/** * Downloads and parses HTML's document metadata, formatted with oEmbed standard. * * @param HtmlDocument $document HTML document. */ public function handle(HtmlDocument $document) { if (!$this->detectOembedLink($document) || strlen($this->metadataUrl) == 0) { return; } $httpClient = new HttpClient(); $rawMetadata = $httpClient->get($this->metadataUrl); if ($rawMetadata === false) { return; } $parsedMetadata = $this->parseMetadata($rawMetadata); if ($parsedMetadata !== false) { if (strlen($this->metadataEncoding) > 0 && $document->getEncoding() !== $this->metadataEncoding) { $parsedMetadata = Encoding::convertEncodingArray($parsedMetadata, $this->metadataEncoding, $document->getEncoding()); } if ($document->getTitle() == '' && $parsedMetadata['title'] != '') { $document->setTitle($parsedMetadata['title']); } if ($document->getImage() == '' && $parsedMetadata['thumbnail_url'] != '') { $document->setImage($parsedMetadata['thumbnail_url']); } if ($document->getEmdbed() == '' && $parsedMetadata['html'] != '') { $document->setEmbed($parsedMetadata['html']); } } }
public function Send(array $request) { $method = isset($request['METHOD']) ? strtoupper($request['METHOD']) : ''; if ($method !== \Bitrix\Main\Web\HttpClient::HTTP_GET && $method !== \Bitrix\Main\Web\HttpClient::HTTP_POST) { throw new Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException("Could not find 'METHOD'.", 'request'); } $path = isset($request['PATH']) && is_string($request['PATH']) ? $request['PATH'] : ''; if ($path === '') { throw new Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException("Could not find 'PATH'.", 'request'); } $postData = $method === \Bitrix\Main\Web\HttpClient::HTTP_POST && isset($request['BODY']) ? $request['BODY'] : null; if (!$this->client) { $this->client = new \Bitrix\Main\Web\HttpClient(); } $this->client->setRedirect(false); if ($method === \Bitrix\Main\Web\HttpClient::HTTP_POST && is_array($postData)) { //Force UTF encoding $this->client->setCharset('UTF-8'); if ((!isset($request['UTF']) || !$request['UTF']) && !defined('BX_UTF')) { $postData = \Bitrix\Main\Text\Encoding::convertEncodingArray($postData, SITE_CHARSET, 'UTF-8'); } } $headers = isset($request['HEADERS']) ? $request['HEADERS'] : null; if (is_array($headers)) { foreach ($headers as $k => $v) { $this->client->setHeader($k, $v, true); } } if (!empty($this->cookies)) { $this->client->setCookies($this->cookies); } if ($this->enableProxy) { $this->client->setProxy($this->proxyServer, $this->proxyPort, $this->proxyUserName, $this->proxyUserPassword); } if ($this->userName !== '') { $this->client->setAuthorization($this->userName, $this->userPassword); } $this->client->setHeader('User-Agent', $this->userAgent, true); $absolutePath = $this->GetUrl() . $path; if (!$this->client->query($method, $absolutePath, $postData)) { $this->responseData = null; $this->errors = $this->client->getError(); } else { /**@var \Bitrix\Main\Web\HttpHeaders*/ $responseHeaders = $this->client->getHeaders(); //STATUS.VERSION & STATUS.PHRASE are delcared for backward compatibility only. $this->responseData = array('STATUS' => array('VERSION' => '', 'CODE' => $this->client->getStatus(), 'PHRASE' => ''), 'CONTENT' => array('TYPE' => $this->client->getContentType(), 'ENCODING' => $this->client->getCharset()), 'HEADERS' => $responseHeaders, 'BODY' => $this->client->getResult()); if ($responseHeaders->get('Set-Cookie', false) !== null) { $this->cookies = array_merge($this->cookies, $this->client->getCookies()->toArray()); CCrmExternalSale::Update($this->externalSaleId, array('COOKIE' => serialize($this->cookies))); } $this->errors = array(); } return $this->responseData; }
protected function isAuthorized($strOfficeLogin, $strPassword, $url) { try { $http = new HttpClient(); $http->setAuthorization($strOfficeLogin, $strPassword); $auth_status = trim($http->get($url)); if ($http->getStatus() != '200') { return false; } return $auth_status == 'ok' || $auth_status == 'ok:' || preg_match('{^ok:(.+)$}', $auth_status); } catch (\Exception $e) { error_log('Office external auth error: ' . $e->getMessage()); } return false; }
public function downloadFile(array $fileData) { $accessToken = $this->getAccessToken(); $fileId = $fileData['id']; $mimeType = $fileData['mimeType']; @set_time_limit(0); $file = $this->getFile($fileData); $http = new HttpClient(array('socketTimeout' => 10, 'version' => HttpClient::HTTP_1_1)); if (!($file['content'] = $http->get($file['source']))) { return false; } // error checking if ($http->getStatus() != "200") { return false; } CWebDavTools::convertFromUtf8($file['name']); $this->recoverExtensionInName($file, $mimeType); return $file; }
protected function query($url) { if ($this->access_token === false) { return false; } $http = new HttpClient(); $http->setHeader("authorization", "Bearer " . $this->access_token); $result = $http->get($url); if (!defined("BX_UTF")) { $result = CharsetConverter::ConvertCharset($result, "utf-8", LANG_CHARSET); } $result = CUtil::JsObjectToPhp($result); return $result; }
private function getFileSizeInternal($downloadUrl) { $accessToken = $this->getAccessToken(); $http = new HttpClient(array('socketTimeout' => 10, 'streamTimeout' => 30, 'version' => HttpClient::HTTP_1_1)); $http->setHeader('Authorization', "Bearer {$accessToken}"); if ($http->query('HEAD', $downloadUrl) === false) { $errorString = implode('; ', array_keys($http->getError())); $this->errorCollection->add(array(new Error($errorString, self::ERROR_HTTP_GET_METADATA))); return null; } if (!$this->checkHttpResponse($http)) { return null; } return $http->getHeaders()->get('Content-Length'); }
public function GetAppInfo() { if ($this->access_token === false) { return false; } $h = new \Bitrix\Main\Web\HttpClient(); $h->setTimeout($this->httpTimeout); $result = $h->post(static::TOKENINFO_URL . '?access_token=' . urlencode($this->access_token)); $result = \Bitrix\Main\Web\Json::decode($result); if (is_array($result) && $result["audience"]) { $result["id"] = $result["audience"]; } return $result; }
protected static function downloadFile($fileName, $storeAs, $skip404 = false, $storeTo = false) { // useless thing if (!$storeTo) { $storeTo = \CTempFile::GetDirectoryName(1); } $storeTo .= $storeAs; if (file_exists($storeTo)) { if (!is_writable($storeTo)) { throw new Main\SystemException('Cannot remove previous ' . $storeAs . ' file'); } unlink($storeTo); } $query = 'http://' . self::DISTRIBUTOR_HOST . ':' . self::DISTRIBUTOR_PORT . self::REMOTE_PATH . $fileName; $client = new HttpClient(); if (!$client->download($query, $storeTo)) { $eFormatted = array(); foreach ($client->getError() as $code => $desc) { $eFormatted[] = trim($desc . ' (' . $code . ')'); } throw new Main\SystemException('File download failed: ' . implode(', ', $eFormatted) . ' (' . $query . ')'); } $status = intval($client->getStatus()); if ($status != 200 && file_exists($storeTo)) { unlink($storeTo); } $okay = $status == 200 || $status == 404 && $skip404; // honestly we should check for all 2xx codes, but for now this is enough if (!$okay) { throw new Main\SystemException('File download failed: http error ' . $status . ' (' . $query . ')'); } return filesize($storeTo); }
/** * Lists folder contents * @param $path * @param $folderId * @return mixed */ public function listFolder($path, $folderId) { if ($path === '/') { $folderId = '0'; } $http = new HttpClient(array('socketTimeout' => 10, 'streamTimeout' => 30, 'version' => HttpClient::HTTP_1_1)); $http->setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'); $http->setHeader('Authorization', "Bearer {$this->getAccessToken()}"); if ($http->get(self::API_URL_V2 . "/folders/{$folderId}/items?fields=name,size,modified_at") === false) { $errorString = implode('; ', array_keys($http->getError())); $this->errorCollection->add(array(new Error($errorString, self::ERROR_HTTP_LIST_FOLDER))); return null; } if (!$this->checkHttpResponse($http)) { return null; } $items = Json::decode($http->getResult()); if ($items === null) { $this->errorCollection->add(array(new Error('Could not decode response as json', self::ERROR_BAD_JSON))); return null; } if (!isset($items['entries'])) { $this->errorCollection->add(array(new Error('Could not find items in response', self::ERROR_HTTP_LIST_FOLDER))); return null; } $reformatItems = array(); foreach ($items['entries'] as $item) { $isFolder = $item['type'] === 'folder'; $dateTime = new \DateTime($item['modified_at']); $reformatItems[$item['id']] = array('id' => $item['id'], 'name' => $item['name'], 'type' => $isFolder ? 'folder' : 'file', 'size' => $isFolder ? '' : \CFile::formatSize($item['size']), 'sizeInt' => $isFolder ? '' : $item['size'], 'modifyBy' => '', 'modifyDate' => $dateTime->format('d.m.Y'), 'modifyDateInt' => $dateTime->getTimestamp(), 'provider' => static::getCode()); if (!$isFolder) { $reformatItems[$item['id']]['storage'] = ''; $reformatItems[$item['id']]['ext'] = getFileExtension($item['name']); } } unset($item); return $reformatItems; }
public function finance_query($method, $masterToken, $operationNum, $param = array(), $skipRefreshAuth = false) { if ($this->engineSettings['AUTH']) { $http = new HttpClient(); $http->setRedirect(false); $http->setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8"); $auth = $this->getCurrentUser(); $financeToken = hash("sha256", $masterToken . $operationNum . $method . $auth['login']); $postData = array("method" => $method, "finance_token" => $financeToken, "operation_num" => $operationNum, "locale" => $this->locale, "token" => $this->engineSettings['AUTH']['access_token']); if (!empty($param)) { $postData["param"] = $param; } $postData = YandexJson::encode($postData, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); $http->post(self::API_URL, $postData); if ($http->getStatus() == 401 && !$skipRefreshAuth) { if ($this->checkAuthExpired(false)) { $this->query($method, $param, true); } } return $http; } else { throw new SystemException("No Yandex auth data"); } }
public function call($methodName, $additionalParams = null) { global $APPLICATION; if (!$this->access_token) { $interface = Service::getEngine()->getInterface(); if (!$interface->checkAccessToken()) { if ($interface->getNewAccessToken()) { Service::getEngine()->setAuthSettings($interface->getResult()); } else { return $interface->getResult(); } } $this->access_token = $interface->getToken(); } if ($this->access_token) { if (!is_array($additionalParams)) { $additionalParams = array(); } else { $additionalParams = $APPLICATION->ConvertCharsetArray($additionalParams, LANG_CHARSET, "utf-8"); } $additionalParams['auth'] = $this->access_token; $http = new HttpClient(array('socketTimeout' => $this->httpTimeout)); $result = $http->post(CBitrixSeoOAuthInterface::URL . self::SERVICE_URL . $methodName, $additionalParams); /* AddMessage2Log(array( CBitrixSeoOAuthInterface::URL.self::SERVICE_URL.$methodName, $additionalParams, $http->getStatus(), $result, ));*/ $res = $this->prepareAnswer($result); if (!$res) { AddMessage2Log('Strange answer from Seo! ' . $http->getStatus() . ' ' . $result); } return $res; } else { throw new SystemException("No access token"); } }
/** * Returns HttpClient object with query result * * @param string $scope Url to call * @param string $method HTTP method (GET/POST/PUT supported) * @param array|null $data Post data * @param bool $skipRefreshAuth Skip authorization refresh * * @returns \Bitrix\Main\Web\HttpClient * @throws SystemException */ protected function query($scope, $method = "GET", $data = null, $skipRefreshAuth = false) { if ($this->engineSettings['AUTH']) { $http = new Web\HttpClient(); $http->setHeader('Authorization', 'OAuth ' . $this->engineSettings['AUTH']['access_token']); $http->setRedirect(false); switch ($method) { case 'GET': $http->get($scope); break; case 'POST': $http->post($scope, $data); break; case 'PUT': $http->query($method, $scope, $data); break; case 'DELETE': break; } if ($http->getStatus() == 401 && !$skipRefreshAuth) { if ($this->checkAuthExpired(false)) { $this->query($scope, $method, $data, true); } } return $http; } else { throw new SystemException("No Yandex auth data"); } }
/** * @return bool|string */ protected function getArchive() { $client = new HttpClient(); $fileName = pathinfo(self::ARCHIVE_URL, PATHINFO_BASENAME); if (!$client->download(self::ARCHIVE_URL, $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/tmp/' . $fileName)) { $this->errors = $client->getError(); return false; } else { return $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/tmp/' . $fileName; } }
public function getMessages($uid) { if ($this->access_token === false) { return false; } $url = self::GRAPH_URL . '/' . $uid . '/apprequests?access_token=' . $this->access_token; $ob = new HttpClient(); return $ob->get($url); }
protected function getSharedEmbedLink(FileData $fileData) { if (!$this->checkRequiredInputParams($fileData->toArray(), array('id'))) { return null; } $accessToken = $this->getAccessToken(); $http = new HttpClient(array('socketTimeout' => 10, 'streamTimeout' => 30, 'version' => HttpClient::HTTP_1_1)); $accessToken = urlencode($accessToken); if ($http->get("https://apis.live.net/v5.0/{$fileData->getId()}/embed?access_token={$accessToken}") === false) { $errorString = implode('; ', array_keys($http->getError())); $this->errorCollection->add(array(new Error($errorString, self::ERROR_SHARED_EMBED_LINK))); return null; } if (!$this->checkHttpResponse($http)) { return null; } $finalOutput = Json::decode($http->getResult()); if ($finalOutput === null) { $this->errorCollection->add(array(new Error('Could not decode response as json', self::ERROR_BAD_JSON))); return null; } if (!preg_match('%src="(.*)"%iuU', $finalOutput['embed_html'], $m)) { $this->errorCollection->add(array(new Error(Loc::getMessage('DISK_ONE_DRIVE_HANDLER_ERROR_COULD_NOT_FIND_EMBED_LINK'), self::ERROR_COULD_NOT_FIND_EMBED_LINK))); return null; } return $m[1]; }
public function GetCurrentUserFriends($limit, &$next) { if ($this->access_token === false) { return false; } $http = new HttpClient(); $http->setHeader('GData-Version', '3.0'); $http->setHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' . $this->access_token); $url = static::FRIENDS_URL . '?'; $limit = intval($limit); $next = intval($next); if ($limit > 0) { $url .= '&max-results=' . $limit; } if ($next > 0) { $url .= '&start-index=' . $next; } $result = $http->get($url); if (!defined("BX_UTF")) { $result = CharsetConverter::ConvertCharset($result, "utf-8", LANG_CHARSET); } if ($http->getStatus() == 200) { $obXml = new \CDataXML(); if ($obXml->loadString($result)) { $tree = $obXml->getTree(); $total = $tree->elementsByName("totalResults"); $total = intval($total[0]->textContent()); $limitNode = $tree->elementsByName("itemsPerPage"); $next += intval($limitNode[0]->textContent()); if ($next >= $total) { $next = '__finish__'; } $arFriends = array(); $arEntries = $tree->elementsByName('entry'); foreach ($arEntries as $entry) { $arEntry = array(); $entryChildren = $entry->children(); foreach ($entryChildren as $child) { $tag = $child->name(); switch ($tag) { case 'category': case 'updated': case 'edited': break; case 'name': $arEntry[$tag] = array(); foreach ($child->children() as $subChild) { $arEntry[$tag][$subChild->name()] = $subChild->textContent(); } break; case 'email': if ($child->getAttribute('primary') == 'true') { $arEntry[$tag] = $child->getAttribute('address'); } break; default: $tagContent = $tag == 'link' ? $child->getAttribute('href') : $child->textContent(); if ($child->getAttribute('rel')) { if (!isset($arEntry[$tag])) { $arEntry[$tag] = array(); } $arEntry[$tag][preg_replace("/^[^#]*#/", "", $child->getAttribute('rel'))] = $tagContent; } elseif (isset($arEntry[$tag])) { if (!is_array($arEntry[$tag][0]) || !isset($arEntry[$tag][0])) { $arEntry[$tag] = array($arEntry[$tag], $tagContent); } else { $arEntry[$tag][] = $tagContent; } } else { $arEntry[$tag] = $tagContent; } } } if ($arEntry['email']) { $arFriends[] = $arEntry; } } return $arFriends; } } return false; }
public function GetCurrentUser() { if ($this->access_token === false) { return false; } $h = new HttpClient(); $h->setHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " . $this->access_token); $result = $h->get(static::ACCOUNT_URL); $result = Json::decode($result); if (is_array($result)) { $result["access_token"] = $this->access_token; } return $result; }
/** * @param HttpClient $http * @return bool */ protected function checkHttpResponse(HttpClient $http) { $status = (int) $http->getStatus(); if ($status === 401) { $this->errorCollection->add(array(new Error('Invalid credentials (401)', self::ERROR_CODE_INVALID_CREDENTIALS))); return false; } elseif ($status === 403) { $headers = $http->getHeaders(); $headerAuthenticate = $headers->get('WWW-Authenticate'); if (is_string($headerAuthenticate) && strpos($headerAuthenticate, 'insufficient') !== false) { $this->errorCollection->add(array(new Error('Insufficient scope (403)', self::ERROR_CODE_INSUFFICIENT_SCOPE))); return false; } } elseif (!($status >= 200 && $status < 300)) { $this->errorCollection->add(array(new Error("Invalid response status code ({$status})", self::ERROR_INVALID_RESPONSE_STATUS))); return false; } return true; }
<?php if (!defined("B_PROLOG_INCLUDED") || B_PROLOG_INCLUDED !== true) { die; } use Bitrix\Main\Web\HttpClient; use Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; use Bitrix\Main\IO\Path; Loc::loadLanguageFile(Path::combine(__DIR__, "statuses.php")); $orderID = strlen(CSalePaySystemAction::GetParamValue("ORDER_ID")) > 0 ? CSalePaySystemAction::GetParamValue("ORDER_ID") : $GLOBALS["SALE_INPUT_PARAMS"]["ORDER"]["ID"]; $login = CSalePaySystemAction::GetParamValue("API_LOGIN"); $password = CSalePaySystemAction::GetParamValue("API_PASSWORD"); $shopId = CSalePaySystemAction::GetParamValue("SHOP_ID"); $changePayStatus = CSalePaySystemAction::GetParamValue("CHANGE_STATUS_PAY") == "Y"; $statusUrl = "https://w.qiwi.com/api/v2/prv/{prv_id}/bills/{bill_id}"; $request = new HttpClient(); $request->setAuthorization($login, $password); $request->setHeader("Accept", "text/json"); $request->setCharset("utf-8"); $response = $request->get(str_replace(array("{prv_id}", "{bill_id}"), array($shopId, $orderID), $statusUrl)); if ($response === false) { return 1; } $response = (array) json_decode($response); if (!$response || !isset($response['response'])) { return 1; } $response = (array) $response['response']; if ((int) $response['result_code']) { CSaleOrder::Update($orderID, array("PS_STATUS" => "N", "PS_STATUS_CODE" => $response['result_code'], "PS_STATUS_MESSAGE" => Loc::getMessage("SALE_QWH_ERROR_CODE_" . $response['result_code']), "PS_STATUS_DESCRIPTION" => isset($response['description']) ? $response['description'] : "", "PS_RESPONSE_DATE" => \Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime::createFromTimestamp(time()))); } elseif (isset($response['bill'])) {
public static function authorize() { \CSocServAuthManager::SetUniqueKey(); $redirectUri = static::getRedirectUri(); $url = static::getEngine()->getInterface()->GetAuthUrl($redirectUri, "backurl=" . urlencode($redirectUri . '?check_key=' . $_SESSION["UNIQUE_KEY"])); $httpClient = new HttpClient(array("redirect" => false)); $result = $httpClient->get($url); if ($httpClient->getStatus() == 302) { return array("location" => $httpClient->getHeaders()->get("Location")); } throw new SystemException("Wrong response: " . $result); }
protected static function downloadFile($fileName, $storeAs, $skip404 = false) { $storeTo = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . self::LOCAL_PATH; if (file_exists($storeTo)) { if (!is_writable($storeTo)) { throw new Main\SystemException('Temporal directory is not writable by the current user'); } } else { $dir = new IO\Directory($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']); $dir->createSubdirectory(self::LOCAL_PATH); } $storeTo .= $storeAs; if (file_exists($storeTo)) { if (!is_writable($storeTo)) { throw new Main\SystemException('Cannot remove previous ' . $storeAs . ' file'); } unlink($storeTo); } $query = 'http://' . self::DISTRIBUTOR_HOST . ':' . self::DISTRIBUTOR_PORT . self::REMOTE_PATH . $fileName; $client = new HttpClient(); if (!$client->download($query, $storeTo)) { $eFormatted = array(); foreach ($client->getError() as $code => $desc) { $eFormatted[] = trim($desc . ' (' . $code . ')'); } throw new Main\SystemException('File download failed: ' . implode(', ', $eFormatted) . ' (' . $query . ')'); } $status = intval($client->getStatus()); if ($status != 200 && file_exists($storeTo)) { unlink($storeTo); } $okay = $status == 200 || $status == 404 && $skip404; // honestly we should check for all 2xx codes, but for now this is enough if (!$okay) { throw new Main\SystemException('File download failed: http error ' . $status . ' (' . $query . ')'); } // charset conversion here? return filesize($storeTo); }
/** * Lists folder contents * @param $path * @param $folderId * @return mixed */ public function listFolder($path, $folderId) { if ($path === '/') { $folderId = ''; } else { $folderId = $this->getForApiDecodedId($folderId); } $http = new HttpClient(array('socketTimeout' => 10, 'streamTimeout' => 30, 'version' => HttpClient::HTTP_1_1)); $http->setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'); $http->setHeader('Authorization', "Bearer {$this->getAccessToken()}"); if ($http->get(self::API_URL . "/metadata/auto/{$folderId}") === false) { $errorString = implode('; ', array_keys($http->getError())); $this->errorCollection->add(array(new Error($errorString, self::ERROR_HTTP_LIST_FOLDER))); return null; } if (!$this->checkHttpResponse($http)) { return null; } $items = Json::decode($http->getResult()); if ($items === null) { $this->errorCollection->add(array(new Error('Could not decode response as json', self::ERROR_BAD_JSON))); return null; } if (!isset($items['contents'])) { $this->errorCollection->add(array(new Error('Could not find items in response', self::ERROR_HTTP_LIST_FOLDER))); return null; } $reformatItems = array(); foreach ($items['contents'] as $item) { $isFolder = (bool) $item['is_dir']; $dateTime = \DateTime::createFromFormat('D, d M Y H:i:s T', $item['modified']); $pseudoId = base64_encode($item['path']); $reformatItems[$pseudoId] = array('id' => $pseudoId, 'name' => bx_basename($item['path']), 'type' => $isFolder ? 'folder' : 'file', 'size' => $isFolder ? '' : \CFile::formatSize($item['bytes']), 'sizeInt' => $isFolder ? '' : $item['bytes'], 'modifyBy' => '', 'modifyDate' => $dateTime->format('d.m.Y'), 'modifyDateInt' => $dateTime->getTimestamp(), 'provider' => static::getCode()); if (!$isFolder) { $reformatItems[$pseudoId]['storage'] = ''; $reformatItems[$pseudoId]['ext'] = getFileExtension($reformatItems[$pseudoId]['name']); } } unset($item); return $reformatItems; }
/** * @param string $url Image's URL. * @return integer Saved file identifier */ protected static function saveImage($url) { $fileId = false; $file = new \CFile(); $httpClient = new HttpClient(); $httpClient->setTimeout(5); $httpClient->setStreamTimeout(5); $urlComponents = parse_url($url); if ($urlComponents && strlen($urlComponents["path"]) > 0) { $tempPath = $file->GetTempName('', bx_basename($urlComponents["path"])); } else { $tempPath = $file->GetTempName('', bx_basename($url)); } $httpClient->download($url, $tempPath); $fileName = $httpClient->getHeaders()->getFilename(); $localFile = \CFile::MakeFileArray($tempPath); if (is_array($localFile)) { if (strlen($fileName) > 0) { $localFile['name'] = $fileName; } if (\CFile::CheckImageFile($localFile, 0, 0, 0, array("IMAGE")) === null) { $fileId = $file->SaveFile($localFile, 'urlpreview', true); } } return $fileId === false ? null : $fileId; }
$result['MESSAGE'] = Loc::getMessage('BX_CURRENCY_GET_RATE_ERR_CURRENCY'); } else { $url = ''; switch ($baseCurrency) { case 'UAH': $url = 'http://bank.gov.ua/NBUStatService/v1/statdirectory?exchange&date=' . $DB->FormatDate($date, CLang::GetDateFormat('SHORT', LANGUAGE_ID), 'YMD'); break; case 'BYR': $url = 'http://www.nbrb.by//Services/XmlExRates.aspx?ondate=' . $DB->FormatDate($date, CLang::GetDateFormat('SHORT', LANGUAGE_ID), 'Y-M-D'); break; case 'RUB': case 'RUR': $url = 'http://www.cbr.ru/scripts/XML_daily.asp?date_req=' . $DB->FormatDate($date, CLang::GetDateFormat('SHORT', LANGUAGE_ID), 'D.M.Y'); break; } $http = new HttpClient(); $data = $http->get($url); $charset = 'windows-1251'; $matches = array(); if (preg_match("/<" . "\\?XML[^>]{1,}encoding=[\"']([^>\"']{1,})[\"'][^>]{0,}\\?" . ">/i", $data, $matches)) { $charset = trim($matches[1]); } $data = preg_replace("#<!DOCTYPE[^>]+?>#i", '', $data); $data = preg_replace("#<" . "\\?XML[^>]+?\\?" . ">#i", '', $data); $data = $APPLICATION->ConvertCharset($data, $charset, SITE_CHARSET); $objXML = new CDataXML(); $res = $objXML->LoadString($data); if ($res !== false) { $data = $objXML->GetArray(); } else { $data = false;
protected function query($scope, $method = "GET", $data = null, $bSkipRefreshAuth = false, $contentType = 'application/json') { if ($this->engineSettings['AUTH']) { $http = new HttpClient(); $http->setHeader("Authorization", 'Bearer ' . $this->engineSettings['AUTH']['access_token']); /* $http->setAdditionalHeaders( array( 'Authorization' => , 'GData-Version' => '2' ) ); */ switch ($method) { case 'GET': $result = $http->get($scope); break; case 'POST': case 'PUT': $http->setHeader("Content-Type", $contentType); $result = $http->query($method, $scope, $data); break; case 'DELETE': break; } if ($http->getStatus() == 401 && !$bSkipRefreshAuth) { if ($this->checkAuthExpired(true)) { return $this->query($scope, $method, $data, true, $contentType); } } return $http; } }