/** * 将商品从一个店铺克隆到另一个店铺 * * @param string $from 源商品所在店铺ID * @param string $to 目标店铺ID * @param string $category 过滤商品类型 * @param string $status 过滤商品状态 * @return string */ public function actionCloneAll($from, $to, $category = 'all', $status = 'all') { $modelFrom = Store::findOne($from); $modelTo = Store::findOne($to); if (!$modelFrom || !$modelTo) { echo "The parameter error.\n"; return static::EXIT_CODE_ERROR; } if ($modelFrom->type !== $modelTo->type) { if (!static::confirm("The types of two stores are not the same, continue?")) { echo "Cancelled.\n"; return static::EXIT_CODE_NORMAL; } } unset($modelFrom, $modelTo); $query = Goods::find()->where(['store_id' => $from]); if ($category !== 'all') { $modelCate = Category::findOne(['slug' => $category]); if ($modelCate) { $query->andWhere(['category_id' => $modelCate->id]); unset($modelCate); } else { echo "The category \"{$category}\" can not be exists.\n"; return static::EXIT_CODE_ERROR; } } if ($status !== 'all') { if (in_array($status, [Goods::STATUS_NORMAL, Goods::STATUS_OFF_SHELVES, Goods::STATUS_DELETED])) { $query->andWhere(['status' => $status]); } else { echo "The status was error.\n"; return static::EXIT_CODE_ERROR; } } if (($count = $query->count()) > 0) { if (!static::confirm("Next we will clone {$count} goods, are you sure?")) { echo "Cancelled.\n"; return static::EXIT_CODE_NORMAL; } } else { echo "The goods count is 0.\n"; return static::EXIT_CODE_NORMAL; } $goodsList = $query->asArray()->all(); $time = time(); $sql = "INSERT INTO {{%goods}} (name, store_id, category_id, cover, price, price_original, cost, description, status, surplus, sales, unit, is_new, is_hot, is_promotion, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (:name, :store_id, :category_id, :cover, :price, :price_original, :cost, :description, :status, :surplus, :sales, :unit, :is_new, :is_hot, :is_promotion, :created_at, :updated_at)"; $sql2 = "INSERT INTO {{%goods_img}} (name, goods_id) VALUES (:name, :goods_id)"; $sql3 = "INSERT INTO {{%goods_surplus}} (goods_id, surplus_before, amount, surplus_after, remark, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (:goods_id, :surplus_before, :amount, :surplus_after, :remark, :created_at, :updated_at)"; $transaction = Yii::$app->db->beginTransaction(); try { foreach ($goodsList as $goods) { Yii::$app->db->createCommand($sql, [':name' => $goods['name'], ':store_id' => $to, ':category_id' => $goods['category_id'], ':cover' => $goods['cover'], ':price' => $goods['price'], ':price_original' => $goods['price_original'], ':cost' => $goods['cost'], ':description' => $goods['description'], ':status' => $goods['status'], ':surplus' => $goods['surplus'], ':sales' => '0', ':unit' => $goods['unit'], ':is_new' => $goods['is_new'], ':is_hot' => $goods['is_hot'], ':is_promotion' => $goods['is_promotion'], ':created_at' => $time, ':updated_at' => $time])->execute(); $goodsId = Yii::$app->db->getLastInsertID(); $goodsImgList = GoodsImg::find()->where(['goods_id' => $goods['id']])->asArray()->all(); foreach ($goodsImgList as $goodsImg) { Yii::$app->db->createCommand($sql2, [':name' => $goodsImg['name'], ':goods_id' => $goodsId])->execute(); } Yii::$app->db->createCommand($sql3, [':goods_id' => $goodsId, ':surplus_before' => 0, ':amount' => $goods['surplus'], ':surplus_after' => $goods['surplus'], ':remark' => '初始化库存。', ':created_at' => $time, ':updated_at' => $time])->execute(); } $transaction->commit(); echo "Success!\n"; return static::EXIT_CODE_NORMAL; } catch (\Exception $e) { $transaction->rollBack(); echo $e->getMessage(); return static::EXIT_CODE_ERROR; } }
/** * @return \yii\db\ActiveQuery */ public function getImages() { return $this->hasMany(GoodsImg::className(), ['goods_id' => 'goods_id']); }
public function actionImages($id) { return GoodsImg::findByGoodsId($id); }