private function processResponse(Response $response) { if (null !== $this->logger) { $this->logger->info(sprintf('Status Code %s', $response->getStatusCode())); $this->logger->debug(var_export($response->getContent(), true)); } if (500 <= $response->getStatusCode()) { throw new ApiServerException($response->getStatusCode(), $response->getContent(), $response->getReasonPhrase(), $response->getHeaders()); } if (400 <= $response->getStatusCode()) { try { $error = $this->parser->parse($response->getContent()); $error = $error instanceof Model\Error ? $error : new Model\Error(); } catch (ApiParserException $e) { throw new ApiClientException($response->getStatusCode(), $response->getContent(), $response->getReasonPhrase(), $response->getHeaders(), null, $e); } throw new ApiClientException($response->getStatusCode(), $response->getContent(), $response->getReasonPhrase(), $response->getHeaders(), $error); } if (204 === $response->getStatusCode()) { return true; } $content = trim($response->getContent()); if (empty($content)) { return true; } $object = $this->parser->parse($content); $object->setApi($this); return $object; }
protected function assertHttpResponseCodeEquals(HttpResponse $response, $expected) { $responseCode = $response->getStatusCode(); if ($responseCode != $expected) { $errorMessageString = ''; if ($response->getHeader('Content-Type') == 'application/vnd.ez.api.ErrorMessage+xml') { $body = \simplexml_load_string($response->getContent()); $errorMessageString = $body->errorDescription; } elseif ($response->getHeader('Content-Type') == 'application/vnd.ez.api.ErrorMessage+json') { $body = json_decode($response->getContent()); $errorMessageString = "Error message: {$body->ErrorMessage->errorDescription}"; } self::assertEquals($expected, $responseCode, $errorMessageString); } }
protected function assertHttpResponseCodeEquals(HttpResponse $response, $expected) { $responseCode = $response->getStatusCode(); if ($responseCode != $expected) { $errorMessageString = ''; if (strpos($response->getHeader('Content-Type'), 'application/vnd.ez.api.ErrorMessage+xml') !== false) { $body = \simplexml_load_string($response->getContent()); $errorMessageString = $this->getHttpResponseCodeErrorMessage($body); } elseif (strpos($response->getHeader('Content-Type'), 'application/vnd.ez.api.ErrorMessage+json') !== false) { $body = json_decode($response->getContent()); $errorMessageString = $this->getHttpResponseCodeErrorMessage($body->ErrorMessage); } self::assertEquals($expected, $responseCode, $errorMessageString); } }
/** * Parse a response. * * @return \Tev\Bs\Contracts\ResponseInterface * * @throws \Exception * @throws \Tev\Bs\Exception\ErrorResponseException */ public function getResponse() { $content = json_decode($this->response->getContent()); if ($content === null) { throw new Exception('Failed to get response from server'); } if (isset($content->error) && $content->error) { $excp = new ErrorResponseException($content->message, $this->response->getStatusCode()); $excp->setResponse(new Response($content, $this->endpoint)); throw $excp; } if (isset($content->per_page)) { return new PaginatedResponse($content, $this->endpoint); } return new Response($content, $this->endpoint); }
/** * @param Response $curlResponse * * @throws HttpStatusParserException */ public function parse(Response $curlResponse) { $statusCode = $curlResponse->getStatusCode(); if ($this->shouldThrowException($statusCode)) { throw new HttpStatusParserException($curlResponse->getContent(), $statusCode); } }
/** * This public method is also for other context(s) to process REST API call and inject response into this context. * * @param \Buzz\Message\Response $response * @param boolean $asJson Process the response as JSON or not. * @return void */ public function processResponse(\Buzz\Message\Response $response = null, $asJson = true) { if (!empty($response)) { $this->response = $response; } return $this->processResponseBody($this->response->getContent(), $asJson); }
public function it_can_search_with__query(Browser $client, Response $response) { $response->getContent()->shouldBeCalled(); $client->get(sprintf('%s/search?%s', 'http://endpoint', http_build_query(['q' => 'pilkington avenue, birmingham', 'format' => 'json'])), ['User-Agent' => 'Nomatim PHP Library (; email: not set'])->shouldBeCalled()->willReturn($response); $query = new Query(); $query->setQuery('pilkington avenue, birmingham'); $this->search($query)->shouldReturnAnInstanceOf('Nominatim\\Result\\Collection'); }
public function _parse(Response $response, $mime = null) { $data = $this->decode($response->getContent(), $mime); if (isset($data->error)) { throw new RugException($data->error, $this->_error($data)); } return $data; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getContent() { $response = parent::getContent(); $content = json_decode($response, true); if (JSON_ERROR_NONE !== json_last_error()) { return $response; } return $content; }
/** * @param Response $response * * @return string */ private function processResponse(Response $response) { $matches = []; preg_match('/<input.*value="(.*)"/U', $response->getContent(), $matches); if (!isset($matches[1])) { throw new \RuntimeException('Screenshot upload failed'); } return $matches[1]; }
/** * Lets us know if something went wrong * * @param Response $response * @throws \Twitter\Exception\TwitterApiException * @throws \Exception */ protected function handleException(Response $response) { $json_string = $response->getContent(); $output = json_decode($json_string, true); if (count($output['errors'])) { throw new TwitterApiException($output['errors'][0]['message'], $output['errors'][0]['code']); } else { throw new \Exception(sprintf('Unknown error: %s', $json_string)); } }
/** * @return mixed */ public function getContent() { $response = parent::getContent(); if ($this->getHeader('Content-Type') === 'application/json') { $content = json_decode($response, true); if (JSON_ERROR_NONE !== json_last_error()) { return $response; } return $content; } return $response; }
private function processResponse(Response $response) { if (null !== $this->logger) { $this->logger->info(sprintf('Status Code %s', $response->getStatusCode())); $this->logger->debug(var_export($response->getContent(), true)); } if (500 <= $response->getStatusCode()) { throw new ApiServerException($response->getStatusCode(), $response->getContent(), $response->getReasonPhrase(), $response->getHeaders()); } if (400 <= $response->getStatusCode()) { throw new ApiClientException($response->getStatusCode(), $response->getContent(), $response->getReasonPhrase(), $response->getHeaders()); } if (204 === $response->getStatusCode()) { return true; } if (null !== $response->getContent()) { $object = $this->parser->parse($response->getContent()); $object->setApi($this); return $object; } }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function validateResponse(Response $response) { $content = $response->getContent(); $success = false; $xml = new \DOMDocument(); if ($xml->loadXML($content)) { foreach ($xml->firstChild->childNodes as $child) { if ($child->nodeName === 'cas:authenticationSuccess') { $root = $child; $success = true; break; } elseif ($child->nodeName === 'cas:authenticationFailure') { $root = $child; $success = false; break; } } if ($success) { foreach ($root->childNodes as $child) { switch ($child->nodeName) { case 'cas:user': $this->username = $child->textContent; break; case 'cas:attributes': foreach ($child->childNodes as $attr) { if ($attr->nodeName != '#text') { $this->attributes[$attr->nodeName] = $attr->textContent; } } break; case 'cas:attribute': $name = $child->attributes->getNamedItem('name')->value; $value = $child->attributes->getNamedItem('value')->value; if ($name && $value) { $this->attributes[$name] = $value; } break; case '#text': break; default: $this->attributes[substr($child->nodeName, 4)] = $child->textContent; } } } else { $this->error = (string) $root->textContent; } } else { $success = false; $this->error = 'Invalid response'; } return $success; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function validateResponse(Response $response) { $content = $response->getContent(); $data = explode("\n", str_replace("\n\n", "\n", str_replace("\r", "\n", $content))); $success = strtolower($data[0]) === 'yes'; $message = count($data) > 1 && $data[1] ? $data[1] : null; if ($success) { $this->username = $message; } else { $this->error = $message; } return $success; }
private function decompressContent(\Buzz\Message\Response $response) { if (!($content_encoding = $response->getHeader('Content-Encoding'))) { return; } $content = $response->getContent(); if (strpos($content_encoding, 'deflate') !== false) { $content = gzuncompress($content); } if (strpos($content_encoding, 'gzip') !== false) { $content = gzinflate(substr($content, 10)); } $response->setContent($content); }
protected function handleException(Response $response) { $json_string = $response->getContent(); $output = json_decode($json_string, true); if (isset($output['error']['message']) && isset($output['error']['type']) && isset($output['error']['code'])) { $clazz = sprintf('Facebook\\Exception\\%s', $output['error']['type']); if (class_exists($clazz)) { throw new $clazz($output['error']['message'], $output['error']['code']); } else { throw new \Exception($output['error']['message'], $output['error']['code']); } } else { throw new \Exception(sprintf('Unknown error: %s', $json_string)); } }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function validateResponse(Response $response) { $content = $response->getContent(); $values = unserialize($content); $success = true; if (!empty($values) && is_array($values)) { $this->username = $values['user']; foreach ($values['attributes'] as $key => $value) { $this->attributes[$key] = $value; } } else { $success = false; } return $success; }
/** * Converts a buzz response to a pinterest response. * * @param Request $request The request. * @param BuzzResponse $buzzResponse The buzz response. * * @return Response The response. */ private static function convertResponse(Request $request, BuzzResponse $buzzResponse) { $statusCode = $buzzResponse->getStatusCode(); $rawBody = (string) $buzzResponse->getContent(); $rawHeaders = $buzzResponse->getHeaders(); $headers = array(); foreach ($rawHeaders as $header) { if (stristr($header, 'HTTP/1.')) { continue; } list($key, $value) = explode(': ', $header); $headers[$key] = $value; } return new Response($request, $statusCode, $rawBody, $headers); }
/** * @param Response $response * @return mixed * @throws BadAuthentificationException */ public function handleResponse(Response $response) { $data = json_decode($response->getContent(), true); if ($response->getStatusCode() != 200) { if (!$data) { $e = new BadAuthentificationException("Authentification request has failed : {$response}"); $e->setOAuthErrorName("undefined"); $e->setOAuthErrorDescription("Can't handle API response."); throw $e; } $e = new BadAuthentificationException(sprintf("OAuth exception. %s : %s", $data['error'], $data['error_description'])); $e->setOAuthErrorName($data['error']); $e->setOAuthErrorDescription($data['error_description']); throw $e; } return $data; }
public function testFromString() { $content = <<<EOF This is the body. More body! EOF; $response = new Response(); $response->fromString(<<<EOF HTTP/1.0 200 OK Content-Type: text/plain {$content} EOF ); $this->assertEquals(2, count($response->getHeaders())); $this->assertEquals($content, $response->getContent()); }
/** * @param Response $response * @return ProxyMediaInterface * * @throws MediaStorageClientManagerNotFoundException * @throws MediaStorageClientProxyMediaManagerException */ public function createFromResponse(Response $response) { if ($response && $response->isOk()) { $content = json_decode($response->getContent(), true); if ($content && !json_last_error() && is_array($content)) { $content = new ArrayCollection($content); } else { throw new MediaStorageClientProxyMediaManagerException('Client not response new value'); } } elseif ($response->getStatusCode() == 404) { throw new MediaStorageClientManagerNotFoundException(sprintf('Unable to find the object')); } else { throw new MediaStorageClientProxyMediaManagerException('Client response code: ' . $response->getStatusCode()); } $proxyMedia = $this->create(); $proxyMedia->setReferenceFull($content->get('reference_full')); $proxyMedia->setName($content->get('name')); $proxyMedia->setProviderMetadata($content->toArray()); return $proxyMedia; }
/** * @param Response $response * @param string $method * @param array $arguments * @return \stdClass * @throws \RuntimeException */ protected function validateResponse($response, $method, $arguments) { if (!in_array($response->getStatusCode(), array(200, 401, 409))) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unexpected response received from Transmission'); } if ($response->getStatusCode() == 401) { throw new \RuntimeException('Access to Transmission requires authentication'); } if ($response->getStatusCode() == 409) { $this->setToken($response->getHeader(self::TOKEN_HEADER)); return $this->call($method, $arguments); } return json_decode($response->getContent()); }
/** * @param Response $response * * @return stdClass $json */ protected function getContent(Response $response) { return json_decode($response->getContent()); }
/** * Parse and cache rest response for issue id * * @param Response $response * @return array[Issue] */ private function getIssuesFromResponse(Response $response) { $issues = array(); $content = json_decode($response->getContent(), true); foreach ($content['issue'] as $issueData) { $issue = $this->parseIssueData($issueData['id'], $issueData); $issue->setProjectEntity($this->preFetchProject($issueData)); // set prefetched project onto entity. try { $this->getWorkItemsForIssue($issue); } catch (APIException $E) { if (stripos($E->getMessage(), "is disabled") !== false) { // catch "time tracking is disabled messages, handle silently." // do nothing. } else { throw $E; } } $this->issueCache[$issueData['id']] = $issue; $issues[] = $this->issueCache[$issueData['id']]; } return $issues; }
/** * Converts a Buzz response into a PSR response. * * @param BuzzResponse $response * * @return ResponseInterface */ private function createResponse(BuzzResponse $response) { $body = $response->getContent(); return $this->responseFactory->createResponse($response->getStatusCode(), null, $this->getBuzzHeaders($response), $body, number_format($response->getProtocolVersion(), 1)); }
/** * @param Response $response * * @throws HttpException */ protected function handleError(Response $response) { $body = (string) $response->getContent(); $code = (int) $response->getStatusCode(); $content = json_decode($response->getContent()); throw new HttpException(isset($content->message) ? $content->message : 'Request not processed.', $code); }
/** * @param \Buzz\Message\Response $response * * @throws HttpException if status not OK * @throws HttpException if content not json * * @return \stdClass|\stdClass[]|null */ protected function getResult(Response $response) { if (false == $response->isSuccessful()) { throw new HttpException($response->getStatusCode(), sprintf("The api call finished with status %s but it was expected 200. Response content:\n\n%s", $response->getStatusCode(), $response->getContent())); } $content = $response->getContent(); $result = null; if (false == empty($content)) { $result = json_decode($response->getContent()); if (null === $result) { throw new LogicException(sprintf("The response status is successful but the content is not a valid json object:\n\n%s", $response->getContent())); } } return $result; }
/** * @param \Buzz\Message\Response $response * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ private function assertRequestIsSuccessful(\Buzz\Message\Response $response) { $data = json_decode($response->getContent(), true); if (!$response->isSuccessful() || !isset($data['success']) || $data['success'] != "true") { //XXX Invent Exception fitting here throw new \InvalidArgumentException($response->getContent()); } }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getContent() { $response = parent::getContent(); return $response; }