public function action_index() { //ログイン用のオブジェクト生成 $auth = Auth::instance(); $auth->logout(); Response::redirect('/'); }
public function sidebar($options = array()) { $identifier = array('nav' => array('id' => 'sidebar', 'class' => 'sidebar nav-collapse collapse'), 'ul' => array('id' => 'side-nav', 'class' => 'side-nav'), 'li' => array('id' => '', 'class' => '', 'role' => '')); if (isset($options['nav'])) { $identifier['nav'] = $options['nav']; } if (isset($options['ul'])) { $identifier['ul'] = $options['ul']; } if (isset($options['li'])) { $identifier['li'] = $options['li']; } $ul = ' <nav id="' . $identifier['nav']['id'] . '" class="' . $identifier['nav']['class'] . '"> <ul id="' . $identifier['ul']['id'] . '" class="' . $identifier['ul']['class'] . '">'; foreach ($options['data'] as $k => $v) { if (isset($v['filter'])) { if ($v['filter'] == '*') { $ul .= '<li><a href="' . Uri::base() . $v['link'] . '">' . $v['name'] . '</a></li>'; } elseif (in_array(\Auth\Auth::instance()->get('group')->id, $v['filter'])) { $ul .= '<li><a href="' . Uri::base() . $v['link'] . '">' . $v['name'] . '</a></li>'; } } } $ul .= '</ul></nav>'; return $ul; }
public function before() { parent::before(); if (!Auth::check()) { Response::redirect('/'); } }
public function post_login() { $data = (object) Input::post(); if (Auth::login($data->username, $data->password)) { return \Response::redirect('admin/home'); } return \Response::redirect('admin/login'); }
public static function admin_login($username_or_email, $password) { if (Auth::instance()->login($username_or_email, $password)) { list(list(, $group_id)) = Auth::get_groups(); if ($group_id == 100) { return true; } } return false; }
/** * Check validation and hashing password * @param array $data * @return boolean|array errors */ protected function _modify(array $data = null) { if ($this->is_valid()) { if (isset($data['password'])) { $this->password = Auth::hash($data['password']); } return $this->save(); } return $this->errors->full_messages(); }
/** * Get current user * @param string $default // default user * @return mixed // instance of model User, default username, or false, if user isn't in database */ public function getUser($default = null) { if ($this->_user instanceof User) { return $this->_user; } $username = parent::getUser(); if (!$username) { return $default; } return $this->_getUser($username); }
public function action_logout() { // remove the remember-me cookie, we logged-out on purpose Auth::dont_remember_me(); // logout Auth::logout(); // inform the user the logout was successful //\Messages::success(__('login.logged-out')); // and go back to where you came from (or the application // homepage if no previous page can be determined) Response::redirect(''); }
public function before() { parent::before(); // Without this line, templating won't work! $this->template->head = View::forge('_partial/head'); $this->template->header = View::forge('_partial/header'); $this->template->footer = View::forge('_partial/footer'); if (!Auth::check()) { Response::redirect('/auth/login'); } // do stuff }
public function action_index() { if (\Auth\Auth::member(6)) { $data['usuarios'] = \Auth\Model\Auth_Group::find(5)->users; $data['texts'] = Model_Text::find('all', ['related' => ['user']]); } else { $data['texts'] = Model_Text::find('all', ['related' => ['user'], 'where' => ['user_id' => $this->get_current_user_id()]]); $data['usuarios'] = \Auth\Model\Auth_Group::find(5)->users; } $this->template->title = "Texts"; $this->template->content = View::forge('admin/text/index', $data); }
public function postUserEditPassword(UserEditPasswordRequest $request) { if (!Auth::checkCurrentPassword($request->old_pass)) { return json_encode(['error' => 1, 'message' => 'Mật khẩu không đúng !']); } if (!($request->new_pass === $request->re_new_pass && strlen($request->new_pass) >= 6)) { return json_encode(['error' => 1, 'message' => 'Mật khẩu nhập lại không trùng khớp hoặc quá ngắn']); } $data = ['password' => bcrypt($request->new_pass)]; $model = new User(); if ($model->UserUpdate($request->id, $data)) { return json_encode(['error' => '0']); } else { return json_encode(['error' => '1', 'message' => 'Lỗi! Thêm vào database không thành công.']); } }
public function post_update_username() { $val = Validation::forge(); $val->add_callable('MyRules'); $val->add_field('username', Lang::get('label.username'), 'required|valid_username|min_length[6]|max_length[50]|unique_username'); if ($val->run()) { $props = array('username' => $val->validated('username')); if (Model_Base_User::update($this->user_id, $props)) { Auth::force_login($this->user_id); $this->data['success'] = Lang::get($this->controller . '.' . $this->action . '.success'); } else { $this->data['error'] = Lang::get($this->controller . '.' . $this->action . '.error'); } } else { $this->data['errors'] = $val->error_message(); } return $this->response($this->data); }
public function init() { View::set_global('controller', $this->controller); View::set_global('action', $this->action); if (Model_Base_User::is_login()) { View::set_global('head', View::forge($this->layout . '/global/head')); View::set_global('header', View::forge($this->layout . '/global/header')); View::set_global('sidebar', View::forge($this->layout . '/global/sidebar')); View::set_global('script', View::forge($this->layout . '/global/script')); list(, $auth_id) = Auth::get_user_id(); $this->user_id = $auth_id; $this->user_info = Model_Base_User::get_user_info($auth_id); $this->user_fb = Model_Base_User::get_user_fb($auth_id); View::set_global('user', $this->user_info); View::set_global('user_fb', $this->user_fb); View::set_global('base_url', Config::get('base_url')); } }
public function before() { $uri_string = explode('/', Uri::string()); if (count($uri_string) > 1 and $uri_string[0] == 'user' and $uri_string[1] == 'login') { return; } else { $user_id = \Auth\Auth::instance()->get_user_id()[1]; /*($user_id); exit();*/ if ($user_id) { $user = Model_User::find($user_id); if (!$user || $user->group != 100) { Response::redirect('/user/login'); } } else { Response::redirect('/user/login'); } } }
/** * ユーザ登録 * @return \Fuel\Core\View */ public function post_create() { if ($_POST) { //POSTデータを受け取る $username = Input::post('username'); $password = Input::post('password'); $email = Input::post('mail'); $gender = Input::post('gender'); $age = Input::post('age'); $profile['gender'] = $gender; $profile['age'] = $age; //ユーザー登録 $id = Auth::create_user($username, $password, $email); if (!empty($id)) { $result = Model_Users::find_by_pk($id)->set(array('age' => $age, 'gender' => $gender))->save(); Auth::login($username, $password); } } Response::redirect('top'); }
public function post_add() { $requestData = Input::json(); $auth = Auth::instance(); $userData = $auth->get_user_array(); $post = $requestData['data']; $post['Author'] = $userData['screen_name']; //Session::get(''); $date = new \DateTime(); $post['DateCreate'] = date_format($date, 'Y-m-d H:i:s'); $post['Tag'] = ''; $post['Views'] = 0; $storyManager = new StoryManager(); if ($storyManager->createNewStory($post)) { Session::set_flash('success', 'Success create new story!'); } else { Session::set_flash('error', 'Server error! Please try again later or contact administrator!'); } Response::redirect('admin/modules/news/add'); }
public function action_index() { //すでにログイン済であればログイン後のページへリダイレクト Auth::check() and Response::redirect('top'); //エラーメッセージ用変数初期化 $error = null; //ログイン用のオブジェクト生成 $auth = Auth::instance(); //ログインボタンが押されたら、ユーザ名、パスワードをチェックする if (Input::post()) { if ($auth->login(Input::post('username'), Input::post('password'))) { // ログイン成功時、ログイン後のページへリダイレクト Response::redirect('top'); } else { // ログイン失敗時、エラーメッセージ作成 $error = 'ユーザ名かパスワードに誤りがあります'; } } //ビューテンプレートを呼び出し $this->template->content = View::forge('login/index'); //エラーメッセージをビューにセット $this->template->content->set('error', $error); $this->template->title = "login"; }
/** * Verify Acl access * * @param mixed condition to validate * @param string acl driver id or null to check all * @param array user identifier to check in form array(driver_id, user_id) * @return bool */ public function has_access($condition, $driver = null, $entity = null) { $entity = $entity ?: $this->get_user_id(); if ($driver === null) { foreach (\Auth::acl(true) as $acl) { if ($acl->has_access($condition, $entity)) { return true; } } return false; } return \Auth::acl($driver)->has_access($condition, $entity); }
/** * @return array * */ private function _user_info() { $group = \Auth\Auth::instance()->get_groups(); $data = array('id' => \Auth\Auth::instance()->get('id'), 'username' => \Auth\Auth::instance()->get_screen_name(), 'email' => \Auth\Auth::instance()->get_email()); return $data; }
public function action_index() { Auth::create_user('longnd', '123456', '*****@*****.**', 1, array('fullname' => 'Nguyen Duy Long')); exit; }
/** * Force login user * * @param string * @return bool */ public function force_login($member_id = '') { // bail out if we don't have a user if (empty($member_id)) { return false; } // get the user we need to login if (!$member_id instanceof \Model_Member) { $this->member = self::get_member4id($member_id); } else { $this->member = $member_id; } // did we find it if ($this->member and !$this->member->is_new()) { // store the logged-in user and it's hash in the session //\Session::set('username', $this->user->username); \Session::set('member_id', $this->member->id); \Session::set('login_hash', $this->create_login_hash()); // reset login failed count. if (\Config::get('uzuraauth.accountLock.isEnabled')) { \Session::delete('login_failed'); } // and rotate the session id, we've elevated rights \Session::instance()->rotate(); // register so Auth::logout() can find us \Auth\Auth::_register_verified($this); return true; } // force a logout $this->logout(); // and signal a failed login return false; }
?> </ol> </div> <div class="col-md-3"> <h3>System Users</h3> <p><?php echo \Fuel\Core\Html::anchor('admin/users/create', 'New System User', array('class' => 'btn btn-success btn-xs')); ?> </p> <ol> <?php foreach (\Auth\Model\Auth_User::find('all', array('where' => array(array('id', '>', 0)))) as $user) { ?> <li> <?php echo \Fuel\Core\Html::anchor("admin/users/edit/{$user->id}", $user->fullname); ?> <?php echo \Auth\Auth::get('id') == $user->id ? '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-user"></span>' : ''; ?> </li> <?php } ?> </ol> </div> </div>
public function action_signout() { Auth::dont_remember_me(); Auth::logout(); Response::redirect('/admin/signin'); }
function getNavTop() { if (Auth::check()) { return ['view' => 'nav_top_logged.php', 'name' => Auth::user()->name]; } return ['view' => 'nav_top_not_login.php']; }
public function action_file($folder = null, $size = null, $crop = 'no') { try { if (is_null($folder)) { throw new Exception('Folder name is not given!'); } if (is_null($size)) { throw new Exception('Image file name is not given!'); } if (!strpos($size, 'x')) { throw new Exception('Image size is not given!'); } if (!\Fuel\Core\Input::get('image')) { throw new Exception('Image is not given!'); } $file = \Fuel\Core\Input::get('image'); /** @var $upload_path */ $upload_path = '/var/www/html/' . $this->_dir; /** @var $file_path */ $file_path = $folder . '/' . $file; /** @var $real_path */ $real_path = $upload_path . '/' . $file_path; /** @var $new_name */ $new_name = $size . '_' . $file; /** @var $resize_path : Path for resize only */ $resize_path = $upload_path . '/' . $folder . '/resize/'; /** @var $resize_file */ $resize_file = $upload_path . '/' . $folder . '/resize/' . $new_name; /** @var $crop_path : Path for crop only */ $crop_path = $upload_path . '/' . $folder . '/crop/'; /** @var $crop_file */ $crop_file = $upload_path . '/' . $folder . '/crop/' . $new_name; /** @var $image */ $image = \Fuel\Core\Image::forge(array('driver' => 'gd', 'bgcolor' => null, 'quality' => 100)); /** @var $where_are_file */ $where_are_file = ''; /** @var $where_are_path */ $where_are_path = ''; if ($crop == 'no') { $where_are_file = $resize_file; $where_are_path = $resize_path; } else { $where_are_file = $crop_file; $where_are_path = $crop_path; } if (!file_exists($where_are_file)) { /** * Check if not dir then make it. */ if (!is_dir($where_are_path)) { if (!mkdir($where_are_path, 0777)) { throw new Exception('Permission denied!'); } } /** @var $size */ $size = explode('x', $size); if ($crop == 'crop') { /** * Chaining to crop_resize() function */ $image->load($real_path)->crop_resize($size[0], $size[1])->save($where_are_file); } else { /** * Chaining to resize() function */ $image->load($real_path)->resize($size[0], $size[1], true, false)->save($where_are_file); } /** * Load file and output image. */ $image->load($where_are_file)->output(); } else { /** * If file exist force output to show image. */ if (\Fuel\Core\Input::get('action') == 'delete') { if (\Auth\Auth::instance()->get('group') == 100) { $model = Model_Filemanager::find_by_value($file); if ($model) { $model->deleted_at = time(); $model->value = null; if ($model->save()) { \Fuel\Core\File::delete($where_are_file); \Fuel\Core\File::delete($real_path); \Fuel\Core\Response::redirect('filemanager/folder/' . $folder); } else { throw new Exception('Cannot delete in database!'); } } else { throw new Exception('Image not found!'); } } else { throw new Exception('You are not an Administrator!'); } } else { $image->load($where_are_file)->output(); } } } catch (Exception $e) { /** @var $error */ $error = '<ul>'; $error .= '<li>' . $e->getLine() . '</li>'; $error .= '<li>' . $e->getFile() . '</li>'; $error .= '<li>' . $e->getMessage() . '</li>'; $error .= '</ul>'; return $error; } exit; }
/** * 登录后的session */ public function auth() { $auth = Auth::getInstance(); if ($auth->hasIdentity()) { return $auth->getIdentity(); } else { return false; } }
public function action_forgot() { \Auth\Auth::check() and \Fuel\Core\Response::redirect("user"); $val = \Fuel\Core\Validation::forge('forgot'); if (\Fuel\Core\Input::method() == "POST") { if ($val->run()) { try { $username = \Fuel\Core\Input::post('email'); $user = Model_User::find('first', array('where' => array(array('username', 'LIKE', "{$username}"), 'or' => array(array('email', 'LIKE', "{$username}"))))); if (!$user) { throw new \Auth\SimpleUserUpdateException("Invalid username or email"); } $old_password = \Auth\Auth::reset_password($user->username); $new_password = \Fuel\Core\Str::random(); \Auth\Auth::update_user(array('password' => $new_password, 'old_password' => $old_password), $user->username); // Create an instance $email = \Email\Email::forge(); // Set the from address $email->from('*****@*****.**', 'ITNT Time Sheets'); // Set the to address $email->to($user->email, $user->first_name . " " . $user->last_name); // Set a subject $email->subject('ITNT Time Sheets Password Reset'); // Set multiple to addresses // $email->bcc(array( // '*****@*****.**' => 'Gavin Murambadoro', // )); // Set a html body message $email->html_body(\View::forge('includes/email/forgot', array('user' => $user, 'password' => $new_password))); if ($email->send()) { $this->template->set_global('login_success', "Your password has been reset and an email was sent to {$user->email}"); } else { $this->template->set_global('login_error', "Your password was reset but we could not send you an email. Your new password is {$new_password}. Make sure that you copy this before leaving this page."); } } catch (\SimpleUserUpdateException $exception) { $this->template->set_global('login_error', "User Error: {$exception->getMessage()}"); } catch (\EmailValidationFailedException $exception) { $this->template->set_global('login_error', "Mail Validation Error: {$exception->getMessage()}"); } catch (\EmailSendingFailedException $exception) { $this->template->set_global('login_error', "Mail Error: {$exception->getMessage()}"); } catch (Exception $exception) { $this->template->set_global('login_error', "General Error: {$exception->getMessage()}"); } } else { $this->template->set_global('login_error', $val->error()); } } $this->template->set_global('val', $val, false); $this->template->title = 'Forgot Password'; $this->template->content = View::forge('user/forgot'); }
/** * @param array $users * @return void */ public function __construct(array $users = null) { parent::__construct(); $this->_users = $users; }