
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../Brush.php';
use Brush\Accounts\Developer;
use Brush\Accounts\Account;
use Brush\Accounts\Credentials;
use Brush\Pastes\Draft;
use Brush\Pastes\Options\Visibility;
use Brush\Exceptions\BrushException;
// this time, create a draft directly from a file
$draft = Draft::fromFile('passwords.txt');
// an Account object represents a Pastebin user account
$account = new Account(new Credentials('<username>', '<password>'));
// link the draft to the account
// specify that we don't want this paste to be publicly accessible
// the Developer class manages a developer key
$developer = new Developer('<developer key>');
try {
    // submit the draft and retrieve the final paste in the same way as above
    $paste = $draft->paste($developer);
    // print out the key of the newly created paste
    echo $paste->getKey(), PHP_EOL;
} catch (BrushException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;