  * Display the specified resource.
  * @param  int $id
  * @return Response
 public function show($id)
     $user = Sentinel::findById($id);
     $activation = Activation::exists($user);
     $posts = Post::with(['thread', 'thread.category'])->where('user_id', $user->id)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->get();
     return view('admin.users.show', compact('user', 'activation', 'posts'));
  * User update form processing page.
  * @param  User $user
  * @param UserRequest $request
  * @return Redirect
 public function update(User $user, UserRequest $request)
     try {
         $user->first_name = $request->get('first_name');
         $user->last_name = $request->get('last_name');
         $user->email = $request->get('email');
         $user->dob = $request->get('dob');
         $user->bio = $request->get('bio');
         $user->gender = $request->get('gender');
         $user->country = $request->get('country');
         $user->state = $request->get('state');
         $user->city = $request->get('city');
         $user->address = $request->get('address');
         $user->postal = $request->get('postal');
         if ($password = $request->has('password')) {
             $user->password = Hash::make($password);
         // is new image uploaded?
         if ($file = $request->file('pic')) {
             $extension = $file->getClientOriginalExtension() ?: 'png';
             $folderName = '/uploads/users/';
             $destinationPath = public_path() . $folderName;
             $safeName = str_random(10) . '.' . $extension;
             $file->move($destinationPath, $safeName);
             //delete old pic if exists
             if (File::exists(public_path() . $folderName . $user->pic)) {
                 File::delete(public_path() . $folderName . $user->pic);
             //save new file path into db
             $user->pic = $safeName;
         //save record
         // Get the current user groups
         $userRoles = $user->roles()->lists('id')->all();
         // Get the selected groups
         $selectedRoles = $request->get('groups', array());
         // Groups comparison between the groups the user currently
         // have and the groups the user wish to have.
         $rolesToAdd = array_diff($selectedRoles, $userRoles);
         $rolesToRemove = array_diff($userRoles, $selectedRoles);
         // Assign the user to groups
         foreach ($rolesToAdd as $roleId) {
             $role = Sentinel::findRoleById($roleId);
         // Remove the user from groups
         foreach ($rolesToRemove as $roleId) {
             $role = Sentinel::findRoleById($roleId);
         // Activate / De-activate user
         $status = $activation = Activation::completed($user);
         if ($request->get('activate') != $status) {
             if ($request->get('activate')) {
                 $activation = Activation::exists($user);
                 if ($activation) {
                     Activation::complete($user, $activation->code);
             } else {
                 //remove existing activation record
                 //add new record
                 //send activation mail
                 $data = array('user' => $user, 'activationUrl' => URL::route('activate', $user->id, Activation::exists($user)->code));
                 // Send the activation code through email
                 Mail::send('emails.register-activate', $data, function ($m) use($user) {
                     $m->to($user->email, $user->first_name . ' ' . $user->last_name);
                     $m->subject('Welcome ' . $user->first_name);
         // Was the user updated?
         if ($user->save()) {
             // Prepare the success message
             $success = Lang::get('users/message.success.update');
             // Redirect to the user page
             return Redirect::route('admin.users.edit', $user)->with('success', $success);
         // Prepare the error message
         $error = Lang::get('users/message.error.update');
     } catch (UserNotFoundException $e) {
         // Prepare the error message
         $error = Lang::get('users/message.user_not_found', compact('user'));
         // Redirect to the user management page
         return Redirect::route('users')->with('error', $error);
     // Redirect to the user page
     return Redirect::route('admin.users.edit', $user)->withInput()->with('error', $error);
  * get account activate metod
  * @param   integer     $id
  * @param   string      $code
  * @return  Redirector
 public function accountActivate($id, $code)
     try {
         $user = Sentinel::findById($id);
         if (is_null($user) || !Activation::exists($user)) {
             throw new ActivateException($id, $code, 'not_found');
         if (!Activation::complete($user, $code)) {
             throw new ActivateException($id, $code, 'fail');
         $user->is_active = true;
         // event fire
         event(new ActivateSuccess($user));
         return redirect(lmbRoute(config('laravel-user-module.url.redirect_route')));
     } catch (ActivateException $e) {
         Flash::error(trans('laravel-user-module::auth.activation.' . $e->getType()));
         // event fire
         event(new ActivateFail($e->getId(), $e->getActivationCode(), $e->getType()));
         return redirect(lmbRoute('getLogin'));
  * User update form processing page.
  * @param  int      $id
  * @return Redirect
 public function postEdit($id = null)
     try {
         // Get the user information
         $user = Sentinel::findById($id);
     } catch (UserNotFoundException $e) {
         // Prepare the error message
         $error = Lang::get('users/message.user_not_found', compact('id'));
         // Redirect to the user management page
         return Redirect::route('users')->with('error', $error);
     $this->validationRules['email'] = "required|email|unique:users,email,{$user->email},email";
     // Do we want to update the user password?
     if (!($password = Input::get('password'))) {
     // Create a new validator instance from our validation rules
     $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $this->validationRules);
     // If validation fails, we'll exit the operation now.
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         // Ooops.. something went wrong
         return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors($validator);
     try {
         // Update the user
         $user->first_name = Input::get('first_name');
         $user->last_name = Input::get('last_name');
         $user->email = Input::get('email');
         $user->dob = Input::get('dob');
         $user->bio = Input::get('bio');
         $user->gender = Input::get('gender');
         $user->country = Input::get('country');
         $user->state = Input::get('state');
         $user->city = Input::get('city');
         $user->address = Input::get('address');
         $user->postal = Input::get('postal');
         // Do we want to update the user password?
         if ($password) {
             $user->password = Hash::make($password);
         // is new image uploaded?
         if ($file = Input::file('pic')) {
             $fileName = $file->getClientOriginalName();
             $extension = $file->getClientOriginalExtension() ?: 'png';
             $folderName = '/uploads/users/';
             $destinationPath = public_path() . $folderName;
             $safeName = str_random(10) . '.' . $extension;
             $file->move($destinationPath, $safeName);
             //delete old pic if exists
             if (File::exists(public_path() . $folderName . $user->pic)) {
                 File::delete(public_path() . $folderName . $user->pic);
             //save new file path into db
             $user->pic = $safeName;
         // Get the current user groups
         $userRoles = $user->roles()->lists('id')->all();
         // Get the selected groups
         $selectedRoles = Input::get('groups', array());
         // Groups comparison between the groups the user currently
         // have and the groups the user wish to have.
         $rolesToAdd = array_diff($selectedRoles, $userRoles);
         $rolesToRemove = array_diff($userRoles, $selectedRoles);
         // Assign the user to groups
         foreach ($rolesToAdd as $roleId) {
             $role = Sentinel::findRoleById($roleId);
         // Remove the user from groups
         foreach ($rolesToRemove as $roleId) {
             $role = Sentinel::findRoleById($roleId);
         // Activate / De-activate user
         $status = $activation = Activation::completed($user);
         if (Input::get('activate') != $status) {
             if (Input::get('activate')) {
                 $activation = Activation::exists($user);
                 if ($activation) {
                     Activation::complete($user, $activation->code);
             } else {
                 //remove existing activation record
                 //add new record
                 //send activation mail
                 $data = array('user' => $user, 'activationUrl' => URL::route('activate', $user->id, Activation::exists($user)->code));
                 // Send the activation code through email
                 Mail::send('emails.register-activate', $data, function ($m) use($user) {
                     $m->to($user->email, $user->first_name . ' ' . $user->last_name);
                     $m->subject('Welcome ' . $user->first_name);
         // Was the user updated?
         if ($user->save()) {
             // Prepare the success message
             $success = Lang::get('users/message.success.update');
             // Redirect to the user page
             return Redirect::route('users.update', $id)->with('success', $success);
         // Prepare the error message
         $error = Lang::get('users/message.error.update');
     } catch (LoginRequiredException $e) {
         $error = Lang::get('users/message.user_login_required');
     // Redirect to the user page
     return Redirect::route('users.update', $id)->withInput()->with('error', $error);
 public function getActivation($id = null, $code = null)
     if (is_null($id) || is_null($code)) {
         throw new NotFoundHttpException();
     $user = Sentinel::findById($id);
     if (!empty($user) || $user != null) {
         if (Activation::exists($user) != false) {
             if (Activation::completed($user) != false) {
                 list($type, $msg) = ['error', 'auth.validatecompleted'];
             } else {
                 Activation::complete($user, $code);
                 list($type, $msg) = ['mensaje', 'auth.validate_email'];
         } else {
             list($type, $msg) = ['error', 'auth.validatenotfound'];
     } else {
         list($type, $msg) = ['error', 'auth.usernotfound'];
     return redirect('/')->with($type, trans($msg));
  * 激活已注册用户 - 业务逻辑
  * @param $user_id
  * @param string $route_success
  * @param string $route_failed
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse
 public function active_logic($user_id, $route_success = 'account_list_get', $route_failed = 'account_list_get')
     $user_info = Sentinel::findById($user_id);
     if (!$user_info) {
         //            dump('用户不存在');
         return redirect()->route($route_failed);
     $activation_completed_return = Activation::completed($user_info);
     if ($activation_completed_return) {
         //            dump('账号已激活');
         return redirect()->route($route_failed);
     } else {
         $activation_code = '';
         $activation_exists_return = Activation::exists($user_info);
         if ($activation_exists_return) {
             //                dump('已生成激活码');
             $activation_code = $activation_exists_return['code'];
         } else {
             //                dump('第一次生成激活码');
             $activation_create_return = Activation::create($user_info);
             $activation_code = $activation_create_return['code'];
         //            dump($activation_code);
         $activation_complete_return = Activation::complete($user_info, $activation_code);
         if ($activation_complete_return) {
             //                dump('完成激活');
             return redirect()->route($route_success);
         } else {
             //                dump('激活失败');
             return redirect()->route($route_failed);