public function report() { $assetcode = Input::get('assetcode'); $operator = Input::get('username'); $AssetDet = AssetCodes::where('assetcode', $assetcode)->first(); $Ecode = $AssetDet->Ecode; $MachineDet = Equipment::where('Ecode', $Ecode)->first(); $MachineName = $MachineDet->Name; $Maintain = Maintainence::where('Ecode', $Ecode)->get(); foreach ($Maintain as $index => $maintain) { $MachineDesc[] = $maintain->Name; } $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $MachineName . " WHERE AssetCode ='" . $assetcode . "'"; $Details = DB::connection('mysql2')->select($query); foreach ($Maintain as $i => $maintain) { $desc = $MachineDesc[$i]; $Machvalue[] = $Details[0]->{$desc}; } return view('report', compact('assetcode', 'operator', 'Maintain', 'AssetDet', 'MachineDesc', 'Machvalue')); }
public function postdata() { $assetcode = Input::get('ASSETCODE'); $emailid = Input::get('email'); $checkboxsize = Input::get('Size'); for ($i = 0; $i < $checkboxsize; $i++) { $value = "CheckBox_" . $i; $MachCBValue[$i] = Input::get($value); } //Assetcode and its Retreival $AssetDet = AssetCodes::where('assetcode', $assetcode)->first(); $Ecode = $AssetDet->Ecode; $MachineDet = Equipment::where('Ecode', $Ecode)->first(); $MachineName = $MachineDet->Name; $Maintain = Maintainence::where('Ecode', $Ecode)->get(); foreach ($Maintain as $index => $maintain) { $MachineDesc[] = $maintain->Name; $Machinetimer[] = $maintain->timer; } $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $MachineName . " WHERE AssetCode ='" . $assetcode . "'"; $Details = DB::connection('mysql')->select($query); foreach ($Maintain as $i => $maintain) { $desc = $MachineDesc[$i]; $Machvalue[] = $Details[0]->{$desc}; } //UNDERSTANDING this part is pretty hard //The main this is that i am constructing an insert query to be executed //Since everything is dynamic .First thing im creating is //INSERT INTO TABLENAME () , What comes inside that Brackets. and inside VALUES(); //I use implode function to actually do this process of converting an array into string. $i = 0; $j = 0; while ($j < count($MachineDesc)) { $MachineValueforinsert[$i] = $MachCBValue[$j]; $MachineValueforinsert[$i + 1] = $Machinetimer[$j]; //Values() will have the checkbox value and a timer . ex : 0,91,1,182 etc where 91 , 182 are timer days and 0,1 //all are checkbox value. $i = $i + 2; $j = $j + 1; } $i = 0; $j = 0; while ($j < count($MachineDesc)) { $MachineDescforinsert[$i] = $MachineDesc[$j]; $MachineDescforinsert[$i + 1] = $MachineDesc[$j] . "_d"; //Inside table_name () , There will be a list of items we need to insert , That is what being done in this area. $i = $i + 2; $j = $j + 1; } $INMachineValue = implode(",", $MachineValueforinsert); $INMachineDescription = implode(",", $MachineDescforinsert); //End of Fetch. Now. Insert a new data int the Fan $query = "INSERT INTO " . $MachineName . " (AssetCode," . $INMachineDescription . ")" . " VALUES(" . "'" . $assetcode . "'" . "," . $INMachineValue . ")"; $Success = DB::connection('mysql')->insert($query, []); if ($Success) { $response["error"] = "false"; } else { $response["error"] = "true"; } return json_encode($response); $apiuser = apiuser::where('email', $emailid)->first(); $status = "CHANGED"; $historyuser = new history(); $historyuser->assetcode = $assetcode; $historyuser->username = $apiuser->name; $historyuser->status = $status; $historyuser->save(); }