protected function cmdDiff($args, $extra) { // TODO: Accepts a language code to compare it with another. (Default: English) $languageManager = Bootstrap::get('languagesManager'); $languages = $languageManager->getLanguageList(); if (count($languages) <= 1) { return []; } $languagesPhrases = []; foreach ($languages as $code => $name) { $languagesPhrases[] = ['code' => $code, 'name' => $name, 'phrases_keys' => get_locale_keys($code), 'diff' => []]; } // ============================================================================= // A language to compare to the rest of languages keys // ============================================================================= $mainLanguage = $languagesPhrases[0]; unset($languagesPhrases[0]); foreach ($languagesPhrases as $language) { $diff = ArrayUtils::missing($mainLanguage['phrases_keys'], $language['phrases_keys']); echo "--------------------" . PHP_EOL; echo $language['name'] . " has " . count($diff) . " missing/removed keys compared against " . $mainLanguage['name'] . PHP_EOL; foreach ($diff as $key) { echo "\t - " . $key . PHP_EOL; } echo "--------------------" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; } }
public function testMissing() { $array1 = ['one', 'two', 'three', 'five']; $array2 = ['one', 'four', 'five']; $result = ArrayUtils::missing($array1, $array2); $this->assertTrue(in_array('four', $result)); }
public static function send($viewPath, $data, $callback) { $config = Bootstrap::get('config'); $mailer = Bootstrap::get('mailer'); if (!$mailer) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(__t('mail_configuration_no_defined')); } $DirectusSettingsTableGateway = new \Zend\Db\TableGateway\TableGateway('directus_settings', Bootstrap::get('zendDb')); $rowSet = $DirectusSettingsTableGateway->select(); $settings = []; foreach ($rowSet as $setting) { $settings[$setting['collection']][$setting['name']] = $setting['value']; } $instance = new static($mailer, $settings); $message = Swift_Message::newInstance(); // default mail from address $mailConfig = $config['mail']; $message->setFrom($mailConfig['from']); $bcc = ArrayUtils::get($mailConfig, 'bcc', null); if ($bcc !== null) { $message->setBcc($bcc); } $cc = ArrayUtils::get($mailConfig, 'cc', null); if ($cc !== null) { $message->setCc($cc); } call_user_func($callback, $message); if ($message->getBody() == null) { // Slim Extras View twig act weird on this version $viewContent = $instance->getViewContent($viewPath, $data); $message->setBody($viewContent, 'text/html'); } $instance->sendMessage($message); }
public function setValues($collection, $data) { $whiteList = array('files' => array('file_naming', 'thumbnail_quality', 'thumbnail_crop_enabled', 'youtube_api_key'), 'global' => array('project_name', 'project_url', 'cms_color', 'cms_user_auto_sign_out', 'rows_per_page', 'cms_thumbnail_url')); if ($collection !== 'files' && $collection !== 'global') { throw new \Exception("The settings collection {$collection} is not supported"); } $data = ArrayUtils::pick($data, $whiteList[$collection]); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $parameters[] = '(' . $this->adapter->platform->quoteValue($collection) . ',' . $this->adapter->platform->quoteValue($key) . ',' . $this->adapter->platform->quoteValue($value) . ')'; } $sql = 'INSERT INTO directus_settings (`collection`, `name`, `value`) VALUES ' . implode(',', $parameters) . ' ' . 'ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `collection` = VALUES(collection), `name` = VALUES(name), `value` = VALUES(value)'; $query = $this->adapter->query($sql, Adapter::QUERY_MODE_EXECUTE); }
public function call() { $corsOptions = ArrayUtils::get($this->app->container->get('config'), 'cors', []); if (ArrayUtils::get($corsOptions, 'enabled', false)) { $response = $this->app->response(); $response->header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', ArrayUtils::get($corsOptions, 'origin', '*')); foreach (ArrayUtils::get($corsOptions, 'headers', []) as list($headerType, $headerValue)) { $response->header($headerType, $headerValue); } } if (!$this->app->request()->isOptions()) { $this->next->call(); } }
protected function formatColumnFromInfo($columnInfo, $directusColumnInfo) { $matches = []; preg_match('#^([a-zA-Z]+)(\\(.*\\)){0,1}$#', $columnInfo->getDataType(), $matches); $dataType = strtoupper($matches[1]); return ['id' => $columnInfo->getName(), 'column_name' => $columnInfo->getName(), 'type' => $dataType, 'char_length' => $columnInfo->getCharacterMaximumLength(), 'is_nullable' => $columnInfo->getIsNullable() ? 'YES' : 'NO', 'default_value' => $columnInfo->getColumnDefault() == 'NULL' ? NULL : $columnInfo->getColumnDefault(), 'comment' => '', 'sort' => $columnInfo->getOrdinalPosition(), 'column_type' => $columnInfo->getDataType(), 'ui' => ArrayUtils::get($directusColumnInfo, 'ui', null), 'hidden_list' => ArrayUtils::get($directusColumnInfo, 'hidden_list', 0), 'hidden_input' => ArrayUtils::get($directusColumnInfo, 'hidden_input', 0), 'relationship_type' => ArrayUtils::get($directusColumnInfo, 'relationship_type', null), 'related_table' => ArrayUtils::get($directusColumnInfo, 'related_table', null), 'junction_table' => ArrayUtils::get($directusColumnInfo, 'junction_table', null), 'junction_key_left' => ArrayUtils::get($directusColumnInfo, 'junction_key_left', null), 'junction_key_right' => ArrayUtils::get($directusColumnInfo, 'junction_key_right', null), 'required' => ArrayUtils::get($directusColumnInfo, 'required', 0)]; }
public function testPickItems() { $items = ['name' => 'Jim', 'age' => 79, 'sex' => 'M', 'country' => 'N/A']; $this->assertEquals(count(ArrayUtils::pick($items, ['name', 'age'])), 2); $this->assertEquals(count(ArrayUtils::pick($items, ['name', 'age', 'city'])), 2); }
/** * @param string $table * @param array $recordData * @return bool */ public function copyFiles($tableName, &$recordData) { $schemaArray = TableSchema::getSchemaArray($tableName); foreach ($schemaArray as $column) { $colName = $column['id']; // Ignore absent values & non-arrays if (!isset($recordData[$colName]) || !is_array($recordData[$colName])) { continue; } $foreignRow = $recordData[$colName]; $colUiType = $column['ui']; // $isManyToOne = (array_key_exists('relationship', $column) && // $column['relationship']['type'] == 'MANYTOONE' // ); // $isManyToMany = (array_key_exists('relationship', $column) && // $column['relationship']['type'] == 'MANYTOMANY' // ); $foreignTableName = $column['relationship']['related_table']; // @todo: rewrite this if ($foreignTableName === 'directus_files') { // Update/Add foreign record $Files = new \Directus\Files\Files(); if (count(array_filter($foreignRow, 'is_array')) == count($foreignRow)) { $index = 0; foreach ($foreignRow as $row) { if (!isset($row['data'][$this->primaryKeyFieldName]) && isset($row['data']['data'])) { if (array_key_exists('type', $row['data']) && strpos($row['data']['type'], 'embed/') === 0) { $recordData[$colName][$index]['data'] = $Files->saveEmbedData($row['data']); } else { $recordData[$colName][$index]['data'] = $Files->saveData($row['data']['data'], $row['data']['name']); // @NOTE: this is duplicate code from the upload file endpoint // to maintain the file title. $recordData[$colName][$index]['data'] = array_merge($recordData[$colName][$index]['data'], ArrayUtils::omit($row['data'], ['data', 'name'])); } } unset($recordData[$colName][$index]['data']['data']); $index++; } } else { if (!isset($foreignRow[$this->primaryKeyFieldName]) && isset($foreignRow['data'])) { if (array_key_exists('type', $foreignRow) && strpos($foreignRow['type'], 'embed/') === 0) { $recordData[$colName] = $Files->saveEmbedData($foreignRow); } else { $recordData[$colName] = $Files->saveData($foreignRow['data'], $foreignRow['name']); // @NOTE: this is duplicate code from the upload file endpoint // to maintain the file title. $recordData[$colName] = array_merge($recordData[$colName], ArrayUtils::omit($foreignRow, ['data', 'name'])); } } unset($recordData[$colName]['data']); } } } return true; }
/** * Add Directus default user * * @param array $data * @return array */ public static function addDefaultUser($data) { $db = Bootstrap::get('ZendDb'); $tableGateway = new TableGateway('directus_users', $db); $hash = password_hash($data['directus_password'], PASSWORD_DEFAULT, ['cost' => 12]); $data['user_salt'] = StringUtils::randomString(); $data['user_token'] = StringUtils::randomString(32); $data['avatar'] = get_gravatar($data['directus_email']); $tableGateway->insert(['active' => 1, 'first_name' => 'Admin', 'last_name' => 'User', 'email' => $data['directus_email'], 'password' => $hash, 'salt' => $data['user_salt'], 'avatar' => $data['avatar'], 'group' => 1, 'token' => $data['user_token'], 'language' => ArrayUtils::get($data, 'default_language', 'en')]); return $data; }
private static function formatColumnRow($row) { $columnName = $row['column_name']; foreach ($row as $key => $value) { if (is_null($value)) { unset($row[$key]); } } unset($row['table_name']); $row['id'] = $columnName; $row['options'] = array(); // Many-to-Many type it actually can be null, // it's based on a junction table, not a real column. // Issue #612 if (array_key_exists('type', $row) && $row['type'] == 'MANYTOMANY') { $row['is_nullable'] = "YES"; } if ($row['is_nullable'] == "NO") { $row["required"] = true; } // Basic type casting. Should eventually be done with the schema $row["required"] = (bool) $row['required']; $row["system"] = (bool) $row["system"]; $row["master"] = (bool) $row["master"]; $row["hidden_list"] = (bool) $row["hidden_list"]; $row["hidden_input"] = (bool) $row["hidden_input"]; //$row["is_writable"] = !in_array($row['id'], $writeFieldBlacklist); if (array_key_exists('sort', $row)) { $row["sort"] = (int) $row['sort']; } $hasMaster = $row["master"]; // Default UI types. if (!isset($row["ui"])) { $row['ui'] = self::columnTypeToUIType($row['type']); } // Defualts as system columns if ($row["id"] == 'id' || $row["id"] == STATUS_COLUMN_NAME || $row["id"] == 'sort') { $row["system"] = true; $row["hidden"] = true; } if (array_key_exists('table_related', $row)) { $row['relationship'] = array(); $row['relationship']['type'] = ArrayUtils::get($row, 'relationship_type'); $row['relationship']['table_related'] = $row['table_related']; unset($row['relationship_type']); unset($row['table_related']); if (array_key_exists('junction_key_left', $row)) { $row['relationship']['junction_key_left'] = $row['junction_key_left']; unset($row['junction_key_left']); } if (array_key_exists('junction_key_right', $row)) { $row['relationship']['junction_key_right'] = $row['junction_key_right']; unset($row['junction_key_right']); } if (array_key_exists('junction_table', $row)) { $row['relationship']['junction_table'] = $row['junction_table']; unset($row['junction_table']); } } return $row; }
/** * Get all Directus core tables name * * @param array $filterNames * @return array */ public static function getDirectusTables(array $filterNames = []) { $tables = static::$directusTables; if ($filterNames) { $tables = ArrayUtils::pick($tables, $filterNames); } return static::addCoreTablePrefix($tables); }
private static function formatColumnRow($row) { $columnName = $row['column_name']; foreach ($row as $key => $value) { if (is_null($value)) { unset($row[$key]); } } unset($row['table_name']); $row['id'] = $columnName; $row['options'] = []; // Many-to-Many type it actually can be null, // it's based on a junction table, not a real column. // Issue #612 if (array_key_exists('type', $row) && $row['type'] == 'ALIAS') { $row['is_nullable'] = 'YES'; } $hasDefaultValue = isset($row['default_value']); $anAlias = static::isColumnTypeAnAlias($row['type']); if ($row['is_nullable'] === 'NO' && !$hasDefaultValue && !$anAlias) { $row['required'] = true; } // Basic type casting. Should eventually be done with the schema if ($hasDefaultValue) { $row['default_value'] = SchemaManager::parseType($row['default_value'], $row['type']); } $row['required'] = (bool) $row['required']; $row['system'] = (bool) static::isSystemColumn($row['id']); $row['hidden_list'] = (bool) $row['hidden_list']; $row['hidden_input'] = (bool) $row['hidden_input']; //$row['is_writable'] = !in_array($row['id'], $writeFieldBlacklist); if (array_key_exists('sort', $row)) { $row['sort'] = (int) $row['sort']; } // Default UI types. if (!isset($row['ui'])) { $row['ui'] = self::columnTypeToUIType($row['type']); } // Defualts as system columns if (static::isSystemColumn($row['id'])) { $row['system'] = true; $row['hidden'] = true; } if (array_key_exists('related_table', $row)) { $row['relationship'] = []; $row['relationship']['type'] = ArrayUtils::get($row, 'relationship_type'); $row['relationship']['related_table'] = $row['related_table']; unset($row['relationship_type']); unset($row['related_table']); if (array_key_exists('junction_key_left', $row)) { $row['relationship']['junction_key_left'] = $row['junction_key_left']; unset($row['junction_key_left']); } if (array_key_exists('junction_key_right', $row)) { $row['relationship']['junction_key_right'] = $row['junction_key_right']; unset($row['junction_key_right']); } if (array_key_exists('junction_table', $row)) { $row['relationship']['junction_table'] = $row['junction_table']; unset($row['junction_table']); } } return $row; }
$TableGateway = new TableGateway($acl, $table, $ZendDb); $activityLoggingEnabled = !(isset($_GET['skip_activity_log']) && 1 == $_GET['skip_activity_log']); $activityMode = $activityLoggingEnabled ? TableGateway::ACTIVITY_ENTRY_MODE_PARENT : TableGateway::ACTIVITY_ENTRY_MODE_DISABLED; switch ($app->request()->getMethod()) { case 'POST': $requestPayload['user'] = $currentUser['id']; $requestPayload['date_uploaded'] = DateUtils::now(); // When the file is uploaded there's not a data key if (array_key_exists('data', $requestPayload)) { $Files = new \Directus\Files\Files(); if (!array_key_exists('type', $requestPayload) || strpos($requestPayload['type'], 'embed/') === 0) { $recordData = $Files->saveEmbedData($requestPayload); } else { $recordData = $Files->saveData($requestPayload['data'], $requestPayload['name']); } $requestPayload = array_merge($recordData, ArrayUtils::omit($requestPayload, ['data', 'name'])); } $newRecord = $TableGateway->manageRecordUpdate($table, $requestPayload, $activityMode); $params['id'] = $newRecord['id']; break; case 'PATCH': $requestPayload['id'] = $id; case 'PUT': if (!is_null($id)) { $TableGateway->manageRecordUpdate($table, $requestPayload, $activityMode); break; } } $Files = new TableGateway($acl, $table, $ZendDb); $response = $Files->getEntries($params); if (!$response) {
/** * Check if a user is logged in. * @return boolean */ public static function loggedIn() { if (self::$authenticated != null) { return self::$authenticated; } self::prependSessionKey(); if (php_sapi_name() != 'cli' && '' === session_id()) { session_start(); } self::$authenticated = $isLoggedIn = false; $ZendDb = Bootstrap::get('ZendDb'); $session = []; if (isset($_SESSION[self::$SESSION_KEY]) && !empty($_SESSION[self::$SESSION_KEY])) { $session = $_SESSION[self::$SESSION_KEY]; } if (is_array($session) && ArrayUtils::contains($session, ['id', 'access_token'])) { $DirectusUsersTableGateway = new \Zend\Db\TableGateway\TableGateway('directus_users', $ZendDb); $user = $DirectusUsersTableGateway->select(['id' => $session['id'], 'access_token' => $session['access_token']]); if ($user->count()) { self::$authenticated = $isLoggedIn = true; } } return $isLoggedIn; }
public function addColumn($tableName, $tableData) { // @TODO: enforce permission $directus_types = ['MANYTOMANY', 'ONETOMANY', 'ALIAS']; $relationshipType = ArrayUtils::get($tableData, 'relationship_type', null); // TODO: list all types which need manytoone ui // Hard-coded $manytoones = ['single_file', 'many_to_one', 'many_to_one_typeahead', 'MANYTOONE']; if (in_array($relationshipType, $directus_types)) { //This is a 'virtual column'. Write to directus schema instead of MYSQL $this->addVirtualColumn($tableName, $tableData); } else { $this->addTableColumn($tableName, $tableData); // Temporary solutions to #481, #645 if (array_key_exists('ui', $tableData) && in_array($tableData['ui'], $manytoones)) { $tableData['relationship_type'] = 'MANYTOONE'; $tableData['junction_key_right'] = $tableData['column_name']; } $this->addVirtualColumn($tableName, $tableData); } return $tableData['column_name']; }