public function render($tpl = null) { //get model and retrieve info $model = new EventModel(); if (TemplateHelper::isMobile()) { $model->set('current_events', true); } $events = $model->getEvents(); $eventDock = ViewHelper::getView('events', 'dashboard_event_dock', 'phtml', array('events' => $events)); $dealModel = new DealModel(); $dealModel->set('_view', 'dashboard'); $dealModel->set('recent', true); $dealModel->set('archived', 0); $recentDeals = $dealModel->getDeals(); $doc = JFactory::getDocument(); //get data for sales graphs $model = new GraphsModel(); $graph_data = $model->getGraphData(); $activityHelper = new ActivityHelper(); $activity = $activityHelper->getActivity(); //assign results to view $this->eventDock = $eventDock; $this->graph_data = $graph_data; $this->recentDeals = $recentDeals; $this->activity = $activity; $json = TRUE; $peopleModel = new PeopleModel(); if (TemplateHelper::isMobile()) { $dealModel->set('recent', false); $totalDeals = $dealModel->getTotal(); $peopleModel->set('type', 'leads'); $totalLeads = $peopleModel->getTotal(); $peopleModel->set('type', 'not_leads'); $totalContacts = $peopleModel->getTotal(); $companyModel = new CompanyModel(); $totalCompanies = $companyModel->getTotal(); $user = UsersHelper::getLoggedInUser(); $this->first_name = $user->first_name; $this->numEvents = count($events); $this->numDeals = $totalDeals; $this->numLeads = $totalLeads; $this->numContacts = $totalContacts; $this->numCompanies = $totalCompanies; } $peopleNames = $peopleModel->getPeopleNames($json); $doc->addScriptDeclaration("var people_names=" . $peopleNames . ";"); $dealModel = new DealModel(); $dealNames = $dealModel->getDealNames($json); $doc->addScriptDeclaration("var deal_names=" . $dealNames . ";"); /** get latest activities **/ $this->latest_activities = ViewHelper::getView('dashboard', 'latest_activities', 'phtml'); $this->latest_activities->activity = $activity; $activityHelper = new ActivityHelper(); $activity = $activityHelper->getActivity(); //display return parent::render(); }
public function render($tpl = null) { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $document = JFactory::getDocument(); //event model $model = new EventModel(); $view = $app->input->get('view'); $layout = $this->getLayout(); switch ($layout) { case 'event_dock': break; case 'edit_event': case 'edit_task': break; case 'default': default: $event_id = $app->input->get('id'); if ($app->input->get('loc')) { $events = $model->getEvents($app->input->get('loc'), null, $app->input->get($app->input->get('loc') . '_id')); } else { $events = $model->getEvents(); } $state = $model->getState(); $this->event_statuses = EventHelper::getEventStatuses(); $this->event_types = EventHelper::getEventTypes(); $this->event_categories = EventHelper::getCategories(TRUE); $this->event_due_dates = EventHelper::getEventDueDates(); $this->event_associations = EventHelper::getEventAssociations(); $this->event_users = UsersHelper::getUsers(NULL, TRUE); $this->event_teams = UsersHelper::getTeams(); $this->dataTableColumns = $model->getDataTableColumns(); $document->addScriptDeclaration("\n loc = 'events';\n order_url = 'index.php?view=events&layout=list&format=raw&tmpl=component';\n order_dir = '" . $state->get('Event.' . $view . '_' . $layout . '_' . 'filter_order_Dir') . "';\n order_col = '" . $state->get('Event.' . $view . '_' . $layout . '_' . 'filter_order') . "';\n var dataTableColumns = " . json_encode($this->dataTableColumns) . ";"); $this->state = $state; break; } if ($layout != 'edit_task' || $layout != "edit_event") { if (TemplateHelper::isMobile()) { $model->set('current_events', true); $document->addScriptDeclaration('loc="events";'); } } if (TemplateHelper::isMobile() && isset($event_id)) { $person_model = new PeopleModel(); $person_model->set('event_id', $event_id); $person_model->set('recent', false); $person_model->set('_id', null); $this->people = $person_model->getPeople(); } $document->addScriptDeclaration('var layout="' . $layout . '"'); //assign results to view $this->events = $events; $this->member_role = UsersHelper::getRole(); $this->user_id = UsersHelper::getUserId(); $this->team_id = UsersHelper::getTeamId(); //display return parent::render(); }
public function render() { //app $app = JFactory::getApplication(); //document $document = JFactory::getDocument(); //javascripts if ($this->getLayout() == 'header') { $document->addScriptDeclaration('var base_url = "' . JURI::base() . '";'); } //mobile detection $this->isMobile = TemplateHelper::isMobile(); $this->isDashboard = $app->input->get('view') == 'dashboard' ? true : false; return parent::render(); }
public function render() { //app $this->app = JFactory::getApplication(); //load reports menu bar $this->menu = TemplateHelper::loadReportMenu(); //get document $this->document = JFactory::getDocument(); //determine view layout $this->layout = $this->getLayout(); $func = "_display_" . $this->layout; if (method_exists($this, $func)) { $this->{$func}(); } //assign user filter priviliges $this->member_role = UsersHelper::getRole(); $this->user_id = UsersHelper::getUserId(); $this->team_id = UsersHelper::getTeamId(); //if the user is not basic then they are able to filter through company/team/user data if ($this->member_role != 'basic') { //exec can see teams if ($this->member_role == 'exec') { $this->teams = UsersHelper::getTeams(); } //manager and exec users $this->users = UsersHelper::getUsers(); } //assign team names for drop downs $this->team_names = DropdownHelper::getTeamNames(); //assign user names for drop downs $this->user_names = DropdownHelper::getUserNames(); //assign categories for drop downs $this->categories = NoteHelper::getCategories(); //display return parent::render(); }
public function render() { $app = \Cobalt\Container::fetch('app'); //retrieve deal list from model $model = new DealModel(); $state = $model->getState(); $dealList = array(); $deal = array(); $doc = JFactory::getDocument(); //session info $session = JFactory::getSession(); $member_role = UsersHelper::getRole(); $user_id = UsersHelper::getUserId(); $team_id = UsersHelper::getTeamId(); //determine if we are requesting a specific deal or all deals //if id requested if ($app->input->get('id')) { $model->set('_id', $app->input->get('id')); $dealList = $model->getDeals(); if (is_null($dealList[0]->id)) { $app->redirect(RouteHelper::_('index.php?view=deals'), TextHelper::_('COBALT_NOT_AUTHORIZED')); } //display remove and assign primary contact to deal $app->input->set('loc', 'deal'); } else { //else load all deals if ($app->input->get('layout') != 'edit') { if (TemplateHelper::isMobile()) { $model->set('ordering', ' ASC'); } $dealList = $model->getDeals(); } } //determine if we are editing an existing deal entry if (count($dealList) == 1) { //grab deal object $deal = $dealList[0]; $deal->header = ucwords(TextHelper::_('COBALT_DEAL_EDIT')); } else { //else we are creating a new entry $deal = new \stdClass(); $deal->name = ""; $deal->summary = ""; $deal->company_id = $app->input->get('company_id') ? $app->input->get('company_id') : null; $deal->person_id = $app->input->get('person_id') ? $app->input->get('person_id') : null; //get company name to prefill data and hidden fields if ($deal->company_id) { $company = CompanyHelper::getCompany($deal->company_id); $deal->company_name = $company[0]['name']; $deal->company_id = $company[0]['id']; } //if a person is specified prefill data if ($deal->person_id) { $person = PeopleHelper::getPerson($deal->person_id); $deal->person_name = $person[0]['last_name'] . ', ' . $person[0]['first_name']; $deal->person_id = $person[0]['id']; //assign company if person is associated with company if ($person[0]['company_id']) { $deal->company_id = $person[0]['company_id']; $deal->company_name = $person[0]['company_name']; } } //assign rest of null data $deal->amount = ""; $deal->stage_id = 0; $deal->source_id = 0; $deal->probability = 0; $deal->status_id = 0; $deal->expected_close = ""; $deal->header = ucwords(TextHelper::_('COBALT_DEAL_HEADER')); } //load javalibs if (!TemplateHelper::isMobile()) { $doc->addScript(JURI::base() . 'src/Cobalt/media/js/deal_manager.js'); } //dropdown info //get deal type filters $deal_types = DealHelper::getDealTypes(); $deal_type_name = $session->get('deal_type_filter'); $deal_type_name = array_key_exists($deal_type_name, $deal_types) ? $deal_types[$deal_type_name] : $deal_types['']; //get column filters $column_filters = DealHelper::getColumnFilters(); $selected_columns = DealHelper::getSelectedColumnFilters(); //get member access info $teams = UsersHelper::getTeams(); $users = UsersHelper::getUsers(); $stages = DealHelper::getStages(); //get deal stage filters $stage_name = $session->get('deal_stage_filter'); $stage_name = $stage_name ? $stages[$stage_name] : $stages['all']; //get session data to prefill filters $user_filter = $session->get('deal_user_filter'); $team_filter = $session->get('deal_team_filter'); if ($user_filter == "all" && $user_filter != $user_id) { $user_name = TextHelper::_('COBALT_ALL_USERS'); } elseif ($user_filter == "all") { $user_name = TextHelper::_('COBALT_ME'); } elseif ($user_filter and $user_filter != $user_id and $user_filter != 'all') { $user_info = UsersHelper::getUsers($user_filter); $user_info = $user_info[0]; $user_name = $user_info['first_name'] . " " . $user_info['last_name']; } elseif ($team_filter) { $team_info = UsersHelper::getTeams($team_filter); $team = $team_info[0]; $user_name = $team['team_name'] . TextHelper::_('COBALT_TEAM_APPEND'); } else { $user_name = TextHelper::_('COBALT_ME'); } //get closing time filters $closing_names = DealHelper::getClosing(); $closing_name = $session->get('deal_close_filter'); $closing_name = $closing_name ? $closing_names[$closing_name] : $closing_names['all']; //get total deals associated with user $total_deals = UsersHelper::getDealCount($user_id, $team_id, $member_role); //Load Events & Tasks for person $layout = $this->getLayout(); if ($layout == "deal") { $model = new EventModel(); $events = $model->getEvents("deal", null, $app->input->get('id')); $this->event_dock = ViewHelper::getView('events', 'event_dock', 'phtml', array('events' => $events)); $primary_contact_id = DealHelper::getPrimaryContact($dealList[0]->id); $this->contact_info = ViewHelper::getView('contacts', 'default', 'phtml', array('contacts' => $dealList[0]->people, 'primary_contact_id' => $primary_contact_id)); $this->document_list = ViewHelper::getView('documents', 'list', 'phtml', array('documents' => $deal->documents, 'total' => $total, 'pagination' => $pagination)); //$this->document_list = ViewHelper::getView('documents','document_row','phtml',array('documents'=>$deal->documents)); $this->custom_fields_view = ViewHelper::getView('custom', 'default', 'phtml', array('type' => 'deal', 'item' => $dealList[0])); } if ($layout == "default") { $this->dataTableColumns = $model->getDataTableColumns(); $pagination = $model->getPagination(); $total = $model->getTotal(); $this->deal_list = ViewHelper::getView('deals', 'list', 'phtml', array('dealList' => $dealList, 'total' => $total, 'pagination' => $pagination)); $this->state = $state; $doc->addScriptDeclaration("\n loc = 'deals';\n order_url = 'index.php?view=deals&layout=list&format=raw&tmpl=component';\n order_dir = '" . $state->get('Deal.filter_order_Dir') . "';\n order_col = '" . $state->get('Deal.filter_order') . "';\n var dataTableColumns = " . json_encode($this->dataTableColumns) . ";"); $deal_name = $state->get('Deal.deals_name'); $this->deal_filter = $deal_name; } if (TemplateHelper::isMobile()) { $this->add_note = ViewHelper::getView('note', 'edit', 'phtml'); $this->add_task = ViewHelper::getView('events', 'edit_task', 'phtml', array('association_type' => 'deal', 'assocation_id' => $app->input->get('id'))); } if ($layout == "edit") { $item = $app->input->get('id') && array_key_exists(0, $dealList) ? $dealList[0] : array('id' => ''); $this->edit_custom_fields_view = ViewHelper::getView('custom', 'edit', 'phtml', array('type' => 'deal', 'item' => $item)); $json = TRUE; $companyModel = new CompanyModel(); $companyNames = $companyModel->getCompanyNames($json); $doc->addScriptDeclaration("var company_names=" . $companyNames . ";"); $peopleModel = new PeopleModel(); $peopleNames = $peopleModel->getPeopleNames($json); $doc->addScriptDeclaration("var people_names=" . $peopleNames . ";"); } $closed_stages = DealHelper::getClosedStages(); //assign results to view $this->closed_stages = $closed_stages; $this->dealList = $dealList; $this->totalDeals = $total_deals; $this->deal = $deal; $this->deal_types = $deal_types; $this->deal_type_name = $deal_type_name; $this->user_id = $user_id; $this->member_role = $member_role; $this->teams = $teams; $this->users = $users; $this->stages = $stages; $this->stage_name = $stage_name; $this->user_name = $user_name; $this->closing_names = $closing_names; $this->closing_name = $closing_name; $this->state = $state; $this->column_filters = $column_filters; $this->selected_columns = $selected_columns; //display return parent::render(); }
/** * Method to run the application routines. * * @return void * * @since 1.0 */ public function doExecute() { // Register the template to the config $template = $this->getTemplate(true); $this->set('theme', $template->template); $this->set('themeFile', $this->input->get('tmpl', 'index') . '.php'); // Set metadata $this->document->setTitle('Cobalt'); // Start the output buffer ob_start(); // Install check if (!file_exists(JPATH_CONFIGURATION . '/configuration.php') || filesize(JPATH_CONFIGURATION . '/configuration.php') < 10) { // Redirect to the installer if we aren't there if (strpos($this->get('uri.route'), 'install') === false && $this->input->getString('task') != 'install') { ob_end_flush(); $this->redirect(RouteHelper::_('index.php?view=install')); } // Build a session object to push into the DI container $session = new Session(new MockFileSessionStorage()); $this->getContainer()->set('session', $session); // Fetch the controller $controllerObj = $this->getRouter()->getController($this->get('uri.route')); // Perform the Request task $controllerObj->execute(); } elseif (file_exists(JPATH_CONFIGURATION . '/configuration.php') && filesize(JPATH_CONFIGURATION . '/configuration.php') > 10 && strpos($this->get('uri.route'), 'install') !== false) { $this->redirect(RouteHelper::_('index.php')); } else { // Finish bootstrapping the application now $this->getContainer()->registerServiceProvider(new Provider\ConfigServiceProvider())->registerServiceProvider(new Provider\DatabaseServiceProvider())->registerServiceProvider(new Provider\SessionServiceProvider()); $this->loadConfiguration(); // Load Language UsersHelper::loadLanguage(); // Set site timezone $tz = DateHelper::getSiteTimezone(); // Get user object $user = $this->getUser(); // Fetch the controller $controllerObj = $this->getRouter()->getController($this->get('uri.route')); // Require specific controller if requested $controller = $this->input->get('controller', 'default'); // Load user toolbar $format = $this->input->get('format'); $overrides = array('ajax', 'mail', 'login'); $loggedIn = $user->isAuthenticated(); if ($loggedIn && $format !== 'raw' && !in_array($controller, $overrides)) { ActivityHelper::saveUserLoginHistory(); // Set a default view if none exists $this->input->def('view', 'dashboard'); // Grab document instance $document = $this->getDocument(); // Start component div wrapper if (!in_array($this->input->get('view'), array('print'))) { TemplateHelper::loadToolbar(); } TemplateHelper::startCompWrap(); // Load javascript language TemplateHelper::loadJavascriptLanguage(); TemplateHelper::showMessages(); } if (!$loggedIn && !$controllerObj instanceof \Cobalt\Controller\Login) { $this->redirect(RouteHelper::_('index.php?view=login')); } // Fullscreen detection if (UsersHelper::isFullscreen()) { $this->input->set('tmpl', 'component'); } // Perform the Request task $controllerObj->execute(); // End componenet wrapper if ($user !== false && $format !== 'raw') { TemplateHelper::endCompWrap(); } } $contents = ob_get_clean(); if ($this->input->get('format', 'html') === 'raw') { $this->setBody($contents); } else { $this->document->setBuffer($contents, 'cobalt'); $this->setBody($this->document->render(false, (array) $template)); } }
public function render() { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); ///retrieve task list from model $model = new PeopleModel(); $state = $model->getState(); //session data $session = JFactory::getSession(); $user_id = UsersHelper::getUserId(); $team_id = UsersHelper::getTeamId(); $member_role = UsersHelper::getRole(); $people_type_name = $session->get('people_type_filter'); $user = $session->get('people_user_filter'); $team = $session->get('people_team_filter'); $stage = $session->get('people_stage_filter'); $tag = $session->get('people_tag_filter'); $status = $session->get('people_status_filter'); //load java $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $document->addScript(JURI::base() . 'src/Cobalt/media/js/people_manager.js'); //get list of people $people = $model->getPeople(); $person = array(); //Pagination $this->pagination = $model->getPagination(); //determine if we are editing an existing person entry if ($app->input->get('id')) { //grab deal object $person = $people[0]; if (is_null($person['id'])) { $app->redirect(RouteHelper::_('index.php?view=people'), TextHelper::_('COBALT_NOT_AUTHORIZED')); } $person['header'] = TextHelper::_('COBALT_EDIT') . ' ' . $person['first_name'] . ' ' . $person['last_name']; } else { //else we are creating a new entry $person = array(); $person['id'] = ''; $person['first_name'] = ""; $person['last_name'] = ""; $person['company_id'] = $app->input->get('company_id') ? $app->input->get('company_id') : null; $person['deal_id'] = $app->input->get('deal_id') ? $app->input->get('deal_id') : null; //get company name to prefill data on page and hidden fields if ($person['company_id']) { $company = CompanyHelper::getCompany($person['company_id']); $person['company_name'] = $company[0]['name']; $person['company_id'] = $company[0]['id']; } //get deal name to prefill data on page and hidden fields if ($person['deal_id']) { $deal = DealHelper::getDeal($person['deal_id']); $person['deal_name'] = $deal[0]['name']; $person['deal_id'] = $deal[0]['id']; } $person['position'] = ""; $person['phone'] = ""; $person['email'] = ""; $person['type'] = ''; $person['source_id'] = null; $person['status_id'] = null; $person['header'] = TextHelper::_('COBALT_PERSON_ADD'); } //get total people associated with users account $total_people = UsersHelper::getPeopleCount($user_id, $team_id, $member_role); //get filter types $people_types = PeopleHelper::getPeopleTypes(); $people_type_name = $people_type_name && array_key_exists($people_type_name, $people_types) ? $people_types[$people_type_name] : $people_types['all']; //get column filters $column_filters = PeopleHelper::getColumnFilters(); $selected_columns = PeopleHelper::getSelectedColumnFilters(); //get user filter //get associated users//teams $teams = UsersHelper::getTeams(); $users = UsersHelper::getUsers(); if ($user and $user != $user_id and $user != 'all') { $user_info = UsersHelper::getUsers($user); $user_info = $user_info[0]; $user_name = $user_info['first_name'] . " " . $user_info['last_name']; } elseif ($team) { $team_info = UsersHelper::getTeams($team); $team_info = $team_info[0]; $user_name = $team_info['team_name'] . TextHelper::_('COBALT_TEAM_APPEND'); } elseif ($user == 'all') { $user_name = TextHelper::_('COBALT_ALL_USERS'); } else { $user_name = TextHelper::_('COBALT_ME'); } //get stage filter $stages = PeopleHelper::getStages(); $stages_name = $stage ? $stages[$stage] : $stages['past_thirty']; //get tag filter $tag_list = PeopleHelper::getTagList(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($tag_list); $i++) { if ($tag_list[$i]['id'] == $tag and $tag != 'any') { $tag_name = $tag_list[$i]['name']; break; } } $tag_name = ($tag and $tag != 'any') ? $tag_name : 'all tags'; //get status filter $status_list = PeopleHelper::getStatusList(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($status_list); $i++) { if ($status_list[$i]['id'] == $status and $status != 'any') { $status_name = $status_list[$i]['name']; break; } } $status_name = ($status and $status != 'any') ? $status_name : 'any status'; $dropdowns = $model->getDropdowns(); //Load Events & Tasks for person $layout = $this->getLayout(); if ($layout == "person") { $model = new EventModel(); $events = $model->getEvents("person", null, $app->input->get('id')); $this->event_dock = ViewHelper::getView('events', 'event_dock', 'phtml', array('events' => $events)); $this->deal_dock = ViewHelper::getView('deals', 'deal_dock', 'phtml', array('deals' => $person['deals'])); $this->document_list = ViewHelper::getView('documents', 'document_row', 'phtml', array('documents' => $person['documents'])); $this->custom_fields_view = ViewHelper::getView('custom', 'default', 'phtml', array('type' => 'people', 'item' => $person)); } if ($layout == "default") { $total = $model->getTotal(); $pagination = $model->getPagination(); $this->people_list = ViewHelper::getView('people', 'list', 'phtml', array('people' => $people, 'total' => $total, 'pagination' => $pagination)); $this->people_filter = $state->get('Deal.people_name'); $this->dataTableColumns = $model->getDataTableColumns(); JFactory::getDocument()->addScriptDeclaration("\n var loc = 'people';\n var order_dir = '" . $state->get('People.filter_order_Dir') . "';\n var order_col = '" . $state->get('People.filter_order') . "';\n var dataTableColumns = " . json_encode($this->dataTableColumns) . ";"); } if ($layout == "edit") { $item = $app->input->get('id') && array_key_exists(0, $people) ? $people[0] : array('id' => ''); $this->edit_custom_fields_view = ViewHelper::getView('custom', 'edit', 'phtml', array('type' => 'people', 'item' => $item)); $companyModel = new CompanyModel(); $json = TRUE; $companyNames = $companyModel->getCompanyNames($json); $document->addScriptDeclaration("var company_names=" . $companyNames . ";"); } if (TemplateHelper::isMobile() && $app->input->get('id')) { $this->add_note = ViewHelper::getView('note', 'edit', 'phtml', array('add_note' => $add_note)); $this->add_task = ViewHelper::getView('events', 'edit_task', 'phtml', array('association_type' => 'person', 'assocation_id' => $app->input->get('id'))); } //assign results to view $this->people = $people; $this->person = $person; $this->totalPeople = $total_people; $this->people_type_name = $people_type_name; $this->people_types = $people_types; $this->user_id = $user_id; $this->team_id = $team_id; $this->member_role = $member_role; $this->user_name = $user_name; $this->teams = $teams; $this->users = $users; $this->stages = $stages; $this->stages_name = $stages_name; $this->tag_list = $tag_list; $this->tag_name = $tag_name; $this->status_list = $status_list; $this->status_name = $status_name; $this->state = $state; $this->column_filters = $column_filters; $this->selected_columns = $selected_columns; $this->dropdown = $dropdowns; //display return parent::render(); }
public function getCompanies($id = null, $type = null, $user = null, $team = null) { $app = \Cobalt\Container::fetch('app'); $this->_id = $id; $this->_type = $type; $this->_user = $user; $this->_team = $team; //get query string $query = $this->_buildQuery(); /** ------------------------------------------ * Set query limits and load results */ if (!TemplateHelper::isMobile()) { $limit = $this->getState($this->_view . '_limit'); $limitStart = $this->getState($this->_view . '_limitstart'); if (!$this->_id && $limit != 0) { if ($limitStart >= $this->getTotal()) { $limitStart = 0; $limit = 10; $limitStart = $limit != 0 ? floor($limitStart / $limit) * $limit : 0; $this->state->set($this->_view . '_limit', $limit); $this->state->set($this->_view . '_limitstart', $limitStart); } $query .= " LIMIT " . $limit . " OFFSET " . $limitStart; } } //run query and grab results of companies $companies = $this->db->setQuery($query)->loadAssocList(); //generate query to join people if (count($companies)) { $export = $app->input->get('export'); if (!$export) { foreach ($companies as $key => $company) { /* Tweets */ if ($company['twitter_user'] != "" && $company['twitter_user'] != " ") { $companies[$key]['tweets'] = TweetsHelper::getTweets($company['twitter_user']); } //generate people query $peopleModel = new People(); $peopleModel->set('company_id', $company['id']); $companies[$key]['people'] = $peopleModel->getContacts(); //generate deal query $dealModel = new Deal(); $dealModel->set('company_id', $company['id']); $deals = $dealModel->getDeals(); $companies[$key]['pipeline'] = 0; $companies[$key]['won_deals'] = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($deals); $i++) { $deal = $deals[$i]; $companies[$key]['pipeline'] += $deal->amount; if ($deal->percent == 100) { $companies[$key]['won_deals'] += $deal->amount; } } $companies[$key]['deals'] = $deals; //Get Associated Notes $notesModel = new Note(); $companies[$key]['notes'] = $notesModel->getNotes($company['id'], 'company'); // Get Associated Documents $documentModel = new Document(); $documentModel->set('company_id', $company['id']); $companies[$key]['documents'] = $documentModel->getDocuments(); $companies[$key]['address_formatted'] = strlen($company['address_1']) > 0 ? $company['address_1'] . $company['address_2'] . ", " . $company['address_city'] . ' ' . $company['address_state'] . ', ' . $company['address_zip'] . ' ' . $company['address_country'] : ""; } } } //$app->triggerEvent('onCompanyLoad',array(&$companies)); return $companies; }
public static function startCompWrap() { ?> <div class="container"> <div id="com_cobalt"> <div id="message" style="display:none;"></div> <div id="CobaltModalMessage" class="modal hide fade top-right" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-header small"> <h3 id="CobaltModalMessageHeader"></h3> </div> <div id="CobaltModalMessageBody" class="modal-body"> <p></p> </div> </div> <div id="google-map" style="display:none;"></div> <div id="edit_note_entry" style="display:none;"></div> <div id="edit_convo_entry" style="display:none;"></div> <div id="document_preview_modal" style="display:none;"></div> <?php echo TemplateHelper::getEventDialog(); ?> <?php echo TemplateHelper::getAvatarDialog(); ?> <script type="text/javascript">var base_url = "<?php echo JUri::base(); ?> ";</script> <?php if (UsersHelper::getLoggedInUser()) { ?> <script type="text/javascript">var userDateFormat = "<?php echo UsersHelper::getDateFormat(false); ?> ";</script> <script type="text/javascript">var user_id = "<?php echo UsersHelper::getUserId(); ?> ";</script> <?php } else { ?> <script type="text/javascript">var userDateFormat = null;</script> <script type="text/javascript">var user_id = 0;</script> <?php } if (self::isMobile()) { ?> <div class='page' data-role='page' data-theme='b' id=''> <?php } ?> <div id="logoutModal" class="modal fade" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="logoutModal" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">×</button> <h3><?php echo TextHelper::_('COBALT_LOGOUT_HEADER'); ?> </h3> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <p><?php echo TextHelper::_('COBALT_LOGOUT_MESSAGE'); ?> </p> <form id="logout-form" class="inline-form block-btn" action="<?php echo RouteHelper::_('index.php?view=logout'); ?> " method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="return" value="<?php echo base64_encode('/'); ?> " /> <?php // echo JHtml::_('form.token'); ?> </form> </div> <div class="modal-footer"> <button type="button" data-dismiss="modal" class="btn btn-default"><?php echo TextHelper::_('COBALT_CANCEL'); ?> </button> <button type="button" onclick="document.getElementById('logout-form').submit();" class="btn btn-primary"><?php echo TextHelper::_('COBALT_LOGOUT'); ?> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php }
public function render() { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $app->input->set('view', 'companies'); $app->input->set('layout', $app->input->get('layout', 'default')); //get model $model = new CompanyModel(); $state = $model->getState(); //session data $session = JFactory::getSession(); $member_role = UsersHelper::getRole(); $user_id = UsersHelper::getUserId(); $team_id = UsersHelper::getTeamId(); $company = $session->get('company_type_filter'); $user = $session->get('company_user_filter'); $team = $session->get('company_team_filter'); //load java libs $doc = JFactory::getDocument(); $doc->addScript(JURI::base() . 'src/Cobalt/media/js/company_manager.js'); //determine if we are requesting a specific company or all companies //if id requested if ($app->input->get('id')) { $companies = $model->getCompanies($app->input->get('id')); if (is_null($companies[0]['id'])) { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $app->redirect(RouteHelper::_('index.php?view=companies'), TextHelper::_('COBALT_NOT_AUTHORIZED')); } } else { //else load all companies if ($app->input->get('layout') != 'edit') { $companies = $model->getCompanies(); } } //assign pagination $pagination = $model->getPagination(); $this->pagination = $pagination; //get company type filters $company_types = CompanyHelper::getTypes(); $company_type = $company ? $company_types[$company] : $company_types['all']; //get user filter if ($user and $user != $user_id and $user != 'all') { $user_info = UsersHelper::getUsers($user); $user_info = $user_info[0]; $user_name = $user_info['first_name'] . " " . $user_info['last_name']; } elseif ($team) { $team_info = UsersHelper::getTeams($team); $team_info = $team_info[0]; $user_name = $team_info['team_name'] . TextHelper::_('COBALT_TEAM_APPEND'); } elseif ($user == 'all' || $user == "") { $user_name = TextHelper::_('COBALT_ALL_USERS'); } else { $user_name = TextHelper::_('COBALT_ME'); } //get associated members and teams $teams = UsersHelper::getTeams(); $users = UsersHelper::getUsers(); //get total associated companies for count display $company_count = UsersHelper::getCompanyCount($user_id, $team_id, $member_role); //Load Events & Tasks for person $layout = $app->input->get('layout'); switch ($layout) { case 'company': $model = new EventModel(); $events = $model->getEvents("company", null, $app->input->get('id')); $this->event_dock = ViewHelper::getView('events', 'event_dock', 'phtml', array('events' => $events)); $this->deal_dock = ViewHelper::getView('deals', 'deal_dock', 'phtml', array('deals' => $companies[0]['deals'])); $this->document_list = ViewHelper::getView('documents', 'document_row', 'phtml', array('documents' => $companies[0]['documents'])); $this->people_dock = ViewHelper::getView('people', 'people_dock', 'html', array('people' => $companies[0]['people'])); $custom_fields_view = ViewHelper::getView('custom', 'default', 'html'); $type = "company"; $custom_fields_view->type = $type; $custom_fields_view->item = $companies[0]; $this->custom_fields_view = $custom_fields_view; if (TemplateHelper::isMobile()) { $add_note = ViewHelper::getView('note', 'edit', 'html'); $this->add_note = $add_note; } break; case 'default': default: //get column filters $this->column_filters = CompanyHelper::getColumnFilters(); $this->selected_columns = CompanyHelper::getSelectedColumnFilters(); $company_list = ViewHelper::getView('companies', 'list', 'html', array('companies' => $companies)); $total = $model->getTotal(); $pagination = $model->getPagination(); $company_list->total = $total; $company_list->pagination = $pagination; $this->company_list = $company_list; $company_name = $state->get('Company.companies_name'); $this->company_filter = $company_name; $this->dataTableColumns = $model->getDataTableColumns(); $doc->addScriptDeclaration("\n var loc = 'companies';\n var order_dir = '" . $state->get('Company.filter_order_Dir') . "';\n var order_col = '" . $state->get('Company.filter_order') . "';\n var dataTableColumns = " . json_encode($this->dataTableColumns) . ";"); break; case 'edit': $item = $app->input->get('id') && array_key_exists(0, $companies) ? $companies[0] : array('id' => ''); $edit_custom_fields_view = ViewHelper::getView('custom', 'edit', 'html'); $type = "company"; $edit_custom_fields_view->type = $type; $edit_custom_fields_view->item = $item; $this->edit_custom_fields_view = $edit_custom_fields_view; break; } //ref assignments $this->companies = $companies; $this->user_id = $user_id; $this->member_role = $member_role; $this->teams = $teams; $this->users = $users; $this->company_types = $company_types; $this->company_type = $company_type; $this->user_name = $user_name; $this->company_count = $company_count; $this->state = $state; //display return parent::render(); }