Exemple #1
 protected function slugifiy($guess)
     $slugifier = new Slugifier();
     if (is_array($guess)) {
         foreach ($guess as $key => $value) {
             $guess[$key] = sprintf('/%s', $slugifier->slugify($value));
         return $guess;
     return sprintf('/%s', $slugifier->slugify($guess));
Exemple #2
 protected function slugifiy($guess)
     //ToDo: Because of translation we need to check for array, maybe its better to overwrite this class in TransaltionBundle
     if (is_array($guess)) {
         $guess = reset($guess);
     $slugifier = new Slugifier();
     return sprintf('/%s', $slugifier->slugify($guess));
Exemple #3
  * Generated the entry for the users table.
  * @param  string $user_login The user login slug
  * @return array             An associtive array of column/values for the "users" table.
 public static function generateUserTableDataFrom($user_login, array $userData = array())
     $utils = new Slugifier();
     $login = $utils->slugify($user_login);
     $usersTableDefaults = array('user_login' => $login, 'user_pass' => WpPassword::instance()->make($user_login), 'user_nicename' => $user_login, 'user_email' => $login . "@example.com", 'user_url' => "http://{$login}.example.com", 'user_registered' => Date::now(), 'user_activation_key' => '', 'user_status' => '0', 'display_name' => $user_login);
     if (!empty($userData['user_pass'])) {
         $userData['user_pass'] = WpPassword::instance()->make($userData['user_pass']);
     return array_merge($usersTableDefaults, array_intersect_key($userData, $usersTableDefaults));
Exemple #4
 private function getSlugifiedFilename($text)
     $slugifier = new Slugifier();
     $filePathinfo = pathinfo($text);
     $result = $slugifier->slugify($filePathinfo['filename']) . '.' . $filePathinfo['extension'];
     //        $result = strtolower($text);
     //        $result = preg_replace('/\s+/g', '-', $result);         // Replace spaces with -
     //        $result = preg_replace('/[^\w\-\.]+/g', '', $result);   // Remove all non-word chars, keep . to preserve extension
     //        $result = preg_replace('/\-\-+/g', '-', $result);       // Replace multiple - with single -
     //        $result = preg_replace('/^-+/', '', $result);           // Trim - from start of text
     //        $result = preg_replace('/-+$/', '', $result);           // Trim - from end of text
     return $result;
Exemple #5
 protected function slugifiy($guess)
     $slugifier = new Slugifier();
     return sprintf('/%s', $slugifier->slugify($guess));
Exemple #6
  * Adds an uploaded file to the database. $file can be one of the following:
  * - A string: expected to be absolute path + filename. An Exception will be thrown if the file doesn't exist or is
  *      not readable for the apache user. File extension will be taken from the name, mime type will be determined
  *      by Symfony MimeTypeGuesser.
  * - An instance of SplFileInfo. File extension will be taken from the name, mime type will be determined
  *      by Symfony MimeTypeGuesser.
  * - An instance of Symfony types File or UploadedFile. Attributes will be determined by using the types member
  *      functions.
  * The file will be copied for storage, the original file will not be removed.
  * The attributes mime type, extension, title (slug), file name and order can optionally be configured. If null,
  * they are generated automatically from the file.
  * Note: $title will always be slugified.
  * The optional parameter $garbage sets the initial state of the garbage collector mark (default false). If it
  * remains true, the entry will be deleted by the garbage collector in the future (1 day minimum). This can be
  * useful for forms with ajax upload ahead of the total submit, when an uploaded file is not yet connected to a
  * parent object and the form might be cancelled leaving the file object unconnected and unused.
  * @param string|\SplFileInfo|File|UploadedFile $file           The file to add to the database
  * @param string|null                           $mimeType       [optional] Mime type, overrides automatically
  *                                                              guessed mime type
  * @param string|null                           $fileExtension  [optional] File extension, overrides automatically
  *                                                              determined extension
  * @param string|null                           $slug           [optional] slug, overrides automatically determined
  *                                                              slug (from file name)
  * @param string|null                           $fileName       [optional] File name, overrides automatically
  *                                                              determined file name
  * @param int|null                              $order          [optional] File order index
  * @param bool                                  $garbage        [optional] Initial mark for garbage collector
  * @throws \Exception   Thrown if file does not exist, is not readable, cannot be copied or parameter $file is of
  *                      unknown type.
  * @return EnhavoFile   The generated doctrine entity object (already persisted).
 public function storeFile($file, $mimeType = null, $fileExtension = null, $slug = null, $fileName = null, $order = null, $garbage = false)
     $fileInfo = $this->getFileInformation($file);
     if (!$fileInfo) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid format on file parameter; possible formats: Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\File\\UploadedFile, Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\File\\File, \\SplFileInfo or string (absolute path + filename)");
     $slugifier = new Slugifier();
     if ($mimeType == null) {
         $mimeType = $fileInfo['mime_type'];
     if ($fileExtension == null) {
         $fileExtension = $fileInfo['extension'];
     if ($slug == null) {
         $slug = $fileInfo['filename'];
     $slug = $slugifier->slugify($slug) . '.' . $fileInfo['extension'];
     if ($fileName == null) {
         $fileName = $fileInfo['basename'];
     $entityFile = new EnhavoFile();
     try {
         copy($fileInfo['pathname'], $this->getDirectory($entityFile) . '/' . $entityFile->getId());
     } catch (\Exception $exception) {
         throw $exception;
     return $entityFile;
Exemple #7
 protected function slugifiy($context)
     $slugifier = new Slugifier();
     return sprintf('/%s', $slugifier->slugify($context));
 protected function parseBatchActions()
     $authorizationChecker = $this->container->get('security.authorization_checker');
     $batch_actions = $this->getConfig()->get('table.batch.actions');
     if (!$batch_actions) {
         return array();
     if (count($batch_actions) > 0) {
         if (!isset($batch_actions[self::BATCH_ACTION_NONE_SELECTED])) {
             $batch_actions[self::BATCH_ACTION_NONE_SELECTED] = array('label' => 'table.batch.label.selectAction', 'confirm_message' => '', 'translation_domain' => 'EnhavoAppBundle');
         $translator = $this->container->get('translator');
         $slugifier = new Slugifier();
         $pos = 100;
         $batch_actions_parsed = array();
         foreach ($batch_actions as $command => $value) {
             if (isset($value['permission']) && $value['permission']) {
                 if (!$authorizationChecker->isGranted($value['permission'])) {
             $command_parsed = $slugifier->slugify($command);
             $action_parsed = array();
             if (isset($value['translation_domain']) && $value['translation_domain']) {
                 $domain = $value['translation_domain'];
             } else {
                 $domain = $this->getTranslationDomain();
             if (isset($value['label']) && $value['label']) {
                 $action_parsed['label'] = $translator->trans($value['label'], array(), $domain);
             } else {
                 $action_parsed['label'] = $command;
             if (isset($value['confirm_message']) && $value['confirm_message']) {
                 $action_parsed['confirm_message'] = $translator->trans($value['confirm_message'], array(), $domain);
             } else {
                 $action_parsed['confirm_message'] = $translator->trans('table.batch.message.confirm.generic', array('%command%' => $command), 'EnhavoAppBundle');
             if (isset($value['position']) && is_int($value['position']) && $value['position'] >= 0) {
                 $action_parsed['position'] = $value['position'];
             } else {
                 if ($command == self::BATCH_ACTION_NONE_SELECTED) {
                     $action_parsed['position'] = -1;
                 } else {
                     $action_parsed['position'] = $pos++;
             $batch_actions_parsed[$command_parsed] = $action_parsed;
         uasort($batch_actions_parsed, function ($a, $b) {
             if ($a['position'] == $b['position']) {
                 return 0;
             return $a['position'] < $b['position'] ? -1 : 1;
         return $batch_actions_parsed;
     return array();
Exemple #9
  * @param $className
  * @return string
 public function getFileName($className, $userArguments)
     return $this->cacheDir . $this->slugifier->slugify($className) . '_' . $this->slugifier->slugify(json_encode($userArguments)) . '.php';