Exemple #1
  * Execute the action
 public function execute()
     //--Get the id of the link to mediaitem
     $id = \SpoonFilter::getPostValue('id', null, '', 'string');
     //--Get new name for file
     $nameGet = \SpoonFilter::getPostValue('name', null, '', 'string');
     //--Check if the id is not empty
     if (!empty($id)) {
         //--Get link to mediaitem
         $mediaModule = BackendMediaModel::getMediaModule($id);
         //--Get mediaitem
         $media = BackendMediaModel::get($mediaModule['media_id']);
         //--Clean new name for file
         $name = preg_replace("([^\\w\\s\\d\\-_~,;:\\[\\]\\(\\).])", '', $nameGet);
         //--Get all image folders defined by sizes
         $folders = BackendModel::getThumbnailFolders(FRONTEND_FILES_PATH . '/Media/Images', true);
         //--Create filesystem for file actions
         $fs = new Filesystem();
         //--Get path to files
         $path = FRONTEND_FILES_PATH . '/Media/';
         //--If old and new name is not the same -> do rename
         if ($media['filename'] != $name . '.' . $media['extension']) {
             //--Rename files on disk
             if ($media['filetype'] == 1) {
                 if ($fs->exists($path . 'Images/Source/' . $media['filename'])) {
                     $fs->rename($path . 'Images/Source/' . $media['filename'], FRONTEND_FILES_PATH . '/Media/Images/Source/' . $name . '.' . $media['extension']);
                 foreach ($folders as $folder) {
                     if ($fs->exists($path . 'Images/' . $folder['dirname'] . '/' . $media['filename'])) {
                         $fs->rename($path . 'Images/' . $folder['dirname'] . '/' . $media['filename'], FRONTEND_FILES_PATH . '/Media/Images/' . $folder['dirname'] . '/' . $name . '.' . $media['extension']);
             } else {
                 if ($fs->exists($path . 'Files/' . $media['filename'])) {
                     $fs->rename($path . 'Files/' . $media['filename'], FRONTEND_FILES_PATH . '/Media/Files/' . $name . '.' . $media['extension']);
             //--Set new name on mediaitem
             $media['filename'] = $name . '.' . $media['extension'];
             //--Update mediaitem
             BackendMediaModel::update($mediaModule['media_id'], $media);
             //--Create url to new file for ajax
             $url = FRONTEND_FILES_URL . '/Media/Files/' . $media['filename'];
             //--Return the new URL -> replaces the old url of the media on page
             $this->output(self::OK, $url, 'file renamed');
         } else {
             $this->output(self::OK, null, 'file name is the same');
     // success output
Exemple #2
  * Contstructor
 public function execute()
     //--Set post var to check submit
     $_POST["form"] = "add_image";
     //--Set module
     $module = (string) \SpoonFilter::getPostValue('mediaModule', null, '', 'string');
     //--Set action
     $action = (string) \SpoonFilter::getPostValue('mediaAction', null, '', 'string');
     //--Set the id
     $id = (int) \SpoonFilter::getPostValue('mediaId', null, '', 'int');
     //--Set the type
     $type = (string) \SpoonFilter::getPostValue('mediaType', null, '', 'string');
     //--Create media helper
     $this->media = new BackendMediaHelper(new BackendForm('add_image', null, 'post', false), $module, $id, $action, $type);
     //--Validate media -> upload file
     //--File is image
     if ($this->media->item['filetype'] == 1) {
         //Create html
         $tpl = new Template();
         $this->media->item['txtText'] = $this->media->frm->addTextarea("text-" . $this->media->item["id"], $this->media->item['text'])->setAttribute('style', 'resize: none;')->parse();
         //--Get file info (ext, filename, path)
         $path_parts = pathinfo(FRONTEND_FILES_PATH . '/Media/Images/Source/' . $this->media->item['filename']);
         $this->media->item['name'] = $path_parts['filename'];
         $folders = BackendModel::getThumbnailFolders(FRONTEND_FILES_PATH . '/Media/Images', true);
         foreach ($folders as $folder) {
             $this->media->item['image_' . $folder['dirname']] = $folder['url'] . '/' . $folder['dirname'] . '/' . $this->media->item['filename'];
         $tpl->assign('mediaItems', array('images' => array($this->media->item)));
         $html = $tpl->getContent(BACKEND_MODULES_PATH . '/Media/Layout/Templates/Ajax/Image.tpl');
         //--File is file
     } else {
         //Create html
         $tpl = new Template();
         $this->media->item['txtText'] = $this->media->frm->addTextarea("text-" . $this->media->item["id"], $this->media->item['text'])->setAttribute('style', 'resize: none;')->parse();
         //--Get file info (ext, filename, path)
         $path_parts = pathinfo(FRONTEND_FILES_PATH . '/Media/Files/' . $this->media->item['filename']);
         $this->media->item['url'] = FRONTEND_FILES_URL . '/Media/Files/' . $this->media->item['filename'];
         $this->media->item['name'] = $path_parts['filename'];
         $tpl->assign('mediaItems', array('files' => array($this->media->item)));
         $html = $tpl->getContent(BACKEND_MODULES_PATH . '/Media/Layout/Templates/Ajax/File.tpl');
     // output (filetype, html)
     $this->output(self::OK, array($this->media->item['filetype'], $html), FrontendLanguage::msg('Success'));
Exemple #3
  * Execute the action
 public function execute()
     //--Get the ids and split them
     $id = \SpoonFilter::getPostValue('id', null, '', 'string');
     //--Get new name for image
     $nameGet = \SpoonFilter::getPostValue('name', null, '', 'string');
     //--Check if the id is not empty
     if (!empty($id)) {
         //--Get image
         $image = BackendGalleryModel::get($id);
         //--Clean new name for file
         $name = preg_replace("([^\\w\\s\\d\\-_~,;:\\[\\]\\(\\).])", '', $nameGet);
         //--Get all image folders defined by sizes
         $folders = BackendModel::getThumbnailFolders(FRONTEND_FILES_PATH . '/Gallery/Images', true);
         //--Create filesystem for file actions
         $fs = new Filesystem();
         //--Get extention
         $extension = pathinfo($image['filename'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
         //--Get path to files
         $path = FRONTEND_FILES_PATH . '/Gallery/Images/';
         //--If old and new name is not the same -> do rename
         if ($image['filename'] != $name . '.' . $extension) {
             //--Rename files on disk
             if (!$fs->exists($path . '/Source/' . $name . '.' . $extension)) {
                 if ($fs->exists($path . '/Source/' . $image['filename'])) {
                     $fs->rename($path . '/Source/' . $image['filename'], $path . '/Source/' . $name . '.' . $extension);
                 foreach ($folders as $folder) {
                     if ($fs->exists($path . $folder['dirname'] . '/' . $image['filename'])) {
                         $fs->rename($path . $folder['dirname'] . '/' . $image['filename'], $path . $folder['dirname'] . '/' . $name . '.' . $extension);
                 //--Rename file
                 $image['filename'] = $name . '.' . $extension;
                 $this->output(self::OK, null, 'file renamed');
             } else {
                 $this->output(self::ERROR, null, 'file name already exists');
         } else {
             $this->output(self::OK, null, 'file name is the same');
Exemple #4
  * Execute the action
 public function execute()
     //--Get the ids as array
     $ids = \SpoonFilter::getPostValue('ids', null, '', 'array');
     //--Create filesystem for file actions
     $fs = new Filesystem();
     //--Get all image folders defined by sizes
     $folders = BackendModel::getThumbnailFolders(FRONTEND_FILES_PATH . '/Media/Images', true);
     //--Check if the id is not empty
     if (!empty($ids)) {
         foreach ($ids as $id) {
             //--Get media link from id
             $mediaModule = BackendMediaModel::getMediaModule($id);
             //--Delete link from mediaitem to item
             //--Check if there are any other links to the mediaitem
             if (!BackendMediaModel::existsMediaModules($id)) {
                 //--Get mediaitem
                 $media = BackendMediaModel::get($mediaModule['media_id']);
                 //--Delete files
                 if ($media['filetype'] == 1) {
                     if ($fs->exists(FRONTEND_FILES_PATH . '/Media/Images/Source/' . $media['filename'])) {
                         $fs->remove(FRONTEND_FILES_PATH . '/Media/Images/Source/' . $media['filename']);
                     foreach ($folders as $folder) {
                         if ($fs->exists(FRONTEND_FILES_PATH . '/Media/Images/' . $folder['dirname'] . '/' . $media['filename'])) {
                             $fs->remove(FRONTEND_FILES_PATH . '/Media/Images/' . $folder['dirname'] . '/' . $media['filename']);
                 } else {
                     if ($media['filetype'] == 2) {
                         if ($fs->exists(FRONTEND_FILES_PATH . '/Media/Files/' . $media['filename'])) {
                             $fs->remove(FRONTEND_FILES_PATH . '/Media/Files/' . $media['filename']);
                 //--Delete mediaitem
     // success output
     $this->output(self::OK, null, 'files deleted');
Exemple #5
 public static function getAllMediaItems()
     $records = BackendModel::getContainer()->get('database')->getRecords("SELECT m.id, filename, m.filetype, m.extension FROM media AS m");
     $recordsImages = $recordsFiles = array();
     //--Loop records
     if (!empty($records)) {
         //--Get the thumbnail-folders
         $folders = BackendModel::getThumbnailFolders(FRONTEND_FILES_PATH . '/Media/Images', true);
         //--Create the image-links to the thumbnail folders
         foreach ($records as &$row) {
             if ($row['filetype'] == 1) {
                 $path_parts = pathinfo(FRONTEND_FILES_PATH . '/Media/Images/Source/' . $row['filename']);
                 $row['name'] = $path_parts['filename'];
                 foreach ($folders as $folder) {
                     $row['image_' . $folder['dirname']] = $folder['url'] . '/' . $folder['dirname'] . '/' . $row['filename'];
                 $recordsImages[] = $row;
             } else {
                 $path_parts = pathinfo(FRONTEND_FILES_PATH . '/Media/Files/' . $row['filename']);
                 $row['url'] = FRONTEND_FILES_URL . '/Media/Files/' . $row['filename'];
                 $row['name'] = $path_parts['filename'];
                 $recordsFiles[] = $row;
     $all = array();
     $all['images'] = $recordsImages;
     $all['files'] = $recordsFiles;
     return $all;
  * Delete image from an album
  * @param $id
 public static function delete($id)
     //--Get the image
     $image = self::get((int) $id);
     if (!empty($image)) {
         //--Get folders
         $folders = BackendModel::getThumbnailFolders(FRONTEND_FILES_PATH . '/Galleria/Images', true);
         //--Loop the folders
         foreach ($folders as $folder) {
             //--Delete the image
             \SpoonFile::delete($folder['url'] . '/' . $folder['dirname'] . '/' . $image['filename']);
         //--Delete images from the database
         BackendModel::getContainer()->get('database')->delete("galleria_images", "id=?", array($id));
Exemple #7
  * Validate the form
 private function validateForm()
     // is the form submitted?
     if ($this->frm->isSubmitted()) {
         // get the status
         $status = \SpoonFilter::getPostValue('status', array('active', 'draft'), 'active');
         // cleanup the submitted fields, ignore fields that were added by hackers
         // validate fields
         // validate meta
         // no errors?
         if ($this->frm->isCorrect()) {
             // build item
             $item['id'] = $this->id;
             $item['meta_id'] = $this->meta->save();
             // this is used to let our model know the status (active, archive, draft) of the edited item
             $item['revision_id'] = $this->record['revision_id'];
             $item['category_id'] = (int) $this->frm->getField('category_id')->getValue();
             $item['user_id'] = $this->frm->getField('user_id')->getValue();
             $item['language'] = BL::getWorkingLanguage();
             $item['title'] = $this->frm->getField('title')->getValue();
             $item['introduction'] = $this->frm->getField('introduction')->getValue();
             $item['text'] = $this->frm->getField('text')->getValue();
             $item['publish_on'] = BackendModel::getUTCDate(null, BackendModel::getUTCTimestamp($this->frm->getField('publish_on_date'), $this->frm->getField('publish_on_time')));
             $item['edited_on'] = BackendModel::getUTCDate();
             $item['hidden'] = $this->frm->getField('hidden')->getValue();
             $item['allow_comments'] = $this->frm->getField('allow_comments')->getChecked() ? 'Y' : 'N';
             $item['status'] = $status;
             if ($this->imageIsAllowed) {
                 $item['image'] = $this->record['image'];
                 // the image path
                 $imagePath = FRONTEND_FILES_PATH . '/blog/images';
                 // create folders if needed
                 $fs = new Filesystem();
                 $fs->mkdir(array($imagePath . '/source', $imagePath . '/128x128'));
                 // If the image should be deleted, only the database entry is refreshed.
                 // The revision should keep it's file.
                 if ($this->frm->getField('delete_image')->isChecked()) {
                     // reset the name
                     $item['image'] = null;
                 // new image given?
                 if ($this->frm->getField('image')->isFilled()) {
                     // build the image name
                     // we use the previous revision-id in the filename to make the filename unique between
                     // the different revisions, to prevent that a new file would
                     // overwrite images of previous revisions that have the same title, and thus, the same filename
                     $item['image'] = $this->meta->getURL() . '-' . BL::getWorkingLanguage() . '-' . $item['revision_id'] . '.' . $this->frm->getField('image')->getExtension();
                     // upload the image & generate thumbnails
                     $this->frm->getField('image')->generateThumbnails($imagePath, $item['image']);
                 } elseif ($item['image'] != null) {
                     // generate the new filename
                     $image = new File($imagePath . '/source/' . $item['image']);
                     $newName = $this->meta->getURL() . '-' . BL::getWorkingLanguage() . '-' . $item['revision_id'] . '.' . $image->getExtension();
                     // extract the filenames excluding …-[language]-[revision-id].jpg
                     // to properly compare them to eachother
                     $regex = '/(.*)-[a-z]{2}-[0-9]+\\.(.*)/';
                     // only copy if the new name differs from the old filename
                     if (preg_replace($regex, '$1', $newName) != preg_replace($regex, '$1', $item['image'])) {
                         // loop folders
                         foreach (BackendModel::getThumbnailFolders($imagePath, true) as $folder) {
                             $fs->copy($folder['path'] . '/' . $item['image'], $folder['path'] . '/' . $newName);
                         // assign the new name to the database
                         $item['image'] = $newName;
             } else {
                 $item['image'] = null;
             // update the item
             $item['revision_id'] = BackendBlogModel::update($item);
             // trigger event
             BackendModel::triggerEvent($this->getModule(), 'after_edit', array('item' => $item));
             // recalculate comment count so the new revision has the correct count
             // save the tags
             BackendTagsModel::saveTags($item['id'], $this->frm->getField('tags')->getValue(), $this->URL->getModule());
             // active
             if ($item['status'] == 'active') {
                 // edit search index
                 BackendSearchModel::saveIndex($this->getModule(), $item['id'], array('title' => $item['title'], 'text' => $item['text']));
                 // ping
                 if ($this->get('fork.settings')->get($this->URL->getModule(), 'ping_services', false)) {
                     BackendModel::ping(SITE_URL . BackendModel::getURLForBlock($this->URL->getModule(), 'detail') . '/' . $this->meta->getURL());
                 // build URL
                 $redirectUrl = BackendModel::createURLForAction('Index') . '&report=edited&var=' . urlencode($item['title']) . '&id=' . $this->id . '&highlight=row-' . $item['revision_id'];
             } elseif ($item['status'] == 'draft') {
                 // draft: everything is saved, so redirect to the edit action
                 $redirectUrl = BackendModel::createURLForAction('Edit') . '&report=saved-as-draft&var=' . urlencode($item['title']) . '&id=' . $item['id'] . '&draft=' . $item['revision_id'] . '&highlight=row-' . $item['revision_id'];
             // append to redirect URL
             if ($this->categoryId != null) {
                 $redirectUrl .= '&category=' . $this->categoryId;
             // everything is saved, so redirect to the overview
Exemple #8
  * Validate the form add image
  * @return void
 private function validateForm()
     //--Check if the add-image form is submitted
     if ($this->frm->isSubmitted()) {
         //--Clean up fields in the form (NOT ALLOWED: fields from plupload like name are deleted)
         //--Get image field
         $filImage = $this->frm->getField('images');
         //--Check if the field is filled in
         if ($filImage->isFilled()) {
             //--Image extension and mime type
             $filImage->isAllowedExtension(array('jpg', 'png', 'gif', 'jpeg'), BL::err('JPGGIFAndPNGOnly'));
             $filImage->isAllowedMimeType(array('image/jpg', 'image/png', 'image/gif', 'image/jpeg'), BL::err('JPGGIFAndPNGOnly'));
             //--Check if there are no errors.
             $strError = $filImage->getErrors();
             if ($strError === null) {
                 //--Get the filename
                 $strFilename = BackendGalleryModel::checkFilename(substr($_REQUEST["name"], 0, 0 - (strlen($filImage->getExtension()) + 1)), $filImage->getExtension());
                 //--Fill in the item
                 $item = array();
                 $item["album_id"] = (int) $this->id;
                 $item["user_id"] = BackendAuthentication::getUser()->getUserId();
                 $item["language"] = BL::getWorkingLanguage();
                 $item["filename"] = $strFilename;
                 $item["description"] = "";
                 $item["publish_on"] = BackendModel::getUTCDate();
                 $item["hidden"] = "N";
                 $item["sequence"] = BackendGalleryModel::getMaximumImageSequence($this->id) + 1;
                 //--the image path
                 $imagePath = FRONTEND_FILES_PATH . '/Gallery/Images';
                 //--create folders if needed
                 $resolutions = $this->get('fork.settings')->get("Gallery", 'resolutions', false);
                 foreach ($resolutions as $res) {
                     if (!\SpoonDirectory::exists($imagePath . '/' . $res)) {
                         \SpoonDirectory::create($imagePath . '/' . $res);
                         // Create filesystem object
                         $filesystem = new Filesystem();
                         // Create var dir for ease of use
                         $dir = $imagePath;
                         // Check if dir exists
                         if ($filesystem->exists($dir . '/Source/')) {
                             // Create Finder object for the files
                             $finderFiles = new Finder();
                             // Get all the files in the source-dir
                             $files = $finderFiles->files()->in($dir . '/Source/');
                             // Check if $files is not empty
                             if (!empty($files)) {
                                 // Explode the dir-name
                                 $chunks = explode("x", $res, 2);
                                 // Create folder array
                                 $folder = array();
                                 $folder['width'] = $chunks[0] != '' ? (int) $chunks[0] : null;
                                 $folder['height'] = $chunks[1] != '' ? (int) $chunks[1] : null;
                                 // Loop all the files
                                 foreach ($files as $file) {
                                     // Check if the file exists
                                     if (!$filesystem->exists($imagePath . '/' . $res . '/' . $file->getBasename())) {
                                         // generate the thumbnail
                                         $thumbnail = new \SpoonThumbnail($dir . '/Source/' . $file->getBasename(), $folder['width'], $folder['height']);
                                         // if the width & height are specified we should ignore the aspect ratio
                                         if ($folder['width'] !== null && $folder['height'] !== null) {
                                         $thumbnail->parseToFile($imagePath . '/' . $res . '/' . $file->getBasename());
                 if (!\SpoonDirectory::exists($imagePath . '/Source')) {
                     \SpoonDirectory::create($imagePath . '/Source');
                 if (!\SpoonDirectory::exists($imagePath . '/128x128')) {
                     \SpoonDirectory::create($imagePath . '/128x128');
                 if (!\SpoonDirectory::exists($imagePath . '/800x')) {
                     \SpoonDirectory::create($imagePath . '/800x');
                 if (!\SpoonDirectory::exists($imagePath . '/200x')) {
                     \SpoonDirectory::create($imagePath . '/200x');
                 if (!\SpoonDirectory::exists($imagePath . '/400x300')) {
                     \SpoonDirectory::create($imagePath . '/400x300');
                 //--image provided?
                 if ($filImage->isFilled()) {
                     //--upload the image & generate thumbnails
                     $filImage->generateThumbnails($imagePath, $item["filename"]);
                 //--Add item to the database
                 $idInsert = BackendGalleryModel::insert($item);
                 $item['id'] = $idInsert;
                 //--Create html for ajax
                 $tpl = new Template();
                 $txtDescription = $this->frm->addTextarea("description_" . $idInsert, $item['description']);
                 $item['field_description'] = $txtDescription->setAttribute('style', 'resize: none;')->parse();
                 //--Parse filename to get name
                 $path_parts = pathinfo(FRONTEND_FILES_PATH . '/Gallery/Images/Source/' . $item['filename']);
                 $item['name'] = $path_parts['filename'];
                 $folders = BackendModel::getThumbnailFolders(FRONTEND_FILES_PATH . '/Gallery/Images', true);
                 foreach ($folders as $folder) {
                     $item['image_' . $folder['dirname']] = $folder['url'] . '/' . $folder['dirname'] . '/' . $item['filename'];
                 $tpl->assign('images', array($item));
                 $html = $tpl->getContent(BACKEND_MODULES_PATH . '/Gallery/Layout/Templates/Ajax/Image.tpl');
                 //Send html (ajax response)
                 $this->output(self::OK, $html, BL::msg('Success'));
Exemple #9
  * Validate the form
 protected function validateForm()
     if ($this->frm->isSubmitted()) {
         // validation
         $fields = $this->frm->getFields();
         //			$fields['name']->isFilled(BL::err('FieldIsRequired'));
         if ($this->frm->isCorrect()) {
             $item['meta_id'] = $this->meta->save();
             $item['company'] = $fields['company']->getValue();
             $item['name'] = $fields['name']->getValue();
             $item['firstname'] = $fields['firstname']->getValue();
             $item['email'] = $fields['email']->getValue();
             $item['address'] = $fields['address']->getValue();
             $item['zipcode'] = $fields['zipcode']->getValue();
             $item['city'] = $fields['city']->getValue();
             $item['country'] = $fields['country']->getValue();
             $item['phone'] = $fields['phone']->getValue();
             $item['fax'] = $fields['fax']->getValue();
             $item['website'] = str_replace("http://", "", $fields['website']->getValue());
             $item['zipcodes'] = $fields['zipcodes']->getValue();
             $item['remark'] = $fields['remark']->getValue();
             //$item['text'] = $fields['text']->getValue();
             //$item['assort'] = $fields['assort']->getValue();
             //$item['open'] = $fields['open']->getValue();
             //$item['closed'] = $fields['closed']->getValue();
             //$item['visit'] = $fields['visit']->getValue();
             //$item['size'] = $fields['size']->getValue();
             $item['language'] = BL::getWorkingLanguage();
             $item['hidden'] = $fields['hidden']->getValue();
             if ($item['country'] == '') {
                 $item['country'] = 'BE';
             //--Create url
             $url = 'http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=' . urlencode($item['address'] . ', ' . $item['zipcode'] . ' ' . $item['city'] . ', ' . \SpoonLocale::getCountry($item['country'], BL::getWorkingLanguage())) . '&sensor=false';
             //--Get lat
             $geocode = json_decode(\SpoonHTTP::getContent($url));
             //--Sleep between the requests
             //--Check result
             $item['lat'] = isset($geocode->results[0]->geometry->location->lat) ? $geocode->results[0]->geometry->location->lat : null;
             $item['lng'] = isset($geocode->results[0]->geometry->location->lng) ? $geocode->results[0]->geometry->location->lng : null;
             $item['image'] = $this->record['image'];
             // the image path
             $imagePath = FRONTEND_FILES_PATH . '/Addresses/Images';
             // create folders if needed
             if (!\SpoonDirectory::exists($imagePath . '/Source')) {
                 \SpoonDirectory::create($imagePath . '/Source');
             if (!\SpoonDirectory::exists($imagePath . '/128x128')) {
                 \SpoonDirectory::create($imagePath . '/128x128');
             if (!\SpoonDirectory::exists($imagePath . '/400x300')) {
                 \SpoonDirectory::create($imagePath . '/400x300');
             if (!\SpoonDirectory::exists($imagePath . '/800x')) {
                 \SpoonDirectory::create($imagePath . '/800x');
             // if the image should be deleted
             if ($this->frm->getField('delete_image')->isChecked()) {
                 // delete the image
                 \SpoonFile::delete($imagePath . '/Source/' . $item['image']);
                 // reset the name
                 $item['image'] = null;
             // new image given?
             if ($this->frm->getField('image')->isFilled()) {
                 // delete the old image
                 \SpoonFile::delete($imagePath . '/Source/' . $this->record['image']);
                 // build the image name
                 $item['image'] = $this->meta->getURL() . '.' . $this->frm->getField('image')->getExtension();
                 // upload the image & generate thumbnails
                 $this->frm->getField('image')->generateThumbnails($imagePath, $item['image']);
             } elseif ($item['image'] != null) {
                 // get the old file extension
                 $imageExtension = \SpoonFile::getExtension($imagePath . '/Source/' . $item['image']);
                 // get the new image name
                 $newName = $this->meta->getURL() . '.' . $imageExtension;
                 // only change the name if there is a difference
                 if ($newName != $item['image']) {
                     // loop folders
                     foreach (BackendModel::getThumbnailFolders($imagePath, true) as $folder) {
                         // move the old file to the new name
                         \SpoonFile::move($folder['path'] . '/' . $item['image'], $folder['path'] . '/' . $newName);
                     // assign the new name to the database
                     $item['image'] = $newName;
             BackendAddressesModel::update($this->id, $item);
             $item['id'] = $this->id;
             //--Add the languages
             foreach ((array) BackendModel::get('fork.settings')->get('Core', 'languages') as $key => $language) {
                 $itemLanguage = array();
                 $itemLanguage['id'] = $item['id'];
                 $itemLanguage['language'] = $language;
                 $itemLanguage['text'] = $this->frm->getField('text_' . $language)->getValue();
                 $itemLanguage['opening_hours'] = $this->frm->getField('opening_hours_' . $language)->getValue();
             if (isset($fields["groups"])) {
                 //--Get all the groups
                 $groups = $fields["groups"]->getValue();
                 foreach ($groups as $value) {
                     $groupAddress = array();
                     $groupAddress["address_id"] = $item['id'];
                     $groupAddress["group_id"] = $value;
                     //--Add user to the group
             BackendSearchModel::saveIndex($this->getModule(), $item['id'], array('title' => $item['name'], 'text' => $item['name']));
             BackendModel::triggerEvent($this->getModule(), 'after_edit', $item);
             $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('index') . '&report=edited&highlight=row-' . $item['id']);