foreach ($short_matches as $short_match) {
        echo "\n* Match {$short_match['match_id']} is less than 8 minutes, deducting points from players.\n";
        $players = $short_match['stage_3']->players;
         *   Perform the point deductions.
        foreach ($players as $player) {
            $payload_steamid = $player['steamID32'];
            $match_id = $short_match['match_id'];
            $player_profile = $app['mongo.db']->selectCollection('player_profiles')->findOne(['payload_steamid' => $payload_steamid]);
            if (empty($player_profile)) {
             *   Match has already been deducted for user.
            if (in_array($match_id, @$player_profile['short_matches'] ?: [])) {
                "\n* Deductions for {$match_id} have already occurred, skipping.\n";
             *   Careful, as this actually modifies the player's points. Doing this wrong could make people upset.
            $deduct_result = PlayerProfile::deductShortGame($payload_steamid, $player['isWinner'], sizeof($players));
            echo "\n* Deducting points from player payload_steamid = {$payload_steamid} for match_id = {$match_id}\n";
            $app['mongo.db']->selectCollection('player_profiles')->update(['_id' => $player_profile['_id']], ['$push' => ['short_matches' => $match_id ?: 'empty']]);
    return 'ok';