/** * */ public function display($console) { $dispatcher = $console->getDI()->getShared('dispatcher'); $taskName = $dispatcher->getTaskName(); $actionName = $dispatcher->getActionName(); if (!class_exists('\\Cli\\Output')) { fwrite(STDERR, "Unable to find Output class" . PHP_EOL); return; } // Get Memory Usage $curMem = memory_get_usage(FALSE); $curRealMem = memory_get_usage(TRUE); $peakMem = memory_get_peak_usage(FALSE); $peakRealMem = memory_get_peak_usage(TRUE); // Get Time $totalTime = microtime(TRUE) - $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']; $startTime = date('m/d/y h:i:s', $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']); Output::stdout(""); Output::stdout(Output::COLOR_BLUE . "--------------DEBUG ENABLED---------------------" . Output::COLOR_NONE); Output::stdout(Output::COLOR_BLUE . "+++Overview+++" . Output::COLOR_NONE); Output::stdout("task: {$taskName}"); Output::stdout("action: {$actionName}"); Output::stdout("total time: {$totalTime} start time: {$startTime} end time: " . date('m/d/y h:i:s')); if ($console->isRecording()) { Output::stdout("task id: " . $console->getTaskId()); } Output::stdout("hostname: " . php_uname('n')); Output::stdout("pid: " . getmypid()); if ($console->isSingleInstance()) { Output::stdout("pid file: " . \Cli\Pid::singleton('')->getFileName()); } Output::stdout(""); Output::stdout("current memory: {$curMem} bytes " . round($curMem / 1024, 2) . " kbytes"); Output::stdout("current real memory: {$curRealMem} bytes " . round($curRealMem / 1024, 2) . " kbytes"); Output::stdout("peak memory: {$peakMem} bytes " . round($peakMem / 1024, 2) . " kbytes"); Output::stdout("peak real memory: {$peakRealMem} bytes " . round($peakRealMem / 1024, 2) . " kbytes"); Output::stdout(""); // Print out Commands $commands = Execute::singleton()->getCommands(); if (!empty($commands)) { Output::stdout(Output::COLOR_BLUE . "+++Cli Commands+++" . Output::COLOR_NONE); foreach ($commands as $command) { Output::stdout($command->command); Output::stdout($command->file . "\t" . $command->line . "\t" . ($command->success ? Output::COLOR_GREEN . "Success" . Output::COLOR_NONE : Output::COLOR_RED . "Failed" . Output::COLOR_NONE)); Output::stdout(""); } Output::stdout(""); } // Print out Queries if ($console->getDI()->has('profiler')) { Output::stdout(Output::COLOR_BLUE . "+++Queries+++" . Output::COLOR_NONE); $profiles = $console->getDI()->getShared('profiler')->getProfiles(); if (!empty($profiles)) { foreach ($profiles as $profile) { Output::stdout($profile->getSQLStatement()); Output::stdout("time: " . $profile->getTotalElapsedSeconds()); Output::stdout(""); } Output::stdout(""); } } // Print out Exceptions /*$exceptions = Logger::getInstance()->getAll(); if (!empty($exceptions)) { Output::stdout(Output::COLOR_BLUE . "+++Exceptions+++" . Output::COLOR_NONE); foreach($exceptions as $except) { Output::stdout($except->getMessage()); Output::stdout($except->getCode() . "\t" . $except->getFile() . "\t" . $except->getLine()); Output::stdout(""); } Output::stdout(""); }*/ // Print out all included php files $files = get_required_files(); Output::stdout(Output::COLOR_BLUE . "+++Included Files+++" . Output::COLOR_NONE); foreach ($files as $file) { Output::stdout($file); } Output::stdout(""); }
/** * Remove Pid File * * @return bool */ public function removeProcessInstance() { if ($this->isSingleInstance()) { $pid = \Cli\Pid::singleton(''); if ($pid->created() && !$pid->removed()) { if ($result = $pid->remove()) { if ($this->isDebug()) { Output::stdout("[DEBUG] Removed Pid File: " . $pid->getFileName()); } } else { $msg = Output::COLOR_RED . "[ERROR]" . Output::COLOR_NONE . " Failed to remove Pid File: {$this->_pidFile}"; Output::stderr($msg); } return $result; } } return TRUE; }