Exemple #1
 public function services($int)
     $math = Bitcoin::getMath();
     $hex = $math->decHex($int);
     $buffer = Buffer::hex($hex, 8);
     return $buffer;
Exemple #2
  * @param InputInterface $input
  * @param OutputInterface $output
  * @return int
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $config = (new ConfigLoader())->load();
     // Create the child process
     // All the code after pcntl_fork () will be performed by two processes: parent and child
     if ($config->getItem('config', 'daemon', false)) {
         $child_pid = pcntl_fork();
         if ($child_pid) {
             // Exit from the parent process that is bound to the console
         // Make the child as the main process.
     $math = Bitcoin::getMath();
     $params = new Params($math);
     $loop = \React\EventLoop\Factory::create();
     $db = new DebugDb(Db::create($config));
     $node = new BitcoinNode($config, $params, $db);
     $container = new Container();
     $container['debug'] = function (Container $c) use($node) {
         $context = $c['zmq'];
         return new ZmqDebug($node, $context);
     $this->setupServices($container, $node, $loop, $config, $db);
     return 0;
  * @param $string
  * @param Math $math
  * @return TransactionSignatureInterface
 public static function fromHex($string, Math $math = null)
     $math = $math ?: Bitcoin::getMath();
     $serializer = new TransactionSignatureSerializer(new DerSignatureSerializer($math));
     $signature = $serializer->parse($string);
     return $signature;
 public function __construct(NodeInterface $node, Container $container)
     $this->db = $container['db'];
     $this->retargetDb = new RetargetDb($this->db->getPdo());
     $this->math = Bitcoin::getMath();
     $this->consensus = new Consensus(Bitcoin::getMath(), new Params(Bitcoin::getMath()));
     $node->chains()->on('retarget', [$this, 'onRetarget']);
  * Calculate the hash of the current transaction, when you are looking to
  * spend $txOut, and are signing $inputToSign. The SigHashType defaults to
  * can be used.
  * @param ScriptInterface $txOutScript
  * @param $inputToSign
  * @param int $sighashType
  * @return Buffer
  * @throws \Exception
 public function calculate(ScriptInterface $txOutScript, $inputToSign, $sighashType = SignatureHashInterface::SIGHASH_ALL)
     $copy = $this->transaction->makeCopy();
     $inputs = $copy->getInputs();
     $outputs = $copy->getOutputs();
     if ($inputToSign > count($inputs)) {
         throw new \Exception('Input does not exist');
     // Default SIGHASH_ALL procedure: null all input scripts
     $inputCount = count($inputs);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $inputCount; $i++) {
         $inputs->getInput($i)->setScript(new Script());
     $math = Bitcoin::getMath();
     if ($math->bitwiseAnd($sighashType, 31) == SignatureHashInterface::SIGHASH_NONE) {
         // Set outputs to empty vector, and set sequence number of inputs to 0.
         $copy->setOutputs(new TransactionOutputCollection());
         // Let the others update at will. Set sequence of inputs we're not signing to 0.
         $inputCount = count($inputs);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $inputCount; $i++) {
             if ($math->cmp($i, $inputToSign) !== 0) {
     } elseif ($math->bitwiseAnd($sighashType, 31) == SignatureHashInterface::SIGHASH_SINGLE) {
         // Resize output array to $inputToSign + 1, set remaining scripts to null,
         // and set sequence's to zero.
         $nOutput = $inputToSign;
         if ($math->cmp($nOutput, count($outputs)) >= 0) {
             return Buffer::hex('0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000');
         // Resize..
         $outputs = $outputs->slice(0, $nOutput + 1)->getOutputs();
         // Set to null
         for ($i = 0; $i < $nOutput; $i++) {
             $outputs[$i] = new TransactionOutput($math->getBinaryMath()->getTwosComplement(-1, 64), new Script());
         $copy->setOutputs(new TransactionOutputCollection($outputs));
         // Let the others update at will. Set sequence of inputs we're not signing to 0.
         $inputCount = count($inputs);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $inputCount; $i++) {
             if ($math->cmp($i, $inputToSign) != 0) {
     // This can happen regardless of whether it's ALL, NONE, or SINGLE
     if ($math->bitwiseAnd($sighashType, SignatureHashInterface::SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY)) {
         $input = $inputs->getInput($inputToSign);
         $copy->setInputs(new TransactionInputCollection([$input]));
     // Serialize the TxCopy and append the 4 byte hashtype (little endian);
     $txParser = new Parser($copy->getBuffer());
     $txParser->writeInt(4, $sighashType, true);
     return Hash::sha256d($txParser->getBuffer());
Exemple #6
  * @param InputInterface $input
  * @param OutputInterface $output
  * @return int
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $math = Bitcoin::getMath();
     $params = new Params($math);
     $loop = \React\EventLoop\Factory::create();
     $app = new BitcoinNode($params, $loop);
     return 0;
Exemple #7
 public function testGetValueIn()
     $utxo1 = new Utxo(new OutPoint(new Buffer('a', 32), 0), new TransactionOutput(2, new Script()));
     $utxo2 = new Utxo(new OutPoint(new Buffer('a', 32), 1), new TransactionOutput(4, new Script()));
     $utxo3 = new Utxo(new OutPoint(new Buffer('b', 32), 0), new TransactionOutput(1, new Script()));
     $view = new UtxoView([$utxo1, $utxo2, $utxo3]);
     $transaction = TransactionFactory::build()->spendOutPoint($utxo1->getOutPoint())->spendOutPoint($utxo2->getOutPoint())->spendOutPoint($utxo3->getOutPoint())->output(5, new Script())->get();
     $this->assertEquals(7, $view->getValueIn(Bitcoin::getMath(), $transaction));
     $this->assertEquals(2, $view->getFeePaid(Bitcoin::getMath(), $transaction));
Exemple #8
  * Forks constructor.
  * @param ParamsInterface $params
  * @param BlockIndexInterface $index
  * @param array[] $versions
 public function __construct(ParamsInterface $params, BlockIndexInterface $index, array $versions)
     $this->versionCount = ['v1' => 0, 'v2' => 0, 'v3' => 0, 'v4' => 0, 'v5' => 0];
     foreach ($versions as $value) {
     $this->math = Bitcoin::getMath();
     $this->params = $params;
     $this->index = $index;
     $this->versions = $versions;
  * @param array $bits
  * @return array
 private function bitsToBuffers(array $bits)
     $math = Bitcoin::getMath();
     $vBuffers = str_split(str_pad('', (count($bits) + 7) / 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT));
     $nBits = count($bits);
     for ($p = 0; $p < $nBits; $p++) {
         $index = (int) floor($p / 8);
         $vBuffers[$index] |= $bits[$p] << $p % 8;
     foreach ($vBuffers as &$value) {
         $value = Buffer::int($value, null, $math);
     return $vBuffers;
Exemple #10
  * Calculate the hash of the current transaction, when you are looking to
  * spend $txOut, and are signing $inputToSign. The SigHashType defaults to
  * can be used.
  * @param ScriptInterface $txOutScript
  * @param int $inputToSign
  * @param int $sighashType
  * @return BufferInterface
  * @throws \Exception
 public function calculate(ScriptInterface $txOutScript, $inputToSign, $sighashType = SigHash::ALL)
     $math = Bitcoin::getMath();
     $tx = new TxMutator($this->transaction);
     $inputs = $tx->inputsMutator();
     $outputs = $tx->outputsMutator();
     // Default SIGHASH_ALL procedure: null all input scripts
     foreach ($inputs as $input) {
         $input->script(new Script());
     if ($math->cmp($math->bitwiseAnd($sighashType, 31), SigHash::NONE) === 0) {
         // Set outputs to empty vector, and set sequence number of inputs to 0.
         // Let the others update at will. Set sequence of inputs we're not signing to 0.
         foreach ($inputs as $i => $input) {
             if ($i !== $inputToSign) {
     } elseif ($math->cmp($math->bitwiseAnd($sighashType, 31), SigHash::SINGLE) === 0) {
         // Resize output array to $inputToSign + 1, set remaining scripts to null,
         // and set sequence's to zero.
         $nOutput = $inputToSign;
         if ($nOutput >= $this->nOutputs) {
             return Buffer::hex('0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', 32, $math);
         // Resize, set to null
         $outputs->slice(0, $nOutput + 1);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $nOutput; $i++) {
         // Let the others update at will. Set sequence of inputs we're not signing to 0
         foreach ($inputs as $i => $input) {
             if ($i !== $inputToSign) {
     // This can happen regardless of whether it's ALL, NONE, or SINGLE
     if ($math->cmp($math->bitwiseAnd($sighashType, SigHash::ANYONECANPAY), 0) > 0) {
         $input = $inputs[$inputToSign]->done();
     return Hash::sha256d(Buffertools::concat($tx->done()->getBuffer(), Buffertools::flipBytes(Buffer::int($sighashType, 4, $math))));
Exemple #11
  * Decode a base58 string
  * @param string $base58
  * @return BufferInterface
 public static function decode($base58)
     $math = Bitcoin::getMath();
     if ($base58 === '') {
         return new Buffer('', 0, $math);
     $original = $base58;
     $length = strlen($base58);
     $return = '0';
     for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
         $return = $math->add($math->mul($return, 58), strpos(self::$base58chars, $base58[$i]));
     $binary = $math->cmp($return, '0') === 0 ? '' : hex2bin($math->decHex($return));
     for ($i = 0; $i < $length && $original[$i] === '1'; $i++) {
         $binary = "" . $binary;
     return new Buffer($binary);
Exemple #12
  * Decode a base58 string
  * @param $base58
  * @return Buffer
 public static function decode($base58)
     if (strlen($base58) == 0) {
         return new Buffer();
     $original = $base58;
     $strlen = strlen($base58);
     $return = '0';
     $math = Bitcoin::getMath();
     for ($i = 0; $i < $strlen; $i++) {
         $return = $math->add($math->mul($return, 58), strpos(self::$base58chars, $base58[$i]));
     $hex = $return == '0' ? '' : $math->decHex($return);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $strlen && $original[$i] == "1"; $i++) {
         $hex = "00" . $hex;
     $buffer = Buffer::hex($hex);
     return $buffer;
Exemple #13
  * @param BufferInterface $vch
  * @param bool $fRequireMinimal
  * @param int $maxNumSize
  * @param Math|null $math
  * @return self
 public static function buffer(BufferInterface $vch, $fRequireMinimal, $maxNumSize = self::MAX_NUM_SIZE, Math $math = null)
     $size = $vch->getSize();
     if ($size > $maxNumSize) {
         throw new \RuntimeException('Script number overflow');
     if ($fRequireMinimal && $size > 0) {
         $binary = $vch->getBinary();
         if (ord($binary[$size - 1]) & 0x7f === 0) {
             if ($size <= 1 || ord($binary[$size - 2]) & 0x80 === 0) {
                 throw new \RuntimeException('Non-minimally encoded script number');
     $math = $math ?: Bitcoin::getMath();
     $number = new self(0, $math);
     $number->number = $number->parseBuffer($vch);
     return $number;
 public function __construct()
     $this->haveTx = [];
     $this->math = Bitcoin::getMath();
     $this->generator = Bitcoin::getGenerator();
     $this->adapter = EcAdapterFactory::getPhpEcc($this->math, $this->generator);
     $this->order = $this->adapter->getGenerator()->getOrder();
     $this->loop = \React\EventLoop\Factory::create();
     $factory = new \BitWasp\Bitcoin\Networking\Factory($this->loop);
     $dns = $factory->getDns();
     $peerFactory = $factory->getPeerFactory($dns);
     $locator = $peerFactory->getLocator();
     $server = new ReactServer($this->loop);
     $listener = $peerFactory->getListener($server);
     $this->manager = $peerFactory->getManager(true);
     $this->manager->on('outbound', function (Peer $peer) {
     $this->manager->on('inbound', function (Peer $peer) {
     $locator->queryDnsSeeds()->then(function (Locator $locator) {
         $this->manager->connectToPeers($locator, 5);
         $this->loop->addPeriodicTimer(30, function () {
             echo "Have seen " . $this->inputs . " inputs and " . $this->counter . " high-S signatures \n";
             echo "There are " . count($this->violators) . " violators \n";
             $largest = 0;
             $worstPeer = null;
             foreach ($this->violators as $ip => $v) {
                 if ($v > $largest) {
                     $worstPeer = $ip;
                     $largest = $v;
             if (!is_null($worstPeer)) {
                 echo "Worst peer: {$worstPeer} ({$largest})\n";
         echo "Connecting..\n";
Exemple #15
  * @param BlockInterface $genesisBlock
 public function init(BlockInterface $genesisBlock)
     $hash = $genesisBlock->getHeader()->getHash();
     $index = $this->db->fetchIndex($hash);
     try {
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         echo $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
         $this->db->insertBlock($index->getHash(), $genesisBlock, new BlockSerializer(Bitcoin::getMath(), new BlockHeaderSerializer(), new TransactionSerializer()));
Exemple #16
 public function hasBlockchain()
     $math = Bitcoin::getMath();
     return $math->cmp($math->bitwiseAnd($this->services->getInt(), self::NODE_NETWORK), self::NODE_NETWORK) == 0;
  * @return \BitWasp\Buffertools\Buffer
 public function getBuffer()
     $serializer = new CompactSignatureSerializer(Bitcoin::getMath());
     return $serializer->serialize($this);
Exemple #18
     * Query for headers/blocks chain state - populates Chains.
     * @param Headers $headers
     * @return ChainState[]
    public function fetchChainState(Headers $headers)
        if ($this->debug) {
            echo "db: called fetchChainState \n";
        $stmt = $this->dbh->prepare('
                parent.hash as last_hash, parent.work as last_work, parent.height as last_height
              , parent.version as last_version, parent.prevBlock as last_prevBlock, parent.merkleRoot as last_merkleRoot
              , parent.nBits as last_nBits, parent.nTimestamp as last_nTimestamp, parent.nNonce as last_nNonce

              , tip.hash as tip_hash, tip.height as tip_height, tip.work as tip_work
              , tip.version as tip_version, tip.prevBlock tip_prevBlock, tip.merkleRoot as tip_merkleRoot
              , tip.nBits as tip_nBits, tip.nTimestamp as tip_nTimestamp, tip.nNonce as tip_nNonce

FROM headerIndex AS tip, headerIndex AS parent
LEFT JOIN headerIndex AS next ON next.prevBlock = parent.hash
LEFT JOIN blockIndex AS b ON b.hash = next.hash
WHERE tip.rgt = tip.lft + 1 and b.hash IS NULL
) as r
GROUP BY r.tip_hash;');
        if ($stmt->execute()) {
            $chainPathStmt = $this->dbh->prepare("\n               SELECT   node.hash, parent.hash\n               FROM     headerIndex AS node,\n                        headerIndex AS parent\n               WHERE    node.rgt = node.lft + 1\n               AND      node.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rgt\n            ");
            $fetch = $chainPathStmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_GROUP | \PDO::FETCH_COLUMN);
            $states = [];
            $math = Bitcoin::getMath();
            foreach ($stmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row) {
                $map = $fetch[$row['tip_hash']];
                foreach ($map as &$m) {
                    $m = hex2bin($m);
                $bestHeader = new BlockIndex($row['tip_hash'], $row['tip_height'], $row['tip_work'], new BlockHeader($row['tip_version'], $row['tip_prevBlock'], $row['tip_merkleRoot'], $row['tip_nTimestamp'], Buffer::int($row['tip_nBits'], 4), $row['tip_nNonce']));
                $lastBlock = new BlockIndex($row['last_hash'], $row['last_height'], $row['last_work'], new BlockHeader($row['last_version'], $row['last_prevBlock'], $row['last_merkleRoot'], $row['last_nTimestamp'], Buffer::int($row['last_nBits'], 4), $row['last_nNonce']));
                $states[] = new ChainState($math, new Chain($map, $bestHeader, $headers, $math), $lastBlock);
            return $states;
        throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to fetch block progress');
  * @param $string
  * @param Math $math
  * @return Block
 public static function fromHex($string, Math $math = null)
     $serializer = new HexBlockSerializer($math ?: Bitcoin::getMath(), new HexBlockHeaderSerializer(), new TransactionSerializer());
     return $serializer->parse($string);
  * @param Parser $parser
  * @return BloomFilter
 public function fromParser(Parser $parser)
     list($vData, $numHashFuncs, $nTweak, $flags) = $this->getTemplate()->parse($parser);
     return new BloomFilter(Bitcoin::getMath(), $vData, $numHashFuncs, $nTweak, $flags);
  * @return bool
 public function isFinal()
     $math = Bitcoin::getMath();
     return $math->cmp($this->getSequence(), self::SEQUENCE_FINAL) === 0;
Exemple #22
  * @param ParamsInterface $params
  * @param LoopInterface $loop
 public function __construct(ParamsInterface $params, LoopInterface $loop)
     echo ' [App] start ' . PHP_EOL;
     $start = microtime(true);
     $math = Bitcoin::getMath();
     $adapter = Bitcoin::getEcAdapter($math);
     $zmq = new ZMQContext($loop);
     $this->loop = $loop;
     $this->params = $params;
     $this->adapter = $adapter;
     $this->chains = new Chains($adapter);
     $this->inventory = new KnownInventory();
     $this->peerState = new PeerStateCollection();
     $this->peersInbound = new Peers();
     $this->peersOutbound = new Peers();
     $this->netFactory = new NetworkingFactory($loop);
     $this->db = new Db($this->config, false);
     $consensus = new Consensus($math, $params);
     $zmqScript = new ZmqScriptCheck(new \ZMQContext());
     $this->headers = new Index\Headers($this->db, $consensus, $math, new HeaderCheck($consensus, $adapter, new ProofOfWork($math, $params)));
     $this->blocks = new Index\Blocks($this->db, $adapter, $consensus, new BlockCheck($consensus, $adapter, $zmqScript));
     $genesis = $params->getGenesisBlock();
     $this->utxo = new Index\UtxoIdx($this->chains, $this->db);
     $this->blockDownload = new BlockDownloader($this->chains, $this->peerState, $this->peersOutbound);
     $this->on('blocks.syncing', function () {
         echo ' [App] ... BLOCKS: syncing' . PHP_EOL;
     $this->on('headers.syncing', function () {
         echo ' [App] ... HEADERS: syncing' . PHP_EOL;
     $this->on('headers.synced', function () {
         echo ' [App] ... HEADERS: synced!' . PHP_EOL;
     echo ' [App] Startup took: ' . (microtime(true) - $start) . ' seconds ' . PHP_EOL;
Exemple #23
 private function updateGreatestWork()
     $segments = $this->segments;
     if (count($this->segments) > 1) {
         usort($segments, new ChainWorkComparator(Bitcoin::getMath()));
     $best = end($segments);
     if (is_null($this->best) || $this->best instanceof ChainSegment && $this->best->getLast() !== $best->getLast()) {
         $this->best = $best;
  * @param NetworkInterface $network
 public function __construct(NetworkInterface $network)
     $this->math = Bitcoin::getMath();
     $this->network = $network;
     $this->txSerializer = new TransactionSerializer();
     $this->headerSerializer = new BlockHeaderSerializer();
     $this->blockSerializer = new BlockSerializer($this->math, $this->headerSerializer, $this->txSerializer);
     $this->filteredBlockSerializer = new FilteredBlockSerializer($this->headerSerializer, new PartialMerkleTreeSerializer());
     $this->headersSerializer = new HeadersSerializer($this->headerSerializer);
     $this->filterAddSerializer = new FilterAddSerializer();
     $this->filterLoadSerializer = new FilterLoadSerializer(new BloomFilterSerializer());
     $this->merkleBlockSerializer = new MerkleBlockSerializer($this->filteredBlockSerializer);
     $this->pingSerializer = new PingSerializer();
     $this->pongSerializer = new PongSerializer();
     $this->alertSerializer = new AlertSerializer(new AlertDetailSerializer());
     $this->inventorySerializer = new InventorySerializer();
     $this->getDataSerializer = new GetDataSerializer($this->inventorySerializer);
     $this->invSerializer = new InvSerializer($this->inventorySerializer);
     $this->notFoundSerializer = new NotFoundSerializer($this->inventorySerializer);
     $this->rejectSerializer = new RejectSerializer();
     $this->blockLocatorSerializer = new BlockLocatorSerializer();
     $this->getBlocksSerializer = new GetBlocksSerializer($this->blockLocatorSerializer);
     $this->getHeadersSerializer = new GetHeadersSerializer($this->blockLocatorSerializer);
     $this->versionSerializer = new VersionSerializer(new NetworkAddressSerializer());
     $this->addrSerializer = new AddrSerializer(new NetworkAddressTimestampSerializer());
Exemple #25
  * @return int|string
 public function getValueOut()
     $math = Bitcoin::getMath();
     $value = 0;
     foreach ($this->outputs as $output) {
         $value = $math->add($value, $output->getValue());
     return $value;

require "../vendor/autoload.php";
use BitWasp\Bitcoin\Bitcoin;
use BitWasp\Bitcoin\MessageSigner\MessageSigner;
use BitWasp\Bitcoin\Serializer\MessageSigner\SignedMessageSerializer;
use BitWasp\Bitcoin\Serializer\Signature\CompactSignatureSerializer;
$address = 'n2Z2DFCxG6vktyX1MFkKAQPQFsrmniGKj5';
$ec = Bitcoin::getEcAdapter();
$addr = \BitWasp\Bitcoin\Address\AddressFactory::fromString($address);
$serializer = new SignedMessageSerializer(new CompactSignatureSerializer(Bitcoin::getMath()));
$signedMessage = $serializer->parse($sig);
$signer = new MessageSigner($ec);
if ($signer->verify($signedMessage, $addr)) {
    echo "Signature verified!\n";
} else {
    echo "Failed to verify signature!\n";
  * @return \BitWasp\Buffertools\Buffer
 public function getBuffer()
     $txSigSerializer = new TransactionSignatureSerializer(new DerSignatureSerializer(Bitcoin::getMath()));
     return $txSigSerializer->serialize($this);
  * @param TransactionInterface $transaction
  * @return BufferInterface
 public function serialize(TransactionInterface $transaction)
     $math = Bitcoin::getMath();
     $int8le = new Int8($math, ByteOrder::LE);
     $int32le = new Int32($math, ByteOrder::LE);
     $uint32le = new Uint32($math, ByteOrder::LE);
     $varint = new VarInt($math, ByteOrder::LE);
     $vector = new Vector($varint, function () {
     $binary = $int32le->write($transaction->getVersion());
     $flags = 0;
     if (!$transaction->getWitnesses()->isNull()) {
         $flags |= 1;
     if ($flags) {
         $binary .= $int8le->write(0);
         $binary .= $int8le->write($flags);
     $binary .= $vector->write($transaction->getInputs()->all());
     $binary .= $vector->write($transaction->getOutputs()->all());
     if ($flags & 1) {
         foreach ($transaction->getWitnesses() as $witness) {
             $binary .= $witness->getBuffer()->getBinary();
     $binary .= $uint32le->write($transaction->getLockTime());
     return new Buffer($binary);
 protected function discover_wallet_addrs_single($x_pub_key)
     $params = $this->get_params();
     $math = Bitcoin::getMath();
     $network = Bitcoin::getNetwork();
     //$x_pub_key = '1LSedCD6AFWJaZXF2qR8jZobaGx3jN6akv';
     $master = HierarchicalKeyFactory::fromExtended($x_pub_key, $network);
     echo "Master Public Key (m)\n";
     echo "   " . $master->toExtendedPublicKey($network) . "\n";
     echo "   Address: " . $master->getPublicKey()->getAddress()->getAddress() . "\n";
     echo sprintf( "   depth: %s, sequence: %s\n\n", $master->getDepth(), $master->getSequence() );
     return $this->discover_addrs($master);
Exemple #30

use BitWasp\Bitcoin\Bitcoin;
use BitWasp\Bitcoin\Address;
use BitWasp\Bitcoin\Key\Deterministic\HierarchicalKeyFactory;
require __DIR__ . "/../vendor/autoload.php";
$math = Bitcoin::getMath();
$network = Bitcoin::getNetwork();
$master = HierarchicalKeyFactory::generateMasterKey();
echo "Master key (m)\n";
echo "   " . $master->toExtendedPrivateKey($network) . "\n";
echo "   Address: " . $master->getPublicKey()->getAddress()->getAddress() . "\n\n";
echo "Derive sequential keys:\n";
$key1 = $master->deriveChild(0);
echo " - m/0' " . $key1->toExtendedPrivateKey($network) . "\n";
echo "   Address: " . $key1->getPublicKey()->getAddress()->getAddress() . "\n\n";
$key2 = $key1->deriveChild(999999);
echo " - m/0'/999999 " . $key2->toExtendedPublicKey($network) . "\n";
echo "   Address: " . $key2->getPublicKey()->getAddress()->getAddress() . "\n\n";
echo "Directly derive path\n";
$sameKey2 = $master->derivePath("0'/999999");
echo " - m/0'/999999 " . $sameKey2->toExtendedPublicKey() . "\n";
echo "   Address: " . $sameKey2->getPublicKey()->getAddress()->getAddress() . "\n\n";