Exemple #1
 public function testPrettyString()
     $repo = new ArrayRepository();
     $repo->addPackage($p1 = $this->getPackage('foo', '2.1'));
     $repo->addPackage($p2 = $this->getPackage('baz', '1.1'));
     $rule = new Rule(array($p1->getId(), -$p2->getId()), 'job1', null);
     $this->assertEquals('(don\'t install baz 1.1|install foo 2.1)', $rule->getPrettyString($this->pool));
 public function testToString()
     $repo = new ArrayRepository();
     $repo->addPackage($p1 = $this->getPackage('foo', '2.1'));
     $repo->addPackage($p2 = $this->getPackage('baz', '1.1'));
     $rule = new Rule($this->pool, array($p1->getId(), -$p2->getId()), 'job1', null);
     $this->assertEquals('(-baz-|+foo-', $rule->__toString());
 public function testAutomaticallyAddAliasedPackage()
     $repo = new ArrayRepository();
     $package = $this->getPackage('foo', '1');
     $alias = $this->getAliasPackage($package, '2');
     $this->assertEquals(2, count($repo));
     $this->assertTrue($repo->hasPackage($this->getPackage('foo', '1')));
     $this->assertTrue($repo->hasPackage($this->getPackage('foo', '2')));
Exemple #4
 public function testSolverInstallSamePackageFromDifferentRepositories()
     $repo1 = new ArrayRepository();
     $repo2 = new ArrayRepository();
     $repo1->addPackage($foo1 = $this->getPackage('foo', '1'));
     $repo2->addPackage($foo2 = $this->getPackage('foo', '1'));
     $this->checkSolverResult(array(array('job' => 'install', 'package' => $foo1)));
Exemple #5
 public function testRequestInstallSamePackageFromDifferentRepositories()
     $repo1 = new ArrayRepository();
     $repo2 = new ArrayRepository();
     $foo1 = $this->getPackage('foo', '1');
     $foo2 = $this->getPackage('foo', '1');
     $request = new Request();
     $request->install('foo', $constraint = $this->getVersionConstraint('=', '1'));
     $this->assertEquals(array(array('cmd' => 'install', 'packageName' => 'foo', 'constraint' => $constraint, 'fixed' => false)), $request->getJobs());
Exemple #6
 public function testGetMaxId()
     $pool = new Pool();
     $repository = new ArrayRepository();
     $firstPackage = $this->getPackage('foo', '1');
     $secondPackage = $this->getPackage('foo1', '1');
     $this->assertEquals(0, $pool->getMaxId());
     $this->assertEquals(2, $pool->getMaxId());
 protected function initialize()
     $versionParser = new VersionParser();
     try {
         $prettyVersion = PHP_VERSION;
         $version = $versionParser->normalize($prettyVersion);
     } catch (\UnexpectedValueException $e) {
         $prettyVersion = preg_replace('#^(.+?)(-.+)?$#', '$1', PHP_VERSION);
         $version = $versionParser->normalize($prettyVersion);
     $php = new MemoryPackage('php', $version, $prettyVersion);
     $php->setDescription('The PHP interpreter');
     foreach (get_loaded_extensions() as $name) {
         if (in_array($name, array('standard', 'Core'))) {
         $reflExt = new \ReflectionExtension($name);
         try {
             $prettyVersion = $reflExt->getVersion();
             $version = $versionParser->normalize($prettyVersion);
         } catch (\UnexpectedValueException $e) {
             $prettyVersion = '0';
             $version = $versionParser->normalize($prettyVersion);
         $ext = new MemoryPackage('ext-' . $name, $version, $prettyVersion);
         $ext->setDescription('The ' . $name . ' PHP extension');
Exemple #8
 protected function initialize()
     $this->io->write('Initializing PEAR repository ' . $this->url);
     $this->io->write('Packages names will be prefixed with: pear-' . $this->channel . '/');
     // try to load as a composer repo
     try {
         $json = new JsonFile($this->url . '/packages.json', new RemoteFilesystem($this->io));
         $packages = $json->read();
         if ($this->io->isVerbose()) {
             $this->io->write('Repository is Composer-compatible, loading via packages.json instead of PEAR protocol');
         $loader = new ArrayLoader();
         foreach ($packages as $data) {
             foreach ($data['versions'] as $rev) {
                 if (strpos($rev['name'], 'pear-' . $this->channel) !== 0) {
                     $rev['name'] = 'pear-' . $this->channel . '/' . $rev['name'];
                 if ($this->io->isVerbose()) {
                     $this->io->write('Loaded ' . $rev['name'] . ' ' . $rev['version']);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
  * Initializes repository (reads file, or remote address).
 protected function initialize()
     if (!$this->file->exists()) {
     $packages = $this->file->read();
     if (!is_array($packages)) {
         throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Could not parse package list from the ' . $this->file->getPath() . ' repository');
     $loader = new ArrayLoader();
     foreach ($packages as $packageData) {
         $package = $loader->load($packageData);
         // package was installed as alias, so we only add the alias
         if ($this instanceof InstalledRepositoryInterface && !empty($packageData['installed-as-alias'])) {
             $alias = $packageData['installed-as-alias'];
             $this->addPackage($this->createAliasPackage($package, $alias, $alias));
         } else {
             // only add regular package - if it's not an installed repo the alias will be created on the fly
 protected function initialize()
     if (!extension_loaded('openssl') && 'https' === substr($this->url, 0, 5)) {
         throw new \RuntimeException('You must enable the openssl extension in your php.ini to load information from ' . $this->url);
     try {
         $json = new JsonFile($this->url . '/packages.json', new RemoteFilesystem($this->io));
         $data = $json->read();
         if (!empty($data['notify'])) {
             if ('/' === $data['notify'][0]) {
                 $this->notifyUrl = preg_replace('{(https?://[^/]+).*}i', '$1' . $data['notify'], $this->url);
             } else {
                 $this->notifyUrl = $data['notify'];
         $this->cache->write('packages.json', json_encode($data));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         if ($contents = $this->cache->read('packages.json')) {
             $this->io->write('<warning>' . $this->url . ' could not be loaded, package information was loaded from the local cache and may be out of date</warning>');
             $data = json_decode($contents, true);
         } else {
             throw $e;
     $loader = new ArrayLoader();
     $this->loadRepository($loader, $data);
Exemple #11
 public function testRequestInstallAndRemove()
     $pool = new Pool();
     $repo = new ArrayRepository();
     $foo = $this->getPackage('foo', '1');
     $bar = $this->getPackage('bar', '1');
     $foobar = $this->getPackage('foobar', '1');
     $request = new Request($pool);
     $this->assertEquals(array(array('packages' => array($foo), 'cmd' => 'install', 'packageName' => 'foo'), array('packages' => array($bar), 'cmd' => 'install', 'packageName' => 'bar'), array('packages' => array($foobar), 'cmd' => 'remove', 'packageName' => 'foobar')), $request->getJobs());
  * Initializes repository (reads file, or remote address).
 protected function initialize()
     $loader = new ArrayLoader();
     foreach ($this->config as $package) {
         $package = $loader->load($package);
 protected function initialize()
     set_error_handler(function ($severity, $message, $file, $line) {
         throw new \ErrorException($message, $severity, $severity, $file, $line);
     $this->streamContext = StreamContextFactory::getContext();
  * @return array
 public function dataGetPackages()
     $emptyRepo = new ArrayRepository();
     $vendorRepo = new ArrayRepository();
     $vendorRepo2 = new ArrayRepository();
     $package = new Package('vendor/name', '', '1.0');
     $package2 = new Package('vendor2/name', '', '1.0');
     $package3 = new Package('vendor2/name2', '', '1.0');
     $data = [];
     $data['empty repository'] = [[], [], $emptyRepo];
     $data['empty repository with filter'] = [[], ['vendor/name'], $emptyRepo];
     $data['repository with one package'] = [[$package], [], $vendorRepo];
     $data['repository with one package and filter'] = [[], ['othervendor/othername'], $vendorRepo];
     $data['repository with two packages'] = [[$package2, $package3], [], $vendorRepo2];
     $data['repository with two packages and filter'] = [[$package2], ['vendor2/name'], $vendorRepo2];
     return $data;
 public function dataGetPackages()
     $emptyRepo = new ArrayRepository();
     $vendorRepo = new ArrayRepository();
     $vendorRepo2 = new ArrayRepository();
     $package = new Package('vendor/name', '', '1.0');
     $package2 = new Package('vendor2/name', '', '1.0');
     $package3 = new Package('vendor2/name2', '', '1.0');
     $data = array();
     $data['empty repository'] = array(array(), array(), $emptyRepo);
     $data['empty repository with filter'] = array(array(), array('vendor/name'), $emptyRepo);
     $data['repository with one package'] = array(array($package), array(), $vendorRepo);
     $data['repository with one package and filter'] = array(array(), array('othervendor/othername'), $vendorRepo);
     $data['repository with two packages'] = array(array($package2, $package3), array(), $vendorRepo2);
     $data['repository with two packages and filter'] = array(array($package2), array('vendor2/name'), $vendorRepo2);
     return $data;
Exemple #16
  * Initializes repository (reads file, or remote address).
 protected function initialize()
     if (!is_numeric(key($this->config))) {
         $this->config = array($this->config);
     $loader = new ArrayLoader();
     foreach ($this->config as $package) {
         $package = $loader->load($package);
Exemple #17
  * Initializes repository (reads file, or remote address).
 protected function initialize()
     $loader = new ValidatingArrayLoader(new ArrayLoader(null, true), false);
     foreach ($this->config as $package) {
         try {
             $package = $loader->load($package);
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             throw new InvalidRepositoryException('A repository of type "package" contains an invalid package definition: ' . $e->getMessage() . "\n\nInvalid package definition:\n" . json_encode($package));
 public function testSearchWithPackageType()
     $repo = new ArrayRepository();
     $repo->addPackage($this->getPackage('foo', '1', 'Composer\\Package\\CompletePackage'));
     $repo->addPackage($this->getPackage('bar', '1', 'Composer\\Package\\CompletePackage'));
     $package = $this->getPackage('foobar', '1', 'Composer\\Package\\CompletePackage');
     $this->assertSame(array(array('name' => 'foo', 'description' => null)), $repo->search('foo', RepositoryInterface::SEARCH_FULLTEXT, 'library'));
     $this->assertEmpty($repo->search('bar', RepositoryInterface::SEARCH_FULLTEXT, 'package'));
     $this->assertSame(array(array('name' => 'foobar', 'description' => null)), $repo->search('foo', 0, 'composer-plugin'));
 public static function Construct(IOInterface $io)
     $repo = new ArrayRepository();
     try {
         $web_folder = Locator::getWebFolderPath();
         $version_file = $web_folder . '/intranet/setup/_init/version.txt';
         if (!file_exists($version_file)) {
             throw new \Exception("No version.txt for core found - assuming framework is not installed");
         $version_data = file($version_file);
         $core_version = $version_data[1];
         $normalizer = new VersionParser();
         $core_version_normalized = $normalizer->normalize($core_version);
         $io->write("Detected core version {$core_version} ({$core_version_normalized})");
         $core_package = new Package(FrameworkInstallerV8::PACKAGE_NAME, $core_version_normalized, $core_version);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         // if can't determine location of 'web' folder, not adding the core package therefore letting
         // composer install it
     return $repo;
Exemple #20
 public function getLockedRepository($withDevReqs = false)
     $lockData = $this->getLockData();
     $packages = new ArrayRepository();
     $lockedPackages = $lockData['packages'];
     if ($withDevReqs) {
         if (isset($lockData['packages-dev'])) {
             $lockedPackages = array_merge($lockedPackages, $lockData['packages-dev']);
         } else {
             throw new \RuntimeException('The lock file does not contain require-dev information, run install with the --no-dev option or run update to install those packages.');
     if (empty($lockedPackages)) {
         return $packages;
     if (isset($lockedPackages[0]['name'])) {
         foreach ($lockedPackages as $info) {
         return $packages;
     throw new \RuntimeException('Your composer.lock was created before 2012-09-15, and is not supported anymore. Run "composer update" to generate a new one.');
    public function testSelectLowest()
        $policy = new DefaultPolicy(false, true);

        $this->repo->addPackage($packageA1 = $this->getPackage('A', '1.0'));
        $this->repo->addPackage($packageA2 = $this->getPackage('A', '2.0'));

        $literals = array($packageA1->getId(), $packageA2->getId());
        $expected = array($packageA1->getId());

        $selected = $policy->selectPreferredPackages($this->pool, array(), $literals);

        $this->assertSame($expected, $selected);
  * Initializes repository (reads file, or remote address).
 protected function initialize()
     if (!$this->file->exists()) {
     $packages = $this->file->read();
     if (!is_array($packages)) {
         throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Could not parse package list from the ' . $this->file->getPath() . ' repository');
     $loader = new ArrayLoader();
     foreach ($packages as $package) {
 protected function initialize()
     $json = new JsonFile($this->url . '/packages.json');
     $packages = $json->read();
     if (!$packages) {
         throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Could not parse package list from the ' . $this->url . ' repository');
     $loader = new ArrayLoader();
     foreach ($packages as $data) {
         foreach ($data['versions'] as $rev) {
Exemple #24
 protected function initialize()
     $this->io->writeError('Initializing PEAR repository ' . $this->url);
     $reader = new ChannelReader($this->rfs);
     try {
         $channelInfo = $reader->read($this->url);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $this->io->writeError('<warning>PEAR repository from ' . $this->url . ' could not be loaded. ' . $e->getMessage() . '</warning>');
     $packages = $this->buildComposerPackages($channelInfo, $this->versionParser);
     foreach ($packages as $package) {
 protected function initialize()
     $loader = new ArrayLoader(null, true);
     $directories = glob($this->directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*', GLOB_ONLYDIR | GLOB_NOSORT);
     foreach ($directories as $directory) {
         if (!file_exists($directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'composer.json')) {
         $jsonFile = new JsonFile($directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'composer.json');
         $packageData = $jsonFile->read();
         $packageData['version'] = '1.0';
         $package = $loader->load($packageData);
  * @expectedException \RuntimeException
  * @expectedExceptionMessage We cannot retrieve information on magento/product-community-edition.
 public function testGetPackageVersionsFailed()
     $communityPackage = $this->getMock('\\Composer\\Package\\Package', [], [], '', false);
     $enterprisePackage = $this->getMock('\\Composer\\Package\\Package', [], [], '', false);
     $this->repository->expects($this->once())->method('getPackages')->willReturn([$communityPackage, $enterprisePackage]);
     $this->systemPackage = new SystemPackage($this->composerAppFactory, $this->composerInformation);
 public function testFindPackagesByName()
     $repo = new ArrayRepository();
     $repo->addPackage($this->getPackage('foo', '1'));
     $repo->addPackage($this->getPackage('bar', '2'));
     $repo->addPackage($this->getPackage('bar', '3'));
     $foo = $repo->findPackagesByName('foo');
     $this->assertCount(1, $foo);
     $this->assertEquals('foo', $foo[0]->getName());
     $bar = $repo->findPackagesByName('bar');
     $this->assertCount(2, $bar);
     $this->assertEquals('bar', $bar[0]->getName());
  * Initializes repository (reads file, or remote address).
 protected function initialize()
     if (!$this->file->exists()) {
     try {
         $packages = $this->file->read();
         if (!is_array($packages)) {
             throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Could not parse package list from the repository');
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw new InvalidRepositoryException('Invalid repository data in ' . $this->file->getPath() . ', packages could not be loaded: [' . get_class($e) . '] ' . $e->getMessage());
     $loader = new ArrayLoader();
     foreach ($packages as $packageData) {
         $package = $loader->load($packageData);
 protected function initialize()
     try {
         $json = new JsonFile($this->url . '/packages.json', new RemoteFilesystem($this->io));
         $data = $json->read();
         if (!empty($data['notify'])) {
             $this->notifyUrl = preg_replace('{(https?://[^/]+).*}i', '$1' . $data['notify'], $this->url);
         $this->cache->write('packages.json', json_encode($data));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         if ($contents = $this->cache->read('packages.json')) {
             $this->io->write('<warning>' . $this->url . ' could not be loaded, package information was loaded from the local cache and may be out of date</warning>');
             $data = json_decode($contents, true);
         } else {
             throw $e;
     $loader = new ArrayLoader();
     $this->loadRepository($loader, $data);
Exemple #30
 public function testPrettyString()
     $repo = new ArrayRepository();
     $repo->addPackage($p = $this->getPackage('foo', '2.1'));
     $ruleSet = new RuleSet();
     $literal = $p->getId();
     $rule = new Rule(array($literal), Rule::RULE_JOB_INSTALL, null);
     $ruleSet->add($rule, RuleSet::TYPE_JOB);
     $this->assertContains('JOB     : Install command rule (install foo 2.1)', $ruleSet->getPrettyString($this->pool));