Exemple #1
  * Configures the command
 protected function configure()
     $this->setDescription('Shows the list of routes loaded');
  * Configures the command
 protected function configure()
     $this->setDescription('Creates a new request class')->addArgument('path', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'The full path to the file, relative to the application root (where the "app" directory is)');
  * Configures the command
 protected function configure()
     $this->setDescription('Puts the application in live mode');
  * Configures the command
 protected function configure()
     $this->setDescription('Creates a new controller class')->addArgument('path', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'The full path to the file, relative to the application root (where the "app" directory is)')->addOption('plain', 'p', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Generates an empty controller class');
  * Configures the command
 protected function configure()
     $this->setDescription('Shows the list of all the service providers loaded');
  * Configures the command
 protected function configure()
     $this->setDescription('Installs a new Arhitect Package')->addArgument('name', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'The arhitect module name. Example: middleout/doplio')->addArgument('version', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'The module version. Defaults to latest', NULL)->addOption('--dev', '-d', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Install module only for development');
  * Configures the command
 protected function configure()
     $this->setName('code:test')->setDescription('Runs phpunit with the configuration file and debug ON')->addArgument('testSuite', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'Run a specific test suite')->addArgument('debug', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'Show debug information ? (1 or 0)', FALSE);
  * Configures the command
 protected function configure()
     $this->setDescription('Shows the list of middlewares loaded, in the runnable order');
  * Configures the command
 protected function configure()
     $this->setDescription('Creates a new Arhitect console command')->addArgument('name', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'The name of the command. Can be both "example" or "another:example"')->addArgument('description', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'The description of the command')->addArgument('path', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'The full path to the file, relative to the application root (where the "app" directory is)');
  * Configures the command
 protected function configure()
     $this->setDescription('Cleans the code via PHP CS Fixer, PHPMD, PHPCPD and PHPDocCheck. Also converts all "Arrays" to "[]"');