<?php use Magento\Framework\Component\ComponentRegistrar as R; // https://github.com/magento-russia/3/blob/2016-11-22/app/code/local/Df/Core/Boot.php?ts=4#L155-L188 ini_set('session.gc_probability', 1); ini_set('session.gc_divisor', 100); /** @var string $base */ foreach (array_merge(['Core'], array_diff(scandir($base = dirname(__FILE__) . '/'), ['Core'])) as $m) { // 2016-11-23 // It gets rid of the ['..', '.', '.git', 'etc', composer.json', 'README.md', 'registration.php'] /** @var string $baseM */ if (ctype_upper($m[0]) && is_dir($baseM = $base . $m)) { R::register(R::MODULE, "Df_{$m}", $baseM); /** @var string $libDir */ if (is_dir($libDir = "{$baseM}/lib")) { // 2015-02-06 // array_slice removes «.» and «..». // http://php.net/manual/function.scandir.php#107215 foreach (array_slice(scandir($libDir), 2) as $c) { require_once "{$libDir}/{$c}"; } } } } register_shutdown_function(function () { \Df\Qa\Message\Failure\Error::check(); });
/** * Эта функция используется, как правило, при отключенном режиме разработчика. * @see mageCoreErrorHandler(): if (Mage::getIsDeveloperMode()) { throw new Exception($errorMessage); } else { Mage::log($errorMessage, Zend_Log::ERR); } * @param bool $isOperationSuccessfull [optional] * @throws DFE */ function df_throw_last_error($isOperationSuccessfull = false) { if (!$isOperationSuccessfull) { \Df\Qa\Message\Failure\Error::throwLast(); } }