/** * @param $postingId * @param bool $checkDuplicate * @return bool * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException */ public static function initGroupRecipients($postingId, $checkDuplicate = false) { $arPosting = \Bitrix\Sender\PostingTable::getRowById(array('ID' => $postingId)); if (!$arPosting) { return false; } $checkRecipientDuplicate = $checkDuplicate; if (!$checkDuplicate) { if ($arPosting['STATUS'] == \Bitrix\Sender\PostingTable::STATUS_NEW) { $primary = array('POSTING_ID' => $postingId); \Bitrix\Sender\PostingRecipientTable::delete($primary); $checkRecipientDuplicate = false; } } // fetch all unsubscribed emails of current mailing for excluding from recipients $arEmailNotSend = array(); $recipientUnsubDb = \Bitrix\Sender\PostingUnsubTable::getList(array('select' => array('EMAIL' => 'POSTING_RECIPIENT.EMAIL'), 'filter' => array('POSTING.MAILING_ID' => $arPosting['MAILING_ID']))); while ($recipientUnsub = $recipientUnsubDb->fetch()) { $arEmailNotSend[] = $recipientUnsub['EMAIL']; } $groupConnectorsDataCount = array(); $connection = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getConnection(); $conHelper = $connection->getSqlHelper(); $statusRecipientNone = \Bitrix\Sender\PostingRecipientTable::SEND_RESULT_NONE; // fetch all connectors for getting emails $groupDb = \Bitrix\Sender\MailingGroupTable::getList(array('select' => array('INCLUDE', 'CONNECTOR_ENDPOINT' => 'GROUP.GROUP_CONNECTOR.ENDPOINT', 'GROUP_ID'), 'filter' => array('MAILING_ID' => $arPosting['MAILING_ID']), 'order' => array('INCLUDE' => 'DESC', 'GROUP_ID' => 'ASC'))); while ($group = $groupDb->fetch()) { $connector = \Bitrix\Sender\ConnectorManager::getConnector($group['CONNECTOR_ENDPOINT']); if (!$connector) { continue; } $connectorDataCount = 0; $connector->setFieldValues($group['CONNECTOR_ENDPOINT']['FIELDS']); $connectorDataDb = $connector->getData(); while (true) { $emailList = array(); $connectorDataList = array(); $maxPart = 200; while ($arConnectorData = $connectorDataDb->Fetch()) { // collect connectors counter of addresses $connectorDataCount++; // exclude unsubscribed addresses $arConnectorData['EMAIL'] = trim(strtolower($arConnectorData['EMAIL'])); if (strlen($arConnectorData['EMAIL']) <= 0 || in_array($arConnectorData['EMAIL'], $arEmailNotSend)) { continue; } $emailList[] = $arConnectorData['EMAIL']; $connectorDataList[$arConnectorData['EMAIL']] = $arConnectorData; $maxPart--; if ($maxPart == 0) { break; } } if (empty($emailList)) { break; } foreach ($emailList as &$email) { $email = $conHelper->forSql($email); } $emailListString = "'" . implode("', '", $emailList) . "'"; if ($group['INCLUDE']) { // add address if not exists if ($checkRecipientDuplicate) { $recipientEmailDb = $connection->query("select EMAIL from b_sender_posting_recipient where EMAIL in (" . $emailListString . ") and POSTING_ID=" . intval($postingId)); while ($recipientEmail = $recipientEmailDb->fetch()) { unset($connectorDataList[$recipientEmail['EMAIL']]); } } if (!empty($connectorDataList)) { foreach ($connectorDataList as $email => $arConnectorData) { $arRecipient = array('NAME' => "'" . $conHelper->forSql($arConnectorData['NAME']) . "'", 'EMAIL' => "'" . $conHelper->forSql($arConnectorData['EMAIL']) . "'", 'STATUS' => "'" . $statusRecipientNone . "'", 'POSTING_ID' => intval($postingId)); if (array_key_exists('USER_ID', $arConnectorData) && intval($arConnectorData['USER_ID']) > 0) { $arRecipient['USER_ID'] = intval($arConnectorData['USER_ID']); } $insertColumnNamesString = implode(", ", array_keys($arRecipient)); $insertColumnValuesString = implode(", ", array_values($arRecipient)); $connection->query("insert into b_sender_posting_recipient(" . $insertColumnNamesString . ") values(" . $insertColumnValuesString . ")"); } } } else { // delete address from posting $connection->query("delete from b_sender_posting_recipient where EMAIL in (" . $emailListString . ") and POSTING_ID=" . intval($postingId)); } } //\Bitrix\Sender\GroupConnectorTable::update(array('ID' => $group['GROUP_CONNECTOR_ID']), array('ADDRESS_COUNT' => $connectorDataCount)); // collect groups counter of addresses if (array_key_exists($group['GROUP_ID'], $groupConnectorsDataCount)) { $groupConnectorsDataCount[$group['GROUP_ID']] += $connectorDataCount; } else { $groupConnectorsDataCount[$group['GROUP_ID']] = $connectorDataCount; } } // update group counter of addresses foreach ($groupConnectorsDataCount as $groupId => $groupDataCount) { \Bitrix\Sender\GroupTable::update($groupId, array('ADDRESS_COUNT' => $groupDataCount)); } return true; }
LocalRedirect("/bitrix/admin/sender_group_admin.php?lang=" . LANG); } } else { if (!empty($arError)) { $message = new CAdminMessage(implode("<br>", $arError)); } $bVarsFromForm = true; } } //Edit/Add part ClearVars(); $str_SORT = 100; $str_ACTIVE = "Y"; $str_VISIBLE = "Y"; if ($ID > 0) { $rubric = new CDBResult(\Bitrix\Sender\GroupTable::getById($ID)); if (!$rubric->ExtractFields("str_")) { $ID = 0; } } $endpointList = array(); if ($ID > 0) { $groupConnectorDb = \Bitrix\Sender\GroupConnectorTable::getList(array('filter' => array('GROUP_ID' => $ID))); while ($groupConnector = $groupConnectorDb->fetch()) { if (!empty($groupConnector['ENDPOINT'])) { $endpointList[] = $groupConnector['ENDPOINT']; } } } if ($bVarsFromForm) { $DB->InitTableVarsForEdit("b_sender_group", "", "str_");
} } } //Edit/Add part ClearVars(); $str_SORT = 100; $str_ACTIVE = "Y"; $str_VISIBLE = "Y"; if ($ID > 0) { $rubric = new CDBResult(\Bitrix\Sender\MailingTable::getById($ID)); if (!$rubric->ExtractFields("str_")) { $ID = 0; } } $GROUP_EXIST = array(); $groupDb = \Bitrix\Sender\GroupTable::getList(array('select' => array('NAME', 'ID', 'ADDRESS_COUNT'), 'filter' => array('ACTIVE' => 'Y'), 'order' => array('SORT' => 'ASC', 'NAME' => 'ASC'))); while ($arGroup = $groupDb->fetch()) { $GROUP_EXIST[] = $arGroup; } if ($bVarsFromForm) { $DB->InitTableVarsForEdit("b_sender_mailing", "", "str_"); } \CJSCore::Init(array("sender_admin")); $APPLICATION->SetTitle($ID > 0 ? GetMessage("sender_mailing_edit_title_edit") . $ID : GetMessage("sender_mailing_edit_title_new")); require $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/bitrix/modules/main/include/prolog_admin_after.php"; $aMenu = array(array("TEXT" => GetMessage("sender_mailing_edit_list"), "TITLE" => GetMessage("sender_mailing_edit_list_title"), "LINK" => "sender_mailing_admin.php?lang=" . LANG, "ICON" => "btn_list")); if ($ID > 0) { $aMenu[] = array("SEPARATOR" => "Y"); $aMenu[] = array("TEXT" => GetMessage("sender_mailing_edit_add"), "TITLE" => GetMessage("sender_mailing_edit_add_title"), "LINK" => "sender_mailing_edit.php?lang=" . LANG, "ICON" => "btn_new"); $aMenu[] = array("TEXT" => GetMessage("sender_mailing_edit_del"), "TITLE" => GetMessage("sender_mailing_edit_del_title"), "LINK" => "javascript:if(confirm('" . GetMessage("sender_mailing_edit_del_confirm") . "'))window.location='sender_mailing_admin.php?ID=" . $ID . "&action=delete&lang=" . LANGUAGE_ID . "&" . bitrix_sessid_get() . "';", "ICON" => "btn_delete"); $aMenu[] = array("SEPARATOR" => "Y");
$arFields["ACTIVE"]=($_REQUEST['action']=="activate"?"Y":"N"); $dataUpdateDb = \Bitrix\Sender\GroupTable::update($dataPrimary, $arFields); if(!$dataUpdateDb->isSuccess()) { $LAST_ERROR = $dataUpdateDb->getErrorMessages(); $LAST_ERROR = $LAST_ERROR[0]; $lAdmin->AddGroupError(GetMessage("rub_save_error").$LAST_ERROR, $ID); } break; } } } $groupListDb = \Bitrix\Sender\GroupTable::getList(array( 'filter' => $arFilter, 'order' => array($by=>$order) )); $rsData = new CAdminResult($groupListDb, $sTableID); $rsData->NavStart(); $lAdmin->NavText($rsData->GetNavPrint(GetMessage("rub_nav"))); $lAdmin->AddHeaders(array( array( "id" =>"ID", "content" =>"ID", "sort" =>"ID", "align" =>"right", "default" =>true, ), array( "id" =>"NAME", "content" =>GetMessage("rub_name"), "sort" =>"NAME",