Exemple #1
 public static function __callStatic($method, $args)
     $db = Inflector::uncamelize($method);
     if (fnmatch('*_*', $db)) {
         list($database, $table) = explode('_', $db, 2);
     } else {
         $database = SITE_NAME;
         $table = $db;
     if (!count($args)) {
         return Db::instance($database, $table);
     } elseif (count($args) == 1) {
         $id = Arrays::first($args);
         if (is_numeric($id)) {
             return Db::instance($database, $table)->find($id);
Exemple #2
 public function makeSearch()
     $fieldsSettings = Db::instance('core', 'datafieldssettings')->where("table = " . $this->model->table)->where('database = ' . $this->model->db)->where('user_id = ' . auth()->user()->getId())->exec();
     $userSettings = [];
     if (count($fieldsSettings)) {
         foreach ($fieldsSettings as $fieldSettings) {
             foreach ($fieldSettings as $k => $v) {
                 if (strstr($k, 'is_')) {
                     $userSettings[$fieldSettings['field']][$k] = 1 == $v ? true : false;
     $fields = $this->fields();
     $fieldInfos = isAke($this->config, 'fields');
     $where = isAke($_REQUEST, 'crud_where', session('dataTableCrudRedis::' . $this->model->table)->getWhere());
     $search = '<div class="row"><div class="col-md-10">' . NL;
     $queriesRecorded = Db::instance('core', 'dataquery')->where('user_id = ' . auth()->user()->getId())->where('table = ' . $this->model->table)->where('database = ' . $this->model->db)->exec();
     if (count($queriesRecorded)) {
         $search .= '<div><a rel="tooltip" href="' . urlAction('saveddataqueries') . '/table/' . $this->model->table . '/database/' . $this->model->db . '" title="Accéder aux recherches enregistrées" class="btn btn-primary"><i class="fa fa-database"></i> <i class="fa fa-search"></i></a></div><br />';
     if (!empty($where)) {
         $queryRecorded = Db::instance('core', 'dataquery')->where('user_id = ' . auth()->user()->getId())->where('table = ' . $this->model->table)->where('database = ' . $this->model->db)->where('clause = ' . base64_encode($where))->first(true);
         $whereReadable = $this->readableQuery($where);
         $search .= '<span class="badge badge-lg alert-success">Recherche en cours : ' . $whereReadable . '</span>';
         $exists = !is_null($queryRecorded);
         if (!$exists) {
             $search .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;<a rel="tooltip" title="Sauvegarder cette recherche" class="btn btn-primary" href="' . urlAction('savedataquery') . '/table/' . $this->model->table . '/database/' . $this->model->db . '/query/' . base64_encode($where) . '"><i class="fa fa-save"></i></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;';
         $search .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class="btn btn-warning" href="#" onclick="document.location.href = \'' . urlAction('list') . '/table/' . $this->model->table . '/database/' . $this->model->db . '/kill/1\'"><i class="fa fa-trash-o icon-white"></i> Supprimer cette recherche</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;';
     $search .= '<button id="newCrudSearch" type="button" class="btn btn-info" onclick="$(\'#crudSearchDiv\').slideDown();$(\'#newCrudSearch\').hide();$(\'#hideCrudSearch\').show();"><i class="fa fa-search fa-white"></i> Effectuer une nouvelle recherche</button>';
     $search .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;<button id="hideCrudSearch" type="button" style="display: none;" class="btn btn-danger" onclick="$(\'#crudSearchDiv\').slideUp();$(\'#newCrudSearch\').show();$(\'#hideCrudSearch\').hide();"><i class="fa fa-power-off fa-white"></i> Masquer la recherche</button>';
     $search .= '<fieldset id="crudSearchDiv" style="display: none;">' . NL;
     $search .= '<hr />' . NL;
     $i = 0;
     $fieldsJs = [];
     $js = '<script type="text/javascript">' . NL;
     $searchFields = ['created_at' => 'Date de création', 'updated_at' => 'Date de mise à jour'];
     foreach ($searchFields as $field => $label) {
         $fieldsJs[] = "'{$field}'";
         $search .= '<div class="control-group">' . NL;
         $search .= '<label class="control-label">' . \Thin\Html\Helper::display($label) . '</label>' . NL;
         $search .= '<div class="controls" id="crudControl_' . $i . '">' . NL;
         $search .= '<select id="crudSearchOperator_' . $i . '">
             <option value="=">=</option>
             <option value="<">&lt;</option>
             <option value=">">&gt;</option>
             <option value="<=">&le;</option>
             <option value=">=">&ge;</option>
             </select>' . NL;
         if ($field == 'id') {
             $search .= '<input pattern="\\\\d*" style="width: 150px;" type="text" id="crudSearchValue_' . $i . '" value="" />';
         } elseif ($field == 'created_at' || $field == 'updated_at') {
             $search .= '<input class="crudDate" data-date-clear-btn="true" data-date-format="dd/mm/yyyy" style="width: 150px;" type="text" id="crudSearchValue_' . $i . '" value="" />';
         $search .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="btn btn-success" href="#" onclick="addRowSearch(\'' . $field . '\', ' . $i . '); return false;"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i></span>';
         $search .= '</div>' . NL;
         $search .= '</div><hr>' . NL;
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         $userInfos = isAke($userSettings, $field, []);
         $fieldSettings = isAke($fieldInfos, $field);
         $searchable = isAke($userInfos, 'is_searchable', isAke($fieldSettings, 'is_listable', true));
         $label = isAke($fieldSettings, 'label', ucfirst($field));
         $type = isAke($fieldSettings, 'type', 'text');
         $closure = isAke($fieldSettings, 'content_search', false);
         if (true === $searchable) {
             $fieldsJs[] = "'{$field}'";
             $search .= '<div class="control-group">' . NL;
             $search .= '<label class="control-label">' . \Thin\Html\Helper::display($label) . '</label>' . NL;
             $search .= '<div class="controls" id="crudControl_' . $i . '">' . NL;
             $search .= '<select id="crudSearchOperator_' . $i . '">
                 <option value="=">=</option>
                 <option value="LIKE">Contient</option>
                 <option value="NOT LIKE">Ne contient pas</option>
                 <option value="START">Commence par</option>
                 <option value="END">Finit par</option>
                 <option value="<">&lt;</option>
                 <option value=">">&gt;</option>
                 <option value="<=">&le;</option>
                 <option value=">=">&ge;</option>
                 </select>' . NL;
             if (!$closure) {
                 $search .= '<input style="width: 150px;" type="text" id="crudSearchValue_' . $i . '" value="" />';
             } else {
                 if (is_callable($closure)) {
                     $customSearch = call_user_func_array($closure, array('crudSearchValue_' . $i));
                     $search .= $customSearch;
                 } else {
                     $search .= '<input style="150px;" type="text" id="crudSearchValue_' . $i . '" value="" />';
             $search .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="btn btn-success" href="#" onclick="addRowSearch(\'' . $field . '\', ' . $i . '); return false;"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i></span>';
             $search .= '</div>' . NL;
             $search .= '</div>' . NL;
     $js .= 'var searchFields = [' . implode(', ', $fieldsJs) . ']; var numFieldsSearch = ' . ($i - 1) . ';';
     $js .= '</script>' . NL;
     $search .= '<div class="control-group">
             <div class="controls">
                 <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" name="Rechercher" onclick="makeCrudSearch();">Rechercher</button>
         </div>' . NL;
     $search .= '</fieldset>' . NL;
     $search .= '</div><div class="col-md-2 clear"></div>' . NL . $js . NL;
     return $search . '</div></div><div class="wrapper">';
Exemple #3
 public function take($fk)
     if (!isset($this->_data['id'])) {
         throw new Exception('id must be defined to use take.');
     $db = fnmatch('*s', $fk) ? Db::instance($this->_db->db, substr($fk, 0, -1)) : Db::instance($this->_db->db, $fk);
     return $db->where([$this->_db->table . '_id', '=', (int) $this->_data['id']]);
Exemple #4
 public function __construct($ns)
     $this->ns = $ns;
     $this->db = Db::instance('core', 'log');
Exemple #5
 public static function generate($database, $model, $fields = [], $overwrite = false)
     if (!is_dir(APPLICATION_PATH . DS . 'models' . DS . 'CrudBox')) {
         File::mkdir(APPLICATION_PATH . DS . 'models' . DS . 'CrudBox');
     $file = APPLICATION_PATH . DS . 'models' . DS . 'CrudBox' . DS . ucfirst(Inflector::camelize($database)) . DS . ucfirst(Inflector::camelize($model)) . '.php';
     if (!is_dir(APPLICATION_PATH . DS . 'models' . DS . 'CrudBox' . DS . ucfirst(Inflector::camelize($database)))) {
         File::mkdir(APPLICATION_PATH . DS . 'models' . DS . 'CrudBox' . DS . ucfirst(Inflector::camelize($database)));
     if (!File::exists($file) || $overwrite) {
         $db = Db::instance($database, $model);
         $crud = Crud::instance($db);
         $tplModel = File::read(__DIR__ . DS . 'Model.tpl');
         $tplField = File::read(__DIR__ . DS . 'Field.tpl');
         $fields = empty($fields) ? $crud->fields() : $fields;
         $singular = ucfirst($model);
         $plural = $singular . 's';
         $default_order = $crud->pk();
         $tplModel = str_replace(['##singular##', '##plural##', '##default_order##', '##foreigns##', '##uniques##', '##soft_delete##', '##before_create##', '##after_create##', '##before_update##', '##after_update##', '##before_read##', '##after_read##', '##before_delete##', '##after_delete##', '##before_list##', '##after_list##'], [$singular, $plural, $default_order, '[]', '[]', 'false', 'false', 'false', 'false', 'false', 'false', 'false', 'false', 'false', 'false', 'false'], $tplModel);
         $fieldsSection = '';
         foreach ($fields as $field) {
             if ($field != $crud->pk()) {
                 $label = substr($field, -3) == '_id' ? ucfirst(str_replace('_id', '', $field)) : ucfirst(Inflector::camelize($field));
                 $fieldsSection .= str_replace(['##field##', '##form_type##', '##helper##', '##required##', '##form_plus##', '##length##', '##is_listable##', '##is_exportable##', '##is_searchable##', '##is_sortable##', '##is_readable##', '##is_creatable##', '##is_updatable##', '##is_deletable##', '##content_view##', '##content_list##', '##content_search##', '##content_create##', '##label##'], [$field, 'text', 'false', 'true', 'false', 'false', 'true', 'true', 'true', 'true', 'true', 'true', 'true', 'true', 'false', 'false', 'false', 'false', $label], $tplField);
         $tplModel = str_replace('##fields##', $fieldsSection, $tplModel);
         File::put($file, $tplModel);