Exemple #1
  * Display image link (target attribute appended to end or link if exists)
  * @param string $content
  * @param array $options
  * @return string
 public function display($content, $options = [])
     $content = $this->_defaultData($content);
     $target = $content['target'] ? ' target=\\"' . $content['target'] . '"' : '';
     $link = str_replace('internal://', '', $content['link'], $count);
     return ($count > 0 ? Path::getFullUrl($link) : $link) . $target;
  * MenuItemDetails constructor.
  * @param MenuItem $item
  * @param bool $active
  * @param int $parentPageId
  * @param bool $canonicals
 public function __construct(MenuItem $item, $active = false, $parentPageId = 0, $canonicals = false)
     $pageId = Path::unParsePageId($item->page_id);
     if (!$item->id && !$canonicals) {
         $item->page_id = Path::parsePageId($pageId, $parentPageId);
     $this->item = $item;
     $this->page = Page::preload($pageId);
     $this->parentPageId = $parentPageId;
     $this->active = $active;
     $this->name = $item->custom_name ?: PageLang::getName($pageId);
     $this->url = $this->page && $this->page->link ? PageLang::getUrl($pageId) : Path::getFullUrl($item->page_id);
 public function getEdit($pageId, $versionId = 0)
     // get page data
     if (!($page = Page::find($pageId))) {
         return 'Page Not Found';
     $publishingOn = config('coaster::admin.publishing') > 0;
     $auth = ['can_publish' => $publishingOn && Auth::action('pages.version-publish', ['page_id' => $pageId]) || !$publishingOn && Auth::action('pages.edit', ['page_id' => $pageId]), 'can_duplicate' => $page->canDuplicate()];
     // get page lang data
     if (!($page_lang = $page->pageCurrentLang)) {
         if (!($page_lang = $page->pageDefaultLang)) {
             return 'Page Lang Data Not Found';
         $page_lang = $page_lang->replicate();
         $page_lang->language_id = Language::current();
     $page_lang->url = ltrim($page_lang->url, '/');
     // get version data
     $versionData = [];
     $versionData['latest'] = PageVersion::latest_version($pageId);
     $versionData['editing'] = $versionId == 0 || $versionId > $versionData['latest'] ? $versionData['latest'] : $versionId;
     $versionData['live'] = $page_lang->live_version;
     // get frontend link (preview or direct link if document)
     $frontendLink = Path::getFullUrl($pageId);
     if (!$page->is_live() && $page->link == 0) {
         $live_page_version = PageVersion::where('page_id', '=', $pageId)->where('version_id', '=', $versionData['live'])->first();
         if (!empty($live_page_version)) {
             $frontendLink .= '?preview=' . $live_page_version->preview_key;
     // if loading a non live version get version template rather than current page template
     if ($versionData['live'] != $versionData['editing']) {
         if ($page_version = PageVersion::where('version_id', '=', $versionData['editing'])->where('page_id', '=', $pageId)->first()) {
             $page->template = $page_version->template;
         } else {
             return 'Page Version Data Not Found';
     // load blocks content
     if ($page->link == 0) {
         $blocks = Template::template_blocks(config('coaster::frontend.theme'), $page->template);
         $blocks_content = PageBlock::preloadPage($pageId, $versionData['editing']);
         list($tab_headers, $tab_contents) = Block::getTabs($blocks, $blocks_content, $page->id);
     } else {
         $tab_headers = [];
         $tab_contents = [];
     // load page info and order so page info is first and block categories are in order
     list($tab_headers[0], $tab_contents[0]) = $page->tabInfo();
     // load version / publish requests
     if ($publishingOn && count($tab_headers) > 1) {
         $tab_headers[-1] = 'Versions';
         $tab_contents[-1] = View::make('coaster::partials.tabs.versions.main', ['content' => PageVersion::version_table($page->id)])->render();
         list($tab_headers[-2], $tab_contents[-2]) = $page->tabRequests();
     // remove empty tabs
     $tab_headers = array_filter($tab_headers);
     // get item name, or default to page
     $item_name = $page->groupItemsNames() ?: 'Page';
     $tab_data = ['headers' => View::make('coaster::partials.tabs.header', ['tabs' => $tab_headers])->render(), 'contents' => View::make('coaster::partials.tabs.content', ['tabs' => $tab_contents, 'item' => $item_name, 'new_page' => false, 'publishing' => $publishingOn, 'can_publish' => $auth['can_publish'], 'page' => $page])->render()];
     // add required modals
     if ($publishingOn) {
         $intervals = PageVersionSchedule::selectOptions();
         $this->layoutData['modals'] = View::make('coaster::modals.pages.publish')->render() . View::make('coaster::modals.pages.publish_schedule', ['intervals' => $intervals, 'live_version' => $versionData['live']])->render() . View::make('coaster::modals.pages.request_publish')->render() . View::make('coaster::modals.pages.rename_version')->render();
     $this->layoutData['content'] = View::make('coaster::pages.pages.edit', ['page' => $page, 'page_lang' => $page_lang, 'item_name' => $item_name, 'publishingOn' => $publishingOn, 'tab' => $tab_data, 'frontendLink' => $frontendLink, 'version' => $versionData, 'auth' => $auth]);
     return null;
Exemple #4
 public static function getPageListView($listPages, $tree = false, $level = 1, $cat_url = '')
     $listPages = is_array($listPages) ? collect($listPages) : $listPages;
     if (!$listPages->isEmpty()) {
         $pages_li = '';
         foreach ($listPages as $page) {
             if (config('coaster::admin.advanced_permissions') && !Auth::action('pages', ['page_id' => $page->id])) {
             $permissions = [];
             $permissions['add'] = Auth::action('pages.add', ['page_id' => $page->id]) && $page->parent != -1;
             $permissions['edit'] = Auth::action('pages.edit', ['page_id' => $page->id]);
             $permissions['delete'] = Auth::action('pages.delete', ['page_id' => $page->id]);
             $permissions['group'] = Auth::action('groups.pages', ['page_id' => $page->id]);
             $permissions['galleries'] = Auth::action('gallery.edit', ['page_id' => $page->id]);
             $permissions['forms'] = Auth::action('forms.submissions', ['page_id' => $page->id]);
             $permissions['blog'] = Auth::action('system.wp_login');
             $page_lang = PageLang::preload($page->id);
             $li_info = new \stdClass();
             $li_info->leaf = '';
             $li_info->altName = '';
             if ($tree) {
                 $li_info->preview_link = $cat_url . '/' . $page_lang->url;
                 $li_info->preview_link = $li_info->preview_link == '//' ? '/' : $li_info->preview_link;
                 $childPages = self::getChildPages($page->id);
                 $li_info->leaf = self::getPageListView($childPages, true, $level + 1, $li_info->preview_link);
             } else {
                 $li_info->preview_link = Path::getFullUrl($page->id);
                 $li_info->altName = Path::getFullName($page->id);
             $li_info->number_of_forms = Template::preload_blocks_of_type('form', $page->template);
             $li_info->number_of_galleries = Template::preload_blocks_of_type('gallery', $page->template);
             if (trim($page_lang->url, '/') == '' && $page->parent == 0 && $page->link == 0) {
                 $permissions['add'] = false;
             if ($page->group_container > 0) {
                 $li_info->type = 'type_group';
                 $li_info->group = PageGroup::preload($page->group_container);
                 $li_info->group = $li_info->group->exists ? $li_info->group : '';
             } else {
                 if ($page->link == 1) {
                     $li_info->preview_link = $page_lang->url;
                     $li_info->type = 'type_link';
                 } else {
                     $li_info->type = 'type_normal';
                 $li_info->group = '';
             if (trim($li_info->preview_link, '/') != '' && trim($li_info->preview_link, '/') == trim(config('coaster::blog.url'), '/')) {
                 $li_info->blog = route('coaster.admin.system.wp-login');
             } else {
                 $li_info->blog = '';
             if (!$page->is_live()) {
                 $li_info->type = 'type_hidden';
                 if ($page->link == 0) {
                     if ($liveVersion = PageVersion::getLiveVersion($page->id)) {
                         $li_info->preview_link .= '?preview=' . $liveVersion->preview_key;
             $pages_li .= View::make('coaster::partials.pages.li', array('page' => $page, 'page_lang' => $page_lang, 'li_info' => $li_info, 'permissions' => $permissions))->render();
         return View::make('coaster::partials.pages.ol', array('pages_li' => $pages_li, 'level' => $level))->render();
     return null;
Exemple #5
 public function createPost($data)
     $pageLang = PageLang::where('name', '=', $data->title->rendered)->first();
     $uporc = 'updated';
     if (empty($pageLang)) {
         $uporc = 'created';
         $page = new Page();
         $pageLang = new PageLang();
     } else {
         $page = Page::find($pageLang->page_id);
         $comments = $this->getComments($data, $page);
         $latestVersion = PageVersion::latest_version($page->id, true);
         if (!empty($latestVersion)) {
         if (!empty($data->yoast)) {
             $this->getMetas($data->yoast, $data, $page->id);
         $res = new \stdClass();
         $res->message = 'Post ' . $uporc . ': ' . $pageLang->name;
         $res->oldLink = $data->link;
         $res->newLink = Path::getFullUrl($page->id);
         $res->categories = 'UPDATE RUN';
         $res->tags = 'UPDATE RUN';
         return $res;
     $page->live = 2;
     $page->live_start = $this->carbonDate($data->date)->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     $page->created_at = $this->carbonDate($data->date);
     $page->updated_at = $this->carbonDate($data->modified);
     $page->parent = $this->groupPage->id;
     $page->template = $this->group->default_template;
     $comments = $this->getComments($data, $page);
     $categories = $this->getCategory($data->_embedded->{"wp:term"}, $page->id);
     // Page Lang
     $pageLang->live_version = 0;
     $pageLang->page_id = $page->id;
     $pageLang->language_id = Language::current();
     $pageLang->name = $data->title->rendered;
     $pageLang->url = str_slug($pageLang->name);
     $tags = $this->syncTags($page, $data->_embedded->{"wp:term"});
     $date_block = Block::where('name', '=', 'post_date')->first();
     if (!empty($date_block)) {
         $date_block->setPageId($page->id)->getTypeObject()->save($this->carbonDate($data->date)->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
     $title_block = Block::where('name', '=', config('coaster::admin.title_block'))->first();
     if (!empty($title_block)) {
     $content_block = Block::where('name', '=', 'content')->first();
     if (!empty($content_block)) {
     $leadText_block = Block::where('name', '=', 'lead_text')->first();
     if (!empty($leadText_block)) {
     $latestVersion = PageVersion::latest_version($page->id, true);
     if (!empty($latestVersion)) {
     if (!empty($data->yoast)) {
         $this->getMetas($data->yoast, $data, $page->id);
     $res = new \stdClass();
     $res->message = 'Post ' . $uporc . ': ' . $pageLang->name;
     $res->oldLink = $data->link;
     $res->newLink = Path::getFullUrl($page->id);
     $res->categories = $categories;
     $res->tags = $tags;
     return $res;
 public static function updateUrl($uniqueId, $pageId)
     $beacon = self::where('unique_id', '=', $uniqueId)->first();
     if (empty($beacon)) {
         FormMessage::add('page_info_other[beacons]', 'A selected beacon was not found');
     } else {
         $beaconUrl = URL::to('/');
         $beaconUrlParts = parse_url($beaconUrl);
         $beaconUrlEncoded = '02' . bin2hex($beaconUrlParts['host']);
         if ($pageId) {
             $pageUrl = Path::getFullUrl($pageId);
             $pageUrl = URL::to($pageUrl);
             try {
                 $bitlyResponse = json_decode(self::_bitly()->request('GET', 'v3/shorten', ['query' => ['access_token' => config('coaster::key.bitly'), 'longUrl' => $pageUrl . '?beacon_id=' . $uniqueId]])->getBody());
                 if ($bitlyResponse->status_code == 200) {
                     $beaconUrl = 'http://bit.ly/' . $bitlyResponse->data->hash;
                     $beaconUrlEncoded = '02' . bin2hex('bit.ly/' . $bitlyResponse->data->hash);
                 } else {
                     FormMessage::add('page_info_other[beacons]', 'Error generating bit.ly url (response:  ' . $bitlyResponse->status_txt . ')');
                     return 0;
             } catch (RequestException $e) {
                 FormMessage::add('page_info_other[beacons]', 'Error generating bit.ly url (response: ' . $e->getCode() . ')');
                 return 0;
         if ($beacon->url == $beaconUrl && $beacon->page_id == $pageId) {
             return 1;
         try {
             self::_client()->request('POST', 'config/delete', ['query' => ['uniqueId' => $uniqueId]]);
             self::_client()->request('POST', 'config/create', ['query' => ['uniqueId' => $uniqueId, 'deviceType' => 'beacon', 'url' => $beaconUrlEncoded]])->getBody();
             $beacon->page_id = $pageId;
             $beacon->url = $beaconUrl;
             return 1;
         } catch (RequestException $e) {
             $error = json_decode($e->getResponse()->getBody());
             FormMessage::add('page_info_other[beacons]', 'Error updating device config with new URL (' . $error->status . ': ' . $error->message . ')');
     return 0;
  * @param string $direction
  * @return string
 public function categoryLink($direction = 'next')
     if (!isset($this->_pageCategoryLinks)) {
         $this->_pageCategoryLinks = ['next' => '', 'prev' => ''];
         $parentPageId = $this->parentPageId();
         if ($parentPageId) {
             $pages = Page::category_pages($parentPageId, true);
             if (count($pages) > 1) {
                 foreach ($pages as $k => $page) {
                     if ($page->id == $this->page->id) {
                         $key = $k;
                 if (isset($key)) {
                     if (!empty($pages[$key + 1])) {
                         $this->_pageCategoryLinks['next'] = Path::getFullUrl($pages[$key + 1]->id);
                     if (!empty($pages[$key - 1])) {
                         $this->_pageCategoryLinks['prev'] = Path::getFullUrl($pages[$key - 1]->id);
     return $this->_pageCategoryLinks[$direction];