     if ($this->cache->contains($cacheKey)) {
         $location = $this->cache->fetch($cacheKey);
         if (null === $location) {
             throw new ResourceNotFoundException($template->getPath(), $theme);
         return $location;
     return $this->decoratedTemplateLocator->locateTemplate($template, $theme);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver)
     $cacheKey = 'timezones';
     if ($this->cache) {
         if ($this->cache->contains($cacheKey)) {
             self::$timezones = $this->cache->fetch($cacheKey);
         } else {
             $this->cache->save($cacheKey, self::getTimezones());
     $resolver->setDefaults(array('choices' => self::$timezones));
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function hasPermission(RoleInterface $role, $permissionCode)
     if ($this->cache->contains($this->getCacheKey($role))) {
         return in_array($permissionCode, $this->cache->fetch($this->getCacheKey($role)));
     $permissions = $this->map->getPermissions($role);
     $permissionsCache = [];
     foreach ($permissions as $permission) {
         $permissionsCache[] = $permission->getCode();
     $this->cache->save($this->getCacheKey($role), $permissionsCache, $this->ttl);
     return in_array($permissionCode, $permissionsCache);
Exemple #30
  * Retrieve some xml from the device.
  * @param string $url The url to retrieve
  * @return XmlParser
 public function getXml($url)
     $uri = "http://{$this->ip}:1400{$url}";
     if ($this->cache->contains($uri)) {
         $this->logger->info("getting xml from cache: {$uri}");
         $xml = $this->cache->fetch($uri);
     } else {
         $this->logger->notice("requesting xml from: {$uri}");
         $xml = (string) (new Client())->get($uri)->getBody();
         $this->cache->save($uri, $xml, Cache::DAY);
     return new XmlParser($xml);