private static function loadBulk($entityTypeID, array &$entityIDs, array &$itemMap, array $options = null)
     /** @var DuplicateEntityRanking[] $itemMap */
     if ($entityTypeID !== \CCrmOwnerType::Contact && $entityTypeID !== \CCrmOwnerType::Company && $entityTypeID !== \CCrmOwnerType::Lead) {
     if (!is_array($options)) {
         $options = array();
     $checkPermissions = isset($options['CHECK_PERMISSIONS']) ? (bool) $options['CHECK_PERMISSIONS'] : false;
     $userID = isset($options['USER_ID']) ? (int) $options['USER_ID'] : 0;
     $permissions = $checkPermissions ? \CCrmPerms::GetUserPermissions($userID) : null;
     $limit = isset($options['LIMIT']) ? (int) $options['LIMIT'] : 3000;
     if ($limit <= 0) {
         $limit = 3000;
     $length = count($entityIDs);
     if ($length === 0) {
     while ($length > 0) {
         if ($length <= $limit) {
             $ids = $entityIDs;
             $entityIDs = array();
         } else {
             $ids = array_splice($entityIDs, 0, $limit);
         $length = count($entityIDs);
         if (empty($ids)) {
         if ($entityTypeID === \CCrmOwnerType::Lead) {
             $dbResult = Entity\DuplicateEntityStatisticsTable::getList(array('select' => array('ENTITY_ID', 'RANKING_DATA'), 'filter' => array('ENTITY_TYPE_ID' => \CCrmOwnerType::Lead, 'ENTITY_ID' => $ids)));
             while ($fields = $dbResult->fetch()) {
                 $entityID = intval($fields['ENTITY_ID']);
                 $key = "{$entityTypeID}_{$entityID}";
                 if (!isset($itemMap[$key])) {
                 if (isset($fields['RANKING_DATA']) && $fields['RANKING_DATA'] !== '') {
                     $data = unserialize($fields['RANKING_DATA']);
                     /** @var DuplicateEntityRanking $ranking */
                     $ranking = $itemMap[$key];
                     $ranking->lastChanged = isset($data['LAST_CHANGED']) ? $data['LAST_CHANGED'] : 0;
                     $ranking->completeness = isset($data['COMPLETENESS']) ? $data['COMPLETENESS'] : 0;
                     if ($checkPermissions) {
                         $ranking->editable = \CCrmLead::CheckUpdatePermission($entityID, $permissions);
                         $ranking->deleteable = \CCrmLead::CheckDeletePermission($entityID, $permissions);
         } else {
             $query = new Main\Entity\Query(Entity\DuplicateEntityStatisticsTable::getEntity());
             $query->addFilter('ENTITY_ID', $ids);
             $query->addFilter('ENTITY_TYPE_ID', $entityTypeID);
             if ($entityTypeID === \CCrmOwnerType::Contact) {
                 $subQuery = new Main\Entity\Query(DealTable::getEntity());
                 $subQuery->addFilter('CONTACT_ID', $ids);
                 $subQuery->registerRuntimeField('', new Main\Entity\ExpressionField('QTY', 'COUNT(*)'));
                 $referenceField = new Main\Entity\ReferenceField('D', Main\Entity\Base::getInstanceByQuery($subQuery), array('=this.ENTITY_ID' => 'ref.CONTACT_ID'), array('join_type' => 'LEFT'));
             } else {
                 $subQuery = new Main\Entity\Query(DealTable::getEntity());
                 $subQuery->addFilter('COMPANY_ID', $ids);
                 $subQuery->registerRuntimeField('', new Main\Entity\ExpressionField('QTY', 'COUNT(*)'));
                 $referenceField = new Main\Entity\ReferenceField('D', Main\Entity\Base::getInstanceByQuery($subQuery), array('=this.ENTITY_ID' => 'ref.COMPANY_ID'), array('join_type' => 'LEFT'));
             $query->registerRuntimeField('', $referenceField);
             $query->addSelect('D.QTY', 'QTY');
             $dbResult = $query->exec();
             while ($fields = $dbResult->fetch()) {
                 $entityID = intval($fields['ENTITY_ID']);
                 $key = "{$entityTypeID}_{$entityID}";
                 if (!isset($itemMap[$key])) {
                 $itemMap[$key]->referenceCount = isset($fields['QTY']) ? intval($fields['QTY']) : 0;
                 if (isset($fields['RANKING_DATA']) && $fields['RANKING_DATA'] !== '') {
                     $data = unserialize($fields['RANKING_DATA']);
                     /** @var DuplicateEntityRanking $ranking */
                     $ranking = $itemMap[$key];
                     $ranking->lastChanged = isset($data['LAST_CHANGED']) ? $data['LAST_CHANGED'] : 0;
                     $ranking->completeness = isset($data['COMPLETENESS']) ? $data['COMPLETENESS'] : 0;
                     if ($checkPermissions) {
                         if ($entityTypeID === \CCrmOwnerType::Contact) {
                             $ranking->editable = \CCrmContact::CheckUpdatePermission($entityID, $permissions);
                             $ranking->deleteable = \CCrmContact::CheckDeletePermission($entityID, $permissions);
                         } else {
                             $ranking->editable = \CCrmCompany::CheckUpdatePermission($entityID, $permissions);
                             $ranking->deleteable = \CCrmCompany::CheckDeletePermission($entityID, $permissions);
 public function getEntityByPrimary(\Bitrix\Main\Entity\Base $entity, $primary, $select)
     $table = $entity->getDBTableName();
     $sqlConfiguration = $entity->getConnection()->getConfiguration();
     $primary = (array) $primary;
     if (count($primary) > 1) {
         throw new \Exception('HSPHP Read Socket doesn\'t support multiple select');
     $indexId = $this->resource->getIndexId($sqlConfiguration['database'], $table, '', join(',', (array) $select));
     $this->resource->select($indexId, '=', $primary);
     $response = $this->resource->readResponse();
     $result = array();
     if (is_array($response)) {
         foreach ($response as $row) {
             $newRow = array();
             foreach ($row as $k => $v) {
                 $newRow[$select[$k]] = $v;
             $result[] = $newRow;
     return $result;
Exemple #3
 protected function appendSaveDataModifier($modifier)
     if (!is_callable($modifier)) {
         throw new SystemException(sprintf('Save modifier of "%s" field of "%s" entity should be a callback', $this->name, $this->entity->getDataClass()));
     $this->saveDataModifiers[] = $modifier;
  * @return \Bitrix\Main\Entity\Base
 public function getRefEntity()
     if ($this->refEntity === null) {
         $this->refEntity = Base::getInstance($this->refEntityName);
     return $this->refEntity;
Exemple #5
 public static function unsetEntity($class)
     $class = Base::normalizeEntityClass($class);
     if (isset(static::$entity[$class])) {
         return true;
  * @static
  * @return Base
 public static function getEntity()
     $class = get_called_class();
     if (!isset(static::$entity[$class])) {
         static::$entity[$class] = Base::getInstance($class);
     return static::$entity[$class];
Exemple #7
 function UnInstallDB()
     // Drop PersonTable
     Application::getConnection(\Adelshin\Person\PersonTable::getConnectionName())->queryExecute('drop table if exists ' . Base::getInstance('\\Adelshin\\Person\\PersonTable')->getDBTableName());
     // Drop GroupTable
     Application::getConnection(\Adelshin\Person\GroupsTable::getConnectionName())->queryExecute('drop table if exists ' . Base::getInstance('\\Adelshin\\Person\\GroupsTable')->getDBTableName());
Exemple #8
  * Вызов методов \Bitrix\Main\Entity\DataManager
  * @see \Bitrix\Main\Entity\DataManager
  * @param $method
  * @param $arguments
  * @return mixed
  * @throws Exception
 public function __call($method, $arguments)
     $allowedMethods = array('getList', 'add', 'update', 'getRow', 'getById', 'delete');
     $allowedMethods = array_map('ToLower', $allowedMethods);
     if (!in_array(ToLower($method), $allowedMethods)) {
         throw new \Exception("Unsupported method {$method}");
     /** @var $className \Bitrix\Main\Entity\DataManager */
     $className = $this->hblockEntity->getDataClass();
     return call_user_func_array("{$className}::{$method}", $arguments);
  * @param $iblockId
  * @return Entity\Base
  * @throws ArgumentException
 public static function compileEntity($iblockId)
     $iblock = IblockStructure::iblock($iblockId);
     if (!$iblock) {
         throw new ArgumentException('Указан несуществующий идентификатор инфоблока');
     $entityName = "Iblock" . Entity\Base::snake2camel($iblockId) . "SectionTable";
     $fullEntityName = '\\' . __NAMESPACE__ . '\\' . $entityName;
     $code = "\n            namespace " . __NAMESPACE__ . ";\n            class {$entityName} extends SectionTable {\n                public static function getIblockId(){\n                    return {$iblock['ID']};\n                }\n                public static function getUfId(){\n                    return 'IBLOCK_{$iblock['ID']}_SECTION';\n                }\n            }\n        ";
     if (!class_exists($fullEntityName)) {
     return Entity\Base::getInstance($fullEntityName);
 public static function getLatest($ownerID)
     if (!is_int($ownerID)) {
         $ownerID = (int) $ownerID;
     if ($ownerID <= 0) {
         throw new Main\ArgumentException('Owner ID must be greater than zero.', 'ownerID');
     $subQuery = new Query(DealStageHistoryTable::getEntity());
     $subQuery->registerRuntimeField('', new ExpressionField('MAX_ID', 'MAX(ID)'));
     $subQuery->addFilter('=OWNER_ID', $ownerID);
     $query = new Query(DealStageHistoryTable::getEntity());
     $query->registerRuntimeField('', new ReferenceField('M', Base::getInstanceByQuery($subQuery), array('=this.ID' => 'ref.MAX_ID'), array('join_type' => 'INNER')));
     $dbResult = $query->exec();
     $result = $dbResult->fetch();
     return is_array($result) ? $result : null;
Exemple #11
  * @return callback[]|Validator\Base[]
  * @throws \Exception
 public function getValidators()
     if ($this->validators === null) {
         $validators = array();
         if ($this->validation !== null) {
             $validators = call_user_func($this->validation);
             if (!is_array($validators)) {
                 throw new \Exception(sprintf('Validation for %s field of %s entity should return array of validators', $this->name, $this->entity->getDataClass()));
             foreach ($validators as $k => $validator) {
                 if (!$validator instanceof Validator\Base && !is_callable($validator)) {
                     throw new \Exception(sprintf('Validator "%s" of "%s" field of "%s" entity should be a Validator\\Base or callback', $k, $this->name, $this->entity->getDataClass()));
         $this->validators = $validators;
     return $this->validators;
  * @return array
 public static function prepareTimeline($ownerID)
     if (!is_int($ownerID)) {
         $ownerID = (int) $ownerID;
     if ($ownerID <= 0) {
         throw new Main\ArgumentException('Owner ID must be greater than zero.', 'ownerID');
     $query = new Query(Crm\ActivityTable::getEntity());
     $query->addFilter('=COMPLETED', 'Y');
     $connection = Main\Application::getConnection();
     if ($connection instanceof Main\DB\MysqlCommonConnection) {
         $query->registerRuntimeField('', new ExpressionField('DEADLINE_DATE', 'DATE(DEADLINE)'));
     } elseif ($connection instanceof Main\DB\MssqlConnection) {
         $query->registerRuntimeField('', new ExpressionField('DEADLINE_DATE', 'CAST(FLOOR(CAST(DEADLINE AS FLOAT)) AS DATETIME)'));
     } elseif ($connection instanceof Main\DB\OracleConnection) {
         $query->registerRuntimeField('', new ExpressionField('DEADLINE_DATE', 'TRUNC(DEADLINE)'));
     $subQuery = new Query(Crm\ActivityBindingTable::getEntity());
     $subQuery->addFilter('=OWNER_TYPE_ID', \CCrmOwnerType::Deal);
     $subQuery->addFilter('=OWNER_ID', $ownerID);
     $query->registerRuntimeField('', new ReferenceField('B', Base::getInstanceByQuery($subQuery), array('=this.ID' => 'ref.ACTIVITY_ID'), array('join_type' => 'INNER')));
     $dbResult = $query->exec();
     $dates = array();
     while ($fieilds = $dbResult->fetch()) {
         $dates[] = $fieilds['DEADLINE_DATE'];
     return $dates;
Exemple #13
 protected static function getUtmEntityTableNameBySrcEntity(Entity\Base $srcEntity)
     return 'b_utm_' . strtolower($srcEntity->getUfId());
     if ($columnInfo["length"] > 0 && $columnInfo["orm_type"] == "string") {
         $validateFunctionName = "validate" . \Bitrix\Main\Entity\Base::snake2camel($columnName);
         echo "\t\t\t\t'validation' => array(_" . "_CLASS_" . "_, '" . $validateFunctionName . "'),\n";
         $arValidators[$validateFunctionName] = array("length" => $columnInfo["length"], "field" => $columnName);
     $messageId = strtoupper(implode("_", $tableParts) . "_ENTITY_" . $columnName . "_FIELD");
     $arMessages[$messageId] = "";
     echo "\t\t\t\t'title' => Loc::getMessage('" . $messageId . "'),\n";
     echo "\t\t\t),\n";
 foreach ($arParents as $columnName => $parentInfo) {
     $parentTableParts = explode("_", $parentInfo["PARENT_TABLE"]);
     $parentModuleNamespace = ucfirst($parentTableParts[0]);
     $parentClassName = \Bitrix\Main\Entity\Base::snake2camel(implode("_", $parentTableParts));
     $columnNameEx = preg_replace("/_ID\$/", "", $columnName);
     echo "\t\t\t'" . $columnNameEx . "' => array(\n";
     echo "\t\t\t\t'data_type' => 'Bitrix\\" . $parentModuleNamespace . "\\" . $parentClassName . "',\n";
     echo "\t\t\t\t'reference' => array('=this." . $columnName . "' => 'ref." . $parentInfo["PARENT_COLUMN"] . "'),\n";
     echo "\t\t\t),\n";
 echo "\t\t);\n";
 echo "\t}\n";
 foreach ($arValidators as $validateFunctionName => $validator) {
     echo "\t/**\n";
     echo "\t * Returns validators for " . $validator["field"] . " field.\n";
     echo "\t *\n";
     echo "\t * @return array\n";
     echo "\t */\n";
     echo "\tpublic static function " . $validateFunctionName . "()\n";
 public static function beforeViewDataQuery(&$select, &$filter, &$group, &$order, &$limit, &$options, &$runtime)
     parent::beforeViewDataQuery($select, $filter, $group, $order, $limit, $options, $runtime);
     global $USER, $DB, $DBType;
     $permFilter = array('LOGIC' => 'OR');
     // owner permission
     if (isset($_GET['select_my_tasks']) || !isset($_GET['select_my_tasks']) && !isset($_GET['select_depts_tasks']) && !isset($_GET['select_group_tasks'])) {
         $runtime['IS_TASK_COWORKER'] = array('data_type' => 'integer', 'expression' => array("(CASE WHEN EXISTS(" . "SELECT 'x' FROM b_tasks_member TM " . "WHERE TM.TASK_ID = " . $DB->escL . (ToUpper($DBType) === "ORACLE" ? "TASKS_TASK" : "tasks_task") . $DB->escR . ".ID AND TM.USER_ID = " . $USER->GetID() . " AND TM.TYPE = 'A'" . ") THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)"));
         $permFilter[] = array('LOGIC' => 'OR', '=RESPONSIBLE_ID' => $USER->GetID(), '=IS_TASK_COWORKER' => 1);
     // own departments permission
     if (isset($_GET['select_depts_tasks'])) {
         $permFilterDepts = array('LOGIC' => 'OR', '=CREATED_BY' => $USER->GetID());
         $deptsPermSql = CTasks::GetSubordinateSql('__ULTRAUNIQUEPREFIX__');
         if (strlen($deptsPermSql)) {
             $deptsPermSql = "EXISTS(" . $deptsPermSql . ")";
             $deptsPermSql = str_replace('__ULTRAUNIQUEPREFIX__T.', $DB->escL . (ToUpper($DBType) === "ORACLE" ? "TASKS_TASK" : "tasks_task") . $DB->escR . '.', $deptsPermSql);
             $deptsPermSql = str_replace('__ULTRAUNIQUEPREFIX__', '', $deptsPermSql);
             $runtime['IS_SUBORDINATED_TASK'] = array('data_type' => 'integer', 'expression' => array("(CASE WHEN " . $deptsPermSql . " THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)"));
             $permFilterDepts[] = array('!RESPONSIBLE_ID' => $USER->GetID(), '=IS_SUBORDINATED_TASK' => 1);
         $permFilter[] = $permFilterDepts;
     // group permission
     if (isset($_GET['select_group_tasks'])) {
         $allowedGroups = CTasks::GetAllowedGroups();
         $permFilter[] = array('=GROUP_ID' => $allowedGroups);
     // re-aggregate aggregated subquery in DURATION for mssql
     if (\Bitrix\Main\Application::getConnection() instanceof \Bitrix\Main\DB\MssqlConnection) {
         foreach ($select as $k => $v) {
             if (substr($k, -9) == '_DURATION') {
                 // we have aggregated duration
                 $subQuery = new \Bitrix\Main\Entity\Query(\Bitrix\Tasks\ElapsedTimeTable::getEntity());
                 $subQuery->addSelect(new \Bitrix\Main\Entity\ExpressionField('DURATION', 'ROUND(SUM(%s)/60, 0)', 'SECONDS'));
                 $subEntity = \Bitrix\Main\Entity\Base::getInstanceByQuery($subQuery);
                 // make reference
                 $subReferenceName = $k . '_REF';
                 $runtime[$subReferenceName] = array('data_type' => $subEntity, 'reference' => array('=this.ID' => 'ref.TASK_ID'));
                 // rewrite aggregated duration (put it in the end, after refence)
                 $runtimeField = $runtime[$k];
                 $runtimeField['expression'][1] = $subReferenceName . '.DURATION';
                 $runtime[$k] = $runtimeField;
             } else {
                 if (substr($k, -20) == '_DURATION_FOR_PERIOD' && isset($options['SQL_TIME_INTERVAL'])) {
                     // we have aggregated DURATION_FOR_PERIOD field
                     $subQuery = new \Bitrix\Main\Entity\Query(\Bitrix\Tasks\ElapsedTimeTable::getEntity());
                     $subQuery->addSelect(new \Bitrix\Main\Entity\ExpressionField('DURATION_FOR_PERIOD', 'ROUND((SUM(CASE WHEN CREATED_DATE ' . $options['SQL_TIME_INTERVAL'] . ' THEN %s ELSE 0 END)/60),0)', 'SECONDS'));
                     $subEntity = \Bitrix\Main\Entity\Base::getInstanceByQuery($subQuery);
                     // make reference
                     $subReferenceName = $k . '_REF';
                     $runtime[$subReferenceName] = array('data_type' => $subEntity, 'reference' => array('=this.ID' => 'ref.TASK_ID'));
                     // rewrite aggregated duration (put it in the end, after refence)
                     $runtimeField = $runtime[$k];
                     $runtimeField['expression'][1] = $subReferenceName . '.DURATION_FOR_PERIOD';
                     $runtime[$k] = $runtimeField;
     // concat permissions with common filter
     $filter[] = $permFilter;
Exemple #16
    public static function compileEntity($hlblock)
        // generate entity & data manager
        $fieldsMap = array();
        // add ID
        $fieldsMap['ID'] = array('data_type' => 'integer', 'primary' => true, 'autocomplete' => true);
        // add other fields
        $fields = $GLOBALS['USER_FIELD_MANAGER']->getUserFields('HLBLOCK_' . $hlblock['ID']);
        foreach ($fields as $field) {
            $fieldsMap[$field['FIELD_NAME']] = array('data_type' => \Bitrix\Main\Entity\UField::convertBaseTypeToDataType($field['USER_TYPE']['BASE_TYPE']));
        // build classes
        $entity_name = $hlblock['NAME'];
        $entity_data_class = $hlblock['NAME'];
        if (!class_exists($entity_data_class . 'Table')) {
            if (!preg_match('/^[a-z0-9_]+$/i', $entity_data_class)) {
                throw new \Exception(sprintf('Invalid entity name `%s`.', $entity_data_class));
            $entity_table_name = $hlblock['TABLE_NAME'];
            $eval = '
				class ' . $entity_data_class . 'Table extends ' . __NAMESPACE__ . '\\DataManager
					public static function getFilePath()
						return __FILE__;

					public static function getTableName()
						return ' . var_export($entity_table_name, true) . ';

					public static function getMap()
						return ' . var_export($fieldsMap, true) . ';
        return \Bitrix\Main\Entity\Base::getInstance($entity_name);
 public static function appendTextUserFieldsAsTrimmed(\Bitrix\Main\Entity\Base $entity)
     /** @global string $DBType */
     global $DBType;
     $dbType = ToUpper(strval($DBType));
     // Advanced fields for text user fields
     $textFields = array();
     foreach ($entity->getFields() as $field) {
         if ($field instanceof Bitrix\Main\Entity\ExpressionField) {
             $arUF = self::detectUserField($field);
             if ($arUF['isUF']) {
                 if ($arUF['ufInfo']['MULTIPLE'] === 'Y') {
                     if ($dbType === 'ORACLE' || $dbType === 'MSSQL') {
                         $exprVal = '';
                         switch ($dbType) {
                             case 'ORACLE':
                                 $maxStrLen = 4000;
                                 $exprVal = 'TO_CHAR(SUBSTR(%s, 1, ' . $maxStrLen . '))';
                             case 'MSSQL':
                                 $maxStrLen = 8000;
                                 $exprVal = 'SUBSTRING(%s, 1, ' . $maxStrLen . ')';
                         /*$textFields[] = array(
                         			'def' => array(
                         				'data_type' => 'string',
                         				'expression' => array(
                         					$exprVal, $arUF['ufInfo']['FIELD_NAME']
                         			'name' => $arUF['ufInfo']['FIELD_NAME'].self::UF_TEXT_TRIM_POSTFIX
                         if ($arUF['ufInfo']['USER_TYPE_ID'] === 'datetime') {
                             $fdmsGetterName = 'getFDMsMultipleTrimmedDateTime';
                         } else {
                             $fdmsGetterName = 'getFDMsMultipleTrimmed';
                         $textFields[] = new Main\Entity\ExpressionField($arUF['ufInfo']['FIELD_NAME'] . self::UF_TEXT_TRIM_POSTFIX, $exprVal, array($arUF['ufInfo']['FIELD_NAME']), array('fetch_data_modification' => array(__CLASS__, $fdmsGetterName)));
     foreach ($textFields as $fieldInfo) {
         if (is_object($fieldInfo)) {
         } else {
             $entity->addField($fieldInfo['def'], $fieldInfo['name']);
    public static function setRuntimeFields(\Bitrix\Main\Entity\Base $entity, $sqlTimeInterval)
        global $DB;
        $entity->addField(array('data_type' => 'integer', 'expression' => array('(SELECT  SUM(1) FROM b_catalog_product, b_sale_viewed_product WHERE %s = b_sale_viewed_product.PRODUCT_ID
				AND b_catalog_product.ID = b_sale_viewed_product.PRODUCT_ID
				AND b_sale_viewed_product.DATE_VISIT ' . $sqlTimeInterval . ' AND b_sale_viewed_product.LID = \'' . $DB->ForSql(self::getDefaultSiteId()) . '\')', 'ID')), 'VIEWS_IN_PERIOD_BY_SHOP');
        $entity->addField(array('data_type' => 'integer', 'expression' => array('(SELECT  COUNT(DISTINCT b_sale_order.ID)
				FROM b_catalog_product
					INNER JOIN b_sale_basket ON b_catalog_product.ID = b_sale_basket.PRODUCT_ID
					INNER JOIN b_sale_order ON b_sale_basket.ORDER_ID = b_sale_order.ID
						b_catalog_product.ID = %s
					AND b_sale_order.PAYED = \'Y\'
					AND b_sale_order.DATE_INSERT ' . $sqlTimeInterval . '
					AND b_sale_basket.LID = \'' . $DB->ForSql(self::getDefaultSiteId()) . '\')', 'ID')), 'ORDERS_IN_PERIOD_BY_SHOP');
        $entity->addField(array('data_type' => 'integer', 'expression' => array($DB->isNull('(SELECT  SUM(b_sale_basket.QUANTITY)
							FROM b_sale_basket
								INNER JOIN b_sale_order ON b_sale_basket.ORDER_ID = b_sale_order.ID
							WHERE b_sale_basket.PRODUCT_ID = %s
								AND b_sale_order.PAYED = \'Y\'
								AND b_sale_order.DEDUCTED = \'Y\'
								AND b_sale_order.DATE_INSERT ' . $sqlTimeInterval . '
								AND b_sale_basket.LID = \'' . $DB->ForSql(self::getDefaultSiteId()) . '\')', 0) . '+' . $DB->isNull('(SELECT  SUM(b_catalog_docs_element.AMOUNT)
							FROM b_catalog_store_docs
								INNER JOIN b_catalog_docs_element on b_catalog_store_docs.ID = b_catalog_docs_element.DOC_ID
							WHERE b_catalog_store_docs.DOC_TYPE = \'D\'
								AND b_catalog_store_docs.STATUS = \'Y\'
								AND b_catalog_store_docs.DATE_DOCUMENT ' . $sqlTimeInterval . '
								AND b_catalog_docs_element.ELEMENT_ID = %s)', 0), 'ID', 'ID')), 'SALED_PRODUCTS_IN_PERIOD_BY_SHOP');
        $entity->addField(array('data_type' => 'float', 'expression' => array('(SELECT  SUM(b_catalog_docs_element.AMOUNT)
					FROM b_catalog_store_docs
					INNER JOIN b_catalog_docs_element on b_catalog_store_docs.ID = b_catalog_docs_element.DOC_ID
					WHERE b_catalog_store_docs.DOC_TYPE in (\'A\', \'R\')
						AND b_catalog_store_docs.STATUS = \'Y\'
						AND b_catalog_store_docs.DATE_DOCUMENT ' . $sqlTimeInterval . '
						AND b_catalog_docs_element.ELEMENT_ID = %s)', 'ID')), 'ARRIVED_PRODUCTS_IN_PERIOD_BY_SHOP');
        $entity->addField(array('data_type' => 'float', 'expression' => array('(SELECT  SUM(b_catalog_docs_element.AMOUNT)
					FROM b_catalog_store_docs
					INNER JOIN b_catalog_docs_element on b_catalog_store_docs.ID = b_catalog_docs_element.DOC_ID
					WHERE b_catalog_store_docs.DOC_TYPE in (\'A\', \'M\', \'R\')
						AND b_catalog_store_docs.STATUS = \'Y\'
						AND b_catalog_store_docs.DATE_DOCUMENT ' . $sqlTimeInterval . '
						AND b_catalog_docs_element.STORE_TO = %s
						AND b_catalog_docs_element.ELEMENT_ID = %s)', 'StoreProduct:SALE_PRODUCT.STORE_ID', 'ID')), 'ARRIVED_PRODUCTS_IN_PERIOD_BY_STORE');
        $entity->addField(array('data_type' => 'integer', 'expression' => array($DB->isNull('(SELECT  SUM(b_sale_store_barcode.QUANTITY)
							FROM b_sale_store_barcode
								INNER JOIN b_sale_basket ON b_sale_store_barcode.BASKET_ID = b_sale_basket.ID
								INNER JOIN b_sale_order ON b_sale_basket.ORDER_ID = b_sale_order.ID
							WHERE b_sale_store_barcode.STORE_ID = %s
								AND b_sale_basket.PRODUCT_ID = %s
								AND b_sale_order.PAYED = \'Y\'
								AND b_sale_order.DEDUCTED = \'Y\'
								AND b_sale_order.DATE_INSERT ' . $sqlTimeInterval . '
								AND b_sale_basket.LID = \'' . $DB->ForSql(self::getDefaultSiteId()) . '\')', 0) . '+' . $DB->isNull('(SELECT  SUM(b_catalog_docs_element.AMOUNT)
							FROM b_catalog_store_docs
								INNER JOIN b_catalog_docs_element on b_catalog_store_docs.ID = b_catalog_docs_element.DOC_ID
							WHERE b_catalog_store_docs.DOC_TYPE in (\'M\', \'D\')
								AND b_catalog_store_docs.STATUS = \'Y\'
								AND b_catalog_store_docs.DATE_DOCUMENT ' . $sqlTimeInterval . '
								AND b_catalog_docs_element.STORE_FROM = %s
								AND b_catalog_docs_element.ELEMENT_ID = %s)', 0), 'StoreProduct:SALE_PRODUCT.STORE_ID', 'ID', 'StoreProduct:SALE_PRODUCT.STORE_ID', 'ID')), 'EXPENSE_PRODUCTS_IN_PERIOD_BY_STORE');
        $entity->addField(array('data_type' => 'float', 'expression' => array('100 * CASE WHEN %s IS NULL OR %s = 0 THEN NULL ELSE %s / %s END', 'VIEWS_IN_PERIOD_BY_SHOP', 'VIEWS_IN_PERIOD_BY_SHOP', 'ORDERS_IN_PERIOD_BY_SHOP', 'VIEWS_IN_PERIOD_BY_SHOP')), 'CONVERSION');
Exemple #19
 protected function buildJoinMap()
     $connection = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getConnection();
     $helper = $connection->getSqlHelper();
     $aliasLength = $helper->getAliasLength();
     // list of used joins
     $done = array();
     $talias_count = 0;
     foreach ($this->global_chains as $chain) {
         if ($chain->getLastElement()->getParameter('talias')) {
             // already been here
         // in NO_DOUBLING mode skip 1:N relations that presented in filter only
         if (!$this->data_doubling && $chain->hasBackReference()) {
             $alias = $chain->getAlias();
             if (isset($this->filter_chains[$alias]) && !isset($this->select_chains[$alias]) && !isset($this->select_expr_chains[$alias]) && !isset($this->group_chains[$alias]) && !isset($this->order_chains[$alias])) {
         $prev_entity = $this->init_entity;
         $prev_alias = $this->getInitAlias(false);
         $map_key = '';
          * elemenets after init entity
          * @var $elements QueryChainElement[]
          * */
         $elements = array_slice($chain->getAllElements(), 1);
         foreach ($elements as $element) {
             $table_alias = null;
              * define main objects
              * @var $src_entity Base
              * @var $ref_field ReferenceField
              * @var $dst_entity Base
             if ($element->getValue() instanceof ReferenceField) {
                 // ref to another entity
                 $src_entity = $prev_entity;
                 $ref_field = $element->getValue();
                 $dst_entity = $ref_field->getRefEntity();
             } elseif (is_array($element->getValue())) {
                 // link from another entity to this
                 $src_entity = $prev_entity;
                 list($dst_entity, $ref_field) = $element->getValue();
             } else {
                 // scalar field
                 $element->setParameter('talias', $prev_alias . $this->table_alias_postfix);
             // mapping
             if (empty($map_key)) {
                 $map_key = $src_entity->getName();
             $map_key .= '/' . $ref_field->getName() . '/' . $dst_entity->getName();
             if (isset($done[$map_key])) {
                 // already connected
                 $table_alias = $done[$map_key];
             } else {
                 // prepare reference
                 $reference = $ref_field->getReference();
                 if ($element->getValue() instanceof ReferenceField) {
                     // ref to another entity
                     if (is_null($table_alias)) {
                         $table_alias = $prev_alias . '_' . strtolower($ref_field->getName());
                         if (strlen($table_alias . $this->table_alias_postfix) > $aliasLength) {
                             $table_alias = 'TALIAS' . $this->table_alias_postfix . '_' . ++$talias_count;
                     $alias_this = $prev_alias;
                     $alias_ref = $table_alias;
                 } elseif (is_array($element->getValue())) {
                     if (is_null($table_alias)) {
                         $table_alias = Base::camel2snake($dst_entity->getName()) . '_' . strtolower($ref_field->getName());
                         $table_alias = $prev_alias . '_' . $table_alias;
                         if (strlen($table_alias . $this->table_alias_postfix) > $aliasLength) {
                             $table_alias = 'TALIAS' . $this->table_alias_postfix . '_' . ++$talias_count;
                     $alias_this = $table_alias;
                     $alias_ref = $prev_alias;
                     if ($dst_entity->isUtm()) {
                         // add to $reference
                         $reference = array($reference, '=this.FIELD_ID' => array('?i', $element->getParameter('ufield')->getFieldId()));
                 // replace this. and ref. to real definition -- not supported yet
                 // instead it we set $alias_this and $alias_ref
                 $csw_reference = $this->prepareJoinReference($reference, $alias_this . $this->table_alias_postfix, $alias_ref . $this->table_alias_postfix);
                 $join = array('type' => $ref_field->getJoinType(), 'table' => $dst_entity->getDBTableName(), 'alias' => $table_alias . $this->table_alias_postfix, 'reference' => $csw_reference);
                 $this->join_map[] = $join;
                 $done[$map_key] = $table_alias;
             // set alias for each element
             $element->setParameter('talias', $table_alias . $this->table_alias_postfix);
             $prev_entity = $dst_entity;
             $prev_alias = $table_alias;
Exemple #20
  * @param                     $elem
  * @param                     $select
  * @param                     $is_init_entity_aggregated
  * @param                     $fList
  * @param Entity\QueryChain[] $fChainList
  * @param                     $helper_class
  * @param Entity\Base         $entity
  * @return array
 public static function prepareSelectViewElement($elem, $select, $is_init_entity_aggregated, $fList, $fChainList, $helper_class, Entity\Base $entity)
     $result = null;
     $alias = null;
     if (empty($elem['aggr']) && !strlen($elem['prcnt'])) {
         $result = $elem['name'];
     } else {
         $expression = '';
         /** @var Entity\Field $field */
         $field = $fList[$elem['name']];
         $chain = $fChainList[$elem['name']];
         $alias = $chain->getAlias();
         $dataType = call_user_func(array($helper_class, 'getFieldDataType'), $field);
         if (!empty($elem['aggr'])) {
             $alias = $elem['aggr'] . '_' . $alias;
             if ($dataType == 'boolean') {
                 // sum int for boolean
                 global $DB;
                 /** @var Entity\BooleanField $field */
                 $trueValue = $field->normalizeValue(true);
                 $localDef = 'CASE WHEN %s = \'' . $DB->ForSql($trueValue) . '\' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END';
             } else {
                 $localDef = '%s';
             if ($elem['aggr'] == 'COUNT_DISTINCT') {
                 $dataType = 'integer';
                 $expression = array('COUNT(DISTINCT ' . $localDef . ')', $elem['name']);
             } else {
                 if ($dataType == 'boolean') {
                     $dataType = 'integer';
                 if ($elem['aggr'] == 'GROUP_CONCAT') {
                     $expression = array($localDef, $elem['name']);
                 } else {
                     $expression = array($elem['aggr'] . '(' . $localDef . ')', $elem['name']);
             // pack 1:N aggregations into subquery
             if ($chain->hasBackReference() && $elem['aggr'] != 'GROUP_CONCAT') {
                 $confirm = call_user_func_array(array($helper_class, 'confirmSelectBackReferenceRewrite'), array(&$elem, $chain));
                 if ($confirm) {
                     $filter = array();
                     foreach ($entity->GetPrimaryArray() as $primary) {
                         $filter['=' . $primary] = new CSQLWhereExpression('?#', ToLower($entity->getCode()) . '.' . $primary);
                     $query = new Entity\Query($entity);
                     $query->addSelect(new Entity\ExpressionField('X', $expression[0], $elem['name']));
                     $expression = array('(' . $query->getQuery() . ')');
                     // double aggregation if init entity aggregated
                     if ($is_init_entity_aggregated) {
                         if ($elem['aggr'] == 'COUNT_DISTINCT') {
                             $expression[0] = 'SUM(' . $expression[0] . ')';
                         } else {
                             $expression[0] = $elem['aggr'] . '(' . $expression[0] . ')';
                 // confirmed
         if (strlen($elem['prcnt'])) {
             $alias = $alias . '_PRCNT';
             $dataType = 'integer';
             if ($elem['prcnt'] == 'self_column') {
                 if (empty($expression)) {
                     $expression = array('%s', $elem['name']);
             } else {
                 if (empty($expression)) {
                     $localDef = '%s';
                     $localMembers = array($elem['name']);
                 } else {
                     $localDef = $expression[0];
                     $localMembers = array_slice($expression, 1);
                 list($remoteAlias, $remoteSelect) = self::prepareSelectViewElement($select[$elem['prcnt']], $select, $is_init_entity_aggregated, $fList, $fChainList, $helper_class, $entity);
                 if (is_array($remoteSelect) && !empty($remoteSelect['expression'])) {
                     // remote field is expression
                     $remoteDef = $remoteSelect['expression'][0];
                     $remoteMembers = array_slice($remoteSelect['expression'], 1);
                     $alias = $alias . '_FROM_' . $remoteAlias;
                 } else {
                     // remote field is usual field
                     $remoteDef = '%s';
                     $remoteMembers = array($remoteSelect);
                     $remoteAlias = Entity\QueryChain::getAliasByDefinition($entity, $remoteSelect);
                     $alias = $alias . '_FROM_' . $remoteAlias;
                 $exprDef = '(' . $localDef . ') / (' . $remoteDef . ') * 100';
                 $expression = array_merge(array($exprDef), $localMembers, $remoteMembers);
                 // 'ROUND(STATUS / ID * 100)'
                 // 'ROUND( (EX1(F1, F2)) / (EX2(F3, F1)) * 100)',
                 // F1, F2, F3, F1
         $result = array('data_type' => $dataType, 'expression' => $expression);
     return array($alias, $result);
Exemple #21
 protected static function getRuntimeFieldMixinsCheckRights($parameters)
     $result = false;
     $parameters['USER_ID'] = Assert::expectIntegerPositive($parameters['USER_ID'], '$parameters[USER_ID]');
     $rf = $parameters['REF_FIELD'];
     if (!\CTasksTools::IsAdmin($userId) && !\CTasksTools::IsPortalB24Admin($userId)) {
         list($conditions, $expression) = \CTasks::getPermissionFilterConditions($parameters, array('USE_PLACEHOLDERS' => true));
         $conditions = "(case when (" . implode(' OR ', $conditions) . ") then '1' else '0' end)";
         array_unshift($expression, $conditions);
         $query = new \Bitrix\Main\Entity\Query('Bitrix\\Tasks\\Task');
         $query->registerRuntimeField('F', array('data_type' => 'string', 'expression' => $expression));
         $query->setFilter(array('=F' => '1'));
         $query->setSelect(array('TASK_ID' => 'ID'));
         $result = new Entity\ReferenceField($parameters['NAME'], \Bitrix\Main\Entity\Base::getInstanceByQuery($query), array('=this.' . ((string) $rf != '' ? $rf : 'ID') => 'ref.TASK_ID'), array('join_type' => 'inner'));
     return $result;
Exemple #22
use Bitrix\Main\Entity;
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="calc variations">
$calcVariations = $arResult['calcVariations'] = call_user_func(array($arParams['REPORT_HELPER_CLASS'], 'getCalcVariations'));
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="filter compare variations">
$compareVariations = $arResult['compareVariations'] = call_user_func(array($arParams['REPORT_HELPER_CLASS'], 'getCompareVariations'));
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="period types">
$periodTypes = $arResult['periodTypes'] = array('month', 'month_ago', 'week', 'week_ago', 'days', 'after', 'before', 'interval', 'all');
// </editor-fold>
try {
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="common initiazlize">
    $ownerId = call_user_func(array($arParams['REPORT_HELPER_CLASS'], 'getOwnerId'));
    $entityName = call_user_func(array($arParams['REPORT_HELPER_CLASS'], 'getEntityName'));
    $entityFields = call_user_func(array($arParams['REPORT_HELPER_CLASS'], 'getColumnList'));
    $initEntity = Entity\Base::getInstance($entityName);
    $strChains = $entityFields;
    $chains = CReport::generateChains($strChains, $initEntity, '');
    $arResult['chains'] = $chains;
    $arResult['fieldsTree'] = CReport::generateColumnTree($chains, $initEntity, $arParams['REPORT_HELPER_CLASS']);
    $fieldList = CReport::getUniqueFieldsByTree($arResult['fieldsTree']);
    // </editor-fold>
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="validation">
    if ($arParams['ACTION'] == 'edit' || $arParams['ACTION'] == 'copy' || $arParams['ACTION'] == 'delete') {
        $result = Bitrix\Report\ReportTable::getById($arParams['REPORT_ID']);
        $report = $result->fetch();
        if (empty($report)) {
            throw new BXUserException(sprintf(GetMessage('REPORT_NOT_FOUND'), $arParams['REPORT_ID']));
        if ($report['CREATED_BY'] != $USER->GetID()) {
            throw new BXUserException(GetMessage('REPORT_VIEW_PERMISSION_DENIED'));
Exemple #23
 public static function getUtmEntityClassName(Entity\Base $hlentity, $userfield)
     return $hlentity->getName() . 'Utm' . Entity\Base::snake2camel($userfield['FIELD_NAME']);
Exemple #24
  * @param Base|string $entity
  * @return bool
 public static function destroy($entity)
     if ($entity instanceof Base) {
         $entityName = $entity->getDataClass();
     } else {
         $entityName = static::normalizeEntityClass($entity);
     if (isset(self::$instances[$entityName])) {
         return true;
     return false;
Exemple #25
 protected function buildJoinMap($chains = null)
     $connection = Main\Application::getConnection();
     $helper = $connection->getSqlHelper();
     $aliasLength = $helper->getAliasLength();
     $talias_count = 0;
     if (empty($chains)) {
         $chains = $this->global_chains;
     foreach ($chains as $chain) {
         if ($chain->getLastElement()->getParameter('talias')) {
             // already been here
         // in NO_DOUBLING mode skip 1:N relations that presented in filter only
         if ($chain->forcesDataDoublingOff() || $this->data_doubling_off && $chain->hasBackReference()) {
             $alias = $chain->getAlias();
             if (isset($this->filter_chains[$alias]) && !isset($this->select_chains[$alias]) && !isset($this->select_expr_chains[$alias]) && !isset($this->group_chains[$alias]) && !isset($this->order_chains[$alias])) {
         $prev_alias = $this->getInitAlias(false);
         $map_key = '';
          * elemenets after init entity
          * @var $elements QueryChainElement[]
          * */
         $elements = array_slice($chain->getAllElements(), 1);
         $currentDedinition = array();
         foreach ($elements as $element) {
             $table_alias = null;
              * define main objects
              * @var $ref_field ReferenceField
              * @var $dst_entity Base
             if ($element->getValue() instanceof ReferenceField) {
                 // ref to another entity
                 $ref_field = $element->getValue();
                 $dst_entity = $ref_field->getRefEntity();
             } elseif (is_array($element->getValue())) {
                 // link from another entity to this
                 list($dst_entity, $ref_field) = $element->getValue();
             } else {
                 // scalar field
                 $element->setParameter('talias', $prev_alias . $this->table_alias_postfix);
             // mapping
             if (empty($map_key)) {
                 $map_key = join('.', $currentDedinition);
             $map_key .= '/' . $ref_field->getName() . '/' . $dst_entity->getName();
             $currentDedinition[] = $element->getDefinitionFragment();
             if (isset($this->join_registry[$map_key])) {
                 // already connected
                 $table_alias = $this->join_registry[$map_key];
             } else {
                 // prepare reference
                 $reference = $ref_field->getReference();
                 if ($element->getValue() instanceof ReferenceField) {
                     // ref to another entity
                     if (is_null($table_alias)) {
                         $table_alias = $prev_alias . '_' . strtolower($ref_field->getName());
                         if (strlen($table_alias . $this->table_alias_postfix) > $aliasLength) {
                             $table_alias = 'TALIAS_' . ++$talias_count;
                     $alias_this = $prev_alias;
                     $alias_ref = $table_alias;
                     $isBackReference = false;
                     $definition_this = join('.', array_slice($currentDedinition, 0, -1));
                     $definition_ref = join('.', $currentDedinition);
                 } elseif (is_array($element->getValue())) {
                     if (is_null($table_alias)) {
                         $table_alias = Base::camel2snake($dst_entity->getName()) . '_' . strtolower($ref_field->getName());
                         $table_alias = $prev_alias . '_' . $table_alias;
                         if (strlen($table_alias . $this->table_alias_postfix) > $aliasLength) {
                             $table_alias = 'TALIAS_' . ++$talias_count;
                     $alias_this = $table_alias;
                     $alias_ref = $prev_alias;
                     $isBackReference = true;
                     $definition_this = join('.', $currentDedinition);
                     $definition_ref = join('.', array_slice($currentDedinition, 0, -1));
                 } else {
                     throw new Main\SystemException(sprintf('Unknown reference element `%s`', $element->getValue()));
                 // replace this. and ref. to real definition
                 $csw_reference = $this->prepareJoinReference($reference, $alias_this . $this->table_alias_postfix, $alias_ref . $this->table_alias_postfix, $definition_this, $definition_ref, $isBackReference);
                 // double check after recursive call in prepareJoinReference
                 if (!isset($this->join_registry[$map_key])) {
                     $join = array('type' => $ref_field->getJoinType(), 'table' => $dst_entity->getDBTableName(), 'alias' => $table_alias . $this->table_alias_postfix, 'reference' => $csw_reference, 'map_key' => $map_key);
                     $this->join_map[] = $join;
                     $this->join_registry[$map_key] = $table_alias;
             // set alias for each element
             $element->setParameter('talias', $table_alias . $this->table_alias_postfix);
             $prev_alias = $table_alias;
Exemple #26
 // </editor-fold>
 $runtime = array();
 $select = array();
 $group = array();
 $order = array();
 $limit = array();
 $options = array('SQL_TIME_INTERVAL' => $sqlTimeInterval);
 $excelView = isset($_GET["EXCEL"]) && $_GET["EXCEL"] == "Y";
 // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="parse entity">
 $entityName = call_user_func(array($arParams['REPORT_HELPER_CLASS'], 'getEntityName'));
 $entityFields = call_user_func(array($arParams['REPORT_HELPER_CLASS'], 'getColumnList'));
 $grcFields = call_user_func(array($arParams['REPORT_HELPER_CLASS'], 'getGrcColumns'));
 //$arUFInfo = call_user_func(array($arParams['REPORT_HELPER_CLASS'], 'getUFInfo'));
 $arUFEnumerations = call_user_func(array($arParams['REPORT_HELPER_CLASS'], 'getUFEnumerations'));
 // customize entity
 $entity = clone Entity\Base::getInstance($entityName);
 call_user_func(array($arParams['REPORT_HELPER_CLASS'], 'setRuntimeFields'), $entity, $sqlTimeInterval);
 $chains = CReport::generateChains($entityFields, $entity, '');
 $fieldsTree = CReport::generateColumnTree($chains, $entity, $arParams['REPORT_HELPER_CLASS']);
 // custom columns types
 $customColumnTypes = call_user_func(array($arParams['REPORT_HELPER_CLASS'], 'getCustomColumnTypes'));
 if (!is_array($customColumnTypes)) {
     $customColumnTypes = array();
 // </editor-fold>
 // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="parse select columns">
 // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="collect fields">
 $fList = array();
 $fChainList = array();
 $bGroupingMode = false;
 public static function setRuntimeFields(\Bitrix\Main\Entity\Base $entity, $sqlTimeInterval)
     global $DB, $DBType;
     $options = array();
     $entity->addField(array('data_type' => 'boolean', 'expression' => array('CASE WHEN %s IN ' . $options['WORK_STATUS_IDS'] . ' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END', 'STATUS_ID'), 'values' => array(0, 1)), 'IS_WORK');
     $entity->addField(array('data_type' => 'boolean', 'expression' => array('CASE WHEN %s IN ' . $options['REJECT_STATUS_IDS'] . ' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END', 'STATUS_ID'), 'values' => array(0, 1)), 'IS_REJECT');
     $datetimeNull = ToUpper($DBType) === 'MYSQL' ? 'CAST(NULL AS DATETIME)' : 'NULL';
     $entity->addField(array('data_type' => 'datetime', 'expression' => array('CASE WHEN %s = \'CONVERTED\' OR %s IN ' . $options['REJECT_STATUS_IDS'] . ' THEN ' . $DB->datetimeToDateFunction('%s') . ' ELSE ' . $datetimeNull . ' END', 'STATUS_ID', 'STATUS_ID', 'DATE_CLOSED')), 'DATE_CLOSED_SHORT');
 public static function prepareSortParams($entityTypeID, array &$entityIDs, $type = '')
     if (empty($entityIDs)) {
         return array();
     if (!is_string($type)) {
         $type = '';
     $query = new Main\Entity\Query(DuplicateCommunicationMatchCodeTable::getEntity());
     $subQuery = new Main\Entity\Query(DuplicateCommunicationMatchCodeTable::getEntity());
     $subQuery->registerRuntimeField('', new Main\Entity\ExpressionField('MIN_ID', 'MIN(ID)'));
     $subQuery->addFilter('=ENTITY_TYPE_ID', $entityTypeID);
     $subQuery->addFilter('@ENTITY_ID', $entityIDs);
     if ($type !== '') {
         $subQuery->addFilter('=TYPE', $type);
     $query->registerRuntimeField('', new Main\Entity\ReferenceField('M', Main\Entity\Base::getInstanceByQuery($subQuery), array('=this.ID' => 'ref.MIN_ID'), array('join_type' => 'INNER')));
     $result = array();
     $dbResult = $query->exec();
     while ($fields = $dbResult->fetch()) {
         $entityID = intval($fields['ENTITY_ID']);
         if (!isset($result[$entityID])) {
             $result[$entityID] = array();
         $type = isset($fields['TYPE']) ? $fields['TYPE'] : '';
         $value = isset($fields['VALUE']) ? $fields['VALUE'] : '';
         $result[$entityID][$type] = $value;
     return $result;
 /** @return array */
 public function getList(array $params)
     $group = isset($params['group']) ? strtoupper($params['group']) : '';
     if ($group !== '' && $group !== self::GROUP_BY_USER && $group !== self::GROUP_BY_DATE) {
         $group = '';
     /** @var Filter $filter */
     $filter = isset($params['filter']) ? $params['filter'] : null;
     if (!$filter instanceof Filter) {
         throw new Main\ObjectNotFoundException("The 'filter' is not found in params.");
     $semanticID = $filter->getExtraParam('semanticID', PhaseSemantics::UNDEFINED);
     $isFinalSemantics = PhaseSemantics::isFinal($semanticID);
     $group = isset($params['group']) ? strtoupper($params['group']) : '';
     if ($group !== '' && $group !== self::GROUP_BY_USER && $group !== self::GROUP_BY_DATE) {
         $group = '';
     /** @var array $select */
     $select = isset($params['select']) && is_array($params['select']) ? $params['select'] : array();
     $name = '';
     $aggregate = '';
     if (!empty($select)) {
         $selectItem = $select[0];
         if (isset($selectItem['name'])) {
             $name = $selectItem['name'];
         if (isset($selectItem['aggregate'])) {
             $aggregate = strtoupper($selectItem['aggregate']);
     if ($name === '') {
         $name = 'INVOICE_SUM';
     if ($aggregate !== '' && !in_array($aggregate, array('SUM', 'COUNT', 'MAX', 'MIN'))) {
         $aggregate = '';
     $permissionSql = '';
     if ($this->enablePermissionCheck) {
         $permissionSql = $this->preparePermissionSql();
         if ($permissionSql === false) {
             //Access denied;
             return array();
     $period = $filter->getPeriod();
     $periodStartDate = $period['START'];
     $periodEndDate = $period['END'];
     $query = new Query(DealInvoiceStatisticsTable::getEntity());
     if ($aggregate !== '') {
         if ($aggregate === 'COUNT') {
             $query->registerRuntimeField('', new ExpressionField($name, "COUNT(*)"));
         } else {
             $query->registerRuntimeField('', new ExpressionField($name, "{$aggregate}({$name})"));
     $subQuery = new Query(DealInvoiceStatisticsTable::getEntity());
     $subQuery->addFilter('>=END_DATE', $periodStartDate);
     $subQuery->addFilter('<=START_DATE', $periodEndDate);
     //$subQuery->addFilter('<=CREATED_DATE', $periodEndDate);
     if ($semanticID !== PhaseSemantics::UNDEFINED) {
         $subQuery->addFilter('=STAGE_SEMANTIC_ID', $semanticID);
     if ($this->enablePermissionCheck && is_string($permissionSql) && $permissionSql !== '') {
         $subQuery->addFilter('@OWNER_ID', new SqlExpression($permissionSql));
     $responsibleIDs = $filter->getResponsibleIDs();
     if (!empty($responsibleIDs)) {
         $subQuery->addFilter('@RESPONSIBLE_ID', $responsibleIDs);
     $subQuery->registerRuntimeField('', new ExpressionField('MAX_CREATED_DATE', 'MAX(CREATED_DATE)'));
     $query->registerRuntimeField('', new ReferenceField('M', Base::getInstanceByQuery($subQuery), array('=this.OWNER_ID' => 'ref.OWNER_ID', '=this.CREATED_DATE' => 'ref.MAX_CREATED_DATE'), array('join_type' => 'INNER')));
     $sort = isset($params['sort']) && is_array($params['sort']) && !empty($params['sort']) ? $params['sort'] : null;
     if ($sort) {
         foreach ($sort as $sortItem) {
             if (isset($sortItem['name'])) {
                 $query->addOrder($sortItem['name'], isset($sortItem['order']) ? $sortItem['order'] : 'asc');
     if ($group !== '') {
         if ($group === self::GROUP_BY_USER) {
         } else {
             if ($group === self::GROUP_BY_DATE) {
                 if ($isFinalSemantics) {
                     $query->addSelect('END_DATE', 'D');
                     if (!$sort) {
                         $query->addOrder('END_DATE', 'ASC');
                 } else {
                     $query->addSelect('CREATED_DATE', 'D');
                     if (!$sort) {
                         $query->addOrder('CREATED_DATE', 'ASC');
     $dbResult = $query->exec();
     //Trace('sql', Query::getLastQuery(), 1);
     $result = array();
     if ($group === self::GROUP_BY_DATE) {
         while ($ary = $dbResult->fetch()) {
             $ary['DATE'] = $ary['D']->format('Y-m-d');
             if ($ary['DATE'] === '9999-12-31') {
                 //Skip empty dates
             $result[] = $ary;
     } elseif ($group === self::GROUP_BY_USER) {
         $userIDs = array();
         while ($ary = $dbResult->fetch()) {
             $userID = $ary['RESPONSIBLE_ID'] = (int) $ary['RESPONSIBLE_ID'];
             if ($userID > 0 && !isset($userNames[$userID])) {
                 $userIDs[] = $userID;
             $result[] = $ary;
         $userNames = self::prepareUserNames($userIDs);
         foreach ($result as &$item) {
             $userID = $item['RESPONSIBLE_ID'];
             $item['USER_ID'] = $userID;
             $item['USER'] = isset($userNames[$userID]) ? $userNames[$userID] : "[{$userID}]";
     } else {
         while ($ary = $dbResult->fetch()) {
             $result[] = $ary;
     return $result;
Exemple #30
 public static function getChainByDefinition(Base $init_entity, $definition)
     $chain = new QueryChain();
     $chain->addElement(new QueryChainElement($init_entity));
     $def_elements = explode('.', $definition);
     $def_elements_size = count($def_elements);
     $prev_entity = $init_entity;
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($def_elements as &$def_element) {
         $is_last_elem = ++$i == $def_elements_size;
         $not_found = false;
         // all elements should be a Reference field or Entity
         // normal (scalar) field can only be the last element
         if ($prev_entity->hasField($def_element)) {
             // field has been found at current entity
             $field = $prev_entity->getField($def_element);
             if ($field instanceof ReferenceField) {
                 $prev_entity = $field->getRefEntity();
             } elseif ($field instanceof ExpressionField) {
                 // expr can be in the middle too
             } elseif (!$is_last_elem) {
                 throw new SystemException(sprintf('Normal fields can be only the last in chain, `%s` %s is not the last.', $field->getName(), get_class($field)));
             if ($is_last_elem && $field instanceof ExpressionField) {
                 // we should have own copy of build_from_chains to set join aliases there
                 $field = clone $field;
             $chain->addElement(new QueryChainElement($field));
         } elseif ($prev_entity->hasUField($def_element) && false) {
             /** @deprecated */
             // extend chain with utm/uts entity
             $ufield = $prev_entity->getUField($def_element);
             if ($ufield->isMultiple()) {
                 // add utm entity  user.utm:source_object (1:N)
                 $utm_entity = Base::getInstance($prev_entity->getNamespace() . 'Utm' . $prev_entity->getName());
                 $chain->addElement(new QueryChainElement(array($utm_entity, $utm_entity->getField('SOURCE_OBJECT')), array('ufield' => $ufield)));
                 if ($ufield->getTypeId() == 'iblock_section' && substr($ufield->getName(), -3) == '_BY' && $prev_entity->hasUField(substr($ufield->getName(), 0, -3))) {
                     // connect next entity
                     $utm_fname = $ufield->getName();
                     $prev_entity = Base::getInstance('Bitrix\\Iblock\\Section');
                 } else {
                     $utm_fname = $ufield->getValueFieldName();
                 $chain->addElement(new QueryChainElement($utm_entity->getField($utm_fname), array('ufield' => $ufield)));
             } else {
                 // uts table - single value
                 // add uts entity user.uts (1:1)
                 $uts_entity = Base::getInstance($prev_entity->getNamespace() . 'Uts' . $prev_entity->getName());
                 $chain->addElement(new QueryChainElement($prev_entity->getField('UTS_OBJECT')));
                 // add `value` field
                 $chain->addElement(new QueryChainElement($uts_entity->getField($def_element)));
         } elseif (Base::isExists($def_element) && Base::getInstance($def_element)->getReferencesCountTo($prev_entity->getName()) == 1) {
             // def_element is another entity with only 1 reference to current entity
             // need to identify Reference field
             $ref_entity = Base::getInstance($def_element);
             $field = end($ref_entity->getReferencesTo($prev_entity->getName()));
             $prev_entity = $ref_entity;
             $chain->addElement(new QueryChainElement(array($ref_entity, $field)));
         } elseif (($pos_wh = strpos($def_element, ':')) > 0) {
             $ref_entity_name = substr($def_element, 0, $pos_wh);
             if (strpos($ref_entity_name, '\\') === false) {
                 // if reference has no namespace, then it'is in the namespace of previous entity
                 $ref_entity_name = $prev_entity->getNamespace() . $ref_entity_name;
             if (Base::isExists($ref_entity_name) && Base::getInstance($ref_entity_name)->hasField($ref_field_name = substr($def_element, $pos_wh + 1)) && Base::getInstance($ref_entity_name)->getField($ref_field_name) instanceof ReferenceField) {
                 /** @var ReferenceField $reference */
                 $reference = Base::getInstance($ref_entity_name)->getField($ref_field_name);
                 if ($reference->getRefEntity()->getFullName() == $prev_entity->getFullName()) {
                     // chain element is another entity with >1 references to current entity
                     // def like NewsArticle:AUTHOR, NewsArticle:LAST_COMMENTER
                     // NewsArticle - entity, AUTHOR and LAST_COMMENTER - Reference fields
                     $chain->addElement(new QueryChainElement(array(Base::getInstance($ref_entity_name), Base::getInstance($ref_entity_name)->getField($ref_field_name))));
                     $prev_entity = Base::getInstance($ref_entity_name);
                 } else {
                     $not_found = true;
             } else {
                 $not_found = true;
         } elseif ($def_element == '*' && $is_last_elem) {
         } else {
             // unknown chain
             $not_found = true;
         if ($not_found) {
             throw new SystemException(sprintf('Unknown field definition `%s` (%s) for %s Entity.', $def_element, $definition, $prev_entity->getName()), 100);
     return $chain;