Exemple #1
  *@desc Generate page, processing yours childs using the parent.
  *@return DOMDocument
 public function makeDomObject()
     $xmlDoc = XmlUtil::CreateXmlDocument();
     $root = XmlUtil::CreateChild($xmlDoc, "root");
     // Process ALL XmlnukeDocumentObject existing in Collection.
     return $xmlDoc;
Exemple #2
  *@param XMLFilenameProcessor $xmlfilename
  *@param string $path
  *@param string $strfilename
  *@return void
  *PageXml Constructor. Empty page. and PageXml Constructor. Create from XML.
  *PageXml Constructor. Create from file name and path. Do not use with XmlnukeDB repository.
 public function __construct($xmlfilename = null, $path = null, $strfilename = null)
     if ($xmlfilename == null && $path == null && $strfilename == null) {
         $auxStr = "<page>\r\n" . "<meta>\r\n" . "<title/>\r\n" . "<abstract/>\r\n" . "<created>" . date("D M j Y G:i:s") . "</created>\r\n" . "<modified>" . date("D M j Y G:i:s") . "</modified>\r\n" . "<keyword>XMLSite ByJG</keyword>\r\n" . "<groupkeyword/>\r\n" . "</meta>\r\n" . "<group>\r\n" . "<id>__DEFAULT__</id>\r\n" . "<title/>\r\n" . "<keyword>all</keyword>\r\n" . "</group>\r\n" . "</page>";
         $this->_xmlDoc = XmlUtil::CreateXmlDocumentFromStr($auxStr);
         $xpath = new DOMXPath($this->_xmlDoc);
         $this->_nodePage = $this->_xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName("page")->item(0);
         $this->_nodeGroup = $xpath->query("/page/group")->item(0);
     } else {
         if ($xmlfilename != null && $path == null && $strfilename == null) {
             $this->_xmlDoc = $xmlfilename->getContext()->getXMLDataBase()->getDocument($xmlfilename->FullQualifiedName());
         } else {
             if ($xmlfilename == null && $path != null && $strfilename != null) {
                 $xmlDoc = XmlUtil::CreateXmlDocument();
                 $xmlDoc->Load(FileUtil::AdjustSlashes($path . FileUtil::Slash() . $strfilename));
  *@desc Generate page, processing yours childs using the parent.
  *@return DOMDocument
 public function makeDomObject()
     $xmlDoc = XmlUtil::CreateXmlDocument();
     // Create the First first NODE ELEMENT!
     $nodePage = $xmlDoc->createElement($this->_rootNode);
     // Process ALL XmlnukeDocumentObject existing in Collection.
     // Finalize the Create Page Execution
     XmlUtil::CreateChild($nodeMeta, "created", $created);
     XmlUtil::CreateChild($nodeMeta, "modified", date("d/M/y h:m:s"));
     $elapsed = microtime(true)-$createdTimeStamp;
     XmlUtil::CreateChild($nodeMeta, "timeelapsed", intval($elapsed/3600) . ":" . intval($elapsed/60)%60 . ":" . $elapsed%60 . "." . substr(intval((($elapsed - intval($elapsed))*1000))/1000, 2) );
     XmlUtil::CreateChild($nodeMeta, "timeelapsedsec", $elapsed );
     return $xmlDoc;
Exemple #4
  *@desc Generate page, processing yours childs using the parent.
  *@return DOMDocument
 public function makeDomObject()
     $created = date("d/M/y h:m:s");
     $createdTimeStamp = microtime(true);
     $xmlDoc = XmlUtil::CreateXmlDocument();
     // Create the First first NODE ELEMENT!
     $nodePage = $xmlDoc->createElement("page");
     // Create the META node
     $nodeMeta = XmlUtil::CreateChild($nodePage, "meta", "");
     XmlUtil::CreateChild($nodeMeta, "title", $this->_pageTitle);
     XmlUtil::CreateChild($nodeMeta, "abstract", $this->_abstract);
     XmlUtil::CreateChild($nodeMeta, "keyword", $this->_keyword);
     XmlUtil::CreateChild($nodeMeta, "groupkeyword", $this->_groupKeyword);
     foreach ($this->_metaTag as $key => $value) {
         XmlUtil::CreateChild($nodeMeta, $key, $value);
     // Create MENU (if exists some elements in menu).
     foreach ($this->_menuGroup as $key => $menuGroup) {
         if (sizeof($menuGroup->menus) > 0) {
             $nodeGroup = XmlUtil::CreateChild($nodePage, "group", "");
             XmlUtil::CreateChild($nodeGroup, "id", $key);
             XmlUtil::CreateChild($nodeGroup, "title", $menuGroup->menuTitle);
             XmlUtil::CreateChild($nodeGroup, "keyword", "all");
             foreach ($menuGroup->menus as $item) {
                 $nodeWorking = XmlUtil::CreateChild($nodeGroup, "page", "");
                 XmlUtil::CreateChild($nodeWorking, "id", $item->id);
                 XmlUtil::CreateChild($nodeWorking, "title", $item->title);
                 XmlUtil::CreateChild($nodeWorking, "summary", $item->summary);
                 if ($item->icon != "") {
                     XmlUtil::CreateChild($nodeWorking, "icon", $item->icon);
     // Add Custom JS
     if (!$this->_disableButtonsOnSubmit) {
         $this->addJavaScriptSource("var XMLNUKE_DISABLEBUTTON = false;\n", false);
     if ($this->_waitLoading) {
         $this->addJavaScriptSource("var XMLNUKE_WAITLOADING = true;\n", false);
     // Generate Scripts
     if (!is_null($this->_scripts)) {
         foreach ($this->_scripts as $script) {
             $nodeWorking = XmlUtil::CreateChild($nodePage, "script", "");
             XmlUtil::AddAttribute($nodeWorking, "language", "javascript");
             if (!is_null($script->source)) {
                 XmlUtil::AddTextNode($nodeWorking, $script->source, true);
             if (!is_null($script->file)) {
                 XmlUtil::AddAttribute($nodeWorking, "src", $script->file);
             XmlUtil::AddAttribute($nodeWorking, "location", $script->location);
     // Process ALL XmlnukeDocumentObject existing in Collection.
     // Finalize the Create Page Execution
     XmlUtil::CreateChild($nodeMeta, "created", $created);
     XmlUtil::CreateChild($nodeMeta, "modified", date("d/M/y h:m:s"));
     $elapsed = microtime(true) - $createdTimeStamp;
     XmlUtil::CreateChild($nodeMeta, "timeelapsed", intval($elapsed / 3600) . ":" . intval($elapsed / 60) % 60 . ":" . $elapsed % 60 . "." . substr(intval(($elapsed - intval($elapsed)) * 1000) / 1000, 2));
     XmlUtil::CreateChild($nodeMeta, "timeelapsedsec", $elapsed);
     return $xmlDoc;