// Include the core bootstrap, this will get the system functional.
require_once(ROOT_PDIR . 'core/bootstrap.php');

	die('Installation cannot proceed while site is NOT in Development mode.');

// I need a few variables first about the user...
$packagername = '';
$packageremail = '';


	$packagername = \Core\CLI\CLI::PromptUser('Please provide your name you wish to use for packaging', 'text-required');
	$packageremail = \Core\CLI\CLI::Promptuser('Please provide your email you wish to use for packaging.', 'text-required');

\Core\CLI\CLI::SaveSettingsFile('packager', array('packagername', 'packageremail'));

if(!is_dir(ROOT_PDIR . '_gen/')) mkdir(ROOT_PDIR . '_gen/');

$backend = Core::DB();

foreach($backend->_getTables() as $name){

	if(strpos($name, '_') === false){
* Supplemental developer-only documentation
* Random files useful for developers only
* SASS/SCSS source files

_You get the idea here._

## SASS Assets

One special use of this directory is for SASS/SCSS assets.
Any `*.scss` or `*.sass` file located in `dev/assets/scss/*`
will get compiled and minified to `assets/css/*`.

if(\Core\CLI\CLI::PromptUser('Create standard directory structure?', 'bool', true)){
	// Start making the directories and writing everything.
	foreach($directories as $d){
		$dir = new \Core\Filestore\Backends\DirectoryLocal($dirname . $d);

	file_put_contents($dirname . 'dev/README.md', $devreadme);

// I need to create a basic xml file for the component to use initially.
$implementation = new DOMImplementation();

$dtd = $implementation->createDocumentType('component', 'SYSTEM', 'http://corepl.us/api/2_4/component.dtd');
Exemple #3
	file_put_contents($destdir . '/' . $desttgz . '/packages.html', $changelog);

	CLI::PrintHeader('Finalizing Bundling for ' . $b['name'] . ' ' . $version);

	// create the tarballs!
	CLI::PrintActionStart("Creating tarball");
	//exec('tar -czf "' . $destdir . '/' . $desttgz . '.tgz" -C "' . $destdir . '" --exclude-vcs --exclude=*~ --exclude=._* ' . $desttgz);
	exec('tar -czf "' . $destdir . '/' . $desttgz . '.tgz" -C "' . $destdir . '/' . $desttgz . '" --exclude-vcs --exclude=*~ --exclude=._* .');

	CLI::PrintActionStart("Creating zip");
	//exec('cd "' . $destdir . '/"; zip -rq "' . $desttgz . '.zip" "' . $desttgz . '"; cd -');
	exec('cd "' . $destdir . '/' . $desttgz . '/"; zip -rq "../' . $desttgz . '.zip" .; cd -');

	CLI::PrintActionStart("Creating hashes");
	exec('md5sum "' . $destdir . '/' . $desttgz . '.tgz" > "' . $destdir . '/' . $desttgz . '.tgz.md5"');
	exec('md5sum "' . $destdir . '/' . $desttgz . '.zip" > "' . $destdir . '/' . $desttgz . '.zip.md5"');

	CLI::PrintActionStart("Cleaning up");
	exec('rm -fr "' . $destdir . '/' . $desttgz . '"');

// Give the option to automatically commit and tag all changes for the component.
if(CLI::PromptUser('Bundles created, GIT tag the release for ' . $version . '?', 'boolean', true)){
	exec('git tag -m "Release Version ' . $version . '" -f ' . 'v' . str_replace('~', '-', $version));
	exec('git push --tags');
Exemple #4
	 * Set the 'EDITOR' variable to be set.
	 * This is a linux-specific thing that svn shares also.
	 * The user will usually set their preferred EDITOR, be it vi/vim, emacs or nano.
	 * If they didn't, ask the user for their choice.
	public static function RequireEditor() {
		global $previous_editor;

		// First, check the editor in the "session" file.
		if (isset($previous_editor)) $_SERVER['EDITOR'] = $previous_editor;

		if (!isset($_SERVER['EDITOR']) || $_SERVER['EDITOR'] == '') {
			// I need to assemble a list of editors currently on the system.
			$opts    = array();
			$default = false;
			if (($loc = trim(`which vi`))) $opts[$loc] = $loc;
			if (($loc = trim(`which vim`))) $opts[$loc] = $loc;
			if (($loc = trim(`which emacs`))) $opts[$loc] = $loc;
			if (($loc = trim(`which nano`))) {
				$opts[$loc] = $loc;
				$default    = $loc;

			$_SERVER['EDITOR'] = \Core\CLI\CLI::PromptUser(
				'Which editor do you want to use for editing text files?  If you are unsure, simply press enter if there is a default option.',

			// And remember this option.
			$previous_editor = $_SERVER['EDITOR'];
			\Core\CLI\CLI::SaveSettingsFile('editor', array('previous_editor'));
if(file_exists($destdir . 'repo.xml')){
	// w00t, load it up and import the info!
	$repo = new RepoXML($destdir . 'repo.xml');
	// Don't forget to remove any previous components!
	// Just a new one works...
	$repo = new RepoXML();

// Prompt the user if there's not information already set on the necessary ones.
	$desc = \Core\CLI\CLI::PromptUser('Please enter a short description for this repo.', 'textarea');

// Load in the keys if not set.
	// Find and use the package maintainer's key.
	$out = array();
	exec('gpg --homedir "' . GPG_HOMEDIR . '" --no-permission-warning --list-secret-keys', $out);
	$key = null;
	$currentkey = null;
	foreach($out as $line){
		if(strpos($line, 'sec') === 0){
			// Remember this ID for the next line, it may be the email.
			$currentkey = preg_replace('#^.*/([A-F0-9]*).*$#', '$1', $line);
Exemple #6
				CLI::PrintActionStart('Saving ' . $packager->getLabel());
				$saved = true;

				$saveopts = [
				    'package-sign-commit' => 'Create signed package and GIT commit any changes',
				    'package-sign'        => 'Create signed package',
				    'package'             => 'Create unsigned package',
				    'commit'              => 'GIT commit any changes',
				    'menu'                => 'Do nothing else, back to menu',
				    'quit'                => 'Do nothing else and exit script',

					$saveans = CLI::PromptUser(ucfirst($packager->getLabel()) . ' saved, do you want to bundle the changes into a package?', $saveopts, 'menu');
					// Append this operation onto the stack, to have it executed next.
					$autostack = array_merge([$saveans], $autostack);
			case 'package':
				$bundle = $packager->package($packagername, $packageremail, false);
				echo "Created unsigned package of " . $packager->getLabel() . ' ' . $packager->getVersion() . NL . " as " . $bundle . NL;
				break 2; // Exit back to the menu.
			case 'package-sign':
				$bundle = $packager->package($packagername, $packageremail, true);
				echo "Created signed package of " . $packager->getLabel() . ' ' . $packager->getVersion() . NL . " as " . $bundle . NL;
				break 2; // Exit back to the menu.
			case 'package-sign-commit':
				$bundle = $packager->package($packagername, $packageremail, true);
				echo "Created signed package of " . $packager->getLabel() . ' ' . $packager->getVersion() . NL . " as " . $bundle . NL;