  * Submit handler for the login form
 public function onUserLogin()
     try {
         // Update wordpress passwords if necessary
         WordpressAuth::verifyFromEmail(post('email'), post('password'));
         $data = ['login' => post('login'), 'password' => post('password')];
         $authRedirect = Session::pull('authRedirect');
         // Allow plugins to override the redirect with a session variable
         if (!empty($authRedirect)) {
             $redirectUrl = $this->pageUrl($authRedirect);
         } else {
             $redirectUrl = $this->pageUrl($this->property('redirect'));
             $redirectUrl = post('redirect', $redirectUrl);
         return Redirect::intended($redirectUrl);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         // Catch all exceptions producced by RainLab User or DMA authentication
         // and update error block message using OctoberCMS Ajax framework
         $message = Lang::get('dma.friends::lang.userLogin.failCredentials');
         // Bit doggy but if the exception message contains the login
         // is because the account is been suspend or banned by RainLab user plugin
         // This usually because the user has atent to loging multiple times with a
         // wrong password.
         if (preg_match("/\\[" . $data['login'] . "\\]/", $e->getMessage())) {
             $message = $message = Lang::get('dma.friends::lang.userLogin.throttleUser', $data);
         return ['.modal-content #errorBlock' => $message];
  * @SWG\Definition(
  *      definition="request.user.credentials",
  *      required={"username", "password"},
  *      @SWG\Property(
  *         property="username",
  *         type="string"
  *      ),
  *      @SWG\Property(
  *         property="password",
  *         type="string"
  *      )     
  * )
  * @SWG\Post(
  *     path="users/login",
  *     description="Authenticate user using username and password",
  *     summary="User authentication",
  *     tags={ "user"},
  *     @SWG\Parameter(
  *         description="User credentials payload",
  *         name="body",
  *         in="body",
  *         required=true,
  *         schema=@SWG\Schema(ref="#/definitions/request.user.credentials")
  *     ), 
  *     @SWG\Response(
  *         response=200,
  *         description="Successful response",
  *         @SWG\Schema(ref="#/definitions/user.extended")
  *     ),
  *     @SWG\Response(
  *         response=500,
  *         description="Unexpected error",
  *         @SWG\Schema(ref="#/definitions/error500")
  *     ),
  *     @SWG\Response(
  *         response=404,
  *         description="User not found",
  *         @SWG\Schema(ref="#/definitions/UserError404")
  *     )     
  * )
 public function login()
     try {
         $data = Request::all();
         // Update wordpress passwords if necessary
         WordpressAuth::verifyFromEmail(array_get($data, 'email', ''), array_get($data, 'password'));
         $data = ['login' => array_get($data, 'username', array_get($data, 'email')), 'password' => array_get($data, 'password')];
         $user = AuthManager::auth($data);
         if ($user) {
             return $this->show($user->id);
         } else {
             return Response::api()->errorNotFound('User not found');
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         if ($e instanceof ValidationException) {
             return $this->errorDataValidation('User credentials fail to validated', $e->getErrors());
         } else {
             // Lets the API resource deal with the exception
             throw $e;