Exemple #1
  * get the table
  * @param string $table
  * @param int $from
  * @param int $limit
  * @return string $html
 public function getTable($table, $from, $limit = 100)
     $total = q::numRows('account')->fetch();
     $p = new pagination($total);
     $rows = q::select($table)->limit($p->from, $limit)->fetch();
     $str = "<table border =1><tr>";
     $str .= $this->getTableHeaders($table);
     $str .= $this->getTableRows($rows);
     $str .= "</tr></table>";
     $str .= $p->getPagerHTML();
     return $str;
Exemple #2
  * Get all jobs in a queue, which needs to be executed. Only name
  * if required
  * @param string $name
  * @param mixed $uniqueid if null then only the above param 'name' will be used
  * @param mixed $done null | 1 | 0
  * @return array $rows
 public function getQueueRows($name, $uniqueid = null, $done = 0)
     q::select($this->queue)->filter('name =', $name);
     if (!is_null($uniqueid)) {
         q::filter('uniqueid =', $uniqueid);
     if (is_int($done)) {
         q::filter('done =', $done);
     $rows = q::fetch();
     return $rows;
  * method for loading menus. All Main menu entries is generated from
  * database, while all module or submodule menus are generated from
  * files (menu.inc).
 public function loadMenus()
     $num = uri::getInstance()->numFragments();
     // always a module menu in web mode
     self::$menu['main'] = q::select('menus')->filter('parent =', 0)->condition('AND')->filter('admin_only =', 0)->order('weight')->fetch();
     // admin item are special
     if (session::isAdmin()) {
         self::$menu['admin'] = q::select('menus')->filter('admin_only =', 1)->condition('OR')->filter('section !=', '')->order('weight')->fetch();
     // if status is set we don't load module menus. Must be 404 or 403.
     // we then return empty array. module loader will know what to do when
     // including correct error pages. No menus from normal main module
     // should then be loaded.
     if (!empty(moduleloader::$status)) {
         return array();
     // get base menu from file. Base menu is always loaded if found.
     // we decide this from num fragments in uri.
     $module = uri::getInstance()->fragment(0);
     // if no module it must be 'frontpage_module' set
     // in configuration
     if (!$module) {
         $module = conf::getMainIni('frontpage_module');
         $menu = self::getBaseModuleMenu($module);
         self::$menu['module'] = array_merge(self::$menu['module'], $menu);
     // main module, e.g content
     if ($num >= 2) {
         $menu = self::getBaseModuleMenu($module);
         self::$menu['module'] = array_merge(self::$menu['module'], $menu);
     // sub module e.g. content/article
     if ($num > 2) {
         $sub = uri::getInstance()->fragment(0) . '/' . uri::getInstance()->fragment(1);
         self::$menu['sub'] = self::getSubMenu($sub);
Exemple #4
  * Run the system 
 public function run()
     // Register an autoloader for loading modules from mopdules dir
     $m = new modules();
     // define HTML constants
     // define global constants - based on base path
     // set include paths
     // load config file
     if (conf::getMainIni('debug')) {
     // set public file folder in file class
     file::$basePath = conf::getFullFilesPath();
     // utf-8
     ini_set('default_charset', 'UTF-8');
     // load config/config.ini
     // check if there exists a shared ini file
     // shared ini is used if we want to enable settings between hosts
     // which share same code base.
     // e.g. when updating all sites, it is a good idea to set the following flag
     // site_update = 1
     // this flag will send correct 503 headers, when we are updating our site.
     // if site is being updaing we send temporarily headers
     // and display an error message
     if (conf::getMainIni('site_update')) {
     // set a unified server_name if not set in config file.
     $server_name = conf::getMainIni('server_name');
     if (!$server_name) {
         conf::setMainIni('server_name', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']);
     // redirect to uniform server name is set in config.ini
     // e.g. www.testsite.com => testsite.com
     $server_redirect = conf::getMainIni('server_redirect');
     if (isset($server_redirect)) {
     // redirect to https is set in config.ini
     // force anything into ssl mode
     $server_force_ssl = conf::getMainIni('server_force_ssl');
     if (isset($server_force_ssl)) {
     // catch all output
     // Create a db connection
     $db_conn = array('url' => conf::getMainIni('url'), 'username' => conf::getMainIni('username'), 'password' => conf::getMainIni('password'), 'db_init' => conf::getMainIni('db_init'));
     // Other options
     // db_dont_persist = 0
     // dont_die = 0 // Set to one and the connection don't die because of
     // e.g. no database etc. This will return NO_DB_CONN as string
     //$url = conf::getMainIni('url');
     // init module loader.
     $ml = new moduleloader();
     // initiate uri
     // runlevel 1: merge db config
     // select all db settings and merge them with ini file settings
     $db_Settings = [];
     if (moduleloader::moduleExists('settings')) {
         $db_settings = q::select('settings')->filter('id =', 1)->fetchSingle();
     // merge db settings with config/config.ini settings
     // db settings override ini file settings
     conf::$vars['coscms_main'] = array_merge(conf::$vars['coscms_main'], $db_settings);
     // run level 2: set locales
     // set locales
     // set default timezone
     // runlevel 3 - init session
     // start session
     // Se if user is logged in with SESSION
     if (!session::isUser()) {
         // If not logged in check system cookie
         // This will start the session, if an appropiate cookie exists
     // Check account
     $res = session::checkAccount();
     if (!$res) {
         // Redirect to main page if user is not allowed
         // With current SESSION or COOKIE
     // set account timezone if enabled - can only be done after session
     // as user needs to be logged in
     // run level 4 - load language
     // load all language files
     $l = new lang();
     $base = conf::pathBase();
     $htdocs = conf::pathHtdocs();
     // runlevel 5
     // load routes if any
     // check db routes or load defaults
     $db_route = dispatch::getMatchRoutes();
     if (!$db_route) {
     } else {
     // After module has been loaded.
     // You can e.g. override module ini settings
     // Init layout. Sets template name
     // load correct CSS. St menus if any. Etc.
     $layout = new layout();
     // we first load menus here so we can se what happened when we
     // init our module. In case of a 404 not found error we don't want
     // to load module menus
     // init blocks
     // if any matching route was found we check for a method or function
     if ($db_route) {
         $str = dispatch::call($db_route['method']);
     } else {
         // or we use default module parsing
         $str = $ml->getParsedModule();
     // set view vars
     $vars['content'] = $str;
     // run level 7
     // echo module content
     echo $str = \mainTemplate::view($vars);
     conf::$vars['final_output'] = ob_get_contents();
     // Last divine intervention
     // e.g. Dom or Tidy
     echo conf::$vars['final_output'];
  * Method checks an account based on session user_id. It checks: 
  * a) if an account is locked 
  * b) if the current user_id does not correspond to an account.
  * In both cases all sessions are killed. 
  * Method is run at boot. In diversen\boot
  * @return void
 public static function checkAccount()
     $user_id = session::getUserId();
     if ($user_id) {
         $a = q::select('account')->filter('id =', $user_id)->fetchSingle();
         // user may have been deleted
         if (empty($a)) {
             return false;
         if ($a['locked'] == 1) {
             return false;
     return true;
Exemple #6
 public function displayAll($rows)
     $str = table::tableBegin(array('class' => 'uk-table uk-table-hover uk-table-striped uk-table-condensed'));
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $str .= table::trBegin();
         $str .= table::td($row['username'], array('class' => 'uk-width-3-10'));
         $str .= table::td($row['email']);
         // Comment
         $dancer = q::select('dancer')->filter('user_id= ', $row['id'])->fetchSingle();
         if (!empty($dancer)) {
             $str .= table::td(html::specialEncode($dancer['comment']));
         } else {
             $str .= table::td('');
         $str .= table::trEnd();
     $str .= table::tableEnd();
     echo $str;
Exemple #7
     * for for selecting a partner
    public function formPartner()
        $ary = q::select('dancer')->filter('user_id =', session::getUserId())->fetchSingle();
        $f = new html();
        $f->init($ary, 'submit', true);
        $f->legend('Basis data - ret eller indsæt');
        $account = user::getAccount(session::getUserId());
        $opt = array('disabled' => 'disabled');
        $f->label('username', 'Dit navn');
        $f->text('username', $account['username'], $opt);
        $sex = array('0' => 'Vælg køn', '1' => 'Kvinde', '2' => 'Mand');
        $f->label('sex', 'Dit køn');
        $f->selectAry('sex', $sex);
        $f->label('comment', 'Evt. kommentar');
        // Partner
        $partners = $this->getDancersForDropdown();
        $rows = [];
        $rows[0] = 'Ingen partner';
        foreach ($partners as $partner) {
            if ($partner['username'] == $account['username']) {
            $rows[$partner['id']] = $partner['username'];
        $label = <<<EOF
Har du en partner, så vælg en fra listen. 
Når din partner har valgt dig, så udgør i et par, og i kan vælge en halv kvadrille 
        $f->label('partner', $label);
        $f->selectAry('partner', $rows);
        $f->submit('submit', 'Opdater');
        echo $f->getStr();
  * delete a string from cache
  * @param   string  $module
  * @param   int     $id
  * @return  boolean $res db result
 private static function deleteDb($module, $id)
     $id = self::generateId($module, $id);
     $row = q::select(self::$table)->filter('id =', $id)->fetchSingle();
     if (!empty($row)) {
         return q::delete(self::$table)->filter('id =', $id)->exec();