Exemple #1
 public function loadConfig()
     $cfg = PathResolver::getInstance()->getPath("{APP}/config/application.sdl");
     if (file_exists($cfg)) {
         $this->debug("WebApplication: Reading %s", $cfg);
         $config = new SdlTag("root");
         $this->config = $config;
     } else {
         $this->debug("WebApplication: Could not find %s", $cfg);
Exemple #2
 public function getSdlTag()
     $table = $this;
     // Print out the table nodes
     $sdl = new SdlTag("table", $table->name);
     $sdl->setComment("Table {$table->name} from database {$table->database->name}");
     // Convert the columns to SDL
     foreach ($table->getColumns() as $co) {
         $col = new SdlTag("column", $co->name, ['type' => $co->type]);
         if (!empty($co->default)) {
             $col->setAttribute('default', $co->default);
         if ($co->auto) {
             $col->setAttribute('auto', 1);
         $col->setAttribute('null', $co->null);
         if (!empty($co->comment)) {
             $col->setAttribute('comment', $co->comment);
     // Convert the indexes to SDL
     $idx = new SdlTag("indexes");
     foreach ($table->getIndexes() as $ix) {
         $cols = $ix->columns;
         $ii = new SdlTag($ix->type, $ix->name);
         $ii->setComment("Index {$ix->name}");
         $ii->addChild(new SdlTag(NULL, $cols));
     return $sdl;
Exemple #3
 public function generateModel(SdlTag $tag, $namespace = "Models")
     $model = $tag->modelname ? $tag->modelname : ucwords($tag[0]) . 'Model';
     $cols = $tag->query("column");
     $php = "<?php\n\n";
     $php .= "namespace {$namespace};\n\n";
     $php .= "use \\Cherry\\Data\\Model;\n\n";
     $php .= "/** \n";
     $php .= " * @brief Database model.\n";
     $php .= " * \n";
     $php .= " * @generator app-setup 1.0\n";
     $php .= " */\n";
     $php .= "class {$model} extends Model {\n";
     $php .= "\n";
     $php .= "    /// @var Table name\n";
     $php .= "    public \$table = \"{$tag[0]}\";\n";
     $php .= "\n";
     $php .= "    /// @var Columns and types\n";
     $php .= "    public \$columns = [\n";
     foreach ($cols as $column) {
         $def = $column->type;
         $php .= "        \"{$column[0]}\" => \"{$def}\"" . (end($cols) != $column ? ",\n" : "\n");
     $php .= "    ];\n";
     $primary = $tag->auto;
     $php .= "\n";
     $php .= "    /// @var Primary index column\n";
     if ($primary) {
         $php .= "    public \$primary = \"{$primary}\";\n";
     } else {
         $php .= "    public \$primary = null;\n";
     $php .= "\n";
     $php .= "    /** \n";
     $php .= "     * Static invoker.\n";
     $php .= "     * \n";
     $php .= "     * @param Mixed \$m Method name\n";
     $php .= "     * @param Array \$a Method arguments\n";
     $php .= "     * \n";
     $php .= "     */\n";
     $php .= "    public static function __callStatic(\$m,\$a) {\n";
     $php .= "        return (new self())->call(\$m,\$a);\n";
     $php .= "    }\n";
     $php .= "\n";
     $php .= "    /** \n";
     $php .= "     * Definitions for the model. Is called when the model is set up.\n";
     $php .= "     */\n";
     $php .= "    public function define() {\n";
     $php .= "        // \$this->setValidator(\"column\", new ValidatorClass());\n";
     $php .= "    }\n";
     $php .= "}\n";
     return $php;
Exemple #4
 public function __construct()
     $cfg = PathResolver::getInstance()->getPath("{APP}/config/routes.sdl");
     if (!file_exists($cfg) || !is_readable($cfg)) {
         \debug("Could not read routelist from {$cfg}.");
     } else {
         $root = new SdlTag();
         $this->routes = $root->query("/routes/route");
         $num = count($this->routes);
         \debug("Parsed {$num} routes from {$cfg}");
Exemple #5
 public static function getPool($identifier)
     \utils::deprecated(__CLASS__ . "::getPool", "\\Cherry\\Core\\ConfigManager::get");
     if (array_key_exists($identifier, self::$pools)) {
         $pool = self::$pools[$identifier];
         if (!array_key_exists($pool->cfghash, self::$configfiles)) {
             $path = $pool->cfgpath;
             $cpath = dirname($path) . '/.' . basename($path) . '.cache';
             if (file_exists($path)) {
                 // Check for a serialized cache of the config
                 if (file_exists($cpath) && filemtime($cpath) > filemtime($path)) {
                     // Load from cache
                     self::debug("Reading config '{$identifier}' from cache...");
                     $tag = unserialize(file_get_contents($cpath));
                 } else {
                     // Update cache
                     self::debug("Updating cache for config '{$identifier}'...");
                     $tag = SdlTag::createFromFile($path);
                     file_put_contents($cpath, serialize($tag));
                 self::$configfiles[$pool->cfghash] = $tag;
             } else {
                 self::debug("File not found: {$path}");
                 self::$configfiles[$pool->cfghash] = null;
         return self::$configfiles[$pool->cfghash];
     } else {
         self::debug("Error: Pool has not been bound: {$identifier}");
         return null;
Exemple #6
 private function buildNodeTree(SdlTag $node)
     $tag = strtolower($node->getName());
     $attr = "";
     foreach ($node->getAttributes() as $name => $value) {
         $attr .= " {$name}=\"{$value}\"";
     $out = "";
     if ($node->hasChildren()) {
         if ($tag) {
             $out .= "<{$tag}{$attr}>";
         foreach ($node->getChildren() as $child) {
             $out .= $this->buildNodeTree($child);
         if ($tag) {
             $out .= "</{$tag}>";
     } else {
         if (count($node) > 0) {
             if (!$tag) {
                 $out .= $node[0];
             } else {
                 $out .= "<{$tag}{$attr}>" . $node[0] . "</{$tag}>";
         } else {
             $out .= "<{$tag}{$attr}>";
     return $out;
Exemple #7
 public function dbtosdl()
     $args = func_get_args();
     $opts = $this->parseOpts($args, array('database' => 'database:', 'table' => 'table:', 'with-data' => '+withdata'));
     // Get the connection instance
     if (empty($opts['database'])) {
         $conn = DatabaseConnection::getInstance("default");
     } else {
         $conn = DatabaseConnection::getInstance($opts['database']);
     // Enumerate all the tables
     foreach ($conn->tables->getAll() as $table) {
         if (empty($opts['table']) || $table->name == $opts['table']) {
             // Print out the table nodes
             $sdl = new SdlTag("table", $table->name);
             $sdl->setComment("Table {$table->name} from database {$table->database->name}");
             // Convert the columns to SDL
             foreach ($table->getColumns() as $co) {
                 $col = new SdlTag("column", $co->name, ['type' => $co->type]);
                 if ($co->default !== NULL) {
                     $col->setAttribute('default', $co->default);
                 if ($co->auto) {
                     $col->setAttribute('auto', 1);
                 $col->setAttribute('null', $co->null);
             // Convert the indexes to SDL
             $idx = new SdlTag("indexes");
             foreach ($table->getIndexes() as $ix) {
                 $cols = $ix->columns;
                 $ii = new SdlTag($ix->type, $ix->name);
                 $ii->setComment("Index {$ix->name}");
                 $ii->addChild(new SdlTag(NULL, $cols));
             $rs = $conn->query("SELECT * FROM {$table->name}");
             $data = new SdlTag("data");
             foreach ($rs as $row) {
                 $rdata = new SdlTag("row");
                 foreach ($row as $k => $v) {
                     if (!is_integer($k)) {
                         $rdata->addChild(new SdlTag($k, $v));
             echo $sdl->encode() . "\n";
Exemple #8
use Cherry\Util\Timer;
// Create a new root node, we need this.
$root = new SdlTag("cyanogenmod");
$root->setComment("These are the latest three CyanogenMod versions with some info");
// You can create nodes and set attributes manually
$cm9 = new SdlTag("version", "9");
$cm9->multiuser = false;
$cm9->android = "4.0.x";
$cm9->setComment("Based on AOSP 4.0.x");
// Or provide them to the constructor
$cm10 = new SdlTag("version", "10", ['multiuser' => false, 'android' => "4.1.x"]);
$cm10->setComment("Based on AOSP 4.1.x");
// Comments can also go as the 5th argument
$cm101 = new SdlTag("version", "10.1", ['multiuser' => true, 'android' => "4.2.x", 'note' => "New and hot!"], null, "Based on AOSP 4.2.x");
// And the data can be serialized to SDL
$sdl = $root->encode();
echo $sdl;
// Read it back out again
$test = new SdlTag("root");
// Print some info about the various versions.
foreach ($test->getChild("cyanogenmod")->getChildren() as $child) {
    echo "CM{$child[0]}: Based on Android AOSP {$child->android}.";
    if ($child->multiuser) {
        echo " Multiple user-profiles supported.";
    echo "\n";
Exemple #9
 protected function getSqlVartype(SdlTag $tag)
     $type = $tag->type;
     if (strpos($type, ":") !== false) {
         list($type, $len) = explode(":", $type);
     } else {
         $len = null;
     switch (strtolower($type)) {
         case 'text':
             if (!$len) {
                 $len = 65535;
         case 'char':
             if ($len == null) {
                 $len = 250;
             if ($len < 1024) {
                 $type = "TEXT({$len})";
             } elseif ($len < 65535) {
                 $type = "TEXT";
             } else {
                 $type = "TEXT";
         case 'blob':
         case 'binary':
             $type = "BLOB";
         case 'bool':
             $type = "INTEGER";
         case 'int':
         case 'integer':
             if (!$len) {
                 $len = 11;
             $type = "INTEGER";
             $type .= "({$len})";
         case 'float':
             $type = "REAL";
             if ($len) {
                 $type .= "({$len})";
         case 'double':
             $type = "REAL";
             if ($len) {
                 $type .= "({$len})";
         case 'date':
             $type = "TEXT";
         case 'set':
             $values = [];
             foreach ($tag->query("value") as $value) {
                 $values[] = $value[0];
             $type = "TEXT";
         case 'enum':
             $values = [];
             foreach ($tag->query("value") as $value) {
                 $values[] = $value[0];
             $type = "TEXT";
     return $type;
Exemple #10
 public function testNamespacesWithName()
     $test = new SdlTag("foo:test");
     $this->assertEquals("test", $test->getName());
     $this->assertEquals("foo", $test->getNamespace());
     $this->assertEquals("foo:test", $test->getNameNs());
     $this->assertEquals("bar", $test->getNamespace());
     $this->assertEquals("bar:test", $test->getNameNs());
     $this->assertEquals("bar", $test->getNamespace());
     $this->assertEquals("bar:arf", $test->getNameNs());
     $this->assertEquals(null, $test->getNamespace());
     $this->assertEquals(":arf", $test->getNameNs());
Exemple #11

require_once "../../share/include/cherryphp";
use Cherry\Data\Ddl\SdlTag;
use Cherry\Util\Timer;
// This is a node with base64-encoded data.
$sdl = <<<EOT
testnode [SGVsbG8gV29ybGQh];
// Read it back out again
$test = new SdlTag("root");
$node = new SdlTag("testnode2");
$node->setValue("Putting binary data in the SDL node", 0, SdlTag::LT_BINARY);
echo "Current state of SDL tree:\n";
echo $test->encode() . "\n";
echo "Node values:\n";
echo "  testnode=" . $test->getChild("testnode")[0] . "\n";
echo "  testnode2=" . $test->getChild("testnode2")[0] . "\n";
Exemple #12
 protected function getSqlVartype(SdlTag $tag)
     $type = $tag->type;
     if (strpos($type, ":") !== false) {
         list($type, $len) = explode(":", $type);
     } else {
         $len = null;
     switch (strtolower($type)) {
         case 'text':
             if (!$len) {
                 $len = 65535;
         case 'char':
             if ($len == null) {
                 $len = 250;
             if ($len < 1024) {
                 $type = "VARCHAR({$len})";
             } elseif ($len < 65535) {
                 $type = "TEXT";
             } else {
                 $type = "MEDIUMTEXT";
         case 'blob':
             if (!$len) {
                 $len = 65535;
         case 'binary':
             if ($len == null) {
                 $len = 250;
             if ($len < 1024) {
                 $type = "VARBINARY({$len})";
             } elseif ($len < 65535) {
                 $type = "BLOB";
             } else {
                 $type = "MEDIUMBLOB";
         case 'bool':
             $type = "TINYINT(1)";
         case 'int':
         case 'integer':
             if (!$len) {
                 $len = 11;
             $type = "INT";
             $type .= "({$len})";
         case 'float':
             $type = "FLOAT";
             if ($len) {
                 $type .= "({$len})";
         case 'double':
             $type = "FLOAT";
             if ($len) {
                 $type .= "({$len})";
         case 'date':
             $type = "DATETIME";
         case 'set':
             $values = [];
             foreach ($tag->query("value") as $value) {
                 $values[] = $value[0];
             $type = "SET('" . join("','", $values) . "')";
         case 'enum':
             $values = [];
             foreach ($tag->query("value") as $value) {
                 $values[] = $value[0];
             $type = "ENUM('" . join("','", $values) . "')";
     return $type;
 static function getInstance($pool = null)
     if (!$pool) {
         $pool = self::POOL_DEFAULT;
     if (!self::$connections) {
         $cp = PathResolver::path("{APP}/config/database.sdl");
         if (file_exists($cp)) {
             $cfg = SdlTag::createFromFile($cp);
             foreach ($cfg->query("database/connection") as $connection) {
                 $cpool = $connection[0];
                 $curi = $connection[1];
                 if (empty(self::$connections[$cpool])) {
                     self::$connections[$cpool] = [];
                 self::sdebug("Database: Registered connection '{$curi}' to pool {$cpool}");
                 self::$connections[$cpool][] = $connection;
     if (!self::$connections) {
         self::$connections = [];
     if (!array_key_exists($pool, self::$dbpool)) {
         if (array_key_exists($pool, self::$connections)) {
             $pc = self::$connections[$pool];
             if (is_array($pc)) {
                 $dp = $pc[0][1];
             } else {
                 $dp = $pc[1];
             //self::$dbpool[$pool] = new self(self::$connections[$pool]);
             $opts = ["pool" => $pool];
             self::$dbpool[$pool] = new self($dp, $opts);
         } else {
             if (strpos($pool, "://") !== false) {
                 self::$dbpool[$pool] = new self($pool);
             } else {
                 throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Unable to connect to pool {$pool}");
     return self::$dbpool[$pool];
Exemple #14
$root = new SdlTag("cyanogenmod");
$root->setComment("These are the latest three CyanogenMod versions with some info");
// You can create nodes and set attributes manually
$cm9 = new SdlTag("version", "9");
$cm9->multiuser = false;
$cm9->android = "4.0.x";
$cm9->setComment("Based on AOSP 4.0.x");
// Or provide them to the constructor
$cm10 = new SdlTag("version", "10", ['multiuser' => false, 'android' => "4.1.x"]);
$cm10->setComment("Based on AOSP 4.1.x");
// Comments can also go as the 5th argument
$cm101 = new SdlTag("version", "10.1", ['multiuser' => true, 'android' => "4.2.x", 'note' => "New and hot!"], null, "Based on AOSP 4.2.x");
$temp = new SdlTag("root");
testspath($temp, "cyanogenmod/version[@multiuser=true]");
testspath($temp, "cyanogenmod/version[10]");
testspath($temp, "cyanogenmod/*");
function testspath($root, $expr)
    echo "Expression: '{$expr}'\n";
    foreach ($root->query($expr) as $child) {
        echo "  CM{$child[0]}: Based on Android AOSP {$child->android}.";
        if ($child->multiuser) {
            echo " Multiple user-profiles supported.";
        echo "\n";