function cos_upgrade_to($version)
    common::echoMessage("Will now pull source, and checkout latest tag", 'y');
    $command = "git fetch --tags && git checkout master && git pull && git checkout {$version}";
    $ret = common::execCommand($command);
    if ($ret) {
        common::abort('Aborting upgrade');
    common::echoMessage("Will upgrade vendor with composer according to version", 'y');
    $command = "composer update";
    $ret = common::systemCommand($command);
    if ($ret) {
        common::abort('Composer update failed.');
    common::echoMessage("Will upgrade all modules and templates the versions in the profile", 'y');
    // Upgrade all modules and templates
    $profile = conf::getModuleIni('system_profile');
    if (!$profile) {
        $profile = 'default';
    upgrade_from_profile(array('clone_only' => 1, 'profile' => $profile));
    // reload any changes
    common::echoMessage("Reloading all configuration files", 'y');
    $p = new profile();
    common::echoMessage("Load modules changes into database", 'y');
Exemple #2
 * build source package with more simple form of install. 
 * @param array $options
function cos_build_simple($options = null)
    $dir = getcwd();
    $name = basename($dir);
    if (file_exists("./build/{$name}")) {
        common::execCommand("sudo rm -rf ./build/{$name}*");
    common::execCommand("mkdir ./build/{$name}");
    $htdocs = "cp -rf htdocs/* ./build/{$name}";
    $domain = conf::getMainIni('domain');
    if (!$domain) {
        $domain = 'default';
    $files_rm = "sudo rm -rf ./build/{$name}/files/{$domain}/*";
    $config = "mkdir ./build/{$name}/config";
    $tmp_dir = "mkdir ./build/{$name}/tmp";
    $profiles = "cp -rf profiles ./build/{$name}";
    $sql_scripts = "cp -rf scripts ./build/{$name}";
    $cli = "cp -rf ./build/{$name}";
    $composer = "cp -rf composer.json ./build/{$name}";
    // reset database password
    $ary = conf::getIniFileArray("./config/config.ini");
    $profile = new profile();
    $ary = $profile->iniArrayPrepare($ary);
    // clean ini settings for secrets
    $ini_settings = conf::arrayToIniFile($ary);
    // add ini dist file
    file_put_contents("./build/{$name}/config/config.ini-dist", $ini_settings);
    $index = "cp -rf htdocs/index.php ./build/{$name}/index.php";
    $phar_cli = "cp -rf phar-cli.php ./build/{$name}/";
    $phar_web = "cp -rf phar-web.php ./build/{$name}/";
    $module_dir = conf::pathModules();
    $modules = "cp -rf {$module_dir} ./build/{$name}";
    $vendor = "cp -rf vendor ./build/{$name}";
    $rm_git = "rm `find ./build/{$name} -name '.git'` -rf";
    $rm_ignore = "rm `find ./build/{$name} -name '.gitignore'` -rf";
    $rm_doc = "rm -rf ./build/vendor/doc";
    $output = array();
    exec('git tag -l', $output);
    $version = array_pop($output);
    $command = "cd  ./build && tar -Pczf {$name}-{$version}.tar.gz {$name} ";
 * function for purgeing a template
 * @param   array  options
function purge_template($options)
    if (strlen($options['template']) == 0) {
        common::echoMessage("No such template: {$options['template']}");
    $template_path = conf::pathBase() . '/htdocs/templates/' . $options['template'];
    if (!file_exists($template_path)) {
        common::echoMessage("Template already purged: No such template path: {$template_path}");
    $command = "rm -rf {$template_path}";
Exemple #4
 * wrapper function for creating documention with phpdoc
 * hi! I'am created with this function :)
 * @return int  value from cos_system command
function create_docs()
    // check if command exists
    $command = "whereis phpdoc";
    $ret = common::execCommand($command);
    if ($ret) {
        common::echoMessage("Could not find command phpdoc on your system");
        common::echoMessage("If the command phpdoc is not on your system we will not be able to create documentation.");
        common::echoMessage("One way to do this is to: pear install PhpDocumentor");
    $command = "phpdoc run ";
    $command .= "-d coslib ";
    $command .= "--template abstract -t " . conf::pathBase() . "/htdocs/phpdocs ";
function db_to_sqlite($options = array())
    $check = "which sequel";
    if (common::execCommand($check)) {
        common::echoMessage('You need sequel. Install it like this, e.g.:');
        common::echoMessage('sudo aptitude install ruby-sequel libsqlite3-ruby libmysql-ruby');
    } else {
        common::echoStatus('OK', 'g', 'Sequel is installed');
    $ok = false;
    $info = admin::getDbInfo();
    if (!$info) {
        return db_no_url();
    if ($info['scheme'] == 'mysql') {
        $ok = true;
    if ($info['scheme'] == 'mysqli') {
        $ok = true;
    if (!$ok) {
        common::echoStatus('ERROR', 'r', 'Driver needs to be mysql or mysqli');
    $fs = new Filesystem();
    $username = conf::getMainIni('username');
    $password = conf::getMainIni('password');
    $command = "sequel ";
    $command .= "{$info['scheme']}://{$username}:{$password}@{$info['host']}/{$info['dbname']} ";
    $command .= "-C ";
    $command .= "sqlite://sqlite/database.sql";
    $ret = common::systemCommand($command);
    $base = conf::pathBase();
    if (!$ret) {
        $fs->chmod('sqlite/database.sql', 0777, 00, true);
        common::echoMessage('Sqlite database created. Edit config.ini and add:');
 * function for creating a skeleton for a module. We are just
 * using shell command touch for creating the files.
 * @param   array   e.g: <code>array('module' => 'test')</code> This will create
 *                  the following folder /modules/test containing base files
 *                  used when writing a module
 * @return  int     result from shell operation 0 is success
function create_module_skeleton($args)
    $module_name = $args['module'];
    $ary = explode('/', $module_name);
    $module_path = conf::pathModules() . '/' . $module_name;
    common::execCommand('mkdir ' . $module_path);
    if (count($ary) == 1) {
        // create dirs for sql. Only need in a base module
        $mysql_dir = $module_path . "/mysql";
        common::execCommand('mkdir ' . $mysql_dir);
        $mysql_up = $mysql_dir . "/up";
        common::execCommand('mkdir ' . $mysql_up);
        $mysql_down = $mysql_dir . "/down";
        common::execCommand('mkdir ' . $mysql_down);
        // create dirs for language. Only need in base module
        $lang_dir = $module_path . "/lang";
        common::execCommand('mkdir ' . $lang_dir);
        $lang_dir_en = $module_path . "/lang/en_GB";
        common::execCommand('mkdir ' . $lang_dir_en);
        $files = $module_path . "/ ";
        $files .= $module_path . "/views.php ";
        $files .= $module_path . "/ ";
        $files .= $module_path . "/ ";
        $files .= $module_path . "/{$module_name}.ini ";
        $files .= $module_path . "/{$module_name}.ini-dist ";
        $files .= $module_path . "/module.php ";
        $files .= $lang_dir_en . "/ ";
        $files .= $lang_dir_en . "/ ";
    common::echoMessage('Creating files: ');
    $res = common::execCommand('touch ' . $files);
    if (!$res) {
        // add a version
        $str = "<?php\n\n\$_INSTALL['VERSION'] = 1.71; \n";
        $res = file_put_contents($module_path . "/", $str);
  * Try to set a public clone URL in a module array
  * @param array $val module info
  * @return array $val module info with a public clone URL. If a public clone URL exists
 public static function getCloneUrl($module_name)
     $module_path = conf::pathModules() . "/{$module_name}";
     if (!file_exists($module_path)) {
         common::echoStatus('NOTICE', 'y', "module {$module_name} has no module source");
         return false;
     $command = "cd {$module_path} && git config --get remote.origin.url";
     $ret = common::execCommand($command, array('silence' => 1), 0);
     if ($ret == 0) {
         $git_url = shell_exec($command);
         return trim($git_url);
     return false;
 * function for loading a database file into db specified in config.ini
 * @param   array   options. You can specifiy a file to load in options.
 *                  e.g. <code>$options = array('File' => 'backup/sql/latest.sql')</code>
 * @return  int     the executed commands shell status 0 on success.
function cos_db_load_table($options)
    if (!isset($options['table'])) {
        common::abort('Specify a table to load with a backup');
    $dump_dir = "backup/sql/{$options['table']}";
    if (!file_exists($dump_dir)) {
        common::abort('Yet no backups');
    $search = conf::pathBase() . "/backup/sql/{$options['table']}";
    $latest = get_latest_db_dump($search);
    if ($latest == 0) {
        common::abort('Yet no database dumps');
    $latest = "backup/sql/{$options['table']}/" . $latest . ".sql";
    $db = admin::getDbInfo();
    if (!$db) {
        return db_no_url();
    $command = "mysql --default-character-set=utf8  -u" . conf::$vars['coscms_main']['username'] . " -p" . conf::$vars['coscms_main']['password'] . " {$db['dbname']} < {$latest}";
    return $ret = common::execCommand($command);
Exemple #9
 * function for loading a database file into db specified in config.ini
 * @param   array   options. You can specifiy a file to load in options.
 *                  e.g. <code>$options = array('File' => 'backup/sql/latest.sql')</code>
 * @return  int     the executed commands shell status 0 on success.
function load_db_file($options)
    if (!isset($options['File'])) {
        common::echoMessage('You did not specify file to load. We use latest!');
        $latest = get_latest_db_dump();
        if ($latest == 0) {
            common::abort('Yet no database dumps');
        $latest = "backup/sql/" . $latest . ".sql";
        $file = $latest;
    } else {
        $file = $options['File'];
        if (!file_exists($file)) {
            common::abort("No such file: {$file}");
    $db = admin::getDbInfo(conf::getMainIni('url'));
    if (!$db) {
        return db_no_url();
    $command = "mysql --default-character-set=utf8  -u" . conf::$vars['coscms_main']['username'] . " -p" . conf::$vars['coscms_main']['password'] . " -h{$db['host']}  {$db['dbname']} < {$file}";
    return $ret = common::execCommand($command);
  * Method that disable an apache2 site
  * @param array $options only options is $options[sitename] 
 public static function disableSite($options)
     $hostname = trim($options['hostname']);
     $apache2_conf_file = "/etc/apache2/sites-available/{$hostname}";
     $ret = common::execCommand("a2dissite {$hostname}");
     if ($ret) {
         return false;
     $version = self::getVersion();
     $version = version::getSemanticAry($version);
     if ($version['minor'] >= 4) {
         $apache2_conf_file .= ".conf";
     $ret = common::execCommand("rm -f {$apache2_conf_file}");
     // create new hosts file and reload server
     $host_file_str = '';
     $hosts_file_str = file("/etc/hosts");
     $host_search = "\t{$hostname}\n";
     $str = "";
     foreach ($hosts_file_str as $key => $val) {
         if (strstr($val, $host_search)) {
         } else {
             $host_file_str .= $val;
     file_put_contents("tmp/hosts", $host_file_str);
     common::execCommand("cp -f tmp/hosts /etc/hosts");
     common::execCommand("/etc/init.d/apache2 reload");
  * Get a clone URL from git path 
  * @param string $path
  * @return string|false string if we get a clone URL, selse false
 public static function getCloneUrlFromPath($path)
     $command = "cd {$path} && git config --get remote.origin.url";
     $ret = common::execCommand($command, array('silence' => 1), 0);
     if ($ret == 0) {
         $git_url = shell_exec($command);
         return trim($git_url);
     return false;
Exemple #12
 * function for removing all files in htdocs/files/*, htdocs/logo/*
 * when doing an install
 * @return int  value from exec command
function cos_create_files()
    $files_path = conf::pathBase() . '/logs/coscms.log';
    if (!file_exists($files_path)) {
        $command = "touch {$files_path}";
    $files_path = conf::pathBase() . '/logs/cron.log';
    if (!file_exists($files_path)) {
        $command = "touch {$files_path}";
    $files_path = conf::pathFiles();
    if (!file_exists($files_path)) {
        $command = "mkdir -p {$files_path}";
Exemple #13
function cos_phar_web_create()
    // move sources to build dir.
    // e.g. build/coscms
    // some base values
    $dir = getcwd();
    $base = basename($dir);
    // dir we build phar from
    $build_from_dir = "{$dir}/build/{$base}";
    // when creating a web phar we add
    // config.ini
    // this is done so that on first exectution of the
    // phar archive we will create this file and a .sqlite database.
    $build_phar_dir = "build/phar";
    if (!file_exists($build_phar_dir)) {
        common::execCommand("mkdir {$build_phar_dir}");
    // hidden .config file
    // cos_exec("cp -f config/config.ini $build_from_dir/tmp/.config.ini");
    // reset database password
    $ary = conf::getIniFileArray("./config/config.ini");
    $profile = new profile();
    // rm secrets
    $ary = $profile->iniArrayPrepare($ary);
    // add sqlite database to build phar dir
    if (conf::getMainIni('phar_sqlite')) {
        // mv sqlite database into hidden file
        common::execCommand("cp -R sqlite/database.sql {$build_from_dir}/tmp/.database.sql");
        common::execCommand("chmod 777 {$build_from_dir}/tmp/.database.sql");
        common::execCommand("mkdir {$build_from_dir}/sqlite");
        $ary['url'] = 'sqlite:.database.sql';
    // no caching of assets. Place css and js in file
    $ary['cached_assets'] = 0;
    $ary['cashed_assets_reload'] = 0;
    $ary['cached_assets_minify'] = 0;
    $ary['cached_assets_compress'] = 0;
    $ary['cached_assets_inline'] = 1;
    if (conf::getMainIni('phar_files')) {
        common::execCommand("cp -rf htdocs/files {$build_from_dir}");
        common::execCommand("sudo chown -R 777 {$build_from_dir}/files");
    $ini_settings = conf::arrayToIniFile($ary);
    file_put_contents("{$build_from_dir}/tmp/.config.ini", $ini_settings);
    $output = "{$base}-web.phar";
    $phar = new Phar($output);
    $stub = $phar->createDefaultStub('phar-web.php', 'phar-web.php');
    echo "Web phar executable file created from current source ({$output})\n";
    echo "Serve it e.g. with the built-in server. Like this:\n";
    echo "cd {$build_phar_dir}\n";
    echo "php -S localhost:8080 {$base}-web.phar\n";
 * CLI command. Function for restoring tar archive
 * All file settings are restored (if user is the owner of all files)
 * @param   array   options to parser, e.g.
 *                  <code>array('File' => '/backup/full/latest.tar')</code> This will restore
 *                  the tar achive /backup/full/latest.tar
 *                  Leave options empty if you
 *                  want to restore latest archive with highest timestamp, .e.g
 *                  backup/full/1264168904.tar
 * @return  int     the executed commands shell status 0 on success. 
function backup_files_restore($options)
    // in order to easily preserve ownership we use need to run as root
    if (!isset($options['File'])) {
        $latest = backup_get_latest_backup('files');
        if ($latest == 0) {
            die("Yet no backups\n");
        $backup_file = $latest = "backup/files/" . $latest . ".tar.gz";
    } else {
        $backup_file = $options['File'];
    common::needRoot("In order to restore: {$backup_file}. We need root");
    $command = "tar -Pxzf {$backup_file} -v ./htdocs/files ";
    $ret = common::execCommand($command);
Exemple #15
 * function for removing all files in htdocs/files/*, htdocs/logo/*
 * when doing an install
 * @return int  value from exec command
function cos_create_files()
    $files_path = conf::pathBase() . '/logs/coscms.log';
    if (!file_exists($files_path)) {
        $command = "touch {$files_path}";
    $files_path = conf::pathBase() . '/htdocs/files';
    if (!file_exists($files_path)) {
        $command = "mkdir {$files_path}";
    $domain = conf::getDomain();
    $files_path = conf::pathBase() . "/htdocs/files/{$domain}";
    if (!file_exists($files_path)) {
        $command = "mkdir {$files_path}";
Exemple #16
 * function for purging a module (compleate removal)
 * @param   array  options
function purge_module($options)
    // check if module is set
    if (strlen($options['module']) == 0) {
        common::echoMessage("No such module: {$options['module']}");
    // check if module exists
    $module_path = conf::pathModules() . '/' . $options['module'];
    if (!file_exists($module_path)) {
        common::echoMessage("module already purged: No such module path: {$module_path}");
    // it exists. Uninstall
    // remove
    $command = "rm -rf {$module_path}";
 * function for doing a prompt install from shell mode
 * is a wrapper around other shell functions.
function prompt_install()
    common::echoMessage('Pick a version to install:', 'y');
    $tags = git::getTagsInstallLatest() . PHP_EOL;
    $tags .= "master";
    $tag = common::readSingleline("Enter tag (version) to use:");
    common::execCommand("git checkout {$tag}");
    // Which profile to install
    $profiles = file::getFileList('profiles', array('dir_only' => true));
    if (count($profiles) == 1) {
        $profile = array_pop($profiles);
    } else {
        common::echoMessage("List of profiles: ");
        foreach ($profiles as $val) {
            common::echoMessage("\t" . $val);
        // select profile and load it
        $profile = common::readSingleline('Enter profile, and hit return: ');
    common::echoMessage("Loading the profile '{$profile}'", 'y');
    load_profile(array('profile' => $profile, 'config_only' => true));
    common::echoMessage("Main configuration (placed in config/config.ini) for '{$profile}' is loaded", 'y');
    // Keep base path. Ortherwise we will lose it when loading profile
    $base_path = conf::pathBase();
    // Load the default config.ini settings as a skeleton
    conf::$vars['coscms_main'] = conf::getIniFileArray($base_path . '/config/config.ini', true);
    // Reset base path
    conf::setMainIni('base_path', $base_path);
    common::echoMessage("Enter MySQL credentials", 'y');
    // Get configuration info
    $host = common::readSingleline('Enter your MySQL host: ');
    $database = common::readSingleline('Enter database name: ');
    $username = common::readSingleline('Enter database user: '******'Enter database users password: '******'Enter server host name: ');
    common::echoMessage("Writing database connection info to main configuration");
    // Assemble configuration info
    conf::$vars['coscms_main']['url'] = "mysql:dbname={$database};host={$host};charset=utf8";
    conf::$vars['coscms_main']['username'] = $username;
    conf::$vars['coscms_main']['password'] = $password;
    conf::$vars['coscms_main']['server_name'] = $server_name;
    // Write it to ini file
    $content = conf::arrayToIniFile(conf::$vars['coscms_main'], false);
    $path = conf::pathBase() . "/config/config.ini";
    file_put_contents($path, $content);
    common::echoMessage("Your can also always change the config/config.ini file manually");
    $options = array();
    $options['profile'] = $profile;
    if ($tag == 'master') {
        $options['master'] = true;
    common::echoMessage("Will now clone and install all modules", 'y');
    common::echoMessage("Create a super user", 'y');
    $login = "******";
    common::echoMessage("If there was no errors you will be able to login at {$login}");
    common::echoMessage("Remember to change file permissions. This will require super user");
    common::echoMessage("E.g. like this:");
    common::echoMessage("sudo ./ file --chmod-files");
Exemple #18
 * function for upgrading a module, template or profile according to latest tag
 * or master
 * @param array     with module options
 * @param string    tag with wersion or 'master'
 * @param string    module, templatee or profile. 
function cos_git_upgrade($val, $tag = 'master', $type = 'module')
    if (!isset($val['module_name'])) {
        $val['module_name'] = git::getModulenameFromRepo($val['repo']);
    $repo_path = cos_get_repo_path($val['module_name'], $type);
    if (!cos_git_is_repo($repo_path)) {
        common::echoMessage("{$repo_path} is not a git repo - will not upgrade");
    $git_command = "cd {$repo_path} && ";
    $git_command .= "git checkout master && ";
    $git_command .= "git pull && git fetch --tags && ";
    $git_command .= "git checkout {$tag}";
    if ($type == 'module') {
        // It is called with a different name in the upgrade_module
        // function ...
        $val['module'] = $val['module_name'];
        // upgrade to latest set in $_INSTALL['VERSION']
        $val['version'] = null;
    // templates have no registry - they are tag based only in version
Exemple #19
 * prompt install command
function heroku_prompt_install()
    $res = common::execCommand("which heroku");
    if ($res) {
        die('You wll need the heroku command. Download the heroku toolbelt');
    echo "Enabling addons ... wait\n";
    common::execCommand("cp misc/htaccess .htaccess");
    common::execCommand("mkdir -p files/default");
    common::execCommand("chmod -R 777 files");
    common::execCommand("touch files/default/dummy.txt");
    common::echoMessage('Installing all modules. This may take a few minutes. Be patient');
    install_from_profile(array('profile' => 'default'));
Exemple #20
  * creates a database from config params (url, password, username)
  * @param array $options
  * @return int $res result from exec operation
 public static function createDB($options = array())
     $db = admin::getDbInfo();
     if (!$db) {
         return db_no_url();
     $command = "mysqladmin -u" . conf::$vars['coscms_main']['username'] . " -p" . conf::$vars['coscms_main']['password'] . " -h{$db['host']} ";
     $command .= "--default-character-set=utf8 ";
     $command .= "CREATE {$db['dbname']}";
     return $ret = common::execCommand($command, $options);