Exemple #1
 public function connect($serverInfo)
     $hostname = $serverInfo['hostname'];
     $instance = $serverInfo['instance'];
     $username = $serverInfo['username'];
     $password = $serverInfo['password'];
     //if(!self::$_connectSource) {
     //if(!$_connectSource) {
     $server = $hostname . "/" . $instance;
     //echo $server;die();
     //self::$_connectSource = oci_connect($username,$password,$server);
     $_connectSource = oci_connect($username, $password, $server);
     //if(!self::$_connectSource) {
     if (!$_connectSource) {
         Response::show(101, "Database connect error, please start your listener and instance");
     return $_connectSource;
Exemple #2
 public function getOriginPhoto($connect, $originID, $hostName)
     $hostName = 'http://' . $hostName;
     $stGo = oci_parse($connect, $goSql);
     if (!oci_execute($stGo)) {
         Response::show(1401, 'Image_Information: query database by origin photo id error');
     $photoAddr = '';
     if ($goRow = oci_fetch_array($stGo, OCI_BOTH)) {
         $localname = $goRow['LOCAL_NAME'];
         $path = $goRow['PATH'];
         $photoAddr = $this->getPhotoAddr($hostName, $path, $localname);
         $resData = array('photoURL' => $photoAddr);
         Response::show(1400, 'Get origin photo successful', $resData);
     // Photo do not exist
     Response::show(1402, 'No such photo in database');
Exemple #3
 public function getUserBasicInfo($connect, $userInfo)
     // global variable
     $resData = array();
     // get user's login information
     //// login by loginid&password OR token
     $loginid = $userInfo['loginid'];
     $password = $userInfo['password'];
     $token = $userInfo['token'];
     // Get basic information
     if (!empty($loginid) && !empty($password)) {
         $basicsql = "SELECT LOGIN_NAME, USER_NAME, EMAIL, CELLPHONE, ICARD_ID, to_char(CREATE_TIME,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS CREATE_TIME, to_char(MODIFY_TIME,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS MODIFY_TIME FROM APP_USER WHERE LOGIN_NAME='{$loginid}' OR EMAIL='{$loginid}' OR CELLPHONE='{$loginid}' AND PASSWORD='******'";
     } elseif (!empty($token)) {
         $basicsql = "SELECT LOGIN_NAME, USER_NAME, EMAIL, CELLPHONE, ICARD_ID, to_char(CREATE_TIME,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS CREATE_TIME, to_char(MODIFY_TIME,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS MODIFY_TIME FROM APP_USER WHERE TOKEN='{$token}'";
     } else {
         // user should post loginid&password OR token
         Response::show(104, "UserInformation-getBasicInfo: No loginid&password OR token is specified");
     //$basicsql = "SELECT LOGIN_NAME, USER_NAME, EMAIL, ICARD_ID, to_char(CREATE_TIME,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS CREATE_TIME, to_char(MODIFY_TIME,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS MODIFY_TIME FROM APP_USER WHERE LOGIN_NAME='{$loginid}' OR EMAIL='{$loginid}' OR CELLPHONE='{$loginid}'";
     // parse
     $stbs = oci_parse($connect, $basicsql);
     // Execute
     if (!oci_execute($stbs)) {
         Response::show(102, "UserInfo-getBasicInfo: query database error");
     // Get data
     if ($bsRow = oci_fetch_array($stbs, OCI_BOTH)) {
         $resData['loginname'] = isset($bsRow['LOGIN_NAME']) ? $bsRow['LOGIN_NAME'] : '';
         $resData['username'] = isset($bsRow['USER_NAME']) ? $bsRow['USER_NAME'] : '';
         $resData['email'] = isset($bsRow['EMAIL']) ? $bsRow['EMAIL'] : '';
         $resData['cellphone'] = isset($bsRow['CELLPHONE']) ? $bsRow['CELLPHONE'] : '';
         $resData['idnumber'] = isset($bsRow['ICARD_ID']) ? $bsRow['ICARD_ID'] : '';
         $resData['createtime'] = isset($bsRow['CREATE_TIME']) ? $bsRow['CREATE_TIME'] : '';
         $resData['modifytime'] = isset($bsRow['MODIFY_TIME']) ? $bsRow['MODIFY_TIME'] : '';
         // Response data to client
         Response::show(100, "UserInfo-getBasicInfo: Get user's information successful", $resData);
     } else {
         Response::show(103, "UerInformation-getBasicInfo: Wrong loginid&password OR token");
Exemple #4
 public function uploadFile($params, $connect, $savePath = 'uploads', $checkFlag = true, $allowExt = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'bmp'), $maxSize = 52428800)
     // check whether storage folder is exist
     if (!file_exists($savePath)) {
         mkdir($savePath, 0777, true);
         chmod($savePath, 0777);
     // check error
     $this->processErr($params, $checkFlag, $allowExt, $maxSize);
     // formate data of params for insert
     $username = '******' . $params['username'] . '"';
     $originname = '"' . $params['filename'] . '"';
     $filetmpname = '"' . $params['filetmpname'] . '"';
     $filetype = '"' . $params['filetype'] . '"';
     $filesize = '"' . $params['filesize'] . '"';
     $description = '"' . "this is description" . '"';
     // ensure imageid and file local name is unique
     $imageid = '"' . $params['username'] . date('Y/m/d-H:i:s') . 'R' . rand() . $params['filename'] . '"';
     $localname = '"' . $params['username'] . date('YmdHis') . 'R' . rand() . $params['filename'] . '"';
     // get real path
     $realSavePath = realpath($savePath);
     // for database value
     $filepath = '"' . $realSavePath . '/' . trim($localname, '"') . '"';
     $fileerror = $params['fileerror'];
     $field = "imageid, originname, localname, type, path, size, description";
     $value = $imageid . ',' . $originname . ',' . $localname . ',' . $filetype . ',' . $filepath . ',' . $filesize . ',' . $description;
     // query sentance
     $insert_sql = 'insert into file (' . $field . ') values (' . $value . ')';
     // generate destination
     $destination = $realSavePath . '/' . trim($localname, '"');
     if (move_uploaded_file($params['filetmpname'], $destination)) {
         if (!($result = mysql_query($insert_sql, $connect))) {
             // query error occur
             Response::show(501, 'File_Upload: query database by name error');
         // upload OK
         Response::show(700, 'File uploaded successful');
     } else {
         // move_uploaded_file error occur
         Response::show(711, 'File storage failure');
Exemple #5
 public function checkSecurityCode($connect, $userid)
     // check sql
     // parse
     $stcs = oci_parse($connect, $checksql);
     // execute
     if (!oci_execute($stcs)) {
         Response::show(1322, 'User_Modify-checkUserID: query database error');
     if ($csrow = oci_fetch_array($stcs, OCI_BOTH)) {
     } else {
         // insert security code into database
Exemple #6
 public function deleteComplaint($connect, $userInfo)
     //get complaintID from userInfo
     $complaintID = $userInfo['complaintid'];
     if (!empty($complaintID)) {
         // update database and set valid column equals to 0
         $update_sql = "UPDATE COMPLAINT SET VALID=0 WHERE COMPLAINT_ID='{$complaintID}'";
         // parse
         $dcid = oci_parse($connect, $update_sql);
         // execute
         if (!oci_execute($dcid)) {
             Response::show(805, 'User_Complaint-deleteComplaint: Query database error');
             //echo 'db';
             //return false;
         return true;
     } else {
         // complaintid is illegal
         //echo 'string';
         return false;
Exemple #7
 function register($userInfo, $connect)
     if (!self::itemExist($userInfo, $connect)) {
         // system data
         $userid = md5(uniqid(microtime(true), true));
         $valid = 1;
         // 1 represent effective
         $createtime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         $modifytime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         // format user information
         $loginname = $userInfo['loginname'];
         $name = $userInfo['name'];
         $email = $userInfo['email'];
         $cellphone = $userInfo['cellphone'];
         $note = $userInfo['note'];
         $password = $userInfo['password'];
         $icardid = $userInfo['icardid'];
         if (empty($password)) {
             Response::show(506, "Password is invalid");
             //return false;
         // generate token
         $token = md5(uniqid(microtime(true), true));
         $insertsql = "insert into APP_USER(USER_ID,LOGIN_NAME,USER_NAME,EMAIL,CELLPHONE,ICARD_ID,NOTE,VALID,PASSWORD,TOKEN,CREATE_TIME,MODIFY_TIME) values('{$userid}','{$loginname}','{$name}','{$email}','{$cellphone}','{$icardid}','{$note}',{$valid},'{$password}','{$token}',to_date('{$createtime}','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'),to_date('{$modifytime}','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'))";
         // parse sql
         $stid = oci_parse($connect, $insertsql);
         // execute sql
         if (!oci_execute($stid)) {
             Response::show(502, 'Mobile_Register-Register: inset into database error');
         } else {
             // response token to client
             $responseData = array('token' => $token);
             Response::show(500, 'Mobile_Register: register successful', $responseData);
Exemple #8
 public function login($userInfo, $connect)
     // check password
     if (isset($userInfo['password'])) {
         if ($userInfo['password'] != '') {
             if ($userid = $this->checkPassword($userInfo, $connect)) {
                 //echo $userid;
                 // TODO
                 // update token and repsonse to client
                 $token = $this->generateToken($userInfo, $connect);
                 $responseData = array('token' => $token);
                 //Response::show(401,'Mobile_Login: login successful by password',$responseData);
                 //return 2;
                 //echo 'pwd';
                 return $userid;
             } else {
                 Response::show(403, 'Mobile_Login: wrong password');
                 //return false;
     // check token
     if (isset($userInfo['token'])) {
         if ($userInfo['token'] != '') {
             if ($userid = $this->checkToken($userInfo, $connect)) {
                 // response OK message to client
                 //Response::show(400,'Mobile_Login: login successful by token');
                 //return 1;
                 return $userid;
             } else {
                 // token is out of date
                 Response::show(402, 'Mobile_Login: token is out of date');
                 //return false;
     Response::show(404, 'Mobile_Login: lack of password or token');
Exemple #9
 public function changePwdBySecurityCode($connect, $userInfo)
     // Get parameters from user
     //$loginid = $userInfo['loginid'];
     $email = $userInfo['email'];
     $securitycode = $userInfo['securitycode'];
     $newpassword = $userInfo['newpassword'];
     $sn = $userInfo['sn'];
     $timestamp = $userInfo['timestamp'];
     // expiration time equals to timestamp
     $expirationtime = $timestamp;
     if (empty($email) || empty($securitycode) || empty($newpassword) || empty($sn) || empty($timestamp)) {
         Response::show(1129, 'User_ForgotPWD-ChangePwdBySecurityCode: email, securitycode, newpassword, sn, timestamp can not be empty');
     if (empty($email) || empty($securitycode) || empty($newpassword) || empty($sn)) {
         Response::show(1129, "Email, securitycode, newpassword and sn can not be empty");
     // verify serial number(sn)
     // seed for encription
     //$seed = $email.$securitycode.$timestamp;
     //$seed = $this->generateSeed($userInfo);
     $seed = $this->generateSeed($email, $securitycode, $timestamp);
     // Generate serail number
     $newsn = sha1(md5($seed));
     // Get current time and expiration time
     $currenttime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     // Compare time stamp
     $expirationsec = strtotime($expirationtime);
     $currentsec = strtotime($currenttime);
     if ($expirationsec > $currentsec) {
         // valid
         if ($sn == $newsn) {
             // compare sn
             // valid sn and security code, then modify password
             //$updatePwd = "UPDATE APP_USER SET PASSWORD='******' WHERE LOGIN_NAME='{$loginid}' OR EMAIL='{$loginid}' OR CELLPHONE='{$loginid}'";
             $updatePwd = "UPDATE APP_USER SET PASSWORD='******' WHERE EMAIL='{$email}'";
             // parse
             $stup = oci_parse($connect, $updatePwd);
             // execute
             if (!oci_execute($stup)) {
                 // TODO
                 Response::show(1126, 'User_ForgotPWD-ChangePwdBySecurityCode: query database error');
             } else {
                 // Invalid security code
                 $this->invalidSecurityCode($connect, $userInfo);
                 // response success message
                 Response::show(1100, 'User_ForgotPWD-ChangePwdBySecurityCode: User password modified successful');
         } else {
             // invalid security code
             Response::show(1128, 'User_ForgotPWD-ChangePwdBySecurityCode:Invlid security code');
     } else {
         // security code is out of date
         Response::show(1131, 'User_ForgotPWD-ChangePwdBySecurityCode: security code is out of date');
Exemple #10
  * 检测目录不存在则创建
 protected function checkUploadPath()
     if (!file_exists($this->uploadPath)) {
         if (!mkdir($this->uploadPath, 0777, true)) {
             Response::show(715, 'Upload path created failure');
         chmod($this->uploadPath, 0777);
Exemple #11
    case 'GetCountryVersion':
        $cv = new BusInformation();
        $countryID = $userDataSet['countryid'];
        $countryVersionNum = $cv->getCountryVersion($mobileConnect, $countryID);
        Response::show(1500, 'Get country version number successful', $countryVersionNum);
    case 'GetCityVersion':
        $cv = new BusInformation();
        $cityID = $userDataSet['cityid'];
        $cityVersionNum = $cv->getCityVersion($mobileConnect, $cityID);
        Response::show(1600, 'Get city version number successful', $cityVersionNum);
    case 'GetCityInformation':
        $cv = new BusInformation();
        //$cityID = $userDataSet['cityid'];
        $cityInformation = $cv->getCityInformation($mobileConnect);
        Response::show(1700, 'Get city list successful', $cityInformation);
    case 'GetBusLineInformation':
        $cv = new BusInformation();
        $cityID = $userDataSet['cityid'];
        $busLineInformation = $cv->getBusLineInformation($mobileConnect, $cityID);
        Response::show(1800, 'Get city list successful', $busLineInformation);
        // no action matches
        //$data = array('code' => 0, 'msg' => 'No action spacified');
        Response::show(20, "Default Message: No action specified");