$paramsString = $paramsString . " " . $key . ' = "' . $value . '"'; } } if ($class == '') { $class = 'panel panel-default'; } if ($id == null) { $id = ""; } return '<div class="' . $class . '" ' . $paramsString . ' data-toggle="modal" data-target="#modal-liste-update"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h3 class="panel-title">' . $title . '</h3> </div>'; }); HtmlFacade::macro('panelClose', function () { return '</div>'; }); FormFacade::macro('checkboxInsert', function ($name, $id, $text) { if ($name == null) { $name = ''; } if ($id == null) { $id = ''; } if ($text == null) { $text = ''; } return '<div class="checkbox"> <label> <input id="' . $id . '" name="' . $name . '" type="checkbox"> ' . $text . '</label> </div>';
/** * Get the evaluated contents of the object. * * @return string */ public function render() { $output = ''; foreach ($this->entries as $entry) { $entryAttributes = []; if ($entry instanceof DropdownDivider) { $entryAttributes['role'] = 'seperator'; $entryAttributes['class'] = 'divider'; } else { if ($entry instanceof DropdownHeader) { $entryAttributes['class'] = 'dropdown-header'; } else { if (MenuHelper::isCurrentRoute($entry->getName())) { $entryAttributes['class'] = 'active'; } else { foreach ($entry->getAdditionalRouteNames() as $additionalRouteName) { if (MenuHelper::isCurrentRoute($additionalRouteName)) { $entryAttributes['class'] = ' active'; } } } } } $output .= '<li ' . Html::attributes($entryAttributes) . '>' . $entry->render() . '</li>'; } if (empty($this->name)) { $link = Html::link('#', $this->title . '<span class="caret"></span>', ['class' => 'dropdown-toggle', 'data-toggle' => 'dropdown']); } else { $link = Html::linkRoute($this->name, $this->title . '<span class="caret"></span>', $this->parameters, ['class' => 'dropdown-toggle', 'data-toggle' => 'dropdown']); } return $link . '<ul class="dropdown-menu">' . $output . '</ul>'; }
/** * Get the evaluated contents of the object. * * @return string */ public function render() { if (empty($this->name)) { $content = Html::link('#', $this->title, $this->attributes); } else { $content = Html::linkRoute($this->name, $this->title, $this->parameters, $this->attributes); } return $content; }
/** * Bootstrap the application services. * * @return void */ public function boot() { $this->publishes([__DIR__ . '/assets' => public_path('assets')], 'larassets'); $this->publishes([__DIR__ . '/custom' => public_path('custom')], 'custom-larassets'); $this->loadViewsFrom(__DIR__ . '/views', 'larassets'); Html::component('googleFont', 'larassets::assets.google-font', ['font' => 'Roboto', 'sizes' => '100,300,400,700']); Html::component('bootstrapAsset', 'larassets::assets.bootstrap', ['type' => 'css', 'version' => '3.3.6', 'theme' => null]); Html::component('jqueryAsset', 'larassets::assets.jquery', ['version' => '2.2.0']); Html::component('fontAwesomeAsset', 'larassets::assets.font-awesome', ['version' => '4.5.0']); Html::component('customAsset', 'larassets::custom.custom', ['type' => 'css']); }
/** * @param string $url * @param string $name * @param string $position * @param array $attributes * * @return $this */ public function link($url, $name, $position = "BL", $attributes = array()) { $base = str_replace(Request::path(), '', strtok(Request::fullUrl(), '?')); $match_url = str_replace($base, '/', strtok($url, '?')); if (Request::path() != $match_url) { $url = Persistence::get($match_url, parse_url($url, PHP_URL_QUERY)); } $attributes = array_merge(array("class" => "btn btn-default"), $attributes); $this->button_container[$position][] = HTML::link($url, $name, $attributes); $this->links[] = $url; return $this; }
/** * Bootstrap the application services. * * @return void */ public function boot() { $this->loadViewsFrom(__DIR__ . '/views', 'larastrap'); Form::component('fhOpen', 'larastrap::form-horizontal.open', ['attributes' => []]); Form::component('fhClose', 'larastrap::form-horizontal.close', []); Form::component('fhText', 'larastrap::form-horizontal.text', ['name', 'label', 'value' => null, 'attributes' => [], 'size' => [4, 6]]); Form::component('fhPassword', 'larastrap::form-horizontal.password', ['name', 'label', 'attributes' => [], 'size' => [4, 6]]); Form::component('fhSelect', 'larastrap::form-horizontal.select', ['name', 'label', 'value' => [], 'selected' => null, 'attributes' => [], 'size' => [4, 6]]); Form::component('fhSubmit', 'larastrap::form-horizontal.submit', ['text' => 'Submit', 'class' => 'default', 'icon' => 'check', 'size' => [4, 6]]); Form::component('fhDateTime', 'larastrap::form-horizontal.datetime', ['name', 'label', 'id' => null, 'value' => null, 'attributes' => [], 'size' => [4, 6]]); /* * Custom components... */ Html::component('customPageTitle', 'larastrap::custom.page-title', ['title' => 'Page title']); }
/** * Get the evaluated contents of the object. * * @return string */ public function render() { $output = ''; foreach ($this->entries as $entry) { $entryAttributes = []; if ($entry instanceof Dropdown) { $entryAttributes['class'] = 'dropdown'; foreach ($entry->getEntries() as $dropdownEntry) { if ($dropdownEntry instanceof Link) { foreach ($dropdownEntry->getAdditionalRouteNames() as $additionalRouteName) { if (MenuHelper::isCurrentRoute($additionalRouteName)) { $entryAttributes['class'] .= ' active'; } } if (MenuHelper::isCurrentRoute($dropdownEntry->getName())) { $entryAttributes['class'] .= ' active'; } } } } elseif ($entry instanceof Content) { $entryAttributes['class'] = 'navbar-text'; } else { foreach ($entry->getAdditionalRouteNames() as $additionalRouteName) { if (MenuHelper::isCurrentRoute($additionalRouteName)) { $entryAttributes['class'] = ' active'; } } if (MenuHelper::isCurrentRoute($entry->getName())) { $entryAttributes['class'] = 'active'; } } if ($entry->isVisible()) { $output .= '<li ' . Html::attributes($entryAttributes) . '>' . $entry->render() . '</li>'; } } return '<ul ' . Html::attributes($this->attributes) . '>' . $output . '</ul>'; }
/** * This adds the necessary classes to chunk HTML for them to be picked up by the JS editor. * i.e. it makes chunks editable. * * @param string $html HTML to add classes to. * * @return string */ public function addAttributesToHtml($html) { $html = trim((string) $html); $attributes = array_merge($this->getRequiredAttributes(), $this->attributes()); $attributesString = Html::attributes($attributes); return preg_replace('|<(.*?)>|', "<\$1{$attributesString}>", $html, 1); }
public static function styles($demo = false) { $buffer = "\n"; //css links foreach (self::$css as $item) { $buffer .= HTML::style($item); } if ($demo) { $buffer .= HTML::style('packages/zofe/rapyd/assets/demo/style.css'); } //inline styles if (count(self::$styles)) { $buffer .= sprintf("<style type=\"text/css\">\n%s\n</style>", implode("\n", self::$styles)); } $buffer .= HTML::style('packages/zofe/rapyd/assets/rapyd.css'); return $buffer; }
/** * @param DocumentInterface $document * @param mixed $value * * @return mixed */ public function onGetHeadlineValue(DocumentInterface $document, $value) { return empty($value) ? null : HtmlFacade::mailto($value); }
/** * Get html attribute data * * @access public * @return string|null */ public function getAttributes() { return $this->has('attributes') ? HTML::attributes($this->get('attributes')) : null; }
function __toString() { $this->attribute('id', $this->id); $attributes = array_map(function ($value) { return is_array($value) ? join(' ', $value) : $value; }, $this->attributes); /** @var \Illuminate\Support\HtmlString $html */ $html = $this->url ? link_to($this->url, $this->text, $attributes) : HtmlFacade::tag('button', $this->text, $attributes); return $html->toHtml(); }
/** * Get the evaluated contents of the specified menu container. * * @param string|null $menuName * @return string * @throws MenuNotFoundException */ public function render($menuName = null) { if (empty($menuName)) { $menuName = self::DEFAULT_MENU_NAME; } $menu = $this->menus->filter(function (MenuContainer $menu) use($menuName) { return $menu->getName() == $menuName; })->first(); if ($menu instanceof MenuContainer) { return MenuHelper::purifyHtml(Html::decode($menu->render())); } else { throw new MenuNotFoundException($menuName); } }
public static function styles() { return join("\n", array_map(function ($style) { return HtmlFacade::style($style); }, self::$styles)); }
}); /** * Generate menu element with localized label * * @param string $elementName * @param array $parameters * @param array $attributes* * @return string */ Html::macro('link_menu_translated', function ($elementName, array $parameters = array(), array $attributes = array()) { $label = trans(spine_config('spine.link_menu.lang_filename', 'menu') . '.' . $elementName); return Html::link_menu($elementName, $label, $parameters, $attributes); }); /** * Get yes|no localized string based on boolean representation of given value * * @param bool $value * @return string */ Html::macro('print_bool', function ($value) { return (bool) $value ? transpine('helpers.yes') : transpine('helpers.no'); }); /** * Get html for iconic (visual) version of boolean value * * @param bool $value * @return string */ Html::macro('visual_bool', function ($value) { return '<i class="fa ' . ((bool) $value ? 'fa-check-square-o done' : 'fa-square-o') . '"></i>'; });
<?php /* * Just a little helper to add the active class to the current route * in the administration side navbar */ use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Request; use Collective\Html\HtmlFacade as Html; Html::macro('activeState', function ($routes = array()) { foreach ($routes as $route) { if (strpos(Request::url(), route($route)) !== false) { return 'active'; } } return ''; });
/** * Get HTML attribute data. * * @return mixed */ public function getAttributes() { $attributes = $this->attributes; array_forget($attributes, ['active', 'icon']); return HTML::attributes($attributes); }
public function show() { $posts = $this->getAllBlogs(); $email = HtmlFacade::mailto('*****@*****.**', 'here'); return View::make('home', compact('posts', 'email')); }