function it_undo_accept_an_answer(Client $client)
     $client->post('/answers/answer-id/accept/undo', [], ['site' => 'StackApps'])->shouldBeCalled()->willReturn($this->response);
     $this->postUndoAccept('answer-id', ['site' => 'StackApps'])->shouldReturnAnInstanceOf('BenatEspina\\StackExchangeApiClient\\Model\\Interfaces\\AnswerInterface');
 function it_posts_filter(Client $client)
     $client->post('/filters/create', ['include' => 'answer.body', 'exclude' => 'answer', 'base' => 'default', 'unsafe' => 'false'])->shouldBeCalled()->willReturn($this->response);
     $this->postFilter(['include' => 'answer.body', 'exclude' => 'answer', 'base' => 'default', 'unsafe' => 'false'])->shouldReturnAnInstanceOf('BenatEspina\\StackExchangeApiClient\\Model\\Interfaces\\FilterInterface');
  * Renders a hypothetical comment on the given post.
  * More info:
  * @param string   $id      The id of comment
  * @param string[] $request The array which contains the required parameters as 'site' and 'body'
  * @return \BenatEspina\StackExchangeApiClient\Model\Interfaces\CommentInterface
 public function render($id, $request = [])
     return $this->responseToComment($this->client->post('/posts/' . $id . $this->prefix . '/render', [], $request));
  * Creates a new filter given a list of includes, excludes, a base
  * filter, and whether or not this filter should be "unsafe".
  * More info:
  * @param string[] $params QueryString parameter(s), it admits include, exclude and unsafe
  * @return \BenatEspina\StackExchangeApiClient\Model\Interfaces\FilterInterface
 public function postFilter($params = [])
     $response = $this->client->post($this->prefix . '/create', $params);
     return new Filter($response['items'][0]);
  * Undoes an accept vote on the given answer.
  * More info:
  * @param string   $id      The id of question
  * @param string[] $request The array which contains the required parameters as 'site'
  * @return \BenatEspina\StackExchangeApiClient\Model\Interfaces\AnswerInterface
 public function postUndoAccept($id, $request = [])
     return $this->responseToAnswer($this->client->post($this->prefix . '/' . $id . '/accept/undo', [], $request));
 function it_renders_a_comment(Client $client)
     $client->post('/posts/post-id/comments/render', [], ['site' => 'StackApps', 'body' => 'This is a dummy comment.'])->shouldBeCalled()->willReturn($this->response);
     $this->render('post-id', ['site' => 'StackApps', 'body' => 'This is a dummy comment.'])->shouldReturnAnInstanceOf('BenatEspina\\StackExchangeApiClient\\Model\\Interfaces\\CommentInterface');