Exemple #1
 public function assureValueObject($value)
     if ($value instanceof Type\DateTime) {
         // oracle sql helper returns datetime instead of date - it doesn't see the difference
         $value = new Type\Date($value->format(Main\UserFieldTable::MULTIPLE_DATE_FORMAT), Main\UserFieldTable::MULTIPLE_DATE_FORMAT);
     return $value;
Exemple #2
  * @param FieldType $fieldType Document field type.
  * @param mixed $value Field value.
  * @param string $toTypeClass Type class name.
  * @return null|mixed
 public static function convertTo(FieldType $fieldType, $value, $toTypeClass)
     /** @var Base $toTypeClass */
     $type = $toTypeClass::getType();
     switch ($type) {
         case FieldType::DOUBLE:
         case FieldType::INT:
             $value = $value ? (int) strtotime($value) : 0;
         case FieldType::DATE:
         case FieldType::DATETIME:
         case FieldType::STRING:
         case FieldType::TEXT:
             $value = (string) $value;
             if ($value) {
                 if ($type == FieldType::DATE) {
                     $format = \FORMAT_DATE;
                 } elseif ($type == FieldType::DATETIME) {
                     $format = \FORMAT_DATETIME;
                 } else {
                     $format = static::getType() == FieldType::DATE ? \FORMAT_DATE : \FORMAT_DATETIME;
                 if (\CheckDateTime($value, $format)) {
                     $value = date(Type\Date::convertFormatToPhp($format), \MakeTimeStamp($value, $format));
                 } else {
                     $value = date(Type\Date::convertFormatToPhp($format), strtotime($value));
             $value = null;
     return $value;
 /** @return \CDBResult */
 public function getData()
     $groupId = $this->getFieldValue('GROUP_ID', null);
     $dateRegister = $this->getFieldValue('DATE_REGISTER', null);
     $active = $this->getFieldValue('ACTIVE', null);
     $filter = array();
     if ($groupId) {
         $filter['GROUP_ID'] = $groupId;
     if (strlen($dateRegister) > 0) {
         if (\Bitrix\Main\Type\Date::isCorrect($dateRegister)) {
             $dateRegister = new \Bitrix\Main\Type\Date($dateRegister);
             $filter['><USER.DATE_REGISTER'] = array($dateRegister->toString(), $dateRegister->add('1 DAY')->toString());
         } else {
             $result = new \CDBResult();
             return $result;
     if ($active == 'Y') {
         $filter['USER.ACTIVE'] = $active;
     } elseif ($active == 'N') {
         $filter['USER.ACTIVE'] = $active;
     $userDb = \Bitrix\Main\UserGroupTable::getList(array('select' => array('NAME' => 'USER.NAME', 'EMAIL' => 'USER.EMAIL', 'USER_ID'), 'filter' => $filter, 'group' => array('NAME', 'EMAIL', 'USER_ID'), 'order' => array('USER_ID' => 'ASC')));
     return new \CDBResult($userDb);
Exemple #4
  * @param FieldType $fieldType Document field type.
  * @param mixed $value Field value.
  * @param string $toTypeClass Type class name.
  * @return null|mixed
 public static function convertTo(FieldType $fieldType, $value, $toTypeClass)
     /** @var Base $toTypeClass */
     $type = $toTypeClass::getType();
     switch ($type) {
         case FieldType::BOOL:
             $value = (bool) $value ? 'Y' : 'N';
         case FieldType::DATE:
             $value = date(Main\Type\Date::convertFormatToPhp(\FORMAT_DATE), (int) $value);
         case FieldType::DATETIME:
             $value = date(Main\Type\DateTime::convertFormatToPhp(\FORMAT_DATETIME), (int) $value);
         case FieldType::DOUBLE:
             $value = (double) $value;
         case FieldType::INT:
             $value = (int) $value;
         case FieldType::STRING:
         case FieldType::TEXT:
             $value = (string) $value;
         case FieldType::USER:
             $value = 'user_' . (int) $value;
             $value = null;
     return $value;
 public static function generateInitialData(Date $from)
     if (($to = Option::get('conversion', 'START_DATE_TIME', 'undefined')) != 'undefined' && DateTime::isCorrect($to, 'Y-m-d H:i:s') && ($to = new DateTime($to, 'Y-m-d H:i:s')) && $to->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') > $from->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') && Option::get('conversion', 'GENERATE_INITIAL_DATA', 'undefined') == 'undefined') {
         Option::set('conversion', 'GENERATE_INITIAL_DATA', 'generated');
         $context = new self();
         // generate data
         $data = array();
         foreach (EventManager::getInstance()->findEventHandlers('conversion', 'OnGenerateInitialData') as $handler) {
             $result = ExecuteModuleEventEx($handler, array($from, $to));
             // TODO validate
             foreach ($result as $row) {
                 $context->id = null;
                 $context->attributes = array();
                 if ($dayCounters =& $data[$context->id]) {
                     self::appendDayCounters($dayCounters, $row['DAY_COUNTERS']);
                 } else {
                     $dayCounters = $row['DAY_COUNTERS'];
         // save data to database
         $numerators = CounterManager::getTypes(array('GROUP' => 'day'));
         foreach ($data as $id => $dayCounters) {
             $context->id = $id;
             foreach ($dayCounters as $day => $counters) {
                 $day = new Date($day, 'Y-m-d');
                 $visitSum = 0;
                 $visitQuantity = 0;
                 foreach ($counters as $name => $value) {
                     $context->addCounter($day, $name, $value);
                     if ($numerators[$name]) {
                         $visitSum += $value;
                         $visitQuantity += 1;
                 $context->addCounter($day, 'conversion_visit_day', $visitQuantity ? round($visitSum / $visitQuantity * 100) + 1 : 1);
Exemple #6
  * @param FieldType $fieldType Document field type.
  * @param mixed $value Field value.
  * @param string $toTypeClass Type class name.
  * @return null|mixed
 public static function convertTo(FieldType $fieldType, $value, $toTypeClass)
     /** @var Base $toTypeClass */
     $type = $toTypeClass::getType();
     switch ($type) {
         case FieldType::BOOL:
             $value = strtolower((string) $value);
             $value = in_array($value, array('y', 'yes', 'true', '1')) ? 'Y' : 'N';
         case FieldType::DATE:
             $value = date(Main\Type\Date::convertFormatToPhp(\FORMAT_DATE), strtotime($value));
         case FieldType::DATETIME:
             $value = date(Main\Type\DateTime::convertFormatToPhp(\FORMAT_DATETIME), strtotime($value));
         case FieldType::DOUBLE:
             $value = str_replace(' ', '', str_replace(',', '.', $value));
             $value = (double) $value;
         case FieldType::INT:
             $value = str_replace(' ', '', $value);
             $value = (int) $value;
         case FieldType::STRING:
         case FieldType::TEXT:
             $value = (string) $value;
         case FieldType::USER:
             $value = trim($value);
             if (strpos($value, 'user_') === false && strpos($value, 'group_') === false && !preg_match('#^[0-9]+$#', $value)) {
                 $value = null;
             $value = null;
     return $value;
  * @return boolean
 public static function register($ownerID, array $entityFields = null, array $options = null)
     if (!is_int($ownerID)) {
         $ownerID = (int) $ownerID;
     if ($ownerID <= 0) {
         throw new Main\ArgumentException('Owner ID must be greater than zero.', 'ownerID');
     if (!is_array($options)) {
         $options = array();
     $date = isset($options['DATE']) ? $options['DATE'] : null;
     if ($date === null) {
         $date = new Date();
     $day = (int) $date->format('d');
     $month = (int) $date->format('m');
     $quarter = $month <= 3 ? 1 : ($month <= 6 ? 2 : ($month <= 9 ? 3 : 4));
     $year = (int) $date->format('Y');
     if (!is_array($entityFields)) {
         $dbResult = \CCrmDeal::GetListEx(array(), array('=ID' => $ownerID, 'CHECK_PERMISSIONS' => 'N'), false, false, array('STAGE_ID', 'ASSIGNED_BY_ID', 'BEGINDATE', 'CLOSEDATE'));
         $entityFields = is_object($dbResult) ? $dbResult->Fetch() : null;
         if (!is_array($entityFields)) {
             return false;
     $stageID = isset($entityFields['STAGE_ID']) ? $entityFields['STAGE_ID'] : '';
     $semanticID = \CCrmDeal::GetSemanticID($stageID);
     $isLost = PhaseSemantics::isLost($semanticID);
     $responsibleID = isset($entityFields['ASSIGNED_BY_ID']) ? (int) $entityFields['ASSIGNED_BY_ID'] : 0;
     $callQty = 0;
     $meetingQty = 0;
     $emailQty = 0;
     $startTime = new DateTime($date->format(DateTime::getFormat()));
     $endTime = new DateTime($date->format(DateTime::getFormat()));
     $endTime->setTime(23, 59, 59);
     $query = new Query(Crm\ActivityTable::getEntity());
     $query->registerRuntimeField('', new ExpressionField('QTY', 'COUNT(*)'));
     $query->addFilter('=COMPLETED', 'Y');
     $query->addFilter('>=DEADLINE', $startTime);
     $query->addFilter('<=DEADLINE', $endTime);
     $subQuery = new Query(Crm\ActivityBindingTable::getEntity());
     $subQuery->addFilter('=OWNER_TYPE_ID', \CCrmOwnerType::Deal);
     $subQuery->addFilter('=OWNER_ID', $ownerID);
     $query->registerRuntimeField('', new ReferenceField('B', Base::getInstanceByQuery($subQuery), array('=this.ID' => 'ref.ACTIVITY_ID'), array('join_type' => 'INNER')));
     $dbResult = $query->exec();
     while ($stats = $dbResult->fetch()) {
         $typeID = isset($stats['TYPE_ID']) ? (int) $stats['TYPE_ID'] : 0;
         $qty = isset($stats['QTY']) ? (int) $stats['QTY'] : 0;
         if ($typeID === \CCrmActivityType::Call) {
             $callQty = $qty;
         } elseif ($typeID === \CCrmActivityType::Meeting) {
             $meetingQty = $qty;
         } elseif ($typeID === \CCrmActivityType::Email) {
             $emailQty = $qty;
     if ($callQty === 0 && $meetingQty === 0 && $emailQty === 0) {
         DealActivityStatisticsTable::delete(array('OWNER_ID' => $ownerID, 'DEADLINE_DATE' => $date));
         return true;
     $present = self::get($ownerID, $date);
     if (is_array($present)) {
         if ($responsibleID === (int) $present['RESPONSIBLE_ID'] && $stageID === $present['STAGE_ID'] && $callQty === (int) $present['CALL_QTY'] && $meetingQty === (int) $present['MEETING_QTY'] && $emailQty === (int) $present['EMAIL_QTY']) {
             return false;
         if ($responsibleID !== (int) $present['RESPONSIBLE_ID']) {
             DealActivityStatisticsTable::synchronize($ownerID, array('RESPONSIBLE_ID' => $responsibleID));
     $data = array('OWNER_ID' => $ownerID, 'DEADLINE_DATE' => $date, 'DEADLINE_YEAR' => $year, 'DEADLINE_QUARTER' => $quarter, 'DEADLINE_MONTH' => $month, 'DEADLINE_DAY' => $day, 'RESPONSIBLE_ID' => $responsibleID, 'STAGE_SEMANTIC_ID' => $semanticID, 'STAGE_ID' => $stageID, 'IS_LOST' => $isLost ? 'Y' : 'N', 'CALL_QTY' => $callQty, 'MEETING_QTY' => $meetingQty, 'EMAIL_QTY' => $emailQty);
     return true;
Exemple #8
use Bitrix\Conversion\AttributeManager;
use Bitrix\Conversion\AttributeGroupManager;
use Bitrix\Conversion\ReportContext;
use Bitrix\Main\Loader;
use Bitrix\Main\SiteTable;
use Bitrix\Main\Type\Date;
use Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc;
if ($APPLICATION->GetGroupRight('conversion') < 'W') {
$userOptions = CUserOptions::GetOption('conversion', 'filter', array());
$from = ($d = $_GET['from'] ?: $userOptions['from']) && Date::isCorrect($d) ? new Date($d) : Date::createFromPhp(new DateTime('first day of last month'));
$to = ($d = $_GET['to'] ?: $userOptions['to']) && Date::isCorrect($d) ? new Date($d) : Date::createFromPhp(new DateTime('last day of this month'));
if (!($rateTypes = RateManager::getTypes())) {
    die('No rates available!');
$rateName = $_GET['rate'] ?: $userOptions['rate'];
if (!($rateType = $rateTypes[$rateName])) {
    list($rateName, $rateType) = each($rateTypes);
$sites = array();
$result = SiteTable::getList(array('select' => array('LID', 'NAME'), 'order' => array('DEF' => 'DESC', 'SORT' => 'ASC')));
while ($row = $result->fetch()) {
    $sites[$row['LID']] = $row['NAME'];
if (!$sites) {
Exemple #9
  * @param bool $error
  * @param bool $needRecalculate
  * @return mixed
 protected static function prepareData($error = false, $needRecalculate = true)
     global $USER;
     static $users = array();
     $result['SHIPMENT'] = array();
     if ($error) {
         $fields = self::$defaultFields;
     } else {
         $fields = self::$shipment->getFieldValues();
         $fields['DELIVERY_STORE_ID'] = self::$shipment->getStoreId();
         $fields["EXTRA_SERVICES"] = self::$shipment->getExtraServices();
         $fields["STORE"] = self::$shipment->getStoreId();
     $date = new Date($fields['DELIVERY_DOC_DATE']);
     $fields['DELIVERY_DOC_DATE'] = $date->toString();
     $empDeductedId = $fields['EMP_DEDUCTED_ID'];
     if ($empDeductedId > 0) {
         if (!array_key_exists($empDeductedId, $users)) {
             $users[$empDeductedId] = $USER->GetByID($empDeductedId)->Fetch();
         $fields['EMP_DEDUCTED_ID_NAME'] = $users[$empDeductedId]['NAME'];
         $fields['EMP_DEDUCTED_ID_LAST_NAME'] = $users[$empDeductedId]['LAST_NAME'];
     $empAllowDeliveryId = $fields['EMP_ALLOW_DELIVERY_ID'];
     if ($empAllowDeliveryId > 0) {
         if (!array_key_exists($empAllowDeliveryId, $users)) {
             $users[$empAllowDeliveryId] = $USER->GetByID($empAllowDeliveryId)->Fetch();
         $fields['EMP_ALLOW_DELIVERY_ID_NAME'] = $users[$empAllowDeliveryId]['NAME'];
         $fields['EMP_ALLOW_DELIVERY_ID_LAST_NAME'] = $users[$empAllowDeliveryId]['LAST_NAME'];
     $empCanceledId = $fields['EMP_CANCELED_ID'];
     if ($empCanceledId > 0) {
         if (!array_key_exists($empCanceledId, $users)) {
             $users[$empCanceledId] = $USER->GetByID($empCanceledId)->Fetch();
         $fields['EMP_CANCELLED_ID_NAME'] = $users[$empCanceledId]['NAME'];
         $fields['EMP_CANCELLED_ID_LAST_NAME'] = $users[$empCanceledId]['LAST_NAME'];
     $empMarkedId = $fields['EMP_MARKED_ID'];
     if ($empMarkedId > 0) {
         if (!array_key_exists($empMarkedId, $users)) {
             $users[$empMarkedId] = $USER->GetByID($empMarkedId)->Fetch();
         $fields['EMP_MARKED_ID_NAME'] = $users[$empMarkedId]['NAME'];
         $fields['EMP_MARKED_ID_LAST_NAME'] = $users[$empMarkedId]['LAST_NAME'];
     /** @var \Bitrix\Sale\Order $order */
     $order = self::$shipment->getCollection()->getOrder();
     $fields['CURRENCY'] = $order->getCurrency();
     $fields['CUSTOM_PRICE'] = self::getDeliveryPrice(self::$shipment);
     if ($fields['CUSTOM_PRICE_DELIVERY'] == 'Y' && $fields['ID'] <= 0) {
         $fields['BASE_PRICE_DELIVERY'] = self::$shipment->getField('BASE_PRICE_DELIVERY');
     $discounts = OrderEdit::getDiscountsApplyResult($order, $needRecalculate);
     $shipmentIds = $order->getDiscount()->getShipmentsIds();
     foreach ($shipmentIds as $shipmentId) {
         if ($shipmentId == self::$shipment->getId()) {
             $fields['DISCOUNTS'] = $discounts;
     $result['SHIPMENT'][] = $fields;
     return $result;
Exemple #10
	 * Creates DateTime object from local user time using global timezone settings and default culture.
	 * @param string $timeString Full or short formatted time.
	 * @return Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime
	public static function createFromUserTime($timeString)
		/** @var DateTime $time */
			//try full datetime format
			$time = new static($timeString);
		catch(Main\ObjectException $e)
			//try short date format
			$time = new static($timeString, Date::getFormat());
			$time->setTime(0, 0, 0);

			static $diff = null;
			if($diff === null)
				$diff = \CTimeZone::GetOffset();
			if($diff <> 0)
				$time->add(($diff > 0? "-":"")."PT".abs($diff)."S");
		return $time;
Exemple #11
  * <p>Преобразует дату из одного заданного формата в другой заданный формат. В формате допустимы следующие обозначения:</p> <p> </p> <table width="100%" class="tnormal"> <tr> <th width="40%">Обозначение</th> <th width="60%">Описание</th> </tr> <tr> <td>YYYY</td> <td>Год (0001 - 9999)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>MM</td> <td>Месяц (01 - 12)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>DD</td> <td>День (01 - 31)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>HH</td> <td>Часы (00 - 24)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>MI</td> <td>Минуты (00 - 59)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>SS</td> <td>Секунды (00 - 59)</td> </tr> </table> <p>Динамичный метод.</p>
  * @param string $date  Год (0001 - 9999)</b
  * @param string $format = "DD.MM.YYYY Месяц (01 - 12)</bo
  * @param H $H  День (01 - 31)</b
  * @param M $I  Часы (00 - 24)</bo
  * @param S $S  Минуты (00 - 59)</b
  * @param  $string  Секунды (00 - 59)</bod
  * @param new_forma $t = "DD.MM.YYYY 
  * @param H $H  Дата для конвертации.
  * @param M $I  Текущий формат даты. <br>Необязательный. По умолчанию - "DD.MM.YYYY HH:MI:SS".
  * @param S $S  В какой формат необходимо преобразовать. <br>Необязательный. По
  * умолчанию - "DD.MM.YYYY HH:MI:SS".
  * @return string 
  * <h4>Example</h4> 
  * <pre>
  * &lt;?
  * // зададим дату
  * $date = "31.12.2007";
  * // укажем формат этой даты
  * $format = "DD.MM.YYYY";
  * // получим формат текущего сайта
  * $new_format = CSite::GetDateFormat("SHORT"); // YYYY-MM-DD
  * // переведем дату из одного формата в другой
  * $new_date = $DB-&gt;<b>FormatDate</b>($date, $format, $new_format);
  * // в результате получим дату в новом формате
  * echo $new_date; // 2007-12-31
  * ?&gt;
  * &lt;?
  * // конвертация даты из формата одного сайта в формат другого
  * // получим формат сайта ru
  * $format_ru = CSite::GetDateFormat("SHORT", "ru"); // DD.MM.YYYY
  * // получим формат сайта en
  * $format_en = CSite::GetDateFormat("SHORT", "en"); // YYYY-MM-DD
  * // переведем дату из формата сайта ru в формат сайта en
  * $new_date = $DB-&gt;<b>FormatDate</b>($date, $format_ru, $format_en);
  * // в результате получим дату в новом формате
  * echo $date; // 2007-12-31
  * ?&gt;
  * </pre>
  * <h4>See Also</h4> 
  * <ul> <li> <a
  * href="http://dev.1c-bitrix.ru/api_help/main/reference/cdatabase/dateformattophp.php">CDatabase::DateFormatToPHP</a>
  * </li> <li> <a href="http://dev.1c-bitrix.ru/api_help/main/reference/csite/getdateformat.php">CSite::GetDateFormat</a>
  * </li> <li> <a href="http://dev.1c-bitrix.ru/api_help/main/functions/date/convertdatetime.php">ConvertDateTime</a> </li>
  * <li> <a href="http://dev.1c-bitrix.ru/api_help/main/functions/date/index.php">Функции для работы с
  * датой и временем</a> </li> </ul> <a name="examples"></a>
  * @static
  * @link http://dev.1c-bitrix.ru/api_help/main/reference/cdatabase/formatdate.php
  * @author Bitrix
 public static function FormatDate($strDate, $format = "DD.MM.YYYY HH:MI:SS", $new_format = "DD.MM.YYYY HH:MI:SS")
     if (empty($strDate)) {
         return false;
     if ($format === false && defined("FORMAT_DATETIME")) {
         $format = FORMAT_DATETIME;
     $fromPhpFormat = Main\Type\Date::convertFormatToPhp($format);
     $time = false;
     try {
         $time = new Main\Type\DateTime($strDate, $fromPhpFormat);
     } catch (Main\ObjectException $e) {
     if ($time !== false) {
         //Compatibility issue
         $fixed_format = preg_replace(array("/(?<!Y)Y(?!Y)/i", "/(?<!M)M(?!M|I)/i", "/(?<!D)D(?!D)/i", "/(?<!H)H:I:S/i"), array("YYYY", "MM", "DD", "HH:MI:SS"), strtoupper($new_format));
         $toPhpFormat = Main\Type\Date::convertFormatToPhp($fixed_format);
         return $time->format($toPhpFormat);
     return false;
function getSenderItemContainer($id, array $chain = array())
	<div class="sender-trigger-chain-container-letter">
		<div class="sender-trigger-status-mailing-time">
    echo GetMessage("sender_chain_edit_field_time_thr");
 <span class="sender_letter_container_time_text">*</span> <?php 
    echo GetMessage("sender_chain_edit_field_time_after");
			<span class="sender_letter_container_time_text_first">&nbsp;<?php 
    echo GetMessage("sender_chain_edit_field_time_event");
			<span style="display: none;" class="sender_letter_container_time_text_nonfirst">&nbsp;<?php 
    echo GetMessage("sender_chain_edit_field_time_letter");
    echo $i;
" href="javascript: void(0);" class="sender_letter_container_time_button sender-link-email"><?php 
    echo GetMessage("sender_chain_edit_field_time_change");
		<div class="sender_letter_container" id="SENDER_TRIGGER_CHAIN_<?php 
    echo $i;
			<input type="hidden" name="CHAIN[<?php 
    echo $i;
][ID]" value="<?php 
    echo htmlspecialcharsbx($chain['ID']);
			<input class="sender_letter_container_sorter" type="hidden" name="CHAIN[<?php 
    echo $i;
][ITEM_SORT]" value="<?php 
    echo $i;
			<input class="sender_letter_container_time" type="hidden" name="CHAIN[<?php 
    echo $i;
][TIME_SHIFT]" value="<?php 
    echo intval($chain['TIME_SHIFT']);

			<div class="sender_letter_container_head">
				<div class="sender_letter_container_move"><div class="sender_letter_container_burger"></div></div>
				<div class="sender_letter_container_sorter_view">
					<span class="sender_letter_container_sorter_icon">
						<span class="sender_letter_container_sorter_text"><?php 
    echo $i;
				<h3><span class="sender_letter_container_caption"><?php 
    echo htmlspecialcharsbx($chain['SUBJECT']);
				<span class="sender_letter_container-info">
    if (!empty($chain['ID']) && empty($chain['DATE_INSERT'])) {
        echo GetMessage("sender_chain_edit_field_created_exists_but_not_save");
    } elseif (!empty($chain['ID'])) {
						<span class="sender_letter_container-create"><?php 
        echo GetMessage("sender_chain_edit_field_created");
        echo GetMessage("sender_chain_edit_field_created_text", array('%DATE_CREATE%' => htmlspecialcharsbx(is_object($chain['DATE_INSERT']) ? \Bitrix\Main\Type\Date::createFromTimestamp($chain['DATE_INSERT']->getTimestamp()) : $chain['DATE_INSERT']), '%AUTHOR%' => '<a class="sender_letter_container-author" href="/bitrix/admin/user_edit.php?ID=' . htmlspecialcharsbx($chain['CREATED_BY']) . '&lang=' . LANGUAGE_ID . '">' . htmlspecialcharsbx($chain['CREATED_BY_NAME']) . ' ' . htmlspecialcharsbx($chain['CREATED_BY_LAST_NAME']) . '</a>'));
    } else {
        echo GetMessage("sender_chain_edit_field_created_new");
				<a class="sender_letter_container_button_delete" href="javascript: void(0);" title="<?php 
    echo GetMessage("sender_chain_edit_field_delete");
    if (strlen($chain['SUBJECT']) > 0 && strlen($chain['MESSAGE']) > 0) {
					<a class="sender_letter_container_button_show" href="javascript: void(0);">
    } else {
					<a class="sender_letter_container_button_show sender_letter_container_button_hide" href="javascript: void(0);">
			<div class="sender_letter_container_body" <?php 
    echo strlen($chain['SUBJECT']) > 0 && strlen($chain['MESSAGE']) > 0 ? 'style="display:none;"' : '';
				<div class="sender_letter_container_body_tmpl" id="CHAIN_TEMPLATE_NUM_<?php 
    echo $i;
" <?php 
    echo strlen($chain['MESSAGE']) > 0 ? 'style="display:none;"' : '';
    echo \Bitrix\Sender\Preset\Template::getTemplateListHtml('SENDER_TRIGGER_CHAIN_' . $i);
				<div class="sender_letter_container_body_fields" <?php 
    echo strlen($chain['MESSAGE']) > 0 ? '' : 'style="display:none;"';
					<table class="trigger_chain_item">
    echo GetMessage("sender_chain_edit_field_sel_templ");
								<span class="sender-template-message-caption-container"></span>
								<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="sender-template-message-caption-container-btn sender-link-email">
    echo GetMessage("sender_chain_edit_field_sel_templ_another");
    echo GetMessage("sender_chain_edit_field_subject");
								<input class="sender_letter_container_subject" type="text" id="CHAIN_<?php 
    echo $i;
_SUBJECT" name="CHAIN[<?php 
    echo $i;
][SUBJECT]" value="<?php 
    echo htmlspecialcharsbx($chain['SUBJECT']);
    $arPersonalizeList = \Bitrix\Sender\PostingRecipientTable::getPersonalizeList();
    echo GetMessage("sender_chain_edit_field_subject_personalize");
    foreach ($arPersonalizeList as $arPersonalize) {
								<a class="sender-link-email" onclick="SetAddressToControl('CHAIN_<?php 
        echo $i;
_SUBJECT', ' #<?php 
        echo htmlspecialcharsbx($arPersonalize['CODE']);
#', true)" title="#<?php 
        echo htmlspecialcharsbx($arPersonalize['CODE']);
# - <?php 
        echo htmlspecialcharsbx($arPersonalize['DESC']);
        echo htmlspecialcharsbx($arPersonalize['NAME']);
        echo end($arPersonalizeList) === $arPersonalize ? '' : ',';
								<span style="cursor: pointer;" class="hidden-when-show-template-list-info" onclick="ShowPersonalizeDescDialog(this);">&nbsp;</span>
							<td colspan="2">
    echo GetMessage("sender_chain_edit_field_message");
    return ob_get_clean();

		isset($_REQUEST['date_from']) && isset($_REQUEST['date_to'])
		&& Main\Type\Date::isCorrect($_REQUEST['date_from'])
		&& Main\Type\Date::isCorrect($_REQUEST['date_to'])
		$statsDateStart = new Main\Type\Date($_REQUEST['date_from']);
		$statsDateFinish = new Main\Type\Date($_REQUEST['date_to']);
		$statsDateStart = new Main\Type\Date();
		$statsDateStart->add("-".Engine\YandexDirectLive::MAX_STAT_DAYS_DELTA." days");

		$statsDateFinish = new Main\Type\Date();

	$tableID = "tbl_yandex_campaign_banner_stats";

	//hack to prevent browser history insertion
	if (isset($_REQUEST["mode"])&&($_REQUEST["mode"]=='list' || $_REQUEST["mode"]=='frame'))
		$_REQUEST['admin_history'] = 'Y';
         $gaps = $_SESSION[$loadingSession]['GAPS'];
     } else {
         $res = array('error' => array('message' => 'loading session broken'));
 } else {
     if (in_array($_REQUEST["type"], array("week_ago", "month_ago", "interval"))) {
         $period = array();
         \CGridOptions::CalcDates("", array("_datesel" => $_REQUEST["type"], "_days" => 1, "_from" => $_REQUEST["date_from"], "_to" => $_REQUEST["date_to"]), $period);
         if (Date::isCorrect($period['_from'])) {
             $dateStart = new Date($period['_from']);
         } else {
             $res = array('error' => array('message' => Loc::getMessage('SEO_ERROR_INCORRECT_DATE') . ': ' . $period['_from']));
         if (Date::isCorrect($period['_to'])) {
             $dateFinish = new Date($period['_to']);
         } else {
             $res = array('error' => array('message' => Loc::getMessage('SEO_ERROR_INCORRECT_DATE') . ': ' . $period['_to']));
         $statsData = Adv\YandexStatTable::getCampaignStat($campaignId, $dateStart, $dateFinish);
         $gaps = Adv\YandexStatTable::getMissedPeriods($statsData, $dateStart, $dateFinish);
     } else {
         $res = array('error' => array('message' => 'invalid interval type'));
 $errorMessage = null;
 $finish = true;
 if (count($gaps) > 0) {
     $cnt = 0;
Exemple #15
 public function createInvoices(array $params)
     $count = isset($params['COUNT']) ? (int) $params['COUNT'] : 0;
     if ($count <= 0) {
     $sum = isset($params['SUM']) ? (int) $params['SUM'] : 0;
     if ($sum <= 0) {
     $dealID = isset($params['DEAL_ID']) ? (int) $params['DEAL_ID'] : 0;
     $companyID = isset($params['COMPANY_ID']) ? (int) $params['COMPANY_ID'] : 0;
     $contactID = isset($params['CONTACT_ID']) ? (int) $params['CONTACT_ID'] : 0;
     $userIDs = isset($params['USER_IDS']) && is_array($params['USER_IDS']) ? $params['USER_IDS'] : array();
     if (empty($userIDs)) {
         $userIDs[] = \CCrmSecurityHelper::GetCurrentUserID();
     $prefix = isset($params['PREFIX']) ? $params['PREFIX'] : '';
     if ($prefix === '') {
         $prefix = $this->id;
     $date = isset($params['DATE']) ? $params['DATE'] : null;
     if (!$date) {
         $date = $date = new Date();
     $maxDateOffset = isset($params['MAX_DATE_OFFSET']) ? (int) $params['MAX_DATE_OFFSET'] : 0;
     $dateFormat = Date::convertFormatToPhp(FORMAT_DATE);
     $dateTimeFormat = Date::convertFormatToPhp(FORMAT_DATETIME);
     $isWon = isset($params['IS_WON']) ? $params['IS_WON'] : false;
     if ($isWon) {
         $totalSum = $sum;
     } else {
         $totalSum = $sum - mt_rand((int) ($sum / 3), $sum);
     $entity = new \CCrmInvoice(false);
     $invoiceSum = (int) $totalSum / $count;
     $totalInvoiceSum = 0;
     for ($i = 1; $i <= $count; $i++) {
         if ($i == $count) {
             $invoiceSum = $totalSum - $totalInvoiceSum;
         $totalInvoiceSum += $invoiceSum;
         $time = DateTime::createFromTimestamp($date->getTimestamp());
         if ($maxDateOffset > 0) {
             $time->add(mt_rand(0, $maxDateOffset) . ' days');
         $time->setTime(mt_rand(8, 20), mt_rand(0, 59), 0);
         $siteTime = $time->format($dateTimeFormat);
         $siteDate = $time->format($dateFormat);
         \CCrmOwnerType::GetCaption(\CCrmOwnerType::Company, $companyID, false);
         $companyInfo = self::getCompanyInfo($companyID);
         $contactInfo = self::getContactInfo($contactID);
         $fields = array('ORDER_TOPIC' => "{$prefix} invoice # {$i}", 'STATUS_ID' => $isWon ? 'P' : 'N', 'DATE_INSERT' => $siteTime, 'DATE_BILL' => $siteDate, 'RESPONSIBLE_ID' => self::getRandomItem($userIDs), 'UF_DEAL_ID' => $dealID, 'UF_COMPANY_ID' => $companyID, 'UF_CONTACT_ID' => $contactID, 'PERSON_TYPE_ID' => 1, 'PAY_SYSTEM_ID' => 1, 'INVOICE_PROPERTIES' => array(10 => $companyInfo['TITLE'], 11 => $companyInfo['FULL_ADDRESS'], 12 => $contactInfo['FULL_NAME'], 13 => $contactInfo['EMAIL'], 14 => $contactInfo['PHONE']), 'PRODUCT_ROWS' => array(array('ID' => 0, 'PRODUCT_NAME' => "{$prefix} product", 'QUANTITY' => 1, 'PRICE' => $invoiceSum, 'PRODUCT_ID' => 0, 'CUSTOMIZED' => 'Y')));
         $ID = $entity->Add($fields);
Exemple #16
  * @return array
 public function getPeriod()
     if ($this->isEmpty()) {
         throw new Main\InvalidOperationException('Could not prepare period. Filter is empty.');
     $result = array();
     if ($this->periodTypeID === FilterPeriodType::YEAR) {
         $year = $this->year;
         $result['START'] = new Date("{$year}-1-1", 'Y-m-d');
         $result['END'] = new Date("{$year}-12-31", 'Y-m-d');
     } elseif ($this->periodTypeID === FilterPeriodType::QUARTER) {
         $year = $this->year;
         $quarter = $this->quarter;
         $lastMonth = 3 * $quarter;
         $firstMonth = $lastMonth - 2;
         $d = new \DateTime("{$year}-{$lastMonth}-01");
         $lastDay = $d->format('t');
         $result['START'] = new Date("{$year}-{$firstMonth}-01", 'Y-m-d');
         $result['END'] = new Date("{$year}-{$lastMonth}-{$lastDay}", 'Y-m-d');
     } elseif ($this->periodTypeID === FilterPeriodType::MONTH) {
         $year = $this->year;
         $month = $this->month;
         $d = new \DateTime("{$year}-{$month}-01");
         $lastDay = $d->format('t');
         $result['START'] = new Date("{$year}-{$month}-01", 'Y-m-d');
         $result['END'] = new Date("{$year}-{$month}-{$lastDay}", 'Y-m-d');
     } elseif ($this->periodTypeID === FilterPeriodType::CURRENT_MONTH) {
         $d = new \DateTime();
         $year = $d->format('Y');
         $month = $d->format('n');
         $lastDay = $d->format('t');
         $leftBoundary = new \DateTime();
         $leftBoundary->setDate($year, $month, 1);
         $leftBoundary->setTime(0, 0, 0);
         $rightBoundary = new \DateTime();
         $rightBoundary->setDate($year, $month, $lastDay);
         $rightBoundary->setTime(0, 0, 0);
         $result['START'] = Date::createFromPhp($leftBoundary);
         $result['END'] = Date::createFromPhp($rightBoundary);
     } elseif ($this->periodTypeID === FilterPeriodType::CURRENT_QUARTER) {
         $d = new \DateTime();
         $year = $d->format('Y');
         $month = $d->format('n');
         $quarter = $month <= 3 ? 1 : ($month <= 6 ? 2 : ($month <= 9 ? 3 : 4));
         $lastMonth = 3 * $quarter;
         $firstMonth = $lastMonth - 2;
         $d = new \DateTime("{$year}-{$lastMonth}-01");
         $lastDay = $d->format('t');
         $result['START'] = new Date("{$year}-{$firstMonth}-01", 'Y-m-d');
         $result['END'] = new Date("{$year}-{$lastMonth}-{$lastDay}", 'Y-m-d');
     } elseif ($this->periodTypeID === FilterPeriodType::LAST_DAYS_90 || $this->periodTypeID === FilterPeriodType::LAST_DAYS_60 || $this->periodTypeID === FilterPeriodType::LAST_DAYS_30 || $this->periodTypeID === FilterPeriodType::LAST_DAYS_7) {
         $rightBoundary = new \DateTime();
         $rightBoundary->setTime(0, 0, 0);
         $leftBoundary = new \DateTime();
         $leftBoundary->setTime(0, 0, 0);
         $intervalLength = 7;
         if ($this->periodTypeID === FilterPeriodType::LAST_DAYS_90) {
             $intervalLength = 90;
         } elseif ($this->periodTypeID === FilterPeriodType::LAST_DAYS_60) {
             $intervalLength = 60;
         } elseif ($this->periodTypeID === FilterPeriodType::LAST_DAYS_30) {
             $intervalLength = 30;
         $interval = new \DateInterval("P{$intervalLength}D");
         $interval->invert = 1;
         $result['START'] = Date::createFromPhp($leftBoundary);
         $result['END'] = Date::createFromPhp($rightBoundary);
     return $result;
Exemple #17
  * @return string
  * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException
 public static function checkPeriod($isAgentExec = true)
     $isAgentExecInSetting = \COption::GetOptionString("sender", "reiterate_method") !== 'cron';
     if ($isAgentExec && !$isAgentExecInSetting || !$isAgentExec && $isAgentExecInSetting) {
         return "";
     $dateTodayPhp = new \DateTime();
     $datetimeToday = Type\DateTime::createFromPhp(clone $dateTodayPhp);
     $dateToday = clone $dateTodayPhp;
     $dateToday = Type\Date::createFromPhp($dateToday->setTime(0, 0, 0));
     $dateTomorrow = clone $dateTodayPhp;
     $dateTomorrow = Type\Date::createFromPhp($dateTomorrow->setTime(0, 0, 0))->add('1 DAY');
     $arDateFilter = array($dateToday, $dateTomorrow);
     $chainDb = MailingChainTable::getList(array('select' => array('ID', 'LAST_EXECUTED', 'POSTING_ID', 'DAYS_OF_MONTH', 'DAYS_OF_WEEK', 'TIMES_OF_DAY'), 'filter' => array('=REITERATE' => 'Y', '=MAILING.ACTIVE' => 'Y', 'STATUS' => MailingChainTable::STATUS_WAIT)));
     while ($arMailingChain = $chainDb->fetch()) {
         $lastExecuted = $arMailingChain['LAST_EXECUTED'];
         /* @var \Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime $lastExecuted*/
         if ($lastExecuted && $lastExecuted->getTimestamp() >= $dateToday->getTimestamp()) {
         $timeOfExecute = static::getDateExecute($dateTodayPhp, $arMailingChain["DAYS_OF_MONTH"], $arMailingChain["DAYS_OF_WEEK"], $arMailingChain["TIMES_OF_DAY"]);
         if ($timeOfExecute) {
             $arUpdateMailChain = array('LAST_EXECUTED' => $datetimeToday);
             $postingDb = PostingTable::getList(array('select' => array('ID'), 'filter' => array('=MAILING_CHAIN_ID' => $arMailingChain['ID'], '><DATE_CREATE' => $arDateFilter)));
             $arPosting = $postingDb->fetch();
             if (!$arPosting) {
                 $postingId = MailingChainTable::initPosting($arMailingChain['ID']);
             } else {
                 $postingId = $arPosting['ID'];
                 $arUpdateMailChain['POSTING_ID'] = $postingId;
             if ($postingId) {
                 $arUpdateMailChain['STATUS'] = MailingChainTable::STATUS_SEND;
                 $arUpdateMailChain['AUTO_SEND_TIME'] = Type\DateTime::createFromPhp($timeOfExecute);
             MailingChainTable::update(array('ID' => $arMailingChain['ID']), $arUpdateMailChain);
     return static::getAgentNamePeriod();
Exemple #18
$rsList = new CDBResult();
$data = new CAdminResult($rsList, $tableID);
$adminList->NavText($data->GetNavPrint(Loc::getMessage("PAGES"), false));
$adminList->AddHeaders(array(array("id" => "provider", "content" => Loc::getMessage("SCALE_ORDER_PROVIDER"), "sort" => "provider", "default" => true), array("id" => "order_id", "content" => Loc::getMessage("SCALE_ORDER_ID"), "sort" => "order_id", "default" => true), array("id" => "status", "content" => Loc::getMessage("SCALE_ORDER_STATUS"), "sort" => "status", "default" => true), array("id" => "mtime", "content" => Loc::getMessage("SCALE_ORDER_MTIME"), "sort" => "mtime", "default" => true), array("id" => "error", "content" => Loc::getMessage("SCALE_ORDER_ERROR"), "default" => false), array("id" => "message", "content" => Loc::getMessage("SCALE_ORDER_MESSAGE"), "default" => true)));
while ($order = $data->Fetch()) {
    $provider = htmlspecialcharsbx($order["provider"]);
    $order_id = htmlspecialcharsbx($order["order_id"]);
    $row =& $adminList->AddRow($provider . "::" . $order_id, $order, "?provider=" . $provider . "&order_id=" . $order_id . "&lang=" . LANGUAGE_ID, Loc::getMessage("SCALE_ORDER_EDIT"));
    $row->AddViewField("provider", $order["provider"]);
    $row->AddViewField("order_id", $order["order_id"]);
    $langStatuses = array("finished" => Loc::getMessage("SCALE_ORDER_STATUS_FINISHED"), "complete" => Loc::getMessage("SCALE_ORDER_STATUS_COMPLETED"), "error" => Loc::getMessage("SCALE_ORDER_STATUS_ERROR"), "in_progress" => Loc::getMessage("SCALE_ORDER_STATUS_INPROCESS"));
    $status = isset($langStatuses[$order["status"]]) ? $langStatuses[$order["status"]] : $order["status"];
    $row->AddViewField("status", $status);
    $date = \Bitrix\Main\Type\Date::createFromTimestamp($order["mtime"]);
    $row->AddViewField("mtime", $date->toString());
    $row->AddViewField("error", $order["error"]);
    $row->AddViewField("message", $order["message"]);
    $arActions = array();
    if ($order["status"] == "finished") {
        $arActions[] = array("ICON" => "edit", "TEXT" => Loc::getMessage("SCALE_ORDER_ADD_TO_PULL"), "ACTION" => $adminList->ActionDoGroup($provider . "::" . $order_id, "add_to_pull"));
require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/bitrix/modules/main/include/prolog_admin_after.php";
require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/bitrix/modules/main/include/epilog_admin.php";
Exemple #19
  * Recounts involvement and activity score for selected day
  * @param Type\Date $day
 protected static function recountDailyInvolvement(Type\Date $day = null)
     // should be called only after recount*ActiveUsers
     // because we need ACTIVE_USERS already set up
     $departments = array();
     if ($day === null) {
         $day = new Type\Date();
     // users' departments
     $usersDepartments = static::getUsersDepartments();
     // add "company" for each user
     foreach ($usersDepartments as &$_usersDepartments) {
         $_usersDepartments[] = 0;
     // count
     $result = UserDayTable::getList(array('filter' => array('=DAY' => \ConvertTimeStamp($day->getTimestamp(), 'SHORT'))));
     while ($row = $result->fetch()) {
         $invCount = 0;
         if (!isset($usersDepartments[$row['USER_ID']])) {
             // skip deleted users
         foreach ($row as $k => $v) {
             // skip non-activity fields
             if ($k == 'USER_ID' || $k == 'DAY') {
             // initialize
             foreach ($usersDepartments[$row['USER_ID']] as $deptId) {
                 if (!isset($departments[$deptId][$k])) {
                     $departments[$deptId][$k] = 0;
             // summarize
             foreach ($usersDepartments[$row['USER_ID']] as $deptId) {
                 $departments[$deptId][$k] += $v;
             // increment involvement count
             if ($k != 'TOTAL' && $v > 0) {
         // check involvement
         if ($invCount >= static::INVOLVEMENT_SERVICE_COUNT) {
             foreach ($usersDepartments[$row['USER_ID']] as $deptId) {
                 if (!isset($departments[$deptId]['INVOLVED'])) {
                     $departments[$deptId]['INVOLVED'] = 0;
     // normalize involved count
     foreach ($departments as &$_department) {
         if (!isset($_department['INVOLVED'])) {
             $_department['INVOLVED'] = 0;
     // update db
     foreach ($departments as $deptId => $activity) {
         $activity['INVOLVEMENT'] = new SqlExpression('CASE WHEN ?# > 0 THEN ROUND((?i / ?# * 100), 0) ELSE 0 END', 'ACTIVE_USERS', $activity['INVOLVED'], 'ACTIVE_USERS');
         DepartmentDayTable::update(array('DEPT_ID' => $deptId, 'DAY' => $day), $activity);
Exemple #20
  * Returns site traffic capacity
  * @param string $id Site ID.
  * @return array
 public static function getSiteCapacity($id)
     $cache = new \CPHPCache();
     if ($cache->initCache(time() - strtotime('today'), 'abtest_site_capacity', '/abtest')) {
         $capacity = $cache->getVars();
     } else {
         if (Loader::includeModule('conversion')) {
             if ($conversionRates = Conversion\RateManager::getTypes(array('ACTIVE' => true))) {
                 $baseRate = array_slice($conversionRates, 0, 1, true);
                 $reportContext = new Conversion\ReportContext();
                 $from = new \DateTime('first day of last month');
                 $to = new \DateTime('today');
                 $capacity = array();
                 $res = \Bitrix\Main\SiteTable::getList();
                 while ($site = $res->fetch()) {
                     $lid = $site['LID'];
                     $reportContext->setAttribute('conversion_site', $lid);
                     $rateData = reset($reportContext->getRatesDeprecated($baseRate, array('>=DAY' => Type\Date::createFromPhp($from), '<=DAY' => Type\Date::createFromPhp($to)), null));
                     $reportContext->unsetAttribute('conversion_site', $lid);
                     $rate = $rateData['RATE'];
                     $hits = $rateData['DENOMINATOR'];
                     $daily = floor($hits / (date_diff($from, $to)->format('%a') + 1));
                     $min = $rate > 0 && $rate < 1 ? ceil(16 * (1 / $rate - 1) / pow(MIN_EFFECT, 2)) : 0;
                     $est = $daily ? $min / ($daily / 2) : 0;
                     $capacity[$lid] = array('daily' => $daily, 'min' => $min, 'est' => $est);
                 $cache->startDataCache(strtotime('tomorrow') - time());
     $result = array();
     foreach ((array) $id as $lid) {
         $result[$lid] = isset($capacity[$lid]) ? $capacity[$lid] : array('min' => 0, 'est' => 0);
     return is_array($id) ? $result : reset($result);
 public static function parseDateString($str)
     if ($str === '') {
         return null;
     try {
         $date = new Date($str, Date::convertFormatToPhp(FORMAT_DATE));
     } catch (Main\ObjectException $e) {
         try {
             $date = new DateTime($str, Date::convertFormatToPhp(FORMAT_DATETIME));
             $date->setTime(0, 0, 0);
         } catch (Main\ObjectException $e) {
             return null;
     return $date;
 public static function getMissedPeriods(array $stats, $dateStart, $dateFinish)
     $missedPeriods = array();
     $datePrevoius = false;
     $checkDate = new Date($dateStart);
     $dateCurrent = new Date($dateStart);
     $dateFinish = new Date($dateFinish);
     while ($dateCurrent->getTimestamp() <= $dateFinish->getTimestamp()) {
         if (!array_key_exists($dateCurrent->toString(), $stats)) {
             if (!$datePrevoius || $dateCurrent->getTimestamp() >= $checkDate->getTimestamp()) {
                 $missedPeriods[] = array($dateCurrent->toString(), $dateCurrent->toString());
                 $checkDate = new Date($dateCurrent->toString());
                 $checkDate->add("+" . YandexDirectLive::MAX_STAT_DAYS_DELTA . " days");
                 $datePrevoius = true;
             } else {
                 $missedPeriods[count($missedPeriods) - 1][1] = $dateCurrent->toString();
         } else {
             $datePrevoius = false;
         $dateCurrent->add("+1 days");
     return $missedPeriods;
				BX(prefix+'_'+i+'_1_'+r).style.display = 'none';




	$dateStart = new Main\Type\Date();
	$dateStart->add("-".Engine\YandexDirectLive::MAX_STAT_DAYS_DELTA." days");

	$dateFinish = new Main\Type\Date();

	$statsData = Adv\YandexStatTable::getBannerStat(

	$gaps = Adv\YandexStatTable::getMissedPeriods($statsData, $dateStart, $dateFinish);

	$graphData = array();

	$currency = Loc::getMessage('SEO_YANDEX_STATS_GRAPH_AXIS_CURRENCY');
Exemple #24
 function DateFormatToPHP($format)
     static $cache = array();
     if (!isset($cache[$format])) {
         $cache[$format] = Main\Type\Date::convertFormatToPhp($format);
     return $cache[$format];