  * Get result from cache or execute database query
  * @param array $config query and cache parameters
  * @param ServiceLocatorInterface $sl
  * @return multitype:NULL
 protected function queryDbCacheResult($config, $sl)
     $result = array();
     $cache = $sl->get(static::CONTENTINUM_CACHE);
     $key = $config['cache'];
     if (!($result = $cache->getItem($key))) {
         $worker = new Worker($sl->get($config['entitymanager']));
         $entries = $worker->getStorage()->getRepository($worker->getEntityName())->findBy(array('publish' => 'yes'), array('itemRang' => 'ASC'));
         $i = 1;
         foreach ($entries as $entry) {
             $metas = array();
             $metas['rel'] = $entry->metaRel ? $entry->metaRel : false;
             $metas['type'] = $entry->metaType ? $entry->metaType : false;
             $metas['title'] = $entry->metaTitle ? $entry->metaTitle : false;
             $metas['content'] = $entry->metaContent ? $entry->metaContent : false;
             if (1 !== $entry->webMedias->id) {
                 $metas['href'] = $entry->webMedias->mediaLink;
                 $metas['sizes'] = $entry->webMedias->mediaDimensions;
             } else {
                 $metas['href'] = $entry->metaLink;
             $result[$entry->webPages->id][] = $metas;
         if (isset($config['savecache']) && true === $config['savecache']) {
             $cache->setItem($key, $result);
     if (null === $result) {
         $result = array();
     return $result;
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see \Contentinum\Service\WebsiteServiceFactory::queryDbCacheResult()
 protected function queryDbCacheResult($config, $sl)
     $result = array();
     $cache = $sl->get(static::CONTENTINUM_CACHE);
     $key = $config['cache'];
     if (!($result = $cache->getItem($key))) {
         try {
             $worker = new Worker($sl->get($config['entitymanager']));
             $repos = $worker->getStorage()->getRepository($config['entity']);
             if (isset($config['findBy'])) {
                 $entries = $repos->findBy($config['findBy']);
             } else {
                 $entries = $repos->findAll();
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             print $e->getMessage();
             exit('application break');
         $rows = array();
         foreach ($entries as $entry) {
             $row = array();
             foreach ($this->cols as $col) {
                 $row[$col] = $entry->{$col};
             $rows[$entry->webPreferences->hostId][$entry->url] = $row;
         $result = new Config($rows);
         if (isset($config['savecache']) && true === $config['savecache']) {
             $cache->setItem($key, $result);
     return $result;
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see \Contentinum\Service\WebsiteServiceFactory::queryDbCacheResult()
 protected function queryDbCacheResult($config, $sl)
     $result = array();
     $cache = $sl->get(static::CONTENTINUM_CACHE);
     $key = $config['cache'];
     if (!($result = $cache->getItem($key))) {
         $worker = new Worker($sl->get($config['entitymanager']));
         $entries = $worker->fetchAll("SELECT users_id, acl_group_id  FROM user_acl_index ORDER BY acl_group_id ASC;");
         $ident = false;
         $rows = array();
         $tmp = array();
         foreach ($entries as $entry) {
             if ($ident != $entry['acl_group_id']) {
                 if (false !== $ident) {
                     $rows[$ident] = $tmp;
                     $tmp = array();
                 $ident = $entry['acl_group_id'];
             $tmp[] = $entry['users_id'];
         $rows[$ident] = $tmp;
         $result = new Config($rows);
         if (isset($config['savecache']) && true === $config['savecache']) {
             $cache->setItem($key, $result);
     return $result;
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see \Contentinum\Service\WebsiteServiceFactory::queryDbCacheResult()
 protected function queryDbCacheResult($config, $sl)
     $result = array();
     $cache = $sl->get(static::CONTENTINUM_CACHE);
     $key = $config['cache'];
     if (!($result = $cache->getItem($key))) {
         $worker = new Worker($sl->get($config['entitymanager']));
         $conn = $worker->getConnection();
         $sql = "SELECT main.web_contentgroup_id, wc.title, wc.id, wpp.label ";
         $sql .= "FROM web_content_groups AS main ";
         $sql .= "LEFT JOIN web_content AS wc ON wc.id = main.web_content_id ";
         $sql .= "LEFT JOIN web_pages_content AS wpc ON wpc.web_contentgroup_id = main.web_contentgroup_id ";
         $sql .= "LEFT JOIN web_pages_parameter AS wpp ON wpp.id = wpc.web_pages_id ";
         $sql .= "WHERE main.scope = 'content' ";
         $sql .= "GROUP BY main.web_contentgroup_id ";
         $sql .= "ORDER BY wc.title ASC";
         $entries = $conn->query($sql)->fetchAll();
         $tmp = array();
         foreach ($entries as $entry) {
             $tmp[$entry['web_contentgroup_id']] = array('name' => '(' . $entry['label'] . ') - ' . $entry['title']);
         $result = new Config($tmp);
         if (isset($config['savecache']) && true === $config['savecache']) {
             $cache->setItem($key, $result);
     return $result;
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see \Zend\ServiceManager\FactoryInterface::createService()
 public function createService(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator)
     $worker = new Worker($serviceLocator->get('doctrine.entitymanager.orm_default'));
     $sql = "SELECT id, name ";
     $sql .= "FROM user_acl_groups ";
     $sql .= "WHERE params = 'members' ";
     $sql .= "ORDER BY name ASC;";
     $result = $worker->fetchAll($sql);
     $options = array();
     foreach ($result as $row) {
         $options[$row['id']] = $row['name'];
     return $options;
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see \Zend\ServiceManager\FactoryInterface::createService()
 public function createService(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator)
     $worker = new Worker($serviceLocator->get('doctrine.entitymanager.orm_default'));
     $sql = "SELECT id, name ";
     $sql .= "FROM mcevent_dates_config ";
     $sql .= "ORDER BY name ASC;";
     $result = $worker->fetchAll($sql);
     $options = array();
     $options[0] = 'Keine Auswahl';
     foreach ($result as $row) {
         $options[$row['id']] = $row['name'];
     return $options;
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see \Contentinum\Service\WebsiteServiceFactory::queryDbCacheResult()
 protected function queryDbCacheResult($config, $sl)
     $result = array();
     $cache = $sl->get(static::CONTENTINUM_CACHE);
     $key = $config['cache'];
     if (!($result = $cache->getItem($key))) {
         $worker = new Worker($sl->get($config['entitymanager']));
         $datas = $worker->fetchAll('SELECT * FROM mediainuse');
         $result = array();
         foreach ($datas as $row) {
             $result[$row['mediasid']][] = array($row['inuseid'], $row['groupname']);
         $this->saveCacheItems($key, $result, $cache, $config);
     return $result;
  * Get result from cache or execute database query
  * @param array $config query and cache parameters 
  * @param ServiceLocatorInterface $sl
  * @return multitype:NULL
 protected function queryDbCacheResult($config, $sl)
     $result = array();
     $cache = $sl->get(static::CONTENTINUM_CACHE);
     $key = $config['cache'];
     if (!($result = $cache->getItem($key))) {
         $worker = new Worker($sl->get($config['entitymanager']));
         $sortby = $config['sortby'];
         $entries = $worker->getStorage()->getRepository($worker->getEntityName())->findAll();
         foreach ($entries as $entry) {
             $result[$entry->{$sortby}] = $entry->toArray();
         $this->saveCacheItems($key, $result, $cache, $config);
     return $result;
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see \Contentinum\Service\WebsiteServiceFactory::queryDbCacheResult()
 protected function queryDbCacheResult($config, $sl)
     $result = array();
     $cache = $sl->get(static::CONTENTINUM_CACHE);
     $key = $config['cache'];
     if (!($result = $cache->getItem($key))) {
         $worker = new Worker($sl->get($config['entitymanager']));
         $repos = $worker->getStorage()->getRepository($config['entity']);
         if (isset($config['findBy'])) {
             $orderBy = array();
             if (isset($config['orderBy'])) {
                 $orderBy = $config['orderBy'];
             $entries = $repos->findBy($config['findBy'], $orderBy);
         } else {
             if (isset($config['orderBy'])) {
                 $entries = $repos->findBy(array(), $config['orderBy']);
             } else {
                 $entries = $repos->findAll();
         $tmp = array();
         foreach ($entries as $entry) {
             if (9 !== $entry->onlylink) {
                 if (1 === $entry->onlylink) {
                     $url = $entry->url;
                     $label = ' (external)';
                 } else {
                     if ('index' === $entry->url) {
                         $url = '/';
                     } else {
                         $url = '/' . $entry->url;
                     $label = ' (internal)';
                 $tmp[$url] = array('name' => $entry->label . $label);
         $result = new Config($tmp);
         if (isset($config['savecache']) && true === $config['savecache']) {
             $cache->setItem($key, $result);
     return $result;
 protected function queryDbCacheResult($config, $sl)
     $result = array();
     $cache = $sl->get(static::CONTENTINUM_CACHE);
     $key = $config['cache'];
     if (!($result = $cache->getItem($key))) {
         $worker = new Worker($sl->get($config['entitymanager']));
         $entries = $worker->getStorage()->getRepository($config['entity'])->findBy(array('eventOrganizer' => 1), array('organisation' => 'ASC'));
         $tmp = array();
         foreach ($entries as $entry) {
             $tmp[$entry->id] = array('name' => $entry->organisation);
         $result = new Config($tmp);
         if (isset($config['savecache']) && true === $config['savecache']) {
             $cache->setItem($key, $result);
     return $result;
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see \Contentinum\Service\WebsiteServiceFactory::queryDbCacheResult()
 protected function queryDbCacheResult($config, $sl)
     $result = array();
     $cache = $sl->get(static::CONTENTINUM_CACHE);
     $key = $config['cache'];
     if (!($result = $cache->getItem($key))) {
         $worker = new Worker($sl->get($config['entitymanager']));
         $conn = $worker->getConnection();
         $sql = "SELECT main.id, main.organisation, main.organisation_ext ";
         $sql .= "FROM accounts AS main ";
         $sql .= "ORDER BY main.organisation ASC";
         $entries = $conn->query($sql)->fetchAll();
         $tmp = array();
         foreach ($entries as $entry) {
             $tmp[$entry['id']] = array('name' => $entry['organisation'] . ', ' . $entry['organisation_ext']);
         $result = new Config($tmp);
         if (isset($config['savecache']) && true === $config['savecache']) {
             $cache->setItem($key, $result);
     return $result;
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see \Zend\ServiceManager\FactoryInterface::createService()
 public function createService(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator)
     $worker = new Worker($serviceLocator->get('doctrine.entitymanager.orm_default'));
     $current = date('Y-m-d') . ' 00:00:00';
     $selectdate = date('Y');
     $sql = "SELECT mtc.id, mtc.date_start, mtc.applicant_int, mtc.applicant_ext, mtc.summary ";
     $sql .= "FROM mcevent_dates AS mtc ";
     $sql .= "WHERE mtc.publish = 'yes' ";
     $sql .= "AND mtc.date_start >= '" . $selectdate . "%' ";
     $sql .= "AND mtc.configure_id > 0 ";
     $sql .= "ORDER BY mtc.date_start ASC;";
     $trashdates = $worker->fetchAll($sql);
     $options = array();
     $convert = new \ContentinumComponents\Tools\ConvertMonthDayNames();
     foreach ($trashdates as $row) {
         if ($row['date_start'] >= $current) {
             $datetime = new \DateTime($row['date_start']);
             $trashDate = $convert->get($datetime->format('N'), 'dayname') . ', ' . $datetime->format('d') . '. ' . $convert->get($datetime->format('m')) . ' ' . $datetime->format('Y');
             $options[$row['id']] = $row['summary'] . ' ' . $trashDate;
     return $options;
  * form field elements
  * @see \ContentinumComponents\Forms\AbstractForms::elements()
 public function elements()
     $sl = $this->getServiceLocator();
     $pageOptions = $sl->get('contentinum_pages');
     $configuration = $pageOptions->getParameter('categoryvalue');
     $con = new Worker($sl->get('doctrine.entitymanager.orm_default'));
     $result = $con->fetchRow("SELECT * FROM mcevent_dates_config WHERE id = {$configuration};");
     if (isset($result['settings_formular']) && strlen($result['settings_formular']) > 1) {
         $mcSerialize = new HandleSerializeDatabase();
         $formSettings = $mcSerialize->execUnserialize($result['settings_formular']);
         $onlysingle = false;
         $fields = array();
         $fields[] = array('spec' => array('name' => 'mceventIdent', 'required' => true, 'options' => array('label' => 'Termin wählen', 'empty_option' => 'Please select', 'value_options' => $this->getServiceLocator()->get('mcevent_options_eventdatepublic'), 'deco-row' => $this->getDecorators(self::DECO_ELM_ROW)), 'type' => 'Select', 'attributes' => array('required' => 'required', 'id' => 'mceventIdent')));
         foreach ($formSettings as $setting) {
             if ('onlysingle' == $setting) {
                 $onlysingle = true;
             if ('fieldname' == $setting) {
                 $field = '';
                 $field['name'] = 'name';
                 $field['required'] = true;
                 $field['options'] = array();
                 $field['options']['label'] = 'Name';
                 $field['options']['deco-row'] = $this->getDecorators(self::DECO_ELM_ROW);
                 $field['type'] = 'Text';
                 $field['attributes'] = array();
                 $field['attributes']['id'] = 'name';
                 $field['attributes']['required'] = 'required';
                 $fields[] = array('spec' => $field);
             if ('fieldphone' == $setting) {
                 $field = '';
                 $field['name'] = 'phone';
                 $field['required'] = true;
                 $field['options'] = array();
                 $field['options']['label'] = 'Telefon';
                 $field['options']['deco-row'] = $this->getDecorators(self::DECO_ELM_ROW);
                 $field['type'] = 'ContentinumComponents\\Forms\\Elements\\Tel';
                 $field['attributes'] = array();
                 $field['attributes']['id'] = 'phone';
                 $field['attributes']['required'] = 'required';
                 $fields[] = array('spec' => $field);
             if ('fieldemail' == $setting) {
                 $field = '';
                 $field['name'] = 'email';
                 $field['required'] = true;
                 $field['options'] = array();
                 $field['options']['label'] = 'E-Mailadresse';
                 $field['options']['deco-row'] = $this->getDecorators(self::DECO_ELM_ROW);
                 $field['type'] = 'Email';
                 $field['attributes'] = array();
                 $field['attributes']['id'] = 'email';
                 $field['attributes']['required'] = 'required';
                 $fields[] = array('spec' => $field);
             if ('fielddescription' == $setting) {
                 $field = '';
                 $field['name'] = 'description';
                 $field['required'] = false;
                 $field['options'] = array();
                 $field['options']['label'] = 'Bemerkung';
                 $field['options']['deco-row'] = $this->getDecorators(self::DECO_ELM_ROW);
                 $field['options']['description'] = 'Bemerkung zur Anmeldung, Nachricht an Organisator';
                 $field['type'] = 'Textarea';
                 $field['attributes'] = array();
                 $field['attributes']['id'] = 'description';
                 $field['attributes']['row'] = '2';
                 $fields[] = array('spec' => $field);
             if ('fieldstayOvernight' == $setting) {
                 $field = '';
                 $field['name'] = 'stayOvernight';
                 $field['required'] = true;
                 $field['options'] = array();
                 $field['options']['label'] = 'Übernachtung bestätigen';
                 $field['options']['value_options'] = array('yes' => 'Ja, ich nutze das Übernachtungsangebot', 'no' => 'Nein, keine Übernachtung', 'perhaps' => 'Noch unentschlossen');
                 $field['options']['deco-row'] = $this->getDecorators(self::DECO_ELM_ROW);
                 $field['options']['description'] = 'Bestätigen Sie Bitte ob Sie übernachten möchten';
                 $field['type'] = 'Select';
                 $field['attributes'] = array();
                 $field['attributes']['id'] = 'stayOvernight';
                 $field['attributes']['required'] = 'required';
                 $field['attributes']['value'] = 'yes';
                 $fields[] = array('spec' => $field);
         $fields[] = array('spec' => array('name' => 'send', 'type' => 'Submit', 'attributes' => array('class' => 'button expand', 'value' => 'Absenden', 'id' => 'sendbutton')));
         return $fields;
     } else {
         print '<p><strong>Formularfehler, wenden Sie sich Bitte an den Administrator</strong></p>';