     * If composer tries to install into a non-empty folder, we risk to effectively erase an existing installation.
     * This is not a composer limitation we can fix - it happens because composer might be using git to download the
     * sources, and git can not clone a repo into a non-empty folder.
     * To prevent this, we adopt the following strategy:
     * - install in a separate, temporary directory
     * - then move over the installed files copying on top of the existing installation
     * @param InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo
     * @param PackageInterface $package
    public function install( InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo, PackageInterface $package )
        $downloadPath = $this->getInstallPath( $package );
        $fileSystem = new Filesystem();
        if ( !is_dir( $downloadPath ) || $fileSystem->isDirEmpty( $downloadPath ) )
            return parent::install( $repo, $package );

        $actualLegacyDir = $this->ezpublishLegacyDir;
        $this->ezpublishLegacyDir = $this->generateTempDirName();
        if ( $this->io->isVerbose() )
            $this->io->write( "Installing in temporary directory." );

        parent::install( $repo, $package );

        /// @todo the following function does not warn of any failures in copying stuff over. We should probably fix it...
        if ( $this->io->isVerbose() )
            $this->io->write( "Updating new code over existing installation." );
        $fileSystem->copyThenRemove( $this->ezpublishLegacyDir, $actualLegacyDir );

        // if parent::install installed binaries, then the resulting shell/bat stubs will not work. We have to redo them
        $this->removeBinaries( $package );
        $this->ezpublishLegacyDir = $actualLegacyDir;
        $this->installBinaries( $package );
  * Isolated event that runs on PRE hooks to cleanup mapped packages
 public function staticsCleanup(Event $event)
     foreach ($this->getStaticPackages() as $package) {
         foreach ($this->getStaticMaps($package->getName()) as $mappingDir => $mappings) {
             $themeRootDir = $this->getRootThemeDir($mappingDir);
             if (!is_dir($themeRootDir)) {
             // Get contents and sort
             $contents = $this->getFullDirectoryListing($themeRootDir);
             $strLengths = array_map('strlen', $contents);
             array_multisort($strLengths, SORT_DESC, $contents);
             // Exception error message
             $errorMsg = sprintf("<error>Failed to remove %s from %s</error>", $package->getName(), $themeRootDir);
             foreach ($contents as $content) {
                 // Remove packages symlinked files/dirs
                 if (is_link($content)) {
                     $this->tryCleanup($content, $errorMsg);
                 // Remove empty folders
                 if (is_dir($content) && $this->filesystem->isDirEmpty($content)) {
                     $this->tryCleanup($content, $errorMsg);
  * @param CommandEvent $event
  * @return bool|void
 public function staticsCleanup(CommandEvent $event)
     foreach ($this->getStaticPackages() as $package) {
         foreach ($this->getStaticMaps($package->getName()) as $mappingDir => $mappings) {
             $mappingDirs = explode('/', $mappingDir);
             $packageRootDir = sprintf('%s/%s/skin/frontend/%s', getcwd(), $this->mageDir, $mappingDirs[0]);
             $themeRootDir = sprintf('%s/%s/skin/frontend/%s', getcwd(), $this->mageDir, $mappingDir);
             if (!is_dir($themeRootDir)) {
             // Get contents and sort
             $contents = $this->getFullDirectoryListing($themeRootDir);
             $strLengths = array_map('strlen', $contents);
             array_multisort($strLengths, SORT_DESC, $contents);
             // Exception error message
             $errorMsg = sprintf("<error>Failed to remove %s from %s</error>", $package->getName(), $packageRootDir);
             foreach ($contents as $content) {
                 // Remove packages symlinked files/dirs
                 if (is_link($content) && strpos($content, $mappingDir) !== false) {
                     $this->tryCleanup($content, $errorMsg);
                 // Remove empty folders
                 if (is_dir($content) && $this->filesystem->isDirEmpty($content)) {
                     $this->tryCleanup($content, $errorMsg);
             // Check if we need to remove package dir
             if (is_dir($packageRootDir) && $this->filesystem->isDirEmpty($packageRootDir)) {
                 $this->tryCleanup(rtrim($packageRootDir, "/"), $errorMsg);
  * UnInstall the extension given the list of install files
  * @param array $files
 public function unInstall(array $files)
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         $file = $this->rootDir . $file;
         because of different reasons the file can be already gone.
         - file got deployed by multiple modules(should only happen with copy force)
         - user did things
         when the file is a symlink, but the target is already gone, file_exists returns false
         if (file_exists($file) xor is_link($file)) {
             $parentDir = dirname($file);
             while ($this->fileSystem->isDirEmpty($parentDir) && $parentDir !== $this->rootDir) {
                 $parentDir = dirname($parentDir);
  * @param string $source
  * @param string $destination
 public function unInstall($source, $destination)
     $iterator = $this->getIterator($source, RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST);
     foreach ($iterator as $item) {
         $destinationFile = sprintf("%s/%s", $destination, $iterator->getSubPathName());
         if ($this->exclude->exclude($iterator->getSubPathName())) {
         if (!file_exists($destinationFile)) {
         if ($item->isDir()) {
             //check if there are not other files in this dir
             if ($this->fileSystem->isDirEmpty($destinationFile)) {
         $this->gitIgnore->removeEntry('/' . $iterator->getSubPathName());
 public function install(InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo, PackageInterface $package)
     $downloadPath = $this->getInstallPath($package);
     $fileSystem = new Filesystem();
     $actualLegacyDir = $this->innomaticLegacyDir;
     $this->innomaticLegacyDir = $this->generateTempDirName();
     if (!is_dir($downloadPath) || $fileSystem->isDirEmpty($downloadPath)) {
         if ($this->io->isVerbose()) {
             $this->io->write("Installing in temporary directory.");
         parent::install($repo, $package);
         if ($this->io->isVerbose()) {
             $this->io->write("Copying to the Innomatic legacy directory.");
         $fileSystem->copyThenRemove($this->innomaticLegacyDir . '/source/', $actualLegacyDir);
         $this->innomaticLegacyDir = $actualLegacyDir;
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function install(InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo, PackageInterface $package)
     $installPath = $this->getInstallPath($package);
     if (!is_dir($installPath) || $this->fileSystem->isDirEmpty($installPath)) {
         return parent::install($repo, $package);
     $actualRootDir = $this->rubedoRootDir;
     $this->rubedoRootDir = $this->generateTempDir();
     if ($this->io->isVerbose()) {
         $this->io->write("Installing in temporary directory.");
     parent::install($repo, $package);
     // Retrieving previous package version
     $oldPkg = false;
     foreach ($repo->getPackages() as $installedPkg) {
         if ($installedPkg->getName() == $package->getName()) {
             $oldPkg = $installedPkg;
     // Retrieving list of package files removed from previous installed version
     $removedFiles = $oldPkg ? $this->getRemovedFiles($package, $oldPkg) : array();
     $this->installRubedoCoreSources($actualRootDir, $removedFiles);
 public function installProject(IOInterface $io, Config $config, $packageName, $directory = null, $packageVersion = null, $stability = 'stable', $preferSource = false, $preferDist = false, $installDevPackages = false, $repositoryUrl = null, $disablePlugins = false, $noScripts = false, $keepVcs = false, $noProgress = false, $noInstall = false, $ignorePlatformReqs = false, InputInterface $input)
     $oldCwd = getcwd();
     // we need to manually load the configuration to pass the auth credentials to the io interface!
     if ($packageName !== null) {
         $installedFromVcs = $this->installRootPackage($io, $config, $packageName, $directory, $packageVersion, $stability, $preferSource, $preferDist, $installDevPackages, $repositoryUrl, $disablePlugins, $noScripts, $keepVcs, $noProgress);
     } else {
         $installedFromVcs = false;
     $composer = Factory::create($io, null, $disablePlugins);
     $fs = new Filesystem();
     if ($noScripts === false) {
         // dispatch event
         $composer->getEventDispatcher()->dispatchScript(ScriptEvents::POST_ROOT_PACKAGE_INSTALL, $installDevPackages);
     $rootPackageConfig = $composer->getConfig();
     $this->updatePreferredOptions($rootPackageConfig, $input, $preferSource, $preferDist);
     // install dependencies of the created project
     if ($noInstall === false) {
         $installer = Installer::create($io, $composer);
         if ($disablePlugins) {
         $status = $installer->run();
         if (0 !== $status) {
             return $status;
     $hasVcs = $installedFromVcs;
     if (!$keepVcs && $installedFromVcs && (!$io->isInteractive() || $io->askConfirmation('<info>Do you want to remove the existing VCS (.git, .svn..) history?</info> [<comment>Y,n</comment>]? ', true))) {
         $finder = new Finder();
         foreach (array('.svn', '_svn', 'CVS', '_darcs', '.arch-params', '.monotone', '.bzr', '.git', '.hg') as $vcsName) {
         try {
             $dirs = iterator_to_array($finder);
             foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
                 if (!$fs->removeDirectory($dir)) {
                     throw new \RuntimeException('Could not remove ' . $dir);
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $io->writeError('<error>An error occurred while removing the VCS metadata: ' . $e->getMessage() . '</error>');
         $hasVcs = false;
     // rewriting self.version dependencies with explicit version numbers if the package's vcs metadata is gone
     if (!$hasVcs) {
         $package = $composer->getPackage();
         $configSource = new JsonConfigSource(new JsonFile('composer.json'));
         foreach (BasePackage::$supportedLinkTypes as $type => $meta) {
             foreach ($package->{'get' . $meta['method']}() as $link) {
                 if ($link->getPrettyConstraint() === 'self.version') {
                     $configSource->addLink($type, $link->getTarget(), $package->getPrettyVersion());
     if ($noScripts === false) {
         // dispatch event
         $composer->getEventDispatcher()->dispatchScript(ScriptEvents::POST_CREATE_PROJECT_CMD, $installDevPackages);
     $vendorComposerDir = $composer->getConfig()->get('vendor-dir') . '/composer';
     if (is_dir($vendorComposerDir) && $fs->isDirEmpty($vendorComposerDir)) {
         $vendorDir = $composer->getConfig()->get('vendor-dir');
         if (is_dir($vendorDir) && $fs->isDirEmpty($vendorDir)) {
     return 0;
  * Uninstalls NodeJS.
  * Note: other classes cannot be loaded here since the package has already been removed.
 private function onUninstall($binDir, $targetDir)
     $fileSystem = new Filesystem();
     if (file_exists($targetDir)) {
         $this->verboseLog("Removing NodeJS local install");
         // Let's remove target directory
         $vendorNodeDir = dirname($targetDir);
         if ($fileSystem->isDirEmpty($vendorNodeDir)) {
     // Now, let's remove the links
     $this->verboseLog("Removing NodeJS and NPM links from Composer bin directory");
     foreach (array("node", "npm", "node.bat", "npm.bat") as $file) {
         $realFile = $binDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file;
         if (file_exists($realFile)) {