  * setup the environment for test.
 public function setUp()
     $servicesYmlArray = ['parameters' => ['service.class' => 'BackBee\\DependencyInjection\\Tests\\RandomService', 'size_one' => 300, 'size_two' => 8000, 'size_three' => 44719], 'services' => ['service_one' => ['class' => '%service.class%', 'arguments' => ['%size_two%']], 'service_two' => ['class' => '%service.class%', 'calls' => [['setSize', ['%size_three%']]], 'tags' => [['name' => 'dumpable']]], 'service_three' => ['class' => '%service.class%', 'calls' => [['setClassProxy', ['']]], 'tags' => [['name' => 'dumpable']]], 'service_four' => ['class' => '%service.class%', 'tags' => [['name' => 'foo'], ['name' => 'bar']]], 'service_five' => ['synthetic' => true], 'service_six' => ['class' => '%service.class%', 'public' => false], 'service_seven' => ['class' => '%service.class%', 'scope' => 'prototype', 'file' => '/foo/bar', 'configurator' => ['@service_six', 'getSize']], 'service_eight' => ['class' => '%service.class%', 'factory' => ['\\DateTime', 'getLastErrors']], 'service_nine' => ['class' => '%service.class%', 'factory' => ['@service_zero', 'get']], 'service_ten' => ['abstract' => true, 'calls' => [['setSize', [8]]]], 'service_eleven' => ['class' => '%service.class%', 'parent' => 'service_ten']]];
     $this->container = new Container();
     vfsStream::setup('directory', 0777, ['services.yml' => Yaml::dump($servicesYmlArray)]);
     ServiceLoader::loadServicesFromYamlFile($this->container, vfsStream::url('directory'));
  * setup the environment for test.
 public function setUp()
     $this->container = new Container();
     $this->dumper = new PhpArrayDumper($this->container);
     $configTestDir = realpath(__DIR__ . '/PhpArrayDumperTest_Resources');
     if (!is_dir($configTestDir)) {
         throw new \Exception(sprintf('Unable to find test Config directory (%s)', $configTestDir));
     $servicesFilepath = $configTestDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'services.yml';
     if (!is_file($servicesFilepath) || !is_readable($servicesFilepath)) {
         throw new \Exception(sprintf('Unable to find or read services.yml (%s)', $servicesFilepath));
     $this->rawServices = Yaml::parse(file_get_contents($servicesFilepath));
     ServiceLoader::loadServicesFromYamlFile($this->container, $configTestDir);
     $this->dump = unserialize($this->dumper->dump());
Exemple #3
  * Loads bundle services into application's dependency injection container.
  * @param Config        $config
  * @param callable|null $recipe
 private function loadServices(Config $config, callable $recipe = null)
     if (false === $this->runRecipe($config, $recipe)) {
         $directories = BundleConfigDirectory::getDirectories($this->application->getBaseRepository(), $this->application->getContext(), $this->application->getEnvironment(), basename(dirname($config->getBaseDir())));
         array_unshift($directories, $this->getConfigDirByBundleBaseDir(dirname($config->getBaseDir())));
         foreach ($directories as $directory) {
             $filepath = $directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'services.xml';
             if (is_file($filepath) && is_readable($filepath)) {
                 try {
                     ServiceLoader::loadServicesFromXmlFile($this->container, $directory);
                 } catch (\Exception $e) {
                     // nothing to do
             $filepath = $directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'services.yml';
             if (is_file($filepath) && is_readable($filepath)) {
                 try {
                     ServiceLoader::loadServicesFromYamlFile($this->container, $directory);
                 } catch (\Exception $e) {
                     // nothing to do
  * Load and override services into container; the load order is from the most global to the most specific
  * depends on context and environment.
 private function loadApplicationServices()
     // setting default services
     $this->container->set('bbapp', $this->application);
     $this->container->set('container.builder', $this);
     $services_directory = $this->application->getBBDir() . '/Config/services';
     foreach (scandir($services_directory) as $file) {
         if (1 === preg_match('#(\\w+)\\.(yml|xml)$#', $file, $matches)) {
             if ('yml' === $matches[2]) {
                 ServiceLoader::loadServicesFromYamlFile($this->container, $services_directory, $matches[1]);
             } else {
                 ServiceLoader::loadServicesFromXmlFile($this->container, $services_directory, $matches[1]);
     // define in which directory we have to looking for services yml or xml
     $directories = ConfigDirectory::getDirectories(null, $this->repository_directory, $this->context, $this->environment);
     // Loop into every directory where we can potentially found a services.yml or services.xml
     foreach ($directories as $directory) {
         if (true === is_readable($directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::SERVICE_FILENAME . '.yml')) {
             ServiceLoader::loadServicesFromYamlFile($this->container, $directory);
         if (true === is_readable($directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::SERVICE_FILENAME . '.xml')) {
             ServiceLoader::loadServicesFromXmlFile($this->container, $directory);