  * @param Text $text
 public function escapeAmpsAndBrackets(Text $text)
     if ($text->contains('&')) {
         $text->replace('/&(?!#?[xX]?(?:[0-9a-fA-F]+|\\w+);)/', '&');
     if ($text->contains('<')) {
         $text->replace('{<(?![a-z/?\\$!])}i', '&lt;');
  * @param Text $text
 public function processItalic(Text $text)
     if (!$text->contains('*') && !$text->contains('_')) {
     /** @noinspection PhpUnusedParameterInspection */
     $text->replace('{ ([^\\*_\\s]?) (\\*|_) (?=\\S) (.+?) (?<=\\S) \\2 ([^\\*_\\s]?) }sx', function (Text $w, Text $prevChar, Text $a, Text $target, Text $nextChar) {
         if (!$prevChar->isEmpty() && !$nextChar->isEmpty() && $target->contains(' ')) {
             $this->getEmitter()->emit('escape.special_chars', [$w->replaceString(['*', '_'], ['\\*', '\\_'])]);
             return $w;
         return $prevChar . $this->getRenderer()->renderItalicText($target) . $nextChar;
Exemple #3
  * @param Text $text
 public function processCodeSpan(Text $text)
     if (!$text->contains('`')) {
     $chars = ['\\\\', '`', '\\*', '_', '{', '}', '\\[', '\\]', '\\(', '\\)', '>', '#', '\\+', '\\-', '\\.', '!'];
     $chars = implode('|', $chars);
     /** @noinspection PhpUnusedParameterInspection */
         (`+)        # $1 = Opening run of `
         (.+?)       # $2 = The code block
         \\1          # Matching closer
     }x', function (Text $w, Text $b, Text $code) use($chars) {
         $code->replace(sprintf('/(?<!\\\\)(%s)/', $chars), '\\\\${1}');
         return $this->getRenderer()->renderCodeSpan($code);
  * Make links out of things like `<http://example.com/>`
  * @param Text $text
 public function processAutoLink(Text $text)
     if (!$text->contains('<')) {
     $text->replace('{<((?:https?|ftp):[^\'">\\s]+)>}', function (Text $w, Text $url) {
         $this->markdown->emit('escape.special_chars', [$url->replace('/(?<!\\\\)_/', '\\\\_')]);
         return $this->getRenderer()->renderLink($url, ['href' => $url->getString()]);
     /** @noinspection PhpUnusedParameterInspection */
     }ix', function (Text $w, Text $address) {
         $address = "mailto:" . $address;
         $encode = array(function ($char) {
             return '&#' . ord($char) . ';';
         }, function ($char) {
             return '&#x' . dechex(ord($char)) . ';';
         }, function ($char) {
             return $char;
         $chars = new Collection(str_split($address));
         $chars->apply(function ($char) use($encode) {
             if ($char == '@') {
                 return $encode[rand(0, 1)]($char);
             } elseif ($char != ':') {
                 $rand = rand(0, 100);
                 $key = $rand > 90 ? 2 : ($rand < 45 ? 0 : 1);
                 return $encode[$key]($char);
             return $char;
         $address = $chars->join();
         $text = $chars->slice(7)->join();
         return $this->getRenderer()->renderLink($text, ['href' => $address]);
  * handle inline images:  ![alt text](url "optional title")
  * @param Text  $text
  * @param array $options
 public function processInlineImage(Text $text, array $options = array())
     if (!$text->contains('![')) {
     /** @xnoinspection PhpUnusedParameterInspection */
             (               # wrap whole match in $1
                 (.*?)       # alt text = $2
               \\(            # literal paren
                 [ \\t]*
                 <?(\\S+?)>?  # src url = $3
                 [ \\t]*
                 (           # $4
                   ([\'"])   # quote char = $5
                   (.*?)     # title = $6
                   \\5        # matching quote
                   [ \\t]*
                 )?          # title is optional
         }xs', function (Text $w, Text $whole, Text $alt, Text $url, Text $a = null, Text $q = null, Text $title = null) use($options) {
         $attr = array('alt' => $alt->replace('/"/', '&quot;'));
         $this->markdown->emit('escape.special_chars', [$url->replace('/(?<!\\\\)_/', '\\\\_')]);
         if ($title) {
             $attr['title'] = $title->replace('/"/', '&quot;')->escapeHtml();
         return $this->getRenderer()->renderImage($url, array('attr' => $attr));