public function whenMediaHasBeenAdded(MediaHasBeenAdded $event)
     $media = $event->media;
     $dominantColor = ColorThief::getColor($media->getPath());
     $hexColor = (new Rgb(...$dominantColor))->toHex();
     $media->setCustomProperty('dominantColor', $hexColor);
  * Gets color palette for image
  * @param AssetFileModel|string $image
  * @param $colorCount
  * @param $quality
  * @param $colorValue
  * @return array
  * @throws Exception
 public function getColorPalette($image, $colorCount, $quality, $colorValue)
     $pathsModel = new Imager_ImagePathsModel($image);
     if (!IOHelper::getRealPath($pathsModel->sourcePath)) {
         throw new Exception(Craft::t('Source folder “{sourcePath}” does not exist', array('sourcePath' => $pathsModel->sourcePath)));
     if (!IOHelper::fileExists($pathsModel->sourcePath . $pathsModel->sourceFilename)) {
         throw new Exception(Craft::t('Requested image “{fileName}” does not exist in path “{sourcePath}”', array('fileName' => $pathsModel->sourceFilename, 'sourcePath' => $pathsModel->sourcePath)));
     $palette = ColorThief::getPalette($pathsModel->sourcePath . $pathsModel->sourceFilename, $colorCount, $quality);
     return $colorValue == 'hex' ? $this->_paletteToHex($palette) : $palette;
 public function setColors()
     AWS::createClient('s3')->getObject(array('Bucket' => Credential::AWSS3BucketLargeThumbs, 'Key' => $this->bannerImage->filename, 'SaveAs' => public_path() . '/media/temp/' . $this->bannerImage->filename));
     // Fetch an RGB array of the dominant color
     $rgb = ColorThief::getColor(public_path() . '/media/temp/' . $this->bannerImage->filename);
     // Unlink the file, it is no longer needed.
     unlink(public_path() . '/media/temp/' . $this->bannerImage->filename);
     // Convert RGB array to hex
     $hex = '#' . dechex($rgb[0]) . dechex($rgb[1]) . dechex($rgb[2]);
     // Set properties
     $this->attributes['dark_color'] = $hex;
     $this->attributes['light_color'] = '#' . (new Color($hex))->lighten();
function avgimgcolorhook($file)
    if (!$file->isImage()) {
    try {
        if ($file->avgcolor() == "") {
            require_once kirby()->roots()->index() . '/vendor/autoload.php';
            $color = \ColorThief\ColorThief::getColor($file->root(), 100);
            $file->update(['avgcolor' => rgb2hex($color)]);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        return response::error($e->getMessage());
Exemple #5
 private static function quantize($pixels, $maxcolors)
     // short-circuit
     if (!count($pixels) || $maxcolors < 2 || $maxcolors > 256) {
         // echo 'wrong number of maxcolors'."\n";
         return false;
     $histo = static::getHisto($pixels);
     // check that we aren't below maxcolors already
     //if (count($histo) <= $maxcolors) {
     // XXX: generate the new colors from the histo and return
     $vbox = static::vboxFromPixels($pixels, $histo);
     $pq = new PQueue(function ($a, $b) {
         return ColorThief::naturalOrder($a->count(), $b->count());
     // first set of colors, sorted by population
     static::quantizeIter($pq, self::FRACT_BY_POPULATIONS * $maxcolors, $histo);
     // Re-sort by the product of pixel occupancy times the size in color space.
     $pq2 = new PQueue(function ($a, $b) {
         return ColorThief::naturalOrder($a->count() * $a->volume(), $b->count() * $b->volume());
     for ($i = $pq->size(); $i > 0; $i--) {
     // next set - generate the median cuts using the (npix * vol) sorting.
     static::quantizeIter($pq2, $maxcolors - $pq2->size(), $histo);
     // calculate the actual colors
     $cmap = new CMap();
     for ($i = $pq2->size(); $i > 0; $i--) {
     return $cmap;
 private function getImageColorInfo($filename)
     $filenameSample = $filename . '.sample.jpg';
     if (file_exists($filename)) {
         if (!file_exists($filenameSample)) {
             $imageFile = Image::fromFile($filename);
             $imageFile->resize(200, 200, Image::FILL);
             $imageFile->save($filenameSample, 100, Image::JPEG);
         $client = new Client();
         $image = $client->loadJpeg($filenameSample);
         $palette = $image->extract(6);
         $dominantColor = ColorThief::getColor($filenameSample);
         $dominantColor = \Aprila\Utils\Colors::rgbToHex($dominantColor);
         $color = new Color($dominantColor);
         $isDark = $color->isDark();
         $imageColorInfo = ['main' => $dominantColor, 'palette' => $palette, 'isDark' => $isDark];
         return $imageColorInfo;
     return [];
  * @dataProvider provideNaturalOrderComparison
 public function testNaturalOrder($left, $right, $expected)
     $this->assertSame($expected, ColorThief::naturalOrder($left, $right));
 public function actionUpload()
     $file = UploadedFile::getInstanceByName('file');
     if ($file) {
         $destName = time() . '_' . $file->name;
         $targetFile = \Yii::getAlias('@webroot') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '_lib' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $destName;
         $filePath = \Yii::getAlias('@app/workspace/elements') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'asset' . '.json';
         $elementDefinition = Json::decode(file_get_contents($filePath), false);
         // Add core fields.
         $elementDefinition->fields[] = Json::decode('{ "label": "UUID", "key": "uuid", "type": "textInput", "visibleInGrid": true, "rules": [["string", {"max": 128}]], "options": {"disabled":true}}', false);
         $elementDefinition->fields[] = Json::decode('{ "label": "Path", "key": "path", "type": "textInput", "visibleInGrid": true, "rules": [["string", {"max": 128}]]}', false);
         $elementDefinition->fields[] = Json::decode('{ "label": "Slug", "key": "slug", "type": "textInput", "visibleInGrid": true, "rules": [["string", {"max": 128}]]}', false);
         $elementDefinition->fields[] = Json::decode('{ "label": "State", "key": "state", "type": "dropDownList", "visibleInGrid": true, "rules": [["required"], ["string", {"max": 128}]], "options": {"prompt":"Please set state"}, "items": {"0":"Offline", "1":"Draft", "2":"Online", "3":"Archived"}}', false);
         $fields = [];
         foreach ($elementDefinition->fields as $field) {
             array_push($fields, $field->key);
         $model = new CrelishDynamicJsonModel($fields);
         $model->identifier = 'asset';
         $model->systitle = $destName;
         $model->title = $destName;
         $model->src = \Yii::getAlias('@web') . '/' . '_lib' . '/' . $destName;
         $model->mime = $file->type;
         $model->size = $file->size;
         $model->state = 2;
         try {
             $domColor = ColorThief::getColor($targetFile, 20);
             $palColor = ColorThief::getPalette(\Yii::getAlias('@webroot') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '_lib' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $destName);
             $model->colormain_rgb = Json::encode($domColor);
             $model->colormain_hex = '#' . sprintf('%02x', $domColor[0]) . sprintf('%02x', $domColor[1]) . sprintf('%02x', $domColor[2]);
             $model->colorpalette = Json::encode($palColor);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             \Yii::$app->session->setFlash('secondary', 'Color theft could not be completed. (Image too large?)');
     return false;
Exemple #9
 function getColor($path)
     return ColorThief::getColor($path);
  * The actual processing TASK
  * Should return an array with database properties for sys_file_metadata to write
  * @param File $file
  * @param array $previousExtractedData optional, contains the array of already extracted data
  * @return array
 public function extractMetaData(File $file, array $previousExtractedData = [])
     $metadata = [];
     try {
         if (!class_exists('ColorThief\\ColorThief')) {
             throw new \RuntimeException('Class ColorThief\\ColorThief does not exist', 1470749087524);
         $path = $file->getForLocalProcessing();
         $averageColor = ColorThief::getColor($path);
         if (!is_array($averageColor)) {
             throw new \RuntimeException('$averageColor is not an array', 1470749109020);
         if (count($averageColor) !== 3) {
             throw new \RuntimeException('$averageColor is an array, but has less than 3 items', 1470749136303);
         $r = dechex((int) $averageColor[0]);
         $g = dechex((int) $averageColor[1]);
         $b = dechex((int) $averageColor[2]);
         $metadata['average_color'] = '#' . $r . $g . $b;
         $this->logger->debug(sprintf('Extracted average color "%s"', $metadata['average_color']), ['file' => $file->getUid()]);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $this->logger->error($e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage(), ['file' => $file->getUid()]);
     return $metadata;
Exemple #11
 public function determineDominantColor()
     $this->log('Auto-determine dominant color', 2);
     $color = ColorThief::getColor($this->gd);
     $color = '#' . str_pad(dechex($color[0]), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . str_pad(dechex($color[1]), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . str_pad(dechex($color[2]), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
     $this->log('Success: ' . $color, 2);
     return $color;
  * @param LimitHexQualityInterface $limitHexQualityData
  * @return array
 protected function searchForImagesByHash(LimitHexQualityInterface $limitHexQualityData)
     $rgb = $this->hex2rgb($limitHexQualityData->getHex());
     $images = array();
     $getLimit = $limitHexQualityData->getLimit() * 3;
     $fetchAll = function ($getLimit, &$fetchedImages = null) use(&$fetchAll) {
         if (is_null($fetchedImages)) {
             $images = $this->fetch($getLimit);
         } else {
             $images = $this->instagramWrapper->pagination($fetchedImages, $getLimit);
         if (!is_null($images) || !empty($images) && !empty($images->meta) && $images->meta->code == '200') {
             if (is_null($fetchedImages)) {
                 $fetchedImages = $images;
             } else {
                 $fetchedImages->pagination = $images->pagination;
                 $fetchedImages->data = array_merge($fetchedImages->data, $images->data);
         } else {
             return $fetchedImages;
         if (count($fetchedImages->data) < $getLimit && !empty($images->pagination)) {
             return $fetchAll($getLimit, $fetchedImages);
         return $fetchedImages;
     $quality = $limitHexQualityData->getQuality();
     $count = 0;
     $rec = function ($limit, $rgb, $fetchedImages) use(&$rec, &$images, $quality, &$count, $fetchAll, $getLimit) {
         if (is_object($fetchedImages) && !empty($fetchedImages->data) && is_array($fetchedImages->data)) {
             $sorted = [];
             foreach ($fetchedImages->data as $item) {
                 $diff = $this->colorDiff($rgb, ColorThief::getColor($item->images->thumbnail->url, 1));
                 if ($item->type != 'image' || $diff >= 300 + ceil($count / 10) * 100) {
                 $sorted[] = ['i' => $item->images->{$quality}, 'diff' => $diff];
             usort($sorted, function ($a, $b) {
                 if ($a['diff'] == $b['diff']) {
                     return 0;
                 return $a['diff'] < $b['diff'] ? -1 : 1;
             foreach ($sorted as $item) {
                 if (count($images) >= $limit) {
                     return null;
                 $images[] = $item;
             $count = 0;
             return $rec($limit, $rgb, $fetchAll($getLimit, $fetchedImages));
         return null;
     $rec($limitHexQualityData->getLimit(), $rgb, $fetchAll($getLimit));
     usort($images, function ($a, $b) {
         if ($a['diff'] == $b['diff']) {
             return 0;
         return $a['diff'] < $b['diff'] ? -1 : 1;
     return array_map(function ($item) {
         return $item['i'];
     }, $images);
  * Get the dominant colors of this Image
  * @param Int $colorCount Count of colors to return
  * @return Array
 public function dominantColorPalette($colorCount = 5)
     $c = ColorThief::getPalette($sourceImage = $this->owner->getFullPath(), $colorCount = $colorCount, $quality = Config::inst()->get(get_called_class(), 'quality'));
     return array_map(array(get_called_class(), 'array_to_hex'), $c);
Exemple #14
#!/usr/bin/env php
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
function rgb2hex($r, $g = null, $b = null)
    if (is_array($r) && count($r) == 3) {
        list($r, $g, $b) = $r;
    $r = intval($r);
    $g = intval($g);
    $b = intval($b);
    $r = dechex($r < 0 ? 0 : ($r > 255 ? 255 : $r));
    $g = dechex($g < 0 ? 0 : ($g > 255 ? 255 : $g));
    $b = dechex($b < 0 ? 0 : ($b > 255 ? 255 : $b));
    return '#' . (strlen($r) < 2 ? '0' : '') . $r . (strlen($g) < 2 ? '0' : '') . $g . (strlen($b) < 2 ? '0' : '') . $b;
foreach (glob(__DIR__ . '/content/posts/2*') as $postDir) {
    foreach (glob($postDir . '/*.jpg') as $img) {
        $metaFile = $img . '.txt';
        $meta = file_exists($metaFile) ? file_get_contents($metaFile) : '';
        if (strpos($meta, 'Avgcolor') !== false) {
        $avgColor = \ColorThief\ColorThief::getColor($img, 100);
        file_put_contents($metaFile, ($meta ? $meta . "\n\n----\n\n" : '') . "Avgcolor: " . rgb2hex($avgColor));
        echo $img . ' => ' . rgb2hex($avgColor) . "\n";