  * Run the database seeds.
  * @return void
 public function run()
     $faker = Faker::create();
     for ($i = 0; $i < 300; $i++) {
         Skill::create(['name' => $faker->shuffle($faker->name()), 'description' => $faker->text(), 'icon' => $faker->imageUrl(100, 100, 'abstract')]);
  * Run the database seeds.
  * @return void
 public function run()
     Skill::create(['name' => 'HTML']);
     Skill::create(['name' => 'HTML5']);
     Skill::create(['name' => 'CSS']);
     Skill::create(['name' => 'CSS3']);
     Skill::create(['name' => 'JavaScript']);
     Skill::create(['name' => 'CoffeeScript']);
     Skill::create(['name' => 'AngularJS']);
     Skill::create(['name' => 'ReactJS']);
     Skill::create(['name' => 'PHP']);
     Skill::create(['name' => 'Doctrine']);
     Skill::create(['name' => 'Doctrine2']);
     Skill::create(['name' => 'Laravel']);
     Skill::create(['name' => 'Symfony2']);
     Skill::create(['name' => 'Java']);
     Skill::create(['name' => 'Scala']);
     Skill::create(['name' => 'Play Framework']);
     Skill::create(['name' => 'Akka']);
     Skill::create(['name' => 'Java']);
     Skill::create(['name' => 'Hibernate ORM']);
     Skill::create(['name' => 'C']);
     Skill::create(['name' => 'C++']);
     Skill::create(['name' => 'C#']);
     Skill::create(['name' => 'Python']);
     Skill::create(['name' => 'Ruby']);
     Skill::create(['name' => 'Ruby On Rails']);
     Skill::create(['name' => 'Visual Basic']);
     Skill::create(['name' => 'Matlab']);
     Skill::create(['name' => 'Rust']);
     Skill::create(['name' => 'Go']);
     Skill::create(['name' => 'SQL']);
 public function postSkill(Request $request)
     $this->validate($request, ['tipo' => 'required|in:Valor,Habilidad,Conocimiento', 'nombre' => 'required|unique:skills,name|max:55', 'descripcion' => 'required|max:255|min:5']);
     // Luego hacer más complejo con ctrl de versiones para el perfil de trab
     $skill = Skill::create(['worker_profile_id' => 1, 'type' => $request->get('tipo'), 'name' => $request->get('nombre'), 'description' => $request->get('descripcion')]);
     return response()->json($skill);
  * Store a newly created resource in storage.
  * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function store(Request $request)
     $this->validate($request, ['skill' => 'required']);
     flash()->success('Successfully Added!');
     return redirect('/admin/skills/add');
 public function storeSkill()
     $input = Request::all();
     $input['skill_type_id'] = (int) $input['skill_type_id'];
     $Skill = Skill::create($input);
     return redirect('newskill');
Exemple #6
  * Run the database seeds.
  * @return void
 public function run()
     $faker = Faker::create();
     for ($i = 0; $i < 50; $i++) {
         Skill::create(['skill' => $i, 'short_description' => $faker->sentence(2), 'description' => $faker->sentence(6), 'track_id' => $faker->numberBetween(1, 4), 'level_id' => $faker->numberBetween(5, 8), 'user_id' => 2, 'status_id' => 3]);
     Skill::create(['skill' => 3, 'short_description' => 'Numbers up to 100', 'description' => 'Whatever you want to describe numbers la', 'track_id' => 1, 'level_id' => 6, 'user_id' => 2, 'status_id' => 3]);
     Skill::create(['skill' => 2, 'short_description' => 'Fraction of a whole', 'description' => 'interpretation of fraction as a part of a whole, reading and writing fractions, comparing and ordering', 'track_id' => 1, 'level_id' => 7, 'user_id' => 2, 'status_id' => 3]);
     Skill::create(['skill' => 1, 'short_description' => 'Length mass and volume', 'description' => 'length in km, vol in ml, compound units, conversion from km to m, m to centimeters, kg to g, litres to ml', 'track_id' => 2, 'level_id' => 8, 'user_id' => 2, 'status_id' => 3]);
  * Run the database seeds.
  * @return void
 public function run()
     Skill::create(['skill_id' => '1', 'skill' => 'Power']);
     Skill::create(['skill_id' => '2', 'skill' => 'Control']);
     Skill::create(['skill_id' => '3', 'skill' => 'Speed']);
     Skill::create(['skill_id' => '4', 'skill' => 'Serves']);
     Skill::create(['skill_id' => '5', 'skill' => 'Returns']);
     Skill::create(['skill_id' => '6', 'skill' => 'Forehand']);
     Skill::create(['skill_id' => '7', 'skill' => 'Backhand']);
     Skill::create(['skill_id' => '8', 'skill' => 'Fitness']);
     Skill::create(['skill_id' => '9', 'skill' => 'Mental']);
     Skill::create(['skill_id' => '10', 'skill' => 'Versatility']);
  * Run the database seeds.
  * @return void
 public function run()
     // Perfil de trabajador asociado al primer usuario
     WorkerProfile::create(['user_id' => 1]);
     // Registramos 3 valores de ejemplo
     Skill::create(['worker_profile_id' => 1, 'type' => 'Valor', 'name' => 'Empatía', 'description' => 'Saber escuchar y ser comprensivo. Saber ponerse en el lugar de los demás. Tratar de buscar soluciones a los problemas que se les presentan a los compañeros de trabajo en las labores diarias.']);
     Skill::create(['worker_profile_id' => 1, 'type' => 'Valor', 'name' => 'Equilibrio emocional', 'description' => 'Ante la eventualidad debe existir en si la tranquilidad y el actuar en forma normal. Todo individuo debe poseer este rasgo pues los desafíos impuestos por los cambios, son demasiado duros.']);
     Skill::create(['worker_profile_id' => 1, 'type' => 'Valor', 'name' => 'Etica', 'description' => 'Ser correctos y actuar en el marco de los principios individuales y sociales, que yacen en el ambiente interno y externo a la organización.']);
     // Registramos 3 habilidades de ejemplo
     Skill::create(['worker_profile_id' => 1, 'type' => 'Habilidad', 'name' => 'Capacidad de análisis', 'description' => 'Dentro del ámbito de las tareas que debe desempeñar, al momento de utilizar o desechar la información requerida para el cumplimiento de ellas, sobre todo cuando se trabaja sin supervisión directa.']);
     Skill::create(['worker_profile_id' => 1, 'type' => 'Habilidad', 'name' => 'Apertura', 'description' => 'Saber trabajar en interrelación con los demás profesionales de la empresa. Capacidad para trabajar en equipo, en torno a un grupo de proyectos o círculos de calidad. Apertura también se refiere a vivir las realidades existentes más allá del propio ser.']);
     Skill::create(['worker_profile_id' => 1, 'type' => 'Habilidad', 'name' => 'Buen comunicador', 'description' => 'Disponer de una cierta aptitud para la comunicación activa, y poseer la capacidad y la disposición para establecer una comunicación fluida y permanente.']);
     // Registramos 3 conocimientos de ejemplo
     Skill::create(['worker_profile_id' => 1, 'type' => 'Conocimiento', 'name' => 'Evaluar riesgos', 'description' => 'Por que para tomar decisiones y actuar en forma rápida y correcta, como la empresa moderna lo requiere, se debe evaluar en forma clara y precisa las acciones a seguir.']);
     Skill::create(['worker_profile_id' => 1, 'type' => 'Conocimiento', 'name' => 'Polifuncionalidad', 'description' => 'Este es uno de los rasgos que el trabajador moderno debe poseer con mayor intensidad. El trabajador actual debe estar capacitado para laborar en cualquier segmento de la empresa, y saber llevar a cabo las tareas que se le exijan o se le presenten en algún momento determinado.']);
     Skill::create(['worker_profile_id' => 1, 'type' => 'Conocimiento', 'name' => 'Conocer a la empresa', 'description' => 'En la forma interna el trabajador moderno debe conocer las estrategias empresariales, la misión y visión de la empresa, la estructura en sí. En forma externa, debe saber lo que el cliente necesita y busca.']);
 public function run()
     // Coding languages
     $php = Skill::create(['name' => 'Php', 'type' => 'language', 'importance' => 8, 'alias' => 'php', 'description' => 'A web coding language', 'experience' => "I've dabbled in Php since 2012.  Since then I've had several courses, and summer workterm primarily devoted to Php.  This website is mainly written in Php."]);
     $java = Skill::create(['name' => 'Java', 'type' => 'language', 'importance' => 8, 'alias' => 'java', 'description' => 'The Java programming language', 'experience' => "The first language I learned, I have since had extensive coursework using Java for various purposes, including J2EE, Android development and Swing Applications."]);
     $cplus = Skill::create(['name' => 'C++', 'type' => 'language', 'importance' => 8, 'alias' => 'cplus', 'description' => 'The C++ programming language', 'experience' => "I've used C++ for foundational coding throughout my entire final year at Nova Scotia Community College."]);
     $python = Skill::create(['name' => 'Python', 'type' => 'language', 'importance' => 5, 'alias' => 'python', 'description' => 'A fasionable, readable programming language', 'experience' => "Python is my favorite language. I taught Python to myself, and furthered my knowledge by completing several Coursera courses run by the Faculty at Rice University."]);
     $js = Skill::create(['name' => 'JavaScript', 'type' => 'language', 'importance' => 8, 'alias' => 'js', 'description' => 'The client-side scripting language for browsers', 'experience' => "I have a long history of dabbling with Javascript (and its extentions and libraries) to enhance personal web projects.  Javascript has been used and taught in several of my college courses."]);
     $html = Skill::create(['name' => 'HTML', 'type' => 'language', 'importance' => 2, 'alias' => 'html', 'description' => 'Hypertext Markup Language - the XML based web language', 'experience' => "I am comfortable with creating my own Html, or working with templating engines or dynamic creation."]);
     $css = Skill::create(['name' => 'CSS', 'type' => 'language', 'importance' => 2, 'alias' => 'css', 'description' => 'The core web styling language', 'experience' => "I've been creating my own css stylesheets for several years.  Though I am familiar with frameworks like bootstrap, I prefer the fresh appearance of creating custom css for each project."]);
     $jquery = Skill::create(['name' => 'jQuery', 'type' => 'language', 'importance' => 5, 'alias' => 'jquery', 'description' => 'The essential JavaScript enhancement package', 'experience' => "I enjoy using core jquery along with some minor mathematics to create animations and effects.  I'm also familiar with use of existing jQuery packages."]);
     $ajax = Skill::create(['name' => 'Ajax', 'type' => 'language', 'importance' => 4, 'alias' => 'ajax', 'description' => 'A javascript enhancement to access server-side information, but initiated by client-side code.', 'experience' => "I have some experience using Ajax to fetch database records, or trigger php scripts from within my javascript code. We had some small introductions to this in my college courses, and I also made use of it over my summer Work-term."]);
     $sql = Skill::create(['name' => 'SQL', 'type' => 'language', 'importance' => 5, 'alias' => 'sql', 'description' => 'The core database language', 'experience' => "I can write reasonably complicated SQL queries (including functions, joins, etc) to extract readable data from a database.  I first learned SQL several years ago and have had several courses use it at NSCC."]);
     $bash = Skill::create(['name' => 'Bash', 'type' => 'language', 'importance' => 5, 'alias' => 'bash', 'description' => 'Terminal commands for linux machines, including simple scripting', 'experience' => "I can manage myself in most bash shells, including linux machines with no desktop.  My Summer workterm involves substantial work in a large folder structure accessed only via terminal and bash."]);
     // Software and platforms
     $office = Skill::create(['name' => 'Microsoft Office', 'type' => 'software', 'alias' => 'office', 'description' => 'Office products including Word, Excel, Access, Powerpoint, Visio and MS Project', 'experience' => "My time at NSCC has expanded my MS Office Experience from only Word and Excel to include Access, Visio, MS Project and others."]);
     $eclipse = Skill::create(['name' => 'Eclipse IDE', 'type' => 'software', 'importance' => 5, 'alias' => 'eclipse', 'description' => 'A development environment', 'experience' => "I have extensive time writing Java in Eclipse, including console or swing applications, and management of a Web-Application through an Apache server."]);
     $j2ee = Skill::create(['name' => 'J2EE/Eclipse Mars', 'type' => 'software', 'importance' => 5, 'alias' => 'j2ee', 'description' => 'Java Enterprise Edition, for creating Java Web applications in the Eclipse environment', 'experience' => "I have experience attaching my Eclipse IDE to an Apach Server and managing several Web Applications through it, including multiple Servlets, Filters, etc."]);
     $vstudio = Skill::create(['name' => 'Visual Studio', 'type' => 'software', 'importance' => 5, 'alias' => 'vstudio', 'description' => 'A development environment', 'experience' => "I have used Visual Studio for several large projects and in multiple languages including C++ and Python."]);
     $android = Skill::create(['name' => 'Android Studio', 'type' => 'software', 'importance' => 5, 'alias' => 'android', 'description' => 'The official Android development environment', 'experience' => "I have used Android Studio to create simple Apps, and successfully run them in both created Emulators and physical devices."]);
     $phpstorm = Skill::create(['name' => 'Php Storm', 'type' => 'software', 'importance' => 5, 'alias' => 'phpstorm', 'description' => 'An development environment for Php applications', 'experience' => "I have experience using PhpStorm to create Php projects from scratch, and also composer Laravel installations."]);
     $komodo = Skill::create(['name' => 'Komodo IDE', 'type' => 'software', 'alias' => 'komodo', 'description' => 'A lightweight developement environment good for remote access', 'experience' => "I use the Komodo IDE when I need a graphical editor for projects stored remotely on a machine with no graphical desktop."]);
     $putty = Skill::create(['name' => 'PuTTY', 'type' => 'software', 'importance' => 5, 'alias' => 'putty', 'description' => 'A secure shell / telnet client for Windows', 'experience' => "I was introduced to PuTTY by IBM's Master the Mainframe competition, and have since found it invaluable for accessing linux servers from windows machines."]);
     $laravel = Skill::create(['name' => 'Laravel', 'type' => 'software', 'importance' => 4, 'alias' => 'laravel', 'description' => 'An MVC framework for PHP web-applications', 'experience' => "I have completed several 'Laracast' tutorials, and created Laravel Websites both in and out of the classroom.  This website is created using Laravel."]);
     $git = Skill::create(['name' => 'Git / Github', 'type' => 'software', 'importance' => 6, 'alias' => 'git', 'description' => 'The version control system and widely used online repository', 'experience' => "I spent a summer work-term using Git for version control, and have since been able to use it in both private and collaborative student projects.  Much of my work and history is available on github, username: '******'."]);
     $vim = Skill::create(['name' => 'Vim Editor', 'type' => 'software', 'alias' => 'vim', 'description' => 'The bare-bones (but always present) Linux text editor', 'experience' => "I had a brief introduction to vi/vim at an NSCC course, and then firmed up my ability over a summer work-term where I created and managed large amounts of code using only vim."]);
     $mysql = Skill::create(['name' => 'MySQL', 'type' => 'software', 'importance' => 3, 'alias' => 'mysql', 'description' => 'The popular data-platform, including phpMyAdmin for browser access', 'experience' => "I have several years experience working with MySQL databases both in and out of the classroom.  My experience includes interfacing via Php code, and management through phpmyadmin in a browser."]);
     $sqlite = Skill::create(['name' => 'SQLite', 'type' => 'software', 'importance' => 3, 'alias' => 'sqlite', 'description' => 'The file-based SQL data-platform', 'experience' => "I have been using SQLite databases throughout my second year at NSCC as a simple, portable database alternative."]);
     $vmware = Skill::create(['name' => 'VMWare', 'type' => 'software', 'importance' => 3, 'alias' => 'vmware', 'description' => 'Software for creating and using Virtual Machines', 'experience' => "I have used Virtual Machines almost continuously over two years at NSCC.  I am familiar with the creation and use of both Windows and Linux Machines."]);
     $phab = Skill::create(['name' => 'Phabricator/Arcanist', 'type' => 'software', 'alias' => 'phab', 'description' => 'A ticketing, documentation and change-management platform for business', 'experience' => "I spent a summer work-term at a company where Phabricator was used extensively - for task ticketing and documentation, and as a git-wrapper for version control (through Arcanist)."]);
     // Other technical Skills
     $math = Skill::create(['name' => 'Mathematics', 'type' => 'technical', 'importance' => 6, 'alias' => 'math', 'description' => 'Comfort with numerical methods and their uses', 'experience' => "My history includes a Master's degree in Mathematics from the University of Waterloo.  In software design, I make regular use of my aptitude for numbers and logical design."]);
     $algorithm = Skill::create(['name' => 'Algorithm Design', 'type' => 'technical', 'importance' => 6, 'alias' => 'algorithm', 'description' => 'Design of logical, iterative methods to acheive desired results', 'experience' => "My history in Abstract Math gives me a good sense of how to use recursion, iteration, and heuristic statistics to achieve effects in OOP, visual effects, or data analysis."]);
     $mvc = Skill::create(['name' => 'MVC Architecture', 'type' => 'technical', 'importance' => 4, 'alias' => 'mvc', 'description' => 'The Model/View/Controller method of application design', 'experience' => "I have had the chance to code MVC applications both from scratch and using the Laravel Framework.  I appreciate the design principles, and continue to use them in personal projects."]);
     $oop = Skill::create(['name' => 'OOP', 'type' => 'technical', 'importance' => 4, 'alias' => 'oop', 'description' => 'Object Oriented Programming', 'experience' => "I have been using Objects and OOP principles since I first learned to code.  Though I use 'functional' logic when appropriate, I appreciate what OOP can offer.  I have used OOP particularly often for school projects and in game designs."]);
     $database = Skill::create(['name' => 'Database Design', 'type' => 'technical', 'importance' => 4, 'alias' => 'database', 'description' => 'Design of efficient and functional relational databases', 'experience' => "I appreciate the efficiency and scalability of well designed databases.  Over a summer workterm I was able to design a MySQL database meant to collate data on user events several thousand times daily, and efficient storage was a particular concern."]);
     // Soft skills / Other
     $uml = Skill::create(['name' => 'UML Documentation', 'type' => 'other', 'importance' => 3, 'alias' => 'uml', 'description' => 'Code and interface documentation including Unified Modelling Language diagrams', 'experience' => "At NSCC, I took a course devoted to UML methods of documentation, and I have been able to implement those methods in my other courses and over my summer work-term."]);
     $comm = Skill::create(['name' => 'Communication', 'type' => 'other', 'importance' => 0, 'alias' => 'comm', 'description' => 'Written, remote and in person communication skills', 'experience' => "I have a long history of being a 'front-line' employee, and I have excellent communication skills, including both written and face-to-face communication."]);
     $elearn = Skill::create(['name' => 'E-Learning', 'type' => 'other', 'importance' => 0, 'alias' => 'elearn', 'description' => 'Ability to learn independantly and from online sources', 'experience' => "I have independantly learned many skills from online tutorials (java and python for example), and am comfortable conducting research and learning from what I find."]);
     $ui = Skill::create(['name' => 'User Interface Design', 'type' => 'other', 'importance' => 0, 'alias' => 'ui', 'description' => 'Methods to design simple, pleasing user interfaces', 'experience' => "I enjoy 'polishing' my projects to be easy to use and pleasing to look at.  My time at NSCC includes a course in good user interface design."]);
     $agile = Skill::create(['name' => 'Agile Workflow', 'type' => 'other', 'importance' => 4, 'alias' => 'agile', 'description' => 'Iterative, adaptive methods of software design and implementation', 'experience' => "I am familiar with Agile project management methods."]);
     $scrum = Skill::create(['name' => 'Scrum Workflow', 'type' => 'other', 'importance' => 4, 'alias' => 'scrum', 'description' => 'Knowledge of Scrum roles and project methods', 'experience' => "I am familiar with Scrum Project Methodology, and understand the requirements of the various roles and artifacts."]);
     // Now attach some related skills.
     $php->relatedSkills()->attach([$laravel->id, $phpstorm->id, $mysql->id, $mvc->id, $ajax->id]);
     $java->relatedSkills()->attach([$j2ee->id, $eclipse->id, $oop->id, $android->id]);
     $cplus->relatedSkills()->attach([$vstudio->id, $oop->id, $algorithm->id]);
     $python->relatedSkills()->attach([$vstudio->id, $oop->id]);
     $js->relatedSkills()->attach([$jquery->id, $html->id, $css->id, $ui->id, $ajax->id]);
     $html->relatedSkills()->attach([$css->id, $js->id, $ui->id]);
     $css->relatedSkills()->attach([$html->id, $js->id, $jquery->id, $ui->id]);
     $jquery->relatedSkills()->attach([$js->id, $html->id, $css->id, $math->id, $ajax->id]);
     $ajax->relatedSkills()->attach([$js->id, $jquery->id, $php->id]);
     $sql->relatedSkills()->attach([$database->id, $mysql->id, $sqlite->id]);
     $bash->relatedSkills()->attach([$putty->id, $vim->id, $git->id, $laravel->id]);
     $office->relatedSkills()->attach([$uml->id, $comm->id, $scrum->id]);
     $eclipse->relatedSkills()->attach([$j2ee->id, $java->id, $vstudio->id, $komodo->id]);
     $j2ee->relatedSkills()->attach([$java->id, $eclipse->id]);
     $vstudio->relatedSkills()->attach([$cplus->id, $python->id, $eclipse->id, $komodo->id]);
     $android->relatedSkills()->attach([$java->id, $eclipse->id, $ui->id, $oop->id]);
     $phpstorm->relatedSkills()->attach([$php->id, $laravel->id, $eclipse->id, $vstudio->id]);
     $komodo->relatedSkills()->attach([$putty->id, $eclipse->id, $vstudio->id]);
     $putty->relatedSkills()->attach([$bash->id, $komodo->id, $vim->id]);
     $laravel->relatedSkills()->attach([$php->id, $mvc->id, $phpstorm->id]);
     $git->relatedSkills()->attach([$comm->id, $bash->id]);
     $vim->relatedSkills()->attach([$bash->id, $git->id]);
     $mysql->relatedSkills()->attach([$database->id, $sql->id, $sqlite->id, $php->id]);
     $sqlite->relatedSkills()->attach([$database->id, $sql->id, $sqlite->id]);
     $phab->relatedSkills()->attach([$git->id, $bash->id, $agile->id, $scrum->id]);
     $math->relatedSkills()->attach([$algorithm->id, $oop->id, $database->id]);
     $algorithm->relatedSkills()->attach([$math->id, $oop->id, $database->id]);
     $mvc->relatedSkills()->attach([$laravel->id, $php->id, $oop->id]);
     $oop->relatedSkills()->attach([$java->id, $algorithm->id, $cplus->id]);
     $database->relatedSkills()->attach([$sql->id, $mysql->id, $sqlite->id, $uml->id]);
     $uml->relatedSkills()->attach([$comm->id, $database->id, $oop->id, $ui->id]);
     $comm->relatedSkills()->attach([$uml->id, $elearn->id, $office->id]);
     $ui->relatedSkills()->attach([$comm->id, $html->id, $css->id]);
     $agile->relatedSkills()->attach([$scrum->id, $comm->id, $elearn->id]);
     $scrum->relatedSkills()->attach([$agile->id, $comm->id, $uml->id]);
 private function createSkill()
     Skill::create(["name" => "PHP"]);
     Skill::create(["name" => "Javascript"]);
     Skill::create(["name" => "MySQL"]);
Exemple #11
  * Store a newly created resource in storage.
  * @param  Request  $request
  * @return Response
 public function store(Request $request)
     $input = Input::All();
     return Redirect::route('admin.setup.qualification.skills.index')->withFlashSuccess('Skill data was successfully created.');