Exemple #1
  * Get file details.
  * @param array $selected
  * @return array
 public function getFileInfo($selected)
     if (count($selected) == 1) {
         try {
             $path = $selected[0];
             $physical = self::virtualToPhysical($path);
             $public = self::physicalToPublic($physical);
             if (!is_file($physical)) {
                 return null;
             $owner = fileowner($physical);
             if (function_exists('posix_getpwuid')) {
                 $owner = posix_getpwuid($owner);
                 $owner = '<span title="' . $owner['uid'] . '">' . htmlspecialchars($owner['name']) . '</span>';
             $group = filegroup($physical);
             if (function_exists('posix_getgrgid')) {
                 $group = posix_getgrgid($group);
                 $group = '<span title="' . $group['gid'] . '">' . htmlspecialchars($group['name']) . '</span>';
             $fi = array('Name' => '<h2>' . basename($physical) . '</h2>', 'Preview' => '', 'Size' => '<strong>Size: </strong>' . Helper::humanReadableBytes(filesize($physical)), 'Writable' => '<strong>Writable: </strong>' . (self::isWritable($physical) ? 'Yes' : 'No'), 'Permissions' => '<strong>Permissions: </strong>' . PathHelper::getFilePermissions($physical), 'Owner' => '<strong>Owner: </strong>' . $owner . ' / ' . $group);
             switch (strtolower(pathinfo($physical, PATHINFO_EXTENSION))) {
                 case 'jpg':
                 case 'gif':
                 case 'png':
                 case 'bmp':
                     $image = getimagesize($physical);
                     $fi['Preview'] = '<img src="' . $public . '?' . filemtime($physical) . '" alt="" class="preview" />';
                     if ($image[0] > 240 || $image[1] > 240) {
                         $fi['Preview'] = '<a href="' . $public . '?' . filemtime($physical) . '" target="_blank" class="fullscreen-preview" title="Click to toggle fullscreen">' . $fi['Preview'] . '</a>';
                     $fi['Dimensions'] = '<strong>Dimension: </strong>' . $image[0] . 'x' . $image[1];
                     if (self::isPhysicalWritable($physical)) {
                         $fi['Actions'] = '<a href="' . url('', array('module', 'view' => 'PixlrEdit', 'image' => $public)) . '" class="dialog" onclick="$(this).data(\'dialog\').width = $(window).width() - 20; $(this).data(\'dialog\').height = $(window).height() - 20;" data-dialog=\'{"width":"90%","height":600,"resizable":false,"draggable":false}\'>Edit with Pixlr</a>';
                 case 'ogg':
                 case 'ogv':
                 case 'mp4':
                 case 'webm':
                     $fi['Preview'] = '<video src="' . $public . '" class="preview" controls />';
                 case 'mp3':
                 case 'oga':
                 case 'wav':
                     $fi['Preview'] = '<audio src="' . $public . '" class="preview" controls />';
                 case 'swf':
                     $size = getimagesize($physical);
                     $flash = Flash::embed(Flash::SWFOBJECT_STATIC, $public, $size[0], $size[1], '9.0.0', array());
                     $fi['Preview'] = $flash['html'];
             return $fi;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
     } else {
         $totalSize = 0;
         foreach ($selected as $s) {
             $physical = self::virtualToPhysical($s);
             $totalSize += filesize($physical);
         return array('Name' => '<h2>' . count($selected) . ' files</h2>', 'Size' => '<strong>Size: </strong>' . Helper::humanReadableBytes($totalSize));
     return null;