public function create()
     //hacking attempt
     if ($_POST['end_of_line'] != "") {
     if (isset($_POST['title']) && isset($_POST['cat']) && isset($_POST['imesg']) && isset($_POST['omesg'])) {
         $catid = (int) $_POST['cat'];
         $category = new \CODOF\Forum\Category($this->db);
         if (!$category->exists($catid) || !$category->canCreateTopicIn($catid)) {
             exit(_t("No such category exists!"));
         $post = new \CODOF\Forum\Post($this->db);
         $topic = new \CODOF\Forum\Topic($this->db);
         $notifier = new \CODOF\Forum\Notification\Notifier();
         $subscriber = new \CODOF\Forum\Notification\Subscriber();
         $title = \CODOF\Format::title($_POST['title']);
         $filter = new \CODOF\SpamFilter();
         $needsModeration = false;
         $sticky = $_POST['sticky'] === "true" ? 'yes' : 'no';
         $frontpage = $_POST['frontpage'] === "true" ? 'yes' : 'no';
         if ($filter->isSpam($_POST['imesg'])) {
             $needsModeration = true;
         $user = \CODOF\User\User::get();
         if ($sticky == 'yes' && $user->can('make sticky')) {
             if ($frontpage == 'yes') {
                 $tid = $topic->ins_topic($catid, $title, $needsModeration, \CODOF\Forum\Forum::STICKY);
             } else {
                 $tid = $topic->ins_topic($catid, $title, $needsModeration, \CODOF\Forum\Forum::STICKY_ONLY_CATEGORY);
         } else {
             $tid = $topic->ins_topic($catid, $title, $needsModeration, \CODOF\Forum\Forum::APPROVED);
         $pid = $post->ins_post($catid, $tid, $_POST['imesg'], $_POST['omesg']);
         $topic->link_topic_post($pid, $tid);
         //get any @mentions from the topic post
         $mentions = $subscriber->getMentions($_POST['imesg']);
         //get userids from mentions that actually exists in the database
         $ids = $subscriber->getIdsThatExisits($mentions);
         //subscribe self to topic as a Subscriber::NOTIFIED
         $subscriber->toTopic($catid, $tid, \CODOF\Forum\Notification\Subscriber::$NOTIFIED);
         //if post was inserted successfully
         if ($pid) {
             $topicData = array("label" => 'New topic', "cid" => $catid, "tid" => $tid, "tuid" => $user->id, "pid" => $pid, "mentions" => $ids, "message" => \CODOF\Util::start_cut(\CODOF\Format::imessage($_POST['imesg']), 120), "notification" => "%actor% created <b>%title%</b>", "bindings" => array("title" => \CODOF\Util::start_cut($title, 100)));
             $notifier->queueNotify('new_topic', $topicData);
             \CODOF\Hook::call('after_topic_insert', $topicData);
         //insert tags if any present in the topic
         if (isset($_POST['tags']) && $user->can('add tags')) {
             //the method does the filtering
             $topic->insertTags($tid, $_POST['tags']);
         echo json_encode(array('tid' => $tid));
 public function ins_topics($topic_info, $pid, $use_passed_pid)
     $cats = array();
     $i = 0;
     $defs = array("last_post_id" => 0, "topic_updated" => 0);
     foreach ($topic_info as $cat) {
         $cats[$i] = $this->set_value($cat, $defs);
         $cats[$i] += $cat;
         //$cats[$i]['topic_id'] = $tid;
         if ($use_passed_pid) {
             $cats[$i]['post_id'] = ++$pid;
         $cats[$i]['title'] = Format::title($cat['title']);
         //does all last post details exist ?
         if (\CODOF\Util::is_set($cat, array('last_post_id', 'last_post_uid', 'last_post_name', 'last_post_time'))) {
             //correct last post time
             if ($cat['last_post_time'] == null || $cat['last_post_time'] == 0) {
                 $cats[$i]['last_post_time'] = $cat['topic_created'];
         } else {
             $cats[$i]['last_post_id'] = 0;
             $cats[$i]['last_post_uid'] = NULL;
             $cats[$i]['last_post_name'] = NULL;
             $cats[$i]['last_post_time'] = $cat['topic_created'];
         if (isset($cat['no_views'])) {
             $cats[$i]['no_views'] = $cat['no_views'];
         } else {
             $cats[$i]['no_views'] = 0;
     // var_dump($cats);
     $attrs = array("topic_id", "title", "cat_id", "post_id", "uid", "last_post_id", "last_post_uid", "last_post_name", "topic_created", "topic_updated", "last_post_time", "no_views");
     $qry = $this->prepare_ins_qry($cats, $attrs, "codo_topics");
     $this->query .= $qry;
     return $pid;
  * Edits current topic
 public function edit_topic($cid, $tid, $pid, $title, $imessage, $omessage, $topic_status = Forum::APPROVED)
     $tid = (int) $tid;
     $pid = (int) $pid;
     $title = \CODOF\Format::title($title);
     $qry = 'UPDATE ' . PREFIX . 'codo_topics SET cat_id=:cat_id, title=:title, topic_updated=:time, topic_status=:topic_status ' . 'WHERE topic_id=:tid';
     $t_stmt = $this->db->prepare($qry);
     $t_stmt->execute(array(":cat_id" => $cid, ":title" => $title, ":time" => time(), ":tid" => $tid, ":topic_status" => $topic_status));
     $qry = 'UPDATE ' . PREFIX . 'codo_posts SET cat_id=:cat_id,imessage=:imesg, omessage=:omesg,' . 'post_modified=:time WHERE post_id=:pid';
     $p_stmt = $this->db->prepare($qry);
     $p_stmt->execute(array(":cat_id" => $cid, ":imesg" => \CODOF\Format::imessage($imessage), ":omesg" => \CODOF\Format::omessage($omessage), ":time" => time(), ":pid" => $pid));