  * Creates data provider instance with search query applied
  * @param array $params
  * @return ActiveDataProvider
 public function search($params)
     $query = Championship::find();
     $dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider(['query' => $query]);
     if (!$this->validate()) {
         // uncomment the following line if you do not want to any records when validation fails
         // $query->where('0=1');
         return $dataProvider;
     $query->andFilterWhere(['id' => $this->id]);
     $query->andFilterWhere(['like', 'name', $this->name]);
     return $dataProvider;
Exemple #2
        <div class="col-sm-6">
$availableTeams = [];
if (!$model->isNewRecord) {
    $team = $model->team;
    if (isset($team->id)) {
        $availableTeams = [$team->id => $team->name];
echo $form->field($model, 'command_id')->widget(SelectizeDropDownList::classname(), ['loadUrl' => Url::to(['team/team-list']), 'items' => $availableTeams, 'options' => ['multiple' => false, 'placeholder' => 'Выберите команду...'], 'clientOptions' => ['valueField' => 'value', 'labelField' => 'text', 'persist' => false]]);
        <div class="col-sm-6">
echo $form->field($model, 'championship_id')->widget(Select2::classname(), ['data' => ArrayHelper::map(Championship::find()->all(), 'id', 'name'), 'language' => 'ru', 'options' => ['placeholder' => 'Выберите чемпионат...'], 'pluginOptions' => ['allowClear' => true]]);
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-sm-6">
echo $form->field($model, 'league_id')->widget(Select2::classname(), ['data' => ArrayHelper::map(League::find()->all(), 'id', 'name'), 'language' => 'ru', 'options' => ['placeholder' => 'Выберите лигу...'], 'pluginOptions' => ['allowClear' => true]]);
        <div class="col-sm-6">
$seasons = ArrayHelper::map(Season::find()->where(['>', 'id', 42])->all(), 'id', 'name');
foreach ($seasons as $key => $season) {
  * Url: /tournament
  * @return mixed
 public function actionTournament()
     $tournamentTable = Tournament::tableName();
     $championshipTable = Championship::tableName();
     // championship type select
     $championships = Championship::find()->innerJoin($tournamentTable, "{$tournamentTable}.championship_id = {$championshipTable}.id")->orderBy(['id' => SORT_DESC])->all();
     $firstChampionshipObj = array_values($championships)[0];
     $firstChampionshipId = $firstChampionshipObj->id;
     $activeChampionship = $firstChampionshipId;
     if (isset($_GET['championship'])) {
         foreach ($championships as $championship) {
             if ($_GET['championship'] == $championship->id) {
                 $activeChampionship = $_GET['championship'];
     $championshipsData = [];
     foreach ($championships as $championship) {
         $championshipsData[$championship->id] = ['value' => $championship->id, 'text' => $championship->name, 'active' => false];
     $championshipsData[$activeChampionship]['active'] = true;
     foreach ($championshipsData as $key => $championship) {
         $championshipsData[$key] = (object) $championship;
     // season select
     $seasons = Season::find()->innerJoinWith('tournaments')->orderBy(['id' => SORT_DESC])->all();
     $firstSeasonObj = array_values($seasons)[0];
     $firstSeasonId = $firstSeasonObj->id;
     $activeSeason = $firstSeasonId;
     if (isset($_GET['season'])) {
         foreach ($seasons as $season) {
             if ($_GET['season'] == $season->id) {
                 $activeSeason = $_GET['season'];
     $seasonsData = [];
     foreach ($seasons as $season) {
         $seasonName = $season->name;
         $seasonsData[$season->id] = ['value' => $season->id, 'text' => $seasonName, 'active' => false];
     $seasonsData[$activeSeason]['active'] = true;
     foreach ($seasonsData as $key => $season) {
         $seasonsData[$key] = (object) $season;
     $tournamentData = Tournament::find()->where(['season_id' => $activeSeason, 'championship_id' => $activeChampionship])->orderBy(['points' => SORT_DESC])->all();
     $tournamentData = Tournament::sort($tournamentData);
     $forwards = Forward::find()->where(['season_id' => $activeSeason])->orderBy(['goals' => SORT_DESC, 'penalty' => SORT_DESC])->all();
     $options = ['templateType' => 'col2', 'title' => 'Dynamomania.com | Турнирная таблица', 'columnFirst' => ['tournament' => ['view' => '@frontend/views/tournament/tournament_full', 'data' => compact('tournamentData', 'championshipsData', 'seasonsData')]], 'columnSecond' => ['short_news' => SiteBlock::getshortNews(50)]];
     if (count($forwards) > 0) {
         $options['columnFirst']['forwards'] = ['view' => '@frontend/views/tournament/forwards', 'data' => compact('forwards')];
     return $this->render('@frontend/views/site/index', $options);