getContainer() public static méthode

Return the container object
public static getContainer ( ) : Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface
Résultat Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface The container object
  * Run the controller and parse the template
  * @return Response
 public function run()
     /** @var \BackendTemplate|object $objTemplate */
     $objTemplate = new \BackendTemplate('be_preview');
     $objTemplate->base = \Environment::get('base');
     $objTemplate->language = $GLOBALS['TL_LANGUAGE'];
     $objTemplate->title = specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['fePreview']);
     $objTemplate->charset = \Config::get('characterSet');
     $objTemplate->site = \Input::get('site', true);
     $objTemplate->switchHref = \System::getContainer()->get('router')->generate('contao_backend_switch');
     if (\Input::get('url')) {
         $objTemplate->url = \Environment::get('base') . \Input::get('url');
     } elseif (\Input::get('page')) {
         $objTemplate->url = $this->redirectToFrontendPage(\Input::get('page'), \Input::get('article'), true);
     } else {
         $objTemplate->url = \System::getContainer()->get('router')->generate('contao_root', [], UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL);
     // Switch to a particular member (see #6546)
     if (\Input::get('user') && $this->User->isAdmin) {
         $objUser = \MemberModel::findByUsername(\Input::get('user'));
         if ($objUser !== null) {
             $strHash = $this->getSessionHash('FE_USER_AUTH');
             // Remove old sessions
             $this->Database->prepare("DELETE FROM tl_session WHERE tstamp<? OR hash=?")->execute(time() - \Config::get('sessionTimeout'), $strHash);
             // Insert the new session
             $this->Database->prepare("INSERT INTO tl_session (pid, tstamp, name, sessionID, ip, hash) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")->execute($objUser->id, time(), 'FE_USER_AUTH', \System::getContainer()->get('session')->getId(), \Environment::get('ip'), $strHash);
             // Set the cookie
             $this->setCookie('FE_USER_AUTH', $strHash, time() + \Config::get('sessionTimeout'), null, null, false, true);
             $objTemplate->user = \Input::post('user');
     return $objTemplate->getResponse();
  * Return a response object
  * The forum Page usually does not get called because the frontend listener
  * overrides the url for navigation for example. When called directly the layout parts
  * phpBB gets created und pushed to phpbb
  * @see ContaoFrontendListener
  * @param \PageModel $objPage
  * @param boolean $blnCheckRequest
  * @return Response
 public function getResponse($objPage, $blnCheckRequest = false)
     // prepare the template contents
     $this->Template->main = "%%FORUM%%";
     $style = $this->prepareHeadTags($this->Template->stylesheets);
     $mooScripts = $this->prepareHeadTags($this->Template->mooScripts);
     $framework = $this->prepareHeadTags($this->Template->framework);
     $head = $this->prepareHeadTags($this->Template->head);
     $this->Template->head = "";
     $response = $this->Template->getResponse($blnCheckRequest);
     // layout sections
     $overall_header = '';
     $overall_footer = '';
     $sections = $this->generateLayoutSections($response->getContent());
     // template vars will be replaced with dynamic content on each request
     $overall_header = '{CONTAO_LAYOUT_HEADER}';
     $overall_footer = '{CONTAO_LAYOUT_FOOTER}';
     // If dynamic generation is set and json format requested we can return and leave (no need to generate files)
     if ($this->Input->get('format') == 'json') {
         return new JsonResponse($sections);
     // Generate files for static and generic contents
     $phpbbHeaders = "";
     $phpbbHeaders .= $framework;
     $phpbbHeaders .= $style;
     $phpbbHeaders .= $mooScripts;
     $phpbbHeaders .= $head;
     file_put_contents(__DIR__ . '/../Resources/phpBB/ctsmedia/contaophpbbbridge/styles/all/template/event/overall_header_stylesheets_after.html', $phpbbHeaders);
     file_put_contents(__DIR__ . '/../Resources/phpBB/ctsmedia/contaophpbbbridge/styles/all/template/event/simple_header_stylesheets_after.html', $phpbbHeaders);
     file_put_contents(__DIR__ . '/../Resources/phpBB/ctsmedia/contaophpbbbridge/styles/all/template/event/overall_header_body_before.html', $overall_header);
     file_put_contents(__DIR__ . '/../Resources/phpBB/ctsmedia/contaophpbbbridge/styles/all/template/event/overall_footer_after.html', $overall_footer);
     System::getContainer()->get('phpbb_bridge.connector')->updateConfig(array('contao.body_class' => $this->Template->class));
     return $response;
Exemple #3
  * Generate the module
  * @return string
 public function run()
     $arrJobs = array();
     /** @var BackendTemplate|object $objTemplate */
     $objTemplate = new \BackendTemplate('be_purge_data');
     $objTemplate->isActive = $this->isActive();
     $objTemplate->message = \Message::generateUnwrapped();
     // Run the jobs
     if (\Input::post('FORM_SUBMIT') == 'tl_purge') {
         $purge = \Input::post('purge');
         if (!empty($purge) && is_array($purge)) {
             foreach ($purge as $group => $jobs) {
                 foreach ($jobs as $job) {
                     list($class, $method) = $GLOBALS['TL_PURGE'][$group][$job]['callback'];
     // Tables
     foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_PURGE']['tables'] as $key => $config) {
         $arrJobs[$key] = array('id' => 'purge_' . $key, 'title' => $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_maintenance_jobs'][$key][0], 'description' => $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_maintenance_jobs'][$key][1], 'group' => 'tables', 'affected' => '');
         // Get the current table size
         foreach ($config['affected'] as $table) {
             $objCount = $this->Database->execute("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM " . $table);
             $arrJobs[$key]['affected'] .= '<br>' . $table . ': <span>' . sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['entries'], $objCount->count) . ', ' . $this->getReadableSize($this->Database->getSizeOf($table), 0) . '</span>';
     $strCachePath = str_replace(TL_ROOT . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '', \System::getContainer()->getParameter('kernel.cache_dir'));
     // Folders
     foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_PURGE']['folders'] as $key => $config) {
         $arrJobs[$key] = array('id' => 'purge_' . $key, 'title' => $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_maintenance_jobs'][$key][0], 'description' => $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_maintenance_jobs'][$key][1], 'group' => 'folders', 'affected' => '');
         // Get the current folder size
         foreach ($config['affected'] as $folder) {
             $total = 0;
             $folder = sprintf($folder, $strCachePath);
             // Only check existing folders
             if (is_dir(TL_ROOT . '/' . $folder)) {
                 $objFiles = Finder::create()->in(TL_ROOT . '/' . $folder)->files();
                 $total = iterator_count($objFiles);
             $arrJobs[$key]['affected'] .= '<br>' . $folder . ': <span>' . sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['files'], $total) . '</span>';
     // Custom
     foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_PURGE']['custom'] as $key => $job) {
         $arrJobs[$key] = array('id' => 'purge_' . $key, 'title' => $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_maintenance_jobs'][$key][0], 'description' => $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_maintenance_jobs'][$key][1], 'group' => 'custom');
     $objTemplate->jobs = $arrJobs;
     $objTemplate->action = ampersand(\Environment::get('request'));
     $objTemplate->headline = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_maintenance']['clearCache'];
     $objTemplate->job = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_maintenance']['job'];
     $objTemplate->description = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_maintenance']['description'];
     $objTemplate->submit = \StringUtil::specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_maintenance']['clearCache']);
     $objTemplate->help = \Config::get('showHelp') && $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_maintenance']['cacheTables'][1] != '' ? $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_maintenance']['cacheTables'][1] : '';
     return $objTemplate->parse();
  * Overwrite for Automator::purgePageCache
  * Makes sure the forum layout is regenerated
 public function purgePageCache()
     $automator = new Automator();
     $this->log('Purged the phpbb forum cache', __METHOD__, TL_CRON);
Exemple #5
  * Get the session data
 protected function __construct()
     if (PHP_SAPI == 'cli') {
         $this->session = new SymfonySession(new MockArraySessionStorage());
     } else {
         $this->session = \System::getContainer()->get('session');
     $this->sessionBag = $this->session->getBag($this->getSessionBagKey());
  * Generate the widget and return it as string
  * @return string
 public function generate()
     $arrOptions = array();
     if (!$this->multiple && count($this->arrOptions) > 1) {
         $this->arrOptions = array($this->arrOptions[0]);
     // The "required" attribute only makes sense for single checkboxes
     if ($this->mandatory && !$this->multiple) {
         $this->arrAttributes['required'] = 'required';
     /** @var AttributeBagInterface $objSessionBag */
     $objSessionBag = \System::getContainer()->get('session')->getBag('contao_backend');
     $state = $objSessionBag->get('checkbox_groups');
     // Toggle the checkbox group
     if (\Input::get('cbc')) {
         $state[\Input::get('cbc')] = isset($state[\Input::get('cbc')]) && $state[\Input::get('cbc')] == 1 ? 0 : 1;
         $objSessionBag->set('checkbox_groups', $state);
         $this->redirect(preg_replace('/(&(amp;)?|\\?)cbc=[^& ]*/i', '', \Environment::get('request')));
     $blnFirst = true;
     $blnCheckAll = true;
     foreach ($this->arrOptions as $i => $arrOption) {
         // Single dimension array
         if (is_numeric($i)) {
             $arrOptions[] = $this->generateCheckbox($arrOption, $i);
         $id = 'cbc_' . $this->strId . '_' . \StringUtil::standardize($i);
         $img = 'folPlus.svg';
         $display = 'none';
         if (!isset($state[$id]) || !empty($state[$id])) {
             $img = 'folMinus.svg';
             $display = 'block';
         $arrOptions[] = '<div class="checkbox_toggler' . ($blnFirst ? '_first' : '') . '"><a href="' . $this->addToUrl('cbc=' . $id) . '" onclick="AjaxRequest.toggleCheckboxGroup(this,\'' . $id . '\');Backend.getScrollOffset();return false">' . \Image::getHtml($img) . '</a>' . $i . '</div><fieldset id="' . $id . '" class="tl_checkbox_container checkbox_options" style="display:' . $display . '"><input type="checkbox" id="check_all_' . $id . '" class="tl_checkbox" onclick="Backend.toggleCheckboxGroup(this, \'' . $id . '\')"> <label for="check_all_' . $id . '" style="color:#a6a6a6"><em>' . $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['selectAll'] . '</em></label>';
         // Multidimensional array
         foreach ($arrOption as $k => $v) {
             $arrOptions[] = $this->generateCheckbox($v, standardize($i) . '_' . $k);
         $arrOptions[] = '</fieldset>';
         $blnFirst = false;
         $blnCheckAll = false;
     // Add a "no entries found" message if there are no options
     if (empty($arrOptions)) {
         $arrOptions[] = '<p class="tl_noopt">' . $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['noResult'] . '</p>';
         $blnCheckAll = false;
     if ($this->multiple) {
         return sprintf('<fieldset id="ctrl_%s" class="tl_checkbox_container%s"><legend>%s%s%s%s</legend><input type="hidden" name="%s" value="">%s%s</fieldset>%s', $this->strId, $this->strClass != '' ? ' ' . $this->strClass : '', $this->mandatory ? '<span class="invisible">' . $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['mandatory'] . ' </span>' : '', $this->strLabel, $this->mandatory ? '<span class="mandatory">*</span>' : '', $this->xlabel, $this->strName, $blnCheckAll ? '<input type="checkbox" id="check_all_' . $this->strId . '" class="tl_checkbox" onclick="Backend.toggleCheckboxGroup(this,\'ctrl_' . $this->strId . '\')' . ($this->onclick ? ';' . $this->onclick : '') . '"> <label for="check_all_' . $this->strId . '" style="color:#a6a6a6"><em>' . $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['selectAll'] . '</em></label><br>' : '', str_replace('<br></fieldset><br>', '</fieldset>', implode('<br>', $arrOptions)), $this->wizard);
     } else {
         return sprintf('<div id="ctrl_%s" class="tl_checkbox_single_container%s"><input type="hidden" name="%s" value="">%s</div>%s', $this->strId, $this->strClass != '' ? ' ' . $this->strClass : '', $this->strName, str_replace('<br></div><br>', '</div>', implode('<br>', $arrOptions)), $this->wizard);
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $output->writeln('Clearing Forum Cache');
     // Generate the layout if not explicitly asked for cache only
     if (!$input->getOption('cache-only')) {
         $output->writeln('Generating Layout Files');
     return 0;
Exemple #8
  * Establish the database connection
  * @param array $arrConfig The configuration array
  * @throws \Exception If a connection cannot be established
 protected function __construct(array $arrConfig)
     // Deprecated since Contao 4.0, to be removed in Contao 5.0
     if (!empty($arrConfig)) {
         @trigger_error('Passing a custom configuration to Database::__construct() has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
         $arrParams = array('driver' => \System::getContainer()->getParameter('database_driver'), 'host' => $arrConfig['dbHost'], 'port' => $arrConfig['dbPort'], 'user' => $arrConfig['dbUser'], 'password' => $arrConfig['dbPass'], 'dbname' => $arrConfig['dbDatabase']);
         $this->resConnection = DriverManager::getConnection($arrParams);
     } else {
         $this->resConnection = \System::getContainer()->get('database_connection');
     if (!is_object($this->resConnection)) {
         throw new \Exception(sprintf('Could not connect to database (%s)', $this->error));
  * Initialize the object
 public function __construct()
     // Load the user object before calling the parent constructor
     $this->import('FrontendUser', 'User');
     // Check whether a user is logged in
     define('BE_USER_LOGGED_IN', $this->getLoginStatus('BE_USER_AUTH'));
     define('FE_USER_LOGGED_IN', $this->getLoginStatus('FE_USER_AUTH'));
     // No back end user logged in
     if (!$_SESSION['DISABLE_CACHE']) {
         // Maintenance mode (see #4561 and #6353)
         if (\Config::get('maintenanceMode') && !\System::getContainer()->get('kernel')->isDebug()) {
             throw new ServiceUnavailableException('This site is currently down for maintenance. Please come back later.');
Exemple #10
  * Validate a token
  * @param string $strToken The request token
  * @return boolean True if the token matches the stored one
 public static function validate($strToken)
     // The feature has been disabled
     if (\Config::get('disableRefererCheck') || defined('BYPASS_TOKEN_CHECK')) {
         return true;
     // Check against the whitelist (thanks to Tristan Lins) (see #3164)
     if (\Config::get('requestTokenWhitelist')) {
         $strHostname = gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
         foreach (\Config::get('requestTokenWhitelist') as $strDomain) {
             if ($strDomain == $strHostname || preg_match('/\\.' . preg_quote($strDomain, '/') . '$/', $strHostname)) {
                 return true;
     $container = \System::getContainer();
     return $container->get('security.csrf.token_manager')->isTokenValid(new CsrfToken($container->getParameter('contao.csrf_token_name'), $strToken));
  * Return a response object
  * The forum Page usually does not get called because the frontend listener
  * overrides the url for navigation for example. When called directly the layout parts
  * phpBB gets created und pushed to phpbb
  * @see ContaoFrontendListener
  * @param \PageModel $objPage
  * @param boolean    $blnCheckRequest
  * @return Response
 public function getResponse($objPage, $blnCheckRequest = false)
     $this->Template->main = "%%FORUM%%";
     $headTags = $this->Template->head;
     $this->Template->head = "";
     $response = $this->Template->getResponse($blnCheckRequest);
     $style = preg_replace('/href\\=\\"(?!http|\\/)/', 'href="/', $this->Template->replaceDynamicScriptTags($this->Template->stylesheets));
     $headTags = preg_replace('/href\\=\\"(?!http|\\/)/', 'href="/', $this->Template->replaceDynamicScriptTags($headTags));
     $headTags = preg_replace('/src\\=\\"(?!http|\\/)/', 'href="/', $headTags);
     // @todo Add framework, mooscripts etc?
     $phpbbHeaders = "";
     $phpbbHeaders .= $style;
     $phpbbHeaders .= $headTags;
     file_put_contents(__DIR__ . '/../Resources/phpBB/ctsmedia/contaophpbbbridge/styles/all/template/event/overall_header_stylesheets_after.html', $phpbbHeaders);
     $html = $response->getContent();
     // Ajust link paths
     $html = preg_replace('/href\\=\\"(?!http|\\/)/', 'href="/', $html);
     // Ajust src paths
     $html = preg_replace('/src\\=\\"(?!http|\\/)/', 'src="/', $html);
     $html = preg_replace('/content\\=\\"(?!http|\\/)/', 'content="/', $html);
     $parts = explode("%%FORUM%%", $html);
     $overall_header = $parts[0];
     $overall_footer = $parts[1];
     $overall_header = preg_replace('/<\\!DOC.*/i', '', $overall_header);
     $overall_header = preg_replace('/<html.*/i', '', $overall_header);
     $overall_header = preg_replace('/<body.*/i', '', $overall_header);
     $overall_header = preg_replace('/<head>.*<\\/head>/s', '', $overall_header);
     $overall_footer = preg_replace('/<\\/body.*/i', '', $overall_footer);
     $overall_footer = preg_replace('/<\\/html.*/i', '', $overall_footer);
     file_put_contents(__DIR__ . '/../Resources/phpBB/ctsmedia/contaophpbbbridge/styles/all/template/event/overall_header_body_before.html', $overall_header);
     file_put_contents(__DIR__ . '/../Resources/phpBB/ctsmedia/contaophpbbbridge/styles/all/template/event/overall_footer_after.html', $overall_footer);
     System::getContainer()->get('phpbb_bridge.connector')->updateConfig(array('contao.body_class' => $this->Template->class));
     return $response;
  * Set the new password
 protected function setNewPassword()
     $objMember = \MemberModel::findOneByActivation(\Input::get('token'));
     if ($objMember === null || $objMember->login == '') {
         $this->strTemplate = 'mod_message';
         /** @var FrontendTemplate|object $objTemplate */
         $objTemplate = new \FrontendTemplate($this->strTemplate);
         $this->Template = $objTemplate;
         $this->Template->type = 'error';
         $this->Template->message = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['accountError'];
     $strTable = $objMember->getTable();
     // Initialize the versioning (see #8301)
     $objVersions = new \Versions($strTable, $objMember->id);
     // Define the form field
     $arrField = $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_member']['fields']['password'];
     /** @var Widget $strClass */
     $strClass = $GLOBALS['TL_FFL']['password'];
     // Fallback to default if the class is not defined
     if (!class_exists($strClass)) {
         $strClass = 'FormPassword';
     /** @var Widget $objWidget */
     $objWidget = new $strClass($strClass::getAttributesFromDca($arrField, 'password'));
     // Set row classes
     $objWidget->rowClass = 'row_0 row_first even';
     $objWidget->rowClassConfirm = 'row_1 odd';
     $this->Template->rowLast = 'row_2 row_last even';
     /** @var SessionInterface $objSession */
     $objSession = \System::getContainer()->get('session');
     // Validate the field
     if (strlen(\Input::post('FORM_SUBMIT')) && \Input::post('FORM_SUBMIT') == $objSession->get('setPasswordToken')) {
         // Set the new password and redirect
         if (!$objWidget->hasErrors()) {
             $objSession->set('setPasswordToken', '');
             $objMember->tstamp = time();
             $objMember->activation = '';
             $objMember->password = $objWidget->value;
             // Create a new version
             if ($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$strTable]['config']['enableVersioning']) {
             // HOOK: set new password callback
             if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['setNewPassword']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['setNewPassword'])) {
                 foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['setNewPassword'] as $callback) {
                     $this->{$callback[0]}->{$callback[1]}($objMember, $objWidget->value, $this);
             // Redirect to the jumpTo page
             if (($objTarget = $this->objModel->getRelated('reg_jumpTo')) instanceof PageModel) {
                 /** @var PageModel $objTarget */
             // Confirm
             $this->strTemplate = 'mod_message';
             /** @var FrontendTemplate|object $objTemplate */
             $objTemplate = new \FrontendTemplate($this->strTemplate);
             $this->Template = $objTemplate;
             $this->Template->type = 'confirm';
             $this->Template->message = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['newPasswordSet'];
     $strToken = md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true));
     $objSession->set('setPasswordToken', $strToken);
     $this->Template->formId = $strToken;
     $this->Template->fields = $objWidget->parse();
     $this->Template->action = \Environment::get('indexFreeRequest');
     $this->Template->slabel = \StringUtil::specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['setNewPassword']);
Exemple #13
  * Generate the navigation menu and return it as array
  * @param boolean $blnShowAll
  * @return array
 public function navigation($blnShowAll = false)
     /** @var AttributeBagInterface $objSessionBag */
     $objSessionBag = \System::getContainer()->get('session')->getBag('contao_backend');
     $arrModules = array();
     $session = $objSessionBag->all();
     // Toggle nodes
     if (\Input::get('mtg')) {
         $session['backend_modules'][\Input::get('mtg')] = isset($session['backend_modules'][\Input::get('mtg')]) && $session['backend_modules'][\Input::get('mtg')] == 0 ? 1 : 0;
         \Controller::redirect(preg_replace('/(&(amp;)?|\\?)mtg=[^& ]*/i', '', \Environment::get('request')));
     foreach ($GLOBALS['BE_MOD'] as $strGroupName => $arrGroupModules) {
         if (!empty($arrGroupModules) && ($strGroupName == 'system' || $this->hasAccess(array_keys($arrGroupModules), 'modules'))) {
             $arrModules[$strGroupName]['icon'] = 'modMinus.gif';
             $arrModules[$strGroupName]['title'] = specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['collapseNode']);
             $arrModules[$strGroupName]['label'] = ($label = is_array($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MOD'][$strGroupName]) ? $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MOD'][$strGroupName][0] : $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MOD'][$strGroupName]) != false ? $label : $strGroupName;
             $arrModules[$strGroupName]['href'] = \Controller::addToUrl('mtg=' . $strGroupName);
             // Do not show the modules if the group is closed
             if (!$blnShowAll && isset($session['backend_modules'][$strGroupName]) && $session['backend_modules'][$strGroupName] < 1) {
                 $arrModules[$strGroupName]['modules'] = false;
                 $arrModules[$strGroupName]['icon'] = 'modPlus.gif';
                 $arrModules[$strGroupName]['title'] = specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['expandNode']);
             } else {
                 foreach ($arrGroupModules as $strModuleName => $arrModuleConfig) {
                     // Check access
                     if ($strModuleName == 'undo' || $this->hasAccess($strModuleName, 'modules')) {
                         $arrModules[$strGroupName]['modules'][$strModuleName] = $arrModuleConfig;
                         $arrModules[$strGroupName]['modules'][$strModuleName]['title'] = specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MOD'][$strModuleName][1]);
                         $arrModules[$strGroupName]['modules'][$strModuleName]['label'] = ($label = is_array($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MOD'][$strModuleName]) ? $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MOD'][$strModuleName][0] : $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MOD'][$strModuleName]) != false ? $label : $strModuleName;
                         $arrModules[$strGroupName]['modules'][$strModuleName]['icon'] = !empty($arrModuleConfig['icon']) ? sprintf(' style="background-image:url(\'%s%s\')"', TL_ASSETS_URL, $arrModuleConfig['icon']) : '';
                         $arrModules[$strGroupName]['modules'][$strModuleName]['class'] = 'navigation ' . $strModuleName;
                         $arrModules[$strGroupName]['modules'][$strModuleName]['href'] = TL_SCRIPT . '?do=' . $strModuleName . '&amp;ref=' . TL_REFERER_ID;
                         // Mark the active module and its group
                         if (\Input::get('do') == $strModuleName) {
                             $arrModules[$strGroupName]['class'] = ' trail';
                             $arrModules[$strGroupName]['modules'][$strModuleName]['class'] .= ' active';
     // HOOK: add custom logic
     if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getUserNavigation']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getUserNavigation'])) {
         foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getUserNavigation'] as $callback) {
             $arrModules = $this->{$callback[0]}->{$callback[1]}($arrModules, $blnShowAll);
     return $arrModules;
Exemple #14
  * Generate the internal cache
 public function generateInternalCache()
     $container = \System::getContainer();
     $command = new ContaoCacheWarmer($container->get('filesystem'), $container->get('contao.resource_finder'), $container->get('contao.resource_locator'), $container->getParameter('kernel.root_dir'), $container->get('database_connection'), $container->get('contao.framework'));
     // Add a log entry
     $this->log('Generated the internal cache', __METHOD__, TL_CRON);
  * Generate an absolute URL depending on the current rewriteURL setting
  * @param string $strParams An optional string of URL parameters
  * @return string An absolute URL that can be used in the front end
 public function getAbsoluteUrl($strParams = null)
     $objUrlGenerator = \System::getContainer()->get('contao.routing.url_generator');
     $strUrl = $objUrlGenerator->generate(($this->alias ?: $this->id) . $strParams, array('_locale' => $this->rootLanguage, '_domain' => $this->domain, '_ssl' => (bool) $this->rootUseSSL), UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL);
     $strUrl = $this->applyLegacyLogic($strUrl, $strParams);
     return $strUrl;
Exemple #16
  * Return a route relative to the base URL
  * @param string $strName   The route name
  * @param array  $arrParams The route parameters
  * @return string The route
 public function route($strName, $arrParams = array())
     $strUrl = \System::getContainer()->get('router')->generate($strName, $arrParams);
     $strUrl = substr($strUrl, strlen(\Environment::get('path')) + 1);
     return ampersand($strUrl);
Exemple #17
  * Return a pagination menu to browse results
  * @return string
 protected function paginationMenu()
     /** @var AttributeBagInterface $objSessionBag */
     $objSessionBag = \System::getContainer()->get('session')->getBag('contao_backend');
     $session = $objSessionBag->all();
     $filter = $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['list']['sorting']['mode'] == 4 ? $this->strTable . '_' . CURRENT_ID : $this->strTable;
     list($offset, $limit) = explode(',', $this->limit);
     // Set the limit filter based on the page number
     if (isset($_GET['lp'])) {
         $lp = intval(\Input::get('lp')) - 1;
         if ($lp >= 0 && $lp < ceil($this->total / $limit)) {
             $session['filter'][$filter]['limit'] = $lp * $limit . ',' . $limit;
         $this->redirect(preg_replace('/&(amp;)?lp=[^&]+/i', '', \Environment::get('request')));
     if ($limit) {
         \Input::setGet('lp', $offset / $limit + 1);
     $objPagination = new \Pagination($this->total, $limit, 7, 'lp', new \BackendTemplate('be_pagination'), true);
     return $objPagination->generate();
Exemple #18
  * Generate the module
 protected function compile()
     // Show logout form
     if (FE_USER_LOGGED_IN) {
         $this->import('FrontendUser', 'User');
         $this->Template->logout = true;
         $this->Template->formId = 'tl_logout_' . $this->id;
         $this->Template->slabel = \StringUtil::specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['logout']);
         $this->Template->loggedInAs = sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['loggedInAs'], $this->User->username);
         $this->Template->action = ampersand(\Environment::get('indexFreeRequest'));
         if ($this->User->lastLogin > 0) {
             /** @var PageModel $objPage */
             global $objPage;
             $this->Template->lastLogin = sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['lastLogin'][1], \Date::parse($objPage->datimFormat, $this->User->lastLogin));
     $flashBag = \System::getContainer()->get('session')->getFlashBag();
     if ($flashBag->has($this->strFlashType)) {
         $this->Template->hasError = true;
         $this->Template->message = $flashBag->get($this->strFlashType)[0];
     $this->Template->username = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['username'];
     $this->Template->password = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['password'][0];
     $this->Template->action = ampersand(\Environment::get('indexFreeRequest'));
     $this->Template->slabel = \StringUtil::specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['login']);
     $this->Template->value = \StringUtil::specialchars(\Input::post('username'));
     $this->Template->formId = 'tl_login_' . $this->id;
     $this->Template->autologin = $this->autologin && \Config::get('autologin') > 0;
     $this->Template->autoLabel = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['autologin'];
  * Parse simple tokens
  * @param string $strString The string to be parsed
  * @param array  $arrData   The replacement data
  * @return string The converted string
  * @throws \Exception                If $strString cannot be parsed
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If there are incorrectly formatted if-tags
 public static function parseSimpleTokens($strString, $arrData)
     $strReturn = '';
     $replaceTokens = function ($strSubject) use($arrData) {
         // Replace tokens
         return preg_replace_callback('/##([^=!<>\\s]+?)##/', function (array $matches) use($arrData) {
             if (!array_key_exists($matches[1], $arrData)) {
                 \System::getContainer()->get('monolog.logger.contao')->log(LogLevel::INFO, sprintf('Tried to parse unknown simple token "%s".', $matches[1]));
                 return '##' . $matches[1] . '##';
             return $arrData[$matches[1]];
         }, $strSubject);
     $evaluateExpression = function ($strExpression) use($arrData) {
         if (!preg_match('/^([^=!<>\\s]+)([=!<>]+)(.+)$/is', $strExpression, $arrMatches)) {
             return false;
         $strToken = $arrMatches[1];
         $strOperator = $arrMatches[2];
         $strValue = $arrMatches[3];
         if (!array_key_exists($strToken, $arrData)) {
             \System::getContainer()->get('monolog.logger.contao')->log(LogLevel::INFO, sprintf('Tried to evaluate unknown simple token "%s".', $strToken));
             return false;
         $varTokenValue = $arrData[$strToken];
         if (is_numeric($strValue)) {
             if (strpos($strValue, '.') === false) {
                 $varValue = intval($strValue);
             } else {
                 $varValue = floatval($strValue);
         } elseif (strtolower($strValue) === 'true') {
             $varValue = true;
         } elseif (strtolower($strValue) === 'false') {
             $varValue = false;
         } elseif (strtolower($strValue) === 'null') {
             $varValue = null;
         } elseif (substr($strValue, 0, 1) === '"' && substr($strValue, -1) === '"') {
             $varValue = str_replace('\\"', '"', substr($strValue, 1, -1));
         } elseif (substr($strValue, 0, 1) === "'" && substr($strValue, -1) === "'") {
             $varValue = str_replace("\\'", "'", substr($strValue, 1, -1));
         } else {
             throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unknown data type of comparison value "%s".', $strValue));
         switch ($strOperator) {
             case '==':
                 return $varTokenValue == $varValue;
             case '!=':
                 return $varTokenValue != $varValue;
             case '===':
                 return $varTokenValue === $varValue;
             case '!==':
                 return $varTokenValue !== $varValue;
             case '<':
                 return $varTokenValue < $varValue;
             case '>':
                 return $varTokenValue > $varValue;
             case '<=':
                 return $varTokenValue <= $varValue;
             case '>=':
                 return $varTokenValue >= $varValue;
                 throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unknown simple token comparison operator "%s".', $strOperator));
     // Parsing stack used to keep track of the nesting level
     // The last item is true if it is inside a matching if-tag
     $arrStack = [true];
     // Tokenize the string into tag and text blocks
     $arrTags = preg_split('/({[^{}]+})\\n?/', $strString, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
     // Parse the tokens
     foreach ($arrTags as $strTag) {
         // true if it is inside a matching if-tag
         $blnCurrent = $arrStack[count($arrStack) - 1];
         if (strncmp($strTag, '{if', 3) === 0) {
             $arrStack[] = $blnCurrent && $evaluateExpression(substr($strTag, 4, -1));
         } elseif (strncmp($strTag, '{elseif', 7) === 0) {
             $arrStack[] = !$blnCurrent && $arrStack[count($arrStack) - 1] && $evaluateExpression(substr($strTag, 8, -1));
         } elseif (strncmp($strTag, '{else}', 6) === 0) {
             $arrStack[] = !$blnCurrent && $arrStack[count($arrStack) - 1];
         } elseif (strncmp($strTag, '{endif}', 7) === 0) {
         } elseif ($blnCurrent) {
             $strReturn .= $replaceTokens($strTag);
     // Throw an exception if there is an error
     if (count($arrStack) !== 1) {
         throw new \Exception('Error parsing simple tokens');
     return $strReturn;
  * Generate the module
 protected function compile()
     /** @var PageModel $objPage */
     global $objPage;
     $this->import('FrontendUser', 'User');
     $GLOBALS['TL_LANGUAGE'] = $objPage->language;
     // Old password widget
     $arrFields['oldPassword'] = array('name' => 'oldpassword', 'label' => &$GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['oldPassword'], 'inputType' => 'text', 'eval' => array('mandatory' => true, 'preserveTags' => true, 'hideInput' => true));
     // New password widget
     $arrFields['newPassword'] = $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_member']['fields']['password'];
     $arrFields['newPassword']['name'] = 'password';
     $arrFields['newPassword']['label'] =& $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['newPassword'];
     $row = 0;
     $strFields = '';
     $doNotSubmit = false;
     $objMember = \MemberModel::findByPk($this->User->id);
     $strFormId = 'tl_change_password_' . $this->id;
     $flashBag = \System::getContainer()->get('session')->getFlashBag();
     $strTable = $objMember->getTable();
     // Initialize the versioning (see #8301)
     $objVersions = new \Versions($strTable, $objMember->id);
     /** @var FormTextField $objOldPassword */
     $objOldPassword = null;
     /** @var FormPassword $objNewPassword */
     $objNewPassword = null;
     // Initialize the widgets
     foreach ($arrFields as $strKey => $arrField) {
         /** @var Widget $strClass */
         $strClass = $GLOBALS['TL_FFL'][$arrField['inputType']];
         // Continue if the class is not defined
         if (!class_exists($strClass)) {
         $arrField['eval']['required'] = $arrField['eval']['mandatory'];
         /** @var Widget $objWidget */
         $objWidget = new $strClass($strClass::getAttributesFromDca($arrField, $arrField['name']));
         $objWidget->storeValues = true;
         $objWidget->rowClass = 'row_' . $row . ($row == 0 ? ' row_first' : '') . ($row % 2 == 0 ? ' even' : ' odd');
         // Increase the row count if it is a password field
         if ($objWidget instanceof FormPassword) {
             $objWidget->rowClassConfirm = 'row_' . ++$row . ($row % 2 == 0 ? ' even' : ' odd');
         // Store the widget objects
         $strVar = 'obj' . ucfirst($strKey);
         ${$strVar} = $objWidget;
         // Validate the widget
         if (\Input::post('FORM_SUBMIT') == $strFormId) {
             // Validate the old password
             if ($strKey == 'oldPassword') {
                 if (\Encryption::test($objMember->password)) {
                     $blnAuthenticated = \Encryption::verify($objWidget->value, $objMember->password);
                 } else {
                     list($strPassword, $strSalt) = explode(':', $objMember->password);
                     $blnAuthenticated = $strSalt == '' ? $strPassword === sha1($objWidget->value) : $strPassword === sha1($strSalt . $objWidget->value);
                 if (!$blnAuthenticated) {
                     $objWidget->value = '';
                     // Wait 2 seconds while brute forcing :)
             if ($objWidget->hasErrors()) {
                 $doNotSubmit = true;
         $strFields .= $objWidget->parse();
     $this->Template->fields = $strFields;
     $this->Template->hasError = $doNotSubmit;
     // Store the new password
     if (\Input::post('FORM_SUBMIT') == $strFormId && !$doNotSubmit) {
         $objMember->tstamp = time();
         $objMember->password = $objNewPassword->value;
         // Create a new version
         if ($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$strTable]['config']['enableVersioning']) {
         // HOOK: set new password callback
         if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['setNewPassword']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['setNewPassword'])) {
             foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['setNewPassword'] as $callback) {
                 $this->{$callback[0]}->{$callback[1]}($objMember, $objNewPassword->value, $this);
         // Check whether there is a jumpTo page
         if (($objJumpTo = $this->objModel->getRelated('jumpTo')) instanceof PageModel) {
         $flashBag->set('mod_change_password_confirm', $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['newPasswordSet']);
     // Confirmation message
     if ($flashBag->has('mod_change_password_confirm')) {
         $arrMessages = $flashBag->get('mod_change_password_confirm');
         $this->Template->message = $arrMessages[0];
     $this->Template->formId = $strFormId;
     $this->Template->action = \Environment::get('indexFreeRequest');
     $this->Template->slabel = \StringUtil::specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['changePassword']);
     $this->Template->rowLast = 'row_' . $row . ' row_last' . ($row % 2 == 0 ? ' even' : ' odd');
  * @return array
 protected function listDataContainerArrayFiles()
     $arrFiles = array();
     $arrActiveModules = System::getContainer()->get('kernel.bundles')->getActive();
     // Parse all active modules
     foreach ($arrActiveModules as $strModule) {
         $strDir = 'system/modules/' . $strModule . '/dca';
         if (!is_dir(TL_ROOT . '/' . $strDir)) {
         foreach (scan(TL_ROOT . '/' . $strDir) as $strFile) {
             // Ignore non PHP files and files which have been included before
             if (strncmp($strFile, '.', 1) === 0 || substr($strFile, -4) != '.php' || in_array($strFile, $arrFiles)) {
             $arrFiles[] = substr($strFile, 0, -4);
     return $arrFiles;
  * Send the activation mail
  * @param array $arrData
 protected function sendActivationMail($arrData)
     // Prepare the simple token data
     $arrTokenData = $arrData;
     $arrTokenData['domain'] = \Idna::decode(\Environment::get('host'));
     $arrTokenData['link'] = \Idna::decode(\Environment::get('base')) . \Environment::get('request') . (strpos(\Environment::get('request'), '?') !== false ? '&' : '?') . 'token=' . $arrData['activation'];
     $arrTokenData['channels'] = '';
     $bundles = \System::getContainer()->getParameter('kernel.bundles');
     if (isset($bundles['ContaoNewsletterBundle'])) {
         // Make sure newsletter is an array
         if (!is_array($arrData['newsletter'])) {
             if ($arrData['newsletter'] != '') {
                 $arrData['newsletter'] = array($arrData['newsletter']);
             } else {
                 $arrData['newsletter'] = array();
         // Replace the wildcard
         if (!empty($arrData['newsletter'])) {
             $objChannels = \NewsletterChannelModel::findByIds($arrData['newsletter']);
             if ($objChannels !== null) {
                 $arrTokenData['channels'] = implode("\n", $objChannels->fetchEach('title'));
     // Deprecated since Contao 4.0, to be removed in Contao 5.0
     $arrTokenData['channel'] = $arrTokenData['channels'];
     $objEmail = new \Email();
     $objEmail->from = $GLOBALS['TL_ADMIN_EMAIL'];
     $objEmail->fromName = $GLOBALS['TL_ADMIN_NAME'];
     $objEmail->subject = sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['emailSubject'], \Idna::decode(\Environment::get('host')));
     $objEmail->text = \StringUtil::parseSimpleTokens($this->reg_text, $arrTokenData);
Exemple #23
  * Run the controller and parse the template
  * @return Response
 public function run()
     /** @var SessionInterface $objSession */
     $objSession = \System::getContainer()->get('session');
     /** @var BackendTemplate|object $objTemplate */
     $objTemplate = new \BackendTemplate('be_picker');
     $objTemplate->main = '';
     // Ajax request
     if ($_POST && \Environment::get('isAjaxRequest')) {
         $this->objAjax = new \Ajax(\Input::post('action'));
     $strTable = \Input::get('table');
     $strField = \Input::get('field');
     // Define the current ID
     define('CURRENT_ID', \Input::get('table') ? $objSession->get('CURRENT_ID') : \Input::get('id'));
     $strDriver = 'DC_' . $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$strTable]['config']['dataContainer'];
     $objDca = new $strDriver($strTable);
     $objDca->field = $strField;
     // Set the active record
     if ($this->Database->tableExists($strTable)) {
         /** @var Model $strModel */
         $strModel = \Model::getClassFromTable($strTable);
         if (class_exists($strModel)) {
             $objModel = $strModel::findByPk(\Input::get('id'));
             if ($objModel !== null) {
                 $objDca->activeRecord = $objModel;
     // AJAX request
     if ($_POST && \Environment::get('isAjaxRequest')) {
     $objSession->set('filePickerRef', \Environment::get('request'));
     $arrValues = array_filter(explode(',', \Input::get('value')));
     // Convert UUIDs to binary
     foreach ($arrValues as $k => $v) {
         // Can be a UUID or a path
         if (\Validator::isStringUuid($v)) {
             $arrValues[$k] = \StringUtil::uuidToBin($v);
     // Call the load_callback
     if (is_array($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$strTable]['fields'][$strField]['load_callback'])) {
         foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$strTable]['fields'][$strField]['load_callback'] as $callback) {
             if (is_array($callback)) {
                 $arrValues = $this->{$callback[0]}->{$callback[1]}($arrValues, $objDca);
             } elseif (is_callable($callback)) {
                 $arrValues = $callback($arrValues, $objDca);
     /** @var FileSelector $strClass */
     $strClass = $GLOBALS['BE_FFL']['fileSelector'];
     /** @var FileSelector $objFileTree */
     $objFileTree = new $strClass($strClass::getAttributesFromDca($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$strTable]['fields'][$strField], $strField, $arrValues, $strField, $strTable, $objDca));
     /** @var AttributeBagInterface $objSessionBag */
     $objSessionBag = $objSession->getBag('contao_backend');
     $objTemplate->main = $objFileTree->generate();
     $objTemplate->theme = \Backend::getTheme();
     $objTemplate->base = \Environment::get('base');
     $objTemplate->language = $GLOBALS['TL_LANGUAGE'];
     $objTemplate->title = specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['filepicker']);
     $objTemplate->charset = \Config::get('characterSet');
     $objTemplate->addSearch = true;
     $objTemplate->search = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['search'];
     $objTemplate->searchExclude = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['searchExclude'];
     $objTemplate->action = ampersand(\Environment::get('request'));
     $objTemplate->value = $objSessionBag->get('file_selector_search');
     $objTemplate->manager = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['fileManager'];
     $objTemplate->managerHref = 'contao/main.php?do=files&amp;popup=1';
     $objTemplate->breadcrumb = $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_files']['list']['sorting']['breadcrumb'];
     if (\Input::get('switch')) {
         $objTemplate->switch = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['pagePicker'];
         $objTemplate->switchHref = str_replace('contao/file?', 'contao/page?', ampersand(\Environment::get('request')));
     return $objTemplate->getResponse();
  * Add the template output to the cache and add the cache headers
 protected function addToCache()
     /** @var PageModel $objPage */
     global $objPage;
     $intCache = 0;
     // Decide whether the page shall be cached
     if (!isset($_GET['file']) && !isset($_GET['token']) && empty($_POST) && !BE_USER_LOGGED_IN && !FE_USER_LOGGED_IN && !$_SESSION['DISABLE_CACHE'] && !isset($_SESSION['LOGIN_ERROR']) && !\Message::hasMessages() && intval($objPage->cache) > 0 && !$objPage->protected) {
         $intCache = time() + intval($objPage->cache);
     // Server-side cache
     if ($intCache > 0 && (\Config::get('cacheMode') == 'both' || \Config::get('cacheMode') == 'server')) {
         // If the request string is empty, use a special cache tag which considers the page language
         if (\Environment::get('relativeRequest') == '') {
             $strCacheKey = \Environment::get('host') . '/empty.' . $objPage->language;
         } else {
             $strCacheKey = \Environment::get('host') . '/' . \Environment::get('relativeRequest');
         // HOOK: add custom logic
         if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getCacheKey']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getCacheKey'])) {
             foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getCacheKey'] as $callback) {
                 $strCacheKey = $this->{$callback[0]}->{$callback[1]}($strCacheKey);
         // Add a suffix if there is a mobile layout (see #7826)
         if ($objPage->mobileLayout > 0) {
             if (\Input::cookie('TL_VIEW') == 'mobile' || \Environment::get('agent')->mobile && \Input::cookie('TL_VIEW') != 'desktop') {
                 $strCacheKey .= '.mobile';
             } else {
                 $strCacheKey .= '.desktop';
         // Replace insert tags for caching
         $strBuffer = $this->replaceInsertTags($this->strBuffer);
         $strBuffer = $this->replaceDynamicScriptTags($strBuffer);
         // see #4203
         // Add the cache file header
         $strHeader = sprintf("<?php /* %s */ \$expire = %d; \$content = %s; \$type = %s; \$files = %s; \$assets = %s; ?>\n", $strCacheKey, (int) $intCache, var_export($this->strContentType, true), var_export($objPage->type, true), var_export(TL_FILES_URL, true), var_export(TL_ASSETS_URL, true));
         $strCachePath = str_replace(TL_ROOT . '/', '', \System::getContainer()->getParameter('kernel.cache_dir'));
         // Create the cache file
         $strMd5CacheKey = md5($strCacheKey);
         $objFile = new \File($strCachePath . '/contao/html/' . substr($strMd5CacheKey, 0, 1) . '/' . $strMd5CacheKey . '.html');
         $objFile->append($this->minifyHtml($strBuffer), '');
     // Client-side cache
     if (!headers_sent()) {
         if ($intCache > 0 && (\Config::get('cacheMode') == 'both' || \Config::get('cacheMode') == 'browser')) {
             header('Cache-Control: private, max-age=' . ($intCache - time()));
             header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time()) . ' GMT');
             header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $intCache) . ' GMT');
         } else {
             header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
             header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT');
             header('Expires: Fri, 06 Jun 1975 15:10:00 GMT');
  * Recursively render the filetree
  * @param string  $path
  * @param integer $intMargin
  * @param boolean $mount
  * @param boolean $blnProtected
  * @param array   $arrFound
  * @return string
 protected function renderFiletree($path, $intMargin, $mount = false, $blnProtected = true, $arrFound = array())
     // Invalid path
     if (!is_dir($path)) {
         return '';
     // Make sure that $this->varValue is an array (see #3369)
     if (!is_array($this->varValue)) {
         $this->varValue = array($this->varValue);
     static $session;
     /** @var AttributeBagInterface $objSessionBag */
     $objSessionBag = \System::getContainer()->get('session')->getBag('contao_backend');
     $session = $objSessionBag->all();
     $flag = substr($this->strField, 0, 2);
     $node = 'tree_' . $this->strTable . '_' . $this->strField;
     $xtnode = 'tree_' . $this->strTable . '_' . $this->strName;
     // Get session data and toggle nodes
     if (\Input::get($flag . 'tg')) {
         $session[$node][\Input::get($flag . 'tg')] = isset($session[$node][\Input::get($flag . 'tg')]) && $session[$node][\Input::get($flag . 'tg')] == 1 ? 0 : 1;
         $this->redirect(preg_replace('/(&(amp;)?|\\?)' . $flag . 'tg=[^& ]*/i', '', \Environment::get('request')));
     $return = '';
     $intSpacing = 20;
     $files = array();
     $folders = array();
     $level = $intMargin / $intSpacing + 1;
     // Mount folder
     if ($mount) {
         $folders = array($path);
     } else {
         foreach (scan($path) as $v) {
             if (strncmp($v, '.', 1) === 0) {
             if (is_dir($path . '/' . $v)) {
                 $folders[] = $path . '/' . $v;
             } else {
                 $files[] = $path . '/' . $v;
     $folders = array_values($folders);
     $files = array_values($files);
     // Sort descending (see #4072)
     if ($this->sort == 'desc') {
         $folders = array_reverse($folders);
         $files = array_reverse($files);
     $folderClass = $this->files || $this->filesOnly ? 'tl_folder' : 'tl_file';
     // Process folders
     for ($f = 0, $c = count($folders); $f < $c; $f++) {
         $content = scan($folders[$f]);
         $currentFolder = str_replace(TL_ROOT . '/', '', $folders[$f]);
         $countFiles = count($content);
         // Check whether there are subfolders or files
         foreach ($content as $file) {
             if (strncmp($file, '.', 1) === 0) {
             } elseif (!$this->files && !$this->filesOnly && is_file($folders[$f] . '/' . $file)) {
             } elseif (!empty($arrFound) && !in_array($currentFolder . '/' . $file, $arrFound) && !preg_grep('/^' . preg_quote($currentFolder . '/' . $file, '/') . '\\//', $arrFound)) {
         if (!empty($arrFound) && $countFiles < 1 && !in_array($currentFolder, $arrFound)) {
         $tid = md5($folders[$f]);
         $folderAttribute = 'style="margin-left:20px"';
         $session[$node][$tid] = is_numeric($session[$node][$tid]) ? $session[$node][$tid] : 0;
         $currentFolder = str_replace(TL_ROOT . '/', '', $folders[$f]);
         $blnIsOpen = !empty($arrFound) || $session[$node][$tid] == 1 || count(preg_grep('/^' . preg_quote($currentFolder, '/') . '\\//', $this->varValue)) > 0;
         $return .= "\n    " . '<li class="' . $folderClass . ' toggle_select hover-div"><div class="tl_left" style="padding-left:' . $intMargin . 'px">';
         // Add a toggle button if there are childs
         if ($countFiles > 0) {
             $folderAttribute = '';
             $img = $blnIsOpen ? 'folMinus.svg' : 'folPlus.svg';
             $alt = $blnIsOpen ? $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['collapseNode'] : $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['expandNode'];
             $return .= '<a href="' . \Backend::addToUrl($flag . 'tg=' . $tid) . '" title="' . \StringUtil::specialchars($alt) . '" onclick="return AjaxRequest.toggleFiletree(this,\'' . $xtnode . '_' . $tid . '\',\'' . $currentFolder . '\',\'' . $this->strField . '\',\'' . $this->strName . '\',' . $level . ')">' . \Image::getHtml($img, '', 'style="margin-right:2px"') . '</a>';
         $protected = $blnProtected;
         // Check whether the folder is public
         if ($protected === true && array_search('.public', $content) !== false) {
             $protected = false;
         $folderImg = $protected ? 'folderCP.svg' : 'folderC.svg';
         $folderLabel = $this->files || $this->filesOnly ? '<strong>' . \StringUtil::specialchars(basename($currentFolder)) . '</strong>' : \StringUtil::specialchars(basename($currentFolder));
         // Add the current folder
         $return .= \Image::getHtml($folderImg, '', $folderAttribute) . ' <a href="' . \Backend::addToUrl('fn=' . $this->urlEncode($currentFolder)) . '" title="' . \StringUtil::specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['selectNode']) . '">' . $folderLabel . '</a></div> <div class="tl_right">';
         // Add a checkbox or radio button
         if (!$this->filesOnly) {
             switch ($this->fieldType) {
                 case 'checkbox':
                     $return .= '<input type="checkbox" name="' . $this->strName . '[]" id="' . $this->strName . '_' . md5($currentFolder) . '" class="tl_tree_checkbox" value="' . \StringUtil::specialchars($currentFolder) . '" onfocus="Backend.getScrollOffset()"' . $this->optionChecked($currentFolder, $this->varValue) . '>';
                 case 'radio':
                     $return .= '<input type="radio" name="' . $this->strName . '" id="' . $this->strName . '_' . md5($currentFolder) . '" class="tl_tree_radio" value="' . \StringUtil::specialchars($currentFolder) . '" onfocus="Backend.getScrollOffset()"' . $this->optionChecked($currentFolder, $this->varValue) . '>';
         $return .= '</div><div style="clear:both"></div></li>';
         // Call the next node
         if ($blnIsOpen) {
             $return .= '<li class="parent" id="' . $xtnode . '_' . $tid . '"><ul class="level_' . $level . '">';
             $return .= $this->renderFiletree($folders[$f], $intMargin + $intSpacing, false, $protected, $arrFound);
             $return .= '</ul></li>';
     // Process files
     if ($this->files || $this->filesOnly) {
         for ($h = 0, $c = count($files); $h < $c; $h++) {
             $thumbnail = '';
             $currentFile = str_replace(TL_ROOT . '/', '', $files[$h]);
             $currentEncoded = $this->urlEncode($currentFile);
             $objFile = new \File($currentFile);
             if (!empty($this->arrValidFileTypes) && !in_array($objFile->extension, $this->arrValidFileTypes)) {
             // Ignore files not matching the search criteria
             if (!empty($arrFound) && !in_array($currentFile, $arrFound)) {
             $return .= "\n    " . '<li class="tl_file toggle_select hover-div"><div class="tl_left" style="padding-left:' . ($intMargin + $intSpacing) . 'px">';
             $thumbnail .= ' <span class="tl_gray">(' . $this->getReadableSize($objFile->filesize);
             if ($objFile->width && $objFile->height) {
                 $thumbnail .= ', ' . $objFile->width . 'x' . $objFile->height . ' px';
             $thumbnail .= ')</span>';
             // Generate thumbnail
             if ($objFile->isImage && $objFile->viewHeight > 0 && \Config::get('thumbnails') && ($objFile->isSvgImage || $objFile->height <= \Config::get('gdMaxImgHeight') && $objFile->width <= \Config::get('gdMaxImgWidth'))) {
                 $imageObj = \Image::create($currentEncoded, array(400, $objFile->height && $objFile->height < 50 ? $objFile->height : 50, 'box'));
                 $importantPart = $imageObj->getImportantPart();
                 $thumbnail .= '<br>' . \Image::getHtml($imageObj->executeResize()->getResizedPath(), '', 'style="margin:0 0 2px -19px"');
                 if ($importantPart['x'] > 0 || $importantPart['y'] > 0 || $importantPart['width'] < $objFile->width || $importantPart['height'] < $objFile->height) {
                     $thumbnail .= ' ' . \Image::getHtml($imageObj->setZoomLevel(100)->setTargetWidth(320)->setTargetHeight($objFile->height && $objFile->height < 40 ? $objFile->height : 40)->executeResize()->getResizedPath(), '', 'style="margin:0 0 2px 0;vertical-align:bottom"');
             $return .= \Image::getHtml($objFile->icon, $objFile->mime) . ' ' . \StringUtil::convertEncoding(\StringUtil::specialchars(basename($currentFile)), \Config::get('characterSet')) . $thumbnail . '</div> <div class="tl_right">';
             // Add checkbox or radio button
             switch ($this->fieldType) {
                 case 'checkbox':
                     $return .= '<input type="checkbox" name="' . $this->strName . '[]" id="' . $this->strName . '_' . md5($currentFile) . '" class="tl_tree_checkbox" value="' . \StringUtil::specialchars($currentFile) . '" onfocus="Backend.getScrollOffset()"' . $this->optionChecked($currentFile, $this->varValue) . '>';
                 case 'radio':
                     $return .= '<input type="radio" name="' . $this->strName . '" id="' . $this->strName . '_' . md5($currentFile) . '" class="tl_tree_radio" value="' . \StringUtil::specialchars($currentFile) . '" onfocus="Backend.getScrollOffset()"' . $this->optionChecked($currentFile, $this->varValue) . '>';
             $return .= '</div><div style="clear:both"></div></li>';
     return $return;
  * Generate the module
 protected function compile()
     /** @var PageModel $objPage */
     global $objPage;
     $this->Template->event = '';
     $this->Template->referer = 'javascript:history.go(-1)';
     $this->Template->back = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['goBack'];
     // Get the current event
     $objEvent = \CalendarEventsModel::findPublishedByParentAndIdOrAlias(\Input::get('events'), $this->cal_calendar);
     if (null === $objEvent) {
         throw new PageNotFoundException('Page not found: ' . \Environment::get('uri'));
     // Overwrite the page title (see #2853 and #4955)
     if ($objEvent->title != '') {
         $objPage->pageTitle = strip_tags(\StringUtil::stripInsertTags($objEvent->title));
     // Overwrite the page description
     if ($objEvent->teaser != '') {
         $objPage->description = $this->prepareMetaDescription($objEvent->teaser);
     $intStartTime = $objEvent->startTime;
     $intEndTime = $objEvent->endTime;
     $span = \Calendar::calculateSpan($intStartTime, $intEndTime);
     // Do not show dates in the past if the event is recurring (see #923)
     if ($objEvent->recurring) {
         $arrRange = \StringUtil::deserialize($objEvent->repeatEach);
         if (is_array($arrRange) && isset($arrRange['unit']) && isset($arrRange['value'])) {
             while ($intStartTime < time() && $intEndTime < $objEvent->repeatEnd) {
                 $intStartTime = strtotime('+' . $arrRange['value'] . ' ' . $arrRange['unit'], $intStartTime);
                 $intEndTime = strtotime('+' . $arrRange['value'] . ' ' . $arrRange['unit'], $intEndTime);
     $strDate = \Date::parse($objPage->dateFormat, $intStartTime);
     if ($span > 0) {
         $strDate = \Date::parse($objPage->dateFormat, $intStartTime) . ' – ' . \Date::parse($objPage->dateFormat, $intEndTime);
     $strTime = '';
     if ($objEvent->addTime) {
         if ($span > 0) {
             $strDate = \Date::parse($objPage->datimFormat, $intStartTime) . ' – ' . \Date::parse($objPage->datimFormat, $intEndTime);
         } elseif ($intStartTime == $intEndTime) {
             $strTime = \Date::parse($objPage->timeFormat, $intStartTime);
         } else {
             $strTime = \Date::parse($objPage->timeFormat, $intStartTime) . ' – ' . \Date::parse($objPage->timeFormat, $intEndTime);
     $until = '';
     $recurring = '';
     // Recurring event
     if ($objEvent->recurring) {
         $arrRange = \StringUtil::deserialize($objEvent->repeatEach);
         if (is_array($arrRange) && isset($arrRange['unit']) && isset($arrRange['value'])) {
             $strKey = 'cal_' . $arrRange['unit'];
             $recurring = sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC'][$strKey], $arrRange['value']);
             if ($objEvent->recurrences > 0) {
                 $until = sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['cal_until'], \Date::parse($objPage->dateFormat, $objEvent->repeatEnd));
     /** @var FrontendTemplate|object $objTemplate */
     $objTemplate = new \FrontendTemplate($this->cal_template);
     $objTemplate->date = $strDate;
     $objTemplate->time = $strTime;
     $objTemplate->datetime = $objEvent->addTime ? date('Y-m-d\\TH:i:sP', $intStartTime) : date('Y-m-d', $intStartTime);
     $objTemplate->begin = $intStartTime;
     $objTemplate->end = $intEndTime;
     $objTemplate->class = $objEvent->cssClass != '' ? ' ' . $objEvent->cssClass : '';
     $objTemplate->recurring = $recurring;
     $objTemplate->until = $until;
     $objTemplate->locationLabel = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['location'];
     $objTemplate->details = '';
     $objTemplate->hasDetails = false;
     $objTemplate->hasTeaser = false;
     // Clean the RTE output
     if ($objEvent->teaser != '') {
         $objTemplate->hasTeaser = true;
         $objTemplate->teaser = \StringUtil::toHtml5($objEvent->teaser);
         $objTemplate->teaser = \StringUtil::encodeEmail($objTemplate->teaser);
     // Display the "read more" button for external/article links
     if ($objEvent->source != 'default') {
         $objTemplate->details = true;
         $objTemplate->hasDetails = true;
     } else {
         $id = $objEvent->id;
         $objTemplate->details = function () use($id) {
             $strDetails = '';
             $objElement = \ContentModel::findPublishedByPidAndTable($id, 'tl_calendar_events');
             if ($objElement !== null) {
                 while ($objElement->next()) {
                     $strDetails .= $this->getContentElement($objElement->current());
             return $strDetails;
         $objTemplate->hasDetails = function () use($id) {
             return \ContentModel::countPublishedByPidAndTable($id, 'tl_calendar_events') > 0;
     $objTemplate->addImage = false;
     // Add an image
     if ($objEvent->addImage && $objEvent->singleSRC != '') {
         $objModel = \FilesModel::findByUuid($objEvent->singleSRC);
         if ($objModel !== null && is_file(TL_ROOT . '/' . $objModel->path)) {
             // Do not override the field now that we have a model registry (see #6303)
             $arrEvent = $objEvent->row();
             // Override the default image size
             if ($this->imgSize != '') {
                 $size = \StringUtil::deserialize($this->imgSize);
                 if ($size[0] > 0 || $size[1] > 0 || is_numeric($size[2])) {
                     $arrEvent['size'] = $this->imgSize;
             $arrEvent['singleSRC'] = $objModel->path;
             $this->addImageToTemplate($objTemplate, $arrEvent);
     $objTemplate->enclosure = array();
     // Add enclosures
     if ($objEvent->addEnclosure) {
         $this->addEnclosuresToTemplate($objTemplate, $objEvent->row());
     $this->Template->event = $objTemplate->parse();
     $bundles = \System::getContainer()->getParameter('kernel.bundles');
     // HOOK: comments extension required
     if ($objEvent->noComments || !isset($bundles['ContaoCommentsBundle'])) {
         $this->Template->allowComments = false;
     /** @var CalendarModel $objCalendar */
     $objCalendar = $objEvent->getRelated('pid');
     $this->Template->allowComments = $objCalendar->allowComments;
     // Comments are not allowed
     if (!$objCalendar->allowComments) {
     // Adjust the comments headline level
     $intHl = min(intval(str_replace('h', '', $this->hl)), 5);
     $this->Template->hlc = 'h' . ($intHl + 1);
     $arrNotifies = array();
     // Notify the system administrator
     if ($objCalendar->notify != 'notify_author') {
         $arrNotifies[] = $GLOBALS['TL_ADMIN_EMAIL'];
     // Notify the author
     if ($objCalendar->notify != 'notify_admin') {
         /** @var UserModel $objAuthor */
         if (($objAuthor = $objEvent->getRelated('author')) instanceof UserModel && $objAuthor->email != '') {
             $arrNotifies[] = $objAuthor->email;
     $objConfig = new \stdClass();
     $objConfig->perPage = $objCalendar->perPage;
     $objConfig->order = $objCalendar->sortOrder;
     $objConfig->template = $this->com_template;
     $objConfig->requireLogin = $objCalendar->requireLogin;
     $objConfig->disableCaptcha = $objCalendar->disableCaptcha;
     $objConfig->bbcode = $objCalendar->bbcode;
     $objConfig->moderate = $objCalendar->moderate;
     $this->Comments->addCommentsToTemplate($this->Template, $objConfig, 'tl_calendar_events', $objEvent->id, $arrNotifies);
Exemple #27
     * Add a breadcrumb menu to the file tree
     * @param string $strKey
     * @throws AccessDeniedException
     * @throws \RuntimeException
    public static function addFilesBreadcrumb($strKey = 'tl_files_node')
        /** @var AttributeBagInterface $objSession */
        $objSession = \System::getContainer()->get('session')->getBag('contao_backend');
        // Set a new node
        if (isset($_GET['fn'])) {
            // Check the path (thanks to Arnaud Buchoux)
            if (\Validator::isInsecurePath(\Input::get('fn', true))) {
                throw new \RuntimeException('Insecure path ' . \Input::get('fn', true));
            $objSession->set($strKey, \Input::get('fn', true));
            \Controller::redirect(preg_replace('/(&|\\?)fn=[^&]*/', '', \Environment::get('request')));
        $strNode = $objSession->get($strKey);
        if ($strNode == '') {
        // Check the path (thanks to Arnaud Buchoux)
        if (\Validator::isInsecurePath($strNode)) {
            throw new \RuntimeException('Insecure path ' . $strNode);
        // Currently selected folder does not exist
        if (!is_dir(TL_ROOT . '/' . $strNode)) {
            $objSession->set($strKey, '');
        $objUser = \BackendUser::getInstance();
        $strPath = \Config::get('uploadPath');
        $arrNodes = explode('/', preg_replace('/^' . preg_quote(\Config::get('uploadPath'), '/') . '\\//', '', $strNode));
        $arrLinks = array();
        // Add root link
        $arrLinks[] = \Image::getHtml('filemounts.svg') . ' <a href="' . \Backend::addToUrl('fn=') . '" title="' . \StringUtil::specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['selectAllNodes']) . '">' . $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['filterAll'] . '</a>';
        // Generate breadcrumb trail
        foreach ($arrNodes as $strFolder) {
            $strPath .= '/' . $strFolder;
            // Do not show pages which are not mounted
            if (!$objUser->hasAccess($strPath, 'filemounts')) {
            // No link for the active folder
            if ($strPath == $strNode) {
                $arrLinks[] = \Image::getHtml('folderC.svg') . ' ' . $strFolder;
            } else {
                $arrLinks[] = \Image::getHtml('folderC.svg') . ' <a href="' . \Backend::addToUrl('fn=' . $strPath) . '" title="' . \StringUtil::specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['selectNode']) . '">' . $strFolder . '</a>';
        // Check whether the node is mounted
        if (!$objUser->hasAccess($strNode, 'filemounts')) {
            $objSession->set($strKey, '');
            throw new AccessDeniedException('Folder ID "' . $strNode . '" is not mounted');
        // Limit tree
        $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_files']['list']['sorting']['root'] = array($strNode);
        // Insert breadcrumb menu
        $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_files']['list']['sorting']['breadcrumb'] .= '

<ul id="tl_breadcrumb">
  <li>' . implode(' &gt; </li><li>', $arrLinks) . '</li>
Exemple #28
  * Disable the profile
 private function disableProfiler()
     $container = \System::getContainer();
     if ($container->has('profiler')) {
  * Compiles the command required to update the database.
 private function compileCommands()
     $return = ['CREATE' => [], 'ALTER_CHANGE' => [], 'ALTER_ADD' => [], 'DROP' => [], 'ALTER_DROP' => []];
     $fromSchema = $this->connection->getSchemaManager()->createSchema();
     $toSchema = System::getContainer()->get('contao.doctrine.schema_provider')->createSchema();
     $diff = $fromSchema->getMigrateToSql($toSchema, $this->connection->getDatabasePlatform());
     foreach ($diff as $sql) {
         switch (true) {
             case 0 === strpos($sql, 'CREATE TABLE '):
                 $return['CREATE'][md5($sql)] = $sql;
             case 0 === strpos($sql, 'DROP TABLE '):
                 $return['DROP'][md5($sql)] = $sql;
             case 0 === strpos($sql, 'CREATE INDEX '):
             case 0 === strpos($sql, 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX '):
             case 0 === strpos($sql, 'CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX '):
                 $return['ALTER_ADD'][md5($sql)] = $sql;
             case 0 === strpos($sql, 'DROP INDEX'):
                 $return['ALTER_CHANGE'][md5($sql)] = $sql;
             case preg_match('/^(ALTER TABLE [^ ]+) /', $sql, $matches):
                 $prefix = $matches[1];
                 $sql = substr($sql, strlen($prefix));
                 $parts = array_map('trim', explode(',', $sql));
                 foreach ($parts as $part) {
                     $command = $prefix . ' ' . $part;
                     switch (true) {
                         case 0 === strpos($part, 'DROP '):
                             $return['ALTER_DROP'][md5($command)] = $command;
                         case 0 === strpos($part, 'ADD '):
                             $return['ALTER_ADD'][md5($command)] = $command;
                         case 0 === strpos($part, 'CHANGE '):
                         case 0 === strpos($part, 'RENAME '):
                             $return['ALTER_CHANGE'][md5($command)] = $command;
                             throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Unsupported SQL schema diff: %s', $command));
                 throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Unsupported SQL schema diff: %s', $sql));
     $this->commands = array_filter($return);
Exemple #30
  * Ajax actions that do not require a data container object
 public function executePreActions()
     /** @var AttributeBagInterface $objSessionBag */
     $objSessionBag = \System::getContainer()->get('session')->getBag('contao_backend');
     switch ($this->strAction) {
         // Toggle navigation menu
         case 'toggleNavigation':
             $bemod = $objSessionBag->get('backend_modules');
             $bemod[\Input::post('id')] = intval(\Input::post('state'));
             $objSessionBag->set('backend_modules', $bemod);
             throw new NoContentResponseException();
             // Load a navigation menu group
         // Load a navigation menu group
         case 'loadNavigation':
             $bemod = $objSessionBag->get('backend_modules');
             $bemod[\Input::post('id')] = intval(\Input::post('state'));
             $objSessionBag->set('backend_modules', $bemod);
             $this->import('BackendUser', 'User');
             /** @var BackendTemplate|object $objTemplate */
             $objTemplate = new \BackendTemplate('be_navigation');
             $navigation = $this->User->navigation();
             $objTemplate->modules = $navigation[\Input::post('id')]['modules'];
             throw new ResponseException($objTemplate->getResponse());
             // Toggle nodes of the file or page tree
         // Toggle nodes of the file or page tree
         case 'toggleStructure':
         case 'toggleFileManager':
         case 'togglePagetree':
         case 'toggleFiletree':
             $this->strAjaxId = preg_replace('/.*_([0-9a-zA-Z]+)$/', '$1', \Input::post('id'));
             $this->strAjaxKey = str_replace('_' . $this->strAjaxId, '', \Input::post('id'));
             if (\Input::get('act') == 'editAll') {
                 $this->strAjaxKey = preg_replace('/(.*)_[0-9a-zA-Z]+$/', '$1', $this->strAjaxKey);
                 $this->strAjaxName = preg_replace('/.*_([0-9a-zA-Z]+)$/', '$1', \Input::post('name'));
             $nodes = $objSessionBag->get($this->strAjaxKey);
             $nodes[$this->strAjaxId] = intval(\Input::post('state'));
             $objSessionBag->set($this->strAjaxKey, $nodes);
             throw new NoContentResponseException();
             // Load nodes of the file or page tree
         // Load nodes of the file or page tree
         case 'loadStructure':
         case 'loadFileManager':
         case 'loadPagetree':
         case 'loadFiletree':
             $this->strAjaxId = preg_replace('/.*_([0-9a-zA-Z]+)$/', '$1', \Input::post('id'));
             $this->strAjaxKey = str_replace('_' . $this->strAjaxId, '', \Input::post('id'));
             if (\Input::get('act') == 'editAll') {
                 $this->strAjaxKey = preg_replace('/(.*)_[0-9a-zA-Z]+$/', '$1', $this->strAjaxKey);
                 $this->strAjaxName = preg_replace('/.*_([0-9a-zA-Z]+)$/', '$1', \Input::post('name'));
             $nodes = $objSessionBag->get($this->strAjaxKey);
             $nodes[$this->strAjaxId] = intval(\Input::post('state'));
             $objSessionBag->set($this->strAjaxKey, $nodes);
             // Toggle the visibility of a fieldset
         // Toggle the visibility of a fieldset
         case 'toggleFieldset':
             $fs = $objSessionBag->get('fieldset_states');
             $fs[\Input::post('table')][\Input::post('id')] = intval(\Input::post('state'));
             $objSessionBag->set('fieldset_states', $fs);
             throw new NoContentResponseException();
             // Toggle checkbox groups
         // Toggle checkbox groups
         case 'toggleCheckboxGroup':
             $state = $objSessionBag->get('checkbox_groups');
             $state[\Input::post('id')] = intval(\Input::post('state'));
             $objSessionBag->set('checkbox_groups', $state);
             // HOOK: pass unknown actions to callback functions
         // HOOK: pass unknown actions to callback functions
             if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['executePreActions']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['executePreActions'])) {
                 foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['executePreActions'] as $callback) {