public function get($key) { $object = $this->db->select('*')->from(':cache')->where(['file_name' => $key])->get(); if (isset($object['cache_id'])) { return $this->_build($object); } return null; }
public function initDb($name) { $config = App::conf('app', 'database'); if (!isset($config[$name])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("数据配置不存在: {$name}"); } $db = new Db($config[$name]); $db->setLogger(App::logger()); return $db; }
public static function createAdoption($adoptionObj) { $user_id_adopter = \Core\Db::escape($adoptionObj->getUserIdAdopter()); $user_id_poster = \Core\Db::escape($adoptionObj->getUserIdPoster()); $pet_id = \Core\Db::escape($adoptionObj->getPetId()); $created = $adoptionObj->getCreated(); $updated = $adoptionObj->getUpdated(); $visibility = $adoptionObj->getVisibility(); $sql = <<<q INSERT INTO `adoption`( `id`, `user_id_adopter`, `user_id_poster`, `pet_id`, `created`, `updated`, `visibility`) VALUES ( DEFAULT, '{$user_id_adopter}', '{$user_id_poster}', '{$pet_id}', {$created}, {$updated}, '{$visibility}'); q; $res = \Core\Db::execute($sql); return $res === false ? false : \Core\Db::insertId(); }
public static function save($user_data) { $dbh = Db::get(); try { $query = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO ' . static::tableName() . ' (login, password, email, sex, birth_date, other_info, picture) VALUES (:login, :password, :email, :sex, :birth_date, :other_info, :picture)'); } catch (\PDOException $e) { echo "PDO Exception: "; var_dump($e->getMessage()); die; } $query->bindValue(':login', $user_data['login']); $query->bindValue(':password', static::bcrypt($user_data['password'])); $query->bindValue(':email', $user_data['email']); $query->bindValue(':sex', $user_data['sex']); $query->bindValue(':birth_date', $user_data['birth_date_year'] . '-' . $user_data['birth_date_month'] . '-' . $user_data['birth_date_day']); $query->bindValue(':other_info', $user_data['other_info']); $query->bindValue(':picture', isset($user_data['picture']) ? $user_data['picture'] : null); try { $query->execute(); } catch (\PDOException $e) { echo "Error while saving user info: " . $e->getMessage(); } $user_data['password'] = static::bcrypt($user_data['password']); return new UserModel($user_data); }
public function setDefault() { $this->_db->update(':theme', ['is_default' => 0], ['is_default' => 1]); $this->_db->update(':theme_style', ['is_default' => 0], ['is_default' => 1]); $this->_db->update(':theme', ['is_default' => 1], ['theme_id' => $this->theme_id]); $this->_db->update(':theme_style', ['is_default' => 1], ['style_id' => $this->flavor_id]); return true; }
static function findAll($condition) { //Выборка записей; $table = static::getTable(); $sql = "Select * from " . $table; if ($condition) { $sql .= " {$condition}"; } return Db::getInstance()->query($sql, \PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); }
public function initDb($name) { $config = App::conf('app', 'database'); if (!isset($config[$name])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("数据配置不存在: {$name}"); } $config = $config[$name]; $db = new Db($config); if (isset($config['slow_log']) && $config['slow_log']) { // 慢查询日志 $db->addHook(Db::TAG_AFTER_QUERY, function ($data) use($config) { if ($data['time'] > $config['slow_log']) { $logger = App::logger('database'); $logger->debug("\nROUTE: " . CUR_ROUTE . "\nSQL: {$data['sql']}\nDATA: " . json_encode($data['data']) . "\nTIME: {$data['time']}\nMETHOD: {$data['method']}\n"); } }); } return $db; }
public function initDatabase() { $this->db = \Core\Db::create("mysql"); // create table (demo pour mysql) $sql = "\n CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `role` (\n `idrole` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n `role` varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL,\n PRIMARY KEY (`idrole`)\n )\n "; $this->db->query($sql); $sql = "\n CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `countries` (\n `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,\n `country_code` varchar(2) NOT NULL default '',\n `country_name` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',\n PRIMARY KEY (`id`)\n )\n "; $this->db->query($sql); $sql = "\n CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `user` (\n `iduser` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n `nom` varchar(45) NOT NULL,\n `password` varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL,\n `role` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,\n `datetime` datetime DEFAULT NULL,\n `date` date DEFAULT NULL,\n `time` time DEFAULT NULL,\n `float` float DEFAULT NULL,\n `description` text,\n `pays` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,\n PRIMARY KEY (`iduser`),\n UNIQUE KEY `nom_UNIQUE` (`nom`),\n KEY `fk_user_role` (`role`),\n KEY `fk_user_pays` (`pays`),\n CONSTRAINT `fk_user_pays` FOREIGN KEY (`pays`) REFERENCES `countries` (`id`),\n CONSTRAINT `fk_user_role` FOREIGN KEY (`role`) REFERENCES `role` (`idrole`)\n )\n "; $this->db->query($sql); }
/** * 将数组解析成SQL * * @param array $filter * @return string */ protected function parseFilter(array $filter) { $where = array(); foreach ($filter as $field => $val) { if (($pos = strrpos($field, '__')) > 0) { $op = substr($field, $pos + 2); $field = substr($field, 0, $pos); switch ($op) { case 'gt': //大于 $where[] = "`{$field}` > " . $this->db->quote($val); break; case 'gte': //大于等于 $where[] = "`{$field}` >= " . $this->db->quote($val); break; case 'lt': //小于 $where[] = "`{$field}` < " . $this->db->quote($val); break; case 'lte': //小于等于 $where[] = "`{$field}` <= " . $this->db->quote($val); break; case 'like': //LIKE ‘%%’ $where[] = "`{$field}` LIKE " . $this->db->quote("%{$val}%"); break; case 'startswith': //LIKE 'xxx%' $where[] = "`{$field}` LIKE " . $this->db->quote("{$val}%"); break; case 'endswith': //LIKE '%xxx' $where[] = "`{$field}` LIKE " . $this->db->quote("%{$val}"); break; case 'between': //between 'a' AND 'b' $where[] = "`{$field}` BETWEEN " . $this->db->quote($val[0]) . " AND " . $this->db->quote($val[1]); break; } } elseif (is_array($val)) { foreach ($val as $k => $v) { $val[$k] = $this->db->quote($v); } $where[] = "`{$field}` IN (" . implode(',', $val) . ")"; } else { $where[] = "`{$field}` = " . $this->db->quote($val); } } return implode(' AND ', $where); }
public function __construct($select = false) { $config = (require $this->config); $this->configure($config); $this->db = Db::getInstance()->connect($this); $modelName = get_class($this); $arrExp = explode('\\', $modelName); $tableName = strtolower($arrExp[1]); $this->table = $tableName; $sql = $this->_getSelect($select); if ($sql) { $this->_getResult("SELECT * FROM {$this->table}" . $sql); } }
function connect() { include "db-conf.php"; try { if (Db::$_db) { return Db::$_db; } $opt = [PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION, PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE => PDO::FETCH_ASSOC]; $db = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=' . $dbConfig["dbname"], $dbConfig["user"], $dbConfig["password"], $opt); //TODO: move to config Db::$_db = $db; return $db; } catch (PDOException $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); } }
public function __construct($params = array()) { parent::__construct($params); $db = null; if (isset($this->params["database"])) { $db = $this->params["database"]; } $this->db = \Core\Db::create($db); $this->table = $this->params["table"]; $this->describe = $this->db->describe($this->table); $this->primaryKey = null; foreach ($this->describe as $desc) { if ($desc["primaryKey"]) { $this->primaryKey = $desc["name"]; } } if ($this->primaryKey === null) { throw new \Core\CException("TableManager : Table " . $this->table . " have no primary key"); } $this->SetColumns(); }
public static function findOneByField($fieldName = 'id', $fieldValue) { $pdo = Db::get(); try { $query = $pdo->prepare('SELECT * FROM ' . static::tableName() . ' AS tbl WHERE tbl.' . $fieldName . ' = :fieldvalue'); } catch (\PDOException $e) { echo "PDO Exception: "; var_dump($e->getMessage()); die; } $query->bindValue(':fieldvalue', $fieldValue); $query->execute(); $user_row = $query->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if (!$user_row) { return null; //no entries with this restrictions } foreach ($user_row as $index => $value) { $user_row[$index] = htmlentities($value); } return new static($user_row); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct('test', true); }
public function getUsersConfig() { $db = \Core\Db::create($this->getUserParams("database")); return array("db" => $db, "database" => $this->getUserParams("database"), "userTable" => $this->getUserParams("userTable", "table"), "idField" => $this->getUserParams("userTable", "idField"), "loginField" => $this->getUserParams("userTable", "loginField"), "passwordField" => $this->getUserParams("userTable", "passwordField"), "passwordFn" => $this->getUserParams("userTable", "passwordFn"), "nameField" => $this->getUserParams("userTable", "nameField"), "roleTable" => $this->getUserParams("roleTable", "table"), "roleId" => $this->getUserParams("roleTable", "idField"), "roleField" => $this->getUserParams("roleTable", "roleField"), "linkTable" => $this->getUserParams("linkTable", "table"), "linkUser" => $this->getUserParams("linkTable", "userId"), "linkRole" => $this->getUserParams("linkTable", "roleId")); }
/** * 切换当前的数据库连接 * @access public * @param integer $linkNum 连接序号 * @param mixed $config 数据库连接信息 * @param boolean $force 强制重新连接 * @return Model */ public function db($linkNum = '', $config = '', $force = false) { if ('' === $linkNum && $this->db) { return $this->db; } if (!isset($this->_db[$linkNum]) || $force) { // 创建一个新的实例 if (!empty($config) && is_string($config) && false === strpos($config, '/')) { // 支持读取配置参数 $config = Config::get($config); } $this->_db[$linkNum] = \Core\Db::getInstance($config); } elseif (NULL === $config) { $this->_db[$linkNum]->close(); // 关闭数据库连接 unset($this->_db[$linkNum]); return; } // 切换数据库连接 $this->db = $this->_db[$linkNum]; $this->_after_db(); // 字段检测 if (!empty($this->name) && $this->autoCheckFields) { $this->_checkTableInfo(); } return $this; }
public function updateViews() { $this->_db->query("update #__ams_pages set views = views + 1 where ams_page_id = '" . $this->id . "'"); }
public static function getPetByApproved($petApprove) { //$cleanPetName = \Core\Db::escape($petName); $sql = "SELECT * FROM pet WHERE `approved`='{$petApprove}';"; $res = \Core\Db::execute($sql); return $res; }
public function __construct() { $this->conn = \Core\Db::getInstance(); }
<?php $params = $self->getUsersConfig(); $table = $params["roleTable"]; $database = $params["database"]; $db = \Core\Db::create($database); $fields = $db->describe($table); $tblParams = array(); foreach ($fields as $field => $aField) { $tblParams[$field] = array("showInTable" => false); } $tblParams[$params["roleId"]] = array("alias" => "", "link" => true); $tblParams[$params["roleField"]] = array("alias" => "Role", "link" => true); echo \Core\Module::create("core/Admin/TableManager", array("database" => $database, "table" => $table, "columns" => $tblParams))->render();
public static function getImagesByPetId($petId) { return \Core\Db::execute("SELECT * FROM image WHERE `pet_id`='{$petId}';"); }
/** * Select a row from the user table by username * @param type $userName email to select on * @return type mixed false on failure, array of results otherwise - see * @throws Exception */ public static function getUserByUsername($userName) { $userName = \Core\Db::escape($userName); return \Core\Db::execute("SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `username`='{$userName}';"); }
protected function loginAction($options = array()) { // Default option value // passwordEncrypt = true $options["passwordEncrypt"] = isset($options["passwordEncrypt"]) ? $options["passwordEncrypt"] : true; // force l'envoi de la clé $this->testKey(true); if (empty($_REQUEST->login) || empty($_REQUEST->password)) { throw new \Core\CException("Login failed"); } $db = \Core\Db::create($this->getParams("database")); $userTable = $db->quoteTable($this->getParams("userTable", "table")); $idField = $db->quoteField($this->getParams("userTable", "idField")); $loginField = $db->quoteField($this->getParams("userTable", "loginField")); $passwordField = $db->quoteField($this->getParams("userTable", "passwordField")); $passwordFn = $this->getParams("userTable", "passwordFn"); $nameField = $db->quoteField($this->getParams("userTable", "nameField")); $roleTable = $db->quoteTable($this->getParams("roleTable", "table")); $roleId = $db->quoteField($this->getParams("roleTable", "idField")); $roleField = $db->quoteField($this->getParams("roleTable", "roleField")); $linkTable = $db->quoteTable($this->getParams("linkTable", "table")); $linkUser = $db->quoteField($this->getParams("linkTable", "userId")); $linkRole = $db->quoteField($this->getParams("linkTable", "roleId")); //if(! \Core\CString::isValidMd5($_REQUEST->password)) { if ($options["passwordEncrypt"] === true && !empty($passwordFn)) { $_REQUEST->password = call_user_func($passwordFn, $_REQUEST->password); } $randId = strtolower(\Core\CString::rand(5)); $sql = "\n SELECT\n {$idField} as userid_{$randId},\n {$loginField} as userlogin_{$randId},\n {$nameField} as username_{$randId},\n u.*\n FROM\n {$userTable} u\n WHERE\n u.{$loginField} = :user\n AND u.{$passwordField} = :Login\n "; $res = $db->selectRow($sql, array(":user" => $_REQUEST->login, ":Login" => $_REQUEST->password)); if (!empty($res)) { \Core\Security::setUserId($res["userid_" . $randId]); \Core\Security::setUserLogin($res["userlogin_" . $randId]); \Core\Security::setUserName($res["username_" . $randId]); $resUser = $res; unset($resUser["userid_" . $randId]); unset($resUser["userlogin_" . $randId]); unset($resUser["username_" . $randId]); \Core\Security::setUser($resUser); // Reccup role $sql = "\n SELECT \n r.{$roleField} as role\n FROM\n {$roleTable} r\n JOIN\n {$linkTable} l\n ON r.{$roleId} = l.{$linkRole}\n JOIN\n {$userTable} u\n ON u.{$idField} = l.{$linkUser}\n WHERE\n u.{$idField} = :userid\n "; $resRole = $db->select($sql, array(":userid" => $res["userid_" . $randId])); if (!empty($resRole)) { foreach ($resRole as $role) { \Core\Security::AddRole($role["role"]); } } // St cookie for Autologin if (isset($_REQUEST->autologin) && $_REQUEST->autologin == "1") { $c = array($_REQUEST->login, $_REQUEST->password); $c = serialize($c); $c = \Core\CString::encrypt($c, $this->cookieName); setcookie($this->cookieName, $c, time() + $this->cookieTime, "/"); } } else { $this->logout(new \Core\Request()); throw new \Core\CException("Login failed"); } }
public static function getNextThread() { $sql = "SELECT MAX(thread_id) FROM message;"; $res = \Core\Db::execute($sql); return isset($res[0]['MAX(thread_id)']) ? $res[0]['MAX(thread_id)'] + 1 : null; }
<?php session_start(); require_once "Core/App.php"; use Core\Db; use Config\DbConfig; use Core\App; spl_autoload_register(function ($class) { $classPath = str_replace('\\', '/', $class); require_once $classPath . '.php'; }); Db::SetInstance(DbConfig::DB_INSTANCE, DbConfig::DB_DRIVER, DbConfig::DB_USER, DbConfig::DB_PASS, DbConfig::DB_NAME, DbConfig::DB_HOST); $app = new App(Db::getInstance(DbConfig::DB_INSTANCE)); function loadTemplate($templateName, $data = null) { require_once 'Templates/' . $templateName . '.php'; }
function __construct() { $dataBase = new Db(); $this->db = $dataBase->connect(); }
public function run() { \Core\Db::dbClose(); }
/** * Remove a pet from a user's PetBasket * @param mixed $userId * @param mixed $petId * @return type */ public static function remove($userId, $petId) { $userId = \Core\Db::escape($userId); $petId = \Core\Db::escape($petId); $sql = "DELETE FROM `basket` WHERE `user_id`='user:{$userId}' AND `pet_id`='pet:{$petId}';"; return \Core\Db::execute($sql); }