public function index() { $colors = ["#17A768", "#F1601D", "#F1AD1D", "#BBAE93", "#15B768", "#F5701D", "#E1AD2D", "#B5A2A3", "#25B764", "#95A01D", "#B17CBD", "#A0A2A3", "#25B764", "#95A01D", "#B17CBD", "#A0A2A3", "#25B764", "#95A01D", "#B17CBD", "#A0A2A3", "#25B764", "#95A01D", "#B17CBD", "#A0A2A3", "#25B764", "#95A01D", "#B17CBD", "#A0A2A3", "#25B764", "#95A01D", "#B17CBD", "#A0A2A3"]; $alphas = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "aa", "ab", "ac", "ad", "ae", "af", "ag", "ah", "ai", "aj", "ak"]; if (session()->has('top')) { /* Tipe Dananya Apa */ if (session()->has('dana')) { $jenis = session('dana'); } else { $jenis = "belanja"; } $years = DB::table('dana_lengkap')->select(DB::raw('tahun'))->where('tipe', ucwords($jenis))->groupBy('tahun')->get(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($years); $i++) { $years[$i] = $years[$i]->tahun; } $datas = []; for ($i = 0; $i < count($years); $i++) { $temp = ['year' => $years[$i]]; $results = DB::table('dana_lengkap')->select(DB::raw('nama_lembaga, uraian, nilai'))->where('tipe', ucwords($jenis))->where('tahun', $years[$i])->orderBy('nilai', 'desc')->take(10)->get(); foreach ($results as $result) { array_push($temp, $result); } array_push($datas, $temp); } $breadcrumb = "Top 10 | " . ucwords($jenis); //dd($datas); return view('')->withBreadcrumb($breadcrumb)->withJenis($jenis)->withDatas($datas)->withColors($colors)->withAlphas($alphas); } else { if (session()->has('filter')) { /* Tipe Dananya Apa */ if (session()->has('dana')) { $jenis = session('dana'); } else { $jenis = "belanja"; } $breadcrumb = ucwords($jenis) . " | " . ucwords(session('filter')); $years = []; $dataTables = []; if (session()->has('id')) { $id = (int) session('id'); $breadcrumb = $breadcrumb . " > " . ucwords(Lembaga::find($id)->nama); $lemb = Lembaga::find($id); $lembagas = []; $datas = []; $labels = []; $years = DB::table('dana_lengkap')->select(DB::raw('tahun'))->where('tipe', ucwords($jenis))->where('golongan', session('filter'))->groupBy('tahun')->get(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($years); $i++) { $years[$i] = $years[$i]->tahun; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($years); $i++) { $temp = ['year' => $years[$i]]; $results = DB::table('dana_lengkap')->select(DB::raw('nilai as sum, uraian, tahun'))->where('tipe', ucwords($jenis))->where('nama_lembaga', $lemb->nama)->where('tahun', $years[$i])->where('level', 2)->get(); if ($results != null) { foreach ($results as $result) { if (!in_array($result->uraian, $labels)) { array_push($labels, $result->uraian); } array_push($temp, $result->sum); } } array_push($datas, $temp); } $tables = []; for ($i = 0; $i < count($years); $i++) { $temp = []; $results = DB::table('dana_lengkap')->select(DB::raw('dana_id'))->where('tipe', ucwords($jenis))->where('tahun', $years[$i])->where('nama_lembaga', $lemb->nama)->where('level', 2)->get(); if ($results != null) { foreach ($results as $result) { array_push($temp, $result->dana_id); } } array_push($tables, $temp); } $realTables = []; for ($i = 0; $i < count($years); $i++) { $temp = []; for ($j = 0; $j < count($tables[$i]); $j++) { array_push($temp, $tables[$i][$j]); if (count(Dana::find($tables[$i][$j])->children) > 0) { foreach (Dana::find($tables[$i][$j])->children as $child) { array_push($temp, $child->id); if (count($child->children) > 0) { foreach ($child->children as $child1) { array_push($temp, $child1->id); if (count($child1->children) > 0) { foreach ($child1->children as $child2) { array_push($temp, $child2->id); if (count($child2->children) > 0) { foreach ($child2->children as $child3) { array_push($temp, $child3->id); if (count($child3->children) > 0) { foreach ($child3->children as $child4) { array_push($temp, $child4->id); } } } } } } } } } } } array_push($realTables, $temp); } $tables = $realTables; // MAGICALLY SHIFT THE ARRAY!!! WHOOOOOO PUKE RAINBOW!!!!!! array_unshift($tables, null); $tables = call_user_func_array('array_map', $tables); for ($i = 0; $i < count($tables); $i++) { $tmp = []; if (Dana::find($tables[$i][0])->level > 1) { $tmp = ["nama" => Dana::find($tables[$i][0])->uraian, "level" => Dana::find($tables[$i][0])->level - 2]; } else { $tmp = ["nama" => Dana::find($tables[$i][0])->lembaga->nama, "level" => Dana::find($tables[$i][0])->level - 2]; } for ($j = 0; $j < count($years); $j++) { array_push($tmp, Dana::find($tables[$i][$j])->nilai); } array_push($dataTables, $tmp); } } else { $id = null; $lembagas = Lembaga::where('golongan', session('filter'))->get(); $datas = []; $labels = []; $years = DB::table('dana_lengkap')->select(DB::raw('tahun'))->where('tipe', ucwords($jenis))->where('golongan', session('filter'))->groupBy('tahun')->get(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($years); $i++) { $years[$i] = $years[$i]->tahun; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($years); $i++) { $temp = ['year' => $years[$i]]; foreach ($lembagas as $lembaga) { $results = DB::table('dana_lengkap')->select(DB::raw('sum(nilai) as sum, nama_lembaga, tahun'))->where('tipe', ucwords($jenis))->where('golongan', session('filter'))->where('nama_lembaga', $lembaga->nama)->where('tahun', $years[$i])->where('level', 1)->groupBy('tahun')->groupBy('nama_lembaga')->get(); if ($results != null) { foreach ($results as $result) { if (!in_array($result->nama_lembaga, $labels)) { array_push($labels, $result->nama_lembaga); } array_push($temp, $result->sum); } } } array_push($datas, $temp); } $tables = []; for ($i = 0; $i < count($years); $i++) { $temp = []; $results = DB::table('dana_lengkap')->select(DB::raw('dana_id'))->where('tipe', ucwords($jenis))->where('tahun', $years[$i])->where('level', 1)->where('golongan', session('filter'))->get(); if ($results != null) { foreach ($results as $result) { array_push($temp, $result->dana_id); } } array_push($tables, $temp); } $realTables = []; for ($i = 0; $i < count($years); $i++) { $temp = []; for ($j = 0; $j < count($tables[$i]); $j++) { array_push($temp, $tables[$i][$j]); if (count(Dana::find($tables[$i][$j])->children) > 0) { foreach (Dana::find($tables[$i][$j])->children as $child) { array_push($temp, $child->id); if (count($child->children) > 0) { foreach ($child->children as $child1) { array_push($temp, $child1->id); if (count($child1->children) > 0) { foreach ($child1->children as $child2) { array_push($temp, $child2->id); if (count($child2->children) > 0) { foreach ($child2->children as $child3) { array_push($temp, $child3->id); if (count($child3->children) > 0) { foreach ($child3->children as $child4) { array_push($temp, $child4->id); } } } } } } } } } } } array_push($realTables, $temp); } $tables = $realTables; // MAGICALLY SHIFT THE ARRAY!!! WHOOOOOO PUKE RAINBOW!!!!!! array_unshift($tables, null); $tables = call_user_func_array('array_map', $tables); for ($i = 0; $i < count($tables); $i++) { $tmp = []; if (Dana::find($tables[$i][0])->level > 1) { $tmp = ["nama" => Dana::find($tables[$i][0])->uraian, "level" => Dana::find($tables[$i][0])->level - 1]; } else { $tmp = ["nama" => Dana::find($tables[$i][0])->lembaga->nama, "level" => Dana::find($tables[$i][0])->level - 1]; } for ($j = 0; $j < count($years); $j++) { array_push($tmp, Dana::find($tables[$i][$j])->nilai); } array_push($dataTables, $tmp); } } $total = []; for ($i = 0; $i < count($years); $i++) { $total[$i] = 0; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($dataTables); $i++) { if ($dataTables[$i]['level'] === 0) { for ($j = 0; $j < count($years); $j++) { $total[$j] += $dataTables[$i][$j]; } } } return view('monitor.index')->withId($id)->withJenis($jenis)->withBreadcrumb($breadcrumb)->withLembagas($lembagas)->withLabels($labels)->withDatas($datas)->withType(session('type'))->withYears($years)->withTables($dataTables)->withTotal($total)->withColors($colors)->withAlphas($alphas); } else { /* Tipe Dananya Apa */ if (session()->has('dana')) { $jenis = session('dana'); } else { $jenis = "belanja"; } /* MAGIC QUERY */ $dinas = DB::table('dana_lengkap')->select(DB::raw('sum(nilai) as sum, tahun'))->where('tipe', ucwords($jenis))->where('golongan', "dinas")->where('level', 1)->groupBy('tahun')->get(); $kecamatan = DB::table('dana_lengkap')->select(DB::raw('sum(nilai) as sum, tahun'))->where('tipe', ucwords($jenis))->where('golongan', "kecamatan")->where('level', 1)->groupBy('tahun')->get(); $bumd = DB::table('dana_lengkap')->select(DB::raw('sum(nilai) as sum, tahun'))->where('tipe', ucwords($jenis))->where('golongan', "bumd")->where('level', 1)->groupBy('tahun')->get(); $other = DB::table('dana_lengkap')->select(DB::raw('sum(nilai) as sum, tahun'))->where('tipe', ucwords($jenis))->where('golongan', "lain-lain")->where('level', 1)->groupBy('tahun')->get(); $datas = []; $i = 0; foreach ($dinas as $data) { $temp = ['year' => $data->tahun]; array_push($temp, $data->sum); array_push($temp, $kecamatan[$i]->sum); array_push($temp, $bumd[$i]->sum); array_push($temp, $other[$i]->sum); array_push($datas, $temp); $i++; } $labels = ["Dinas", "Kecamatan", "BUMD", "Lain-lain"]; $years = DB::table('dana_lengkap')->select(DB::raw('tahun'))->where('tipe', ucwords($jenis))->groupBy('tahun')->get(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($years); $i++) { $years[$i] = $years[$i]->tahun; } $tables = []; $dinasTables = []; for ($i = 0; $i < count($years); $i++) { $temp = []; $results = DB::table('dana_lengkap')->select(DB::raw('dana_id'))->where('tipe', ucwords($jenis))->where('tahun', $years[$i])->where('level', 1)->where('golongan', "dinas")->get(); if ($results != null) { foreach ($results as $result) { array_push($temp, $result->dana_id); } } array_push($dinasTables, $temp); } $kecTables = []; for ($i = 0; $i < count($years); $i++) { $temp = []; $results = DB::table('dana_lengkap')->select(DB::raw('dana_id'))->where('tipe', ucwords($jenis))->where('tahun', $years[$i])->where('level', 1)->where('golongan', "kecamatan")->get(); if ($results != null) { foreach ($results as $result) { array_push($temp, $result->dana_id); } } array_push($kecTables, $temp); } $bumdTables = []; for ($i = 0; $i < count($years); $i++) { $temp = []; $results = DB::table('dana_lengkap')->select(DB::raw('dana_id'))->where('tipe', ucwords($jenis))->where('tahun', $years[$i])->where('level', 1)->where('golongan', "bumd")->get(); if ($results != null) { foreach ($results as $result) { array_push($temp, $result->dana_id); } } array_push($bumdTables, $temp); } $otherTables = []; for ($i = 0; $i < count($years); $i++) { $temp = []; $results = DB::table('dana_lengkap')->select(DB::raw('dana_id'))->where('tipe', ucwords($jenis))->where('tahun', $years[$i])->where('level', 1)->where('golongan', "lain-lain")->get(); if ($results != null) { foreach ($results as $result) { array_push($temp, $result->dana_id); } } array_push($otherTables, $temp); } $dataTables = []; // CARI PARENT OF PARENT GOLONGAN $temp = []; for ($i = 0; $i < count($years); $i++) { $sum = 0; for ($j = 0; $j < count($dinasTables[$i]); $j++) { $sum += Dana::find($dinasTables[$i][$j])->nilai; } array_push($temp, $sum); } $tmp = ["nama" => "Dinas", "level" => 0]; for ($i = 0; $i < count($temp); $i++) { array_push($tmp, $temp[$i]); } array_push($dataTables, $tmp); // DAPETIN ANAK"NYA $realTables = []; for ($i = 0; $i < count($years); $i++) { $temp = []; for ($j = 0; $j < count($dinasTables[$i]); $j++) { array_push($temp, $dinasTables[$i][$j]); if (count(Dana::find($dinasTables[$i][$j])->children) > 0) { foreach (Dana::find($dinasTables[$i][$j])->children as $child) { array_push($temp, $child->id); if (count($child->children) > 0) { foreach ($child->children as $child1) { array_push($temp, $child1->id); if (count($child1->children) > 0) { foreach ($child1->children as $child2) { array_push($temp, $child2->id); if (count($child2->children) > 0) { foreach ($child2->children as $child3) { array_push($temp, $child3->id); if (count($child3->children) > 0) { foreach ($child3->children as $child4) { array_push($temp, $child4->id); } } } } } } } } } } } array_push($realTables, $temp); } $dinasTables = $realTables; // MAGICALLY SHIFT THE ARRAY!!! WHOOOOOO PUKE RAINBOW!!!!!! array_unshift($dinasTables, null); $dinasTables = call_user_func_array('array_map', $dinasTables); for ($i = 0; $i < count($dinasTables); $i++) { $tmp = []; if (Dana::find($dinasTables[$i][0])->level > 1) { $tmp = ["nama" => Dana::find($dinasTables[$i][0])->uraian, "level" => Dana::find($dinasTables[$i][0])->level]; } else { $tmp = ["nama" => Dana::find($dinasTables[$i][0])->lembaga->nama, "level" => Dana::find($dinasTables[$i][0])->level]; } for ($j = 0; $j < count($years); $j++) { array_push($tmp, Dana::find($dinasTables[$i][$j])->nilai); } array_push($dataTables, $tmp); } $temp = []; for ($i = 0; $i < count($years); $i++) { $sum = 0; for ($j = 0; $j < count($kecTables[$i]); $j++) { $sum += Dana::find($kecTables[$i][$j])->nilai; } array_push($temp, $sum); } $tmp = ["nama" => "Kecamatan", "level" => 0]; for ($i = 0; $i < count($temp); $i++) { array_push($tmp, $temp[$i]); } array_push($dataTables, $tmp); // DAPETIN ANAK"NYA $realTables = []; for ($i = 0; $i < count($years); $i++) { $temp = []; for ($j = 0; $j < count($kecTables[$i]); $j++) { array_push($temp, $kecTables[$i][$j]); if (count(Dana::find($kecTables[$i][$j])->children) > 0) { foreach (Dana::find($kecTables[$i][$j])->children as $child) { array_push($temp, $child->id); if (count($child->children) > 0) { foreach ($child->children as $child1) { array_push($temp, $child1->id); if (count($child1->children) > 0) { foreach ($child1->children as $child2) { array_push($temp, $child2->id); if (count($child2->children) > 0) { foreach ($child2->children as $child3) { array_push($temp, $child3->id); if (count($child3->children) > 0) { foreach ($child3->children as $child4) { array_push($temp, $child4->id); } } } } } } } } } } } array_push($realTables, $temp); } $kecTables = $realTables; // MAGICALLY SHIFT THE ARRAY!!! WHOOOOOO PUKE RAINBOW!!!!!! array_unshift($kecTables, null); $kecTables = call_user_func_array('array_map', $kecTables); for ($i = 0; $i < count($kecTables); $i++) { $tmp = []; if (Dana::find($kecTables[$i][0])->level > 1) { $tmp = ["nama" => Dana::find($kecTables[$i][0])->uraian, "level" => Dana::find($kecTables[$i][0])->level]; } else { $tmp = ["nama" => Dana::find($kecTables[$i][0])->lembaga->nama, "level" => Dana::find($kecTables[$i][0])->level]; } for ($j = 0; $j < count($years); $j++) { array_push($tmp, Dana::find($kecTables[$i][$j])->nilai); } array_push($dataTables, $tmp); } $temp = []; for ($i = 0; $i < count($years); $i++) { $sum = 0; for ($j = 0; $j < count($bumdTables[$i]); $j++) { $sum += Dana::find($bumdTables[$i][$j])->nilai; } array_push($temp, $sum); } $tmp = ["nama" => "BUMD", "level" => 0]; for ($i = 0; $i < count($temp); $i++) { array_push($tmp, $temp[$i]); } array_push($dataTables, $tmp); // DAPETIN ANAK"NYA $realTables = []; for ($i = 0; $i < count($years); $i++) { $temp = []; for ($j = 0; $j < count($bumdTables[$i]); $j++) { array_push($temp, $bumdTables[$i][$j]); if (count(Dana::find($bumdTables[$i][$j])->children) > 0) { foreach (Dana::find($bumdTables[$i][$j])->children as $child) { array_push($temp, $child->id); if (count($child->children) > 0) { foreach ($child->children as $child1) { array_push($temp, $child1->id); if (count($child1->children) > 0) { foreach ($child1->children as $child2) { array_push($temp, $child2->id); if (count($child2->children) > 0) { foreach ($child2->children as $child3) { array_push($temp, $child3->id); if (count($child3->children) > 0) { foreach ($child3->children as $child4) { array_push($temp, $child4->id); } } } } } } } } } } } array_push($realTables, $temp); } $bumdTables = $realTables; // MAGICALLY SHIFT THE ARRAY!!! WHOOOOOO PUKE RAINBOW!!!!!! array_unshift($bumdTables, null); $bumdTables = call_user_func_array('array_map', $bumdTables); for ($i = 0; $i < count($bumdTables); $i++) { $tmp = []; if (Dana::find($bumdTables[$i][0])->level > 1) { $tmp = ["nama" => Dana::find($bumdTables[$i][0])->uraian, "level" => Dana::find($bumdTables[$i][0])->level]; } else { $tmp = ["nama" => Dana::find($bumdTables[$i][0])->lembaga->nama, "level" => Dana::find($bumdTables[$i][0])->level]; } for ($j = 0; $j < count($years); $j++) { array_push($tmp, Dana::find($bumdTables[$i][$j])->nilai); } array_push($dataTables, $tmp); } $temp = []; for ($i = 0; $i < count($years); $i++) { $sum = 0; for ($j = 0; $j < count($otherTables[$i]); $j++) { $sum += Dana::find($otherTables[$i][$j])->nilai; } array_push($temp, $sum); } $tmp = ["nama" => "Lain-lain", "level" => 0]; for ($i = 0; $i < count($temp); $i++) { array_push($tmp, $temp[$i]); } array_push($dataTables, $tmp); // DAPETIN ANAK"NYA $realTables = []; for ($i = 0; $i < count($years); $i++) { $temp = []; for ($j = 0; $j < count($otherTables[$i]); $j++) { array_push($temp, $otherTables[$i][$j]); if (count(Dana::find($otherTables[$i][$j])->children) > 0) { foreach (Dana::find($otherTables[$i][$j])->children as $child) { array_push($temp, $child->id); if (count($child->children) > 0) { foreach ($child->children as $child1) { array_push($temp, $child1->id); if (count($child1->children) > 0) { foreach ($child1->children as $child2) { array_push($temp, $child2->id); if (count($child2->children) > 0) { foreach ($child2->children as $child3) { array_push($temp, $child3->id); if (count($child3->children) > 0) { foreach ($child3->children as $child4) { array_push($temp, $child4->id); } } } } } } } } } } } array_push($realTables, $temp); } $otherTables = $realTables; // MAGICALLY SHIFT THE ARRAY!!! WHOOOOOO PUKE RAINBOW!!!!!! array_unshift($otherTables, null); $otherTables = call_user_func_array('array_map', $otherTables); for ($i = 0; $i < count($otherTables); $i++) { $tmp = []; if (Dana::find($otherTables[$i][0])->level > 1) { $tmp = ["nama" => Dana::find($otherTables[$i][0])->uraian, "level" => Dana::find($otherTables[$i][0])->level]; } else { $tmp = ["nama" => Dana::find($otherTables[$i][0])->lembaga->nama, "level" => Dana::find($otherTables[$i][0])->level]; } for ($j = 0; $j < count($years); $j++) { array_push($tmp, Dana::find($otherTables[$i][$j])->nilai); } array_push($dataTables, $tmp); } $total = []; for ($i = 0; $i < count($years); $i++) { $total[$i] = 0; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($dataTables); $i++) { if ($dataTables[$i]['level'] === 0) { for ($j = 0; $j < count($years); $j++) { $total[$j] += $dataTables[$i][$j]; } } } return view('monitor.index')->withJenis($jenis)->withBreadcrumb(ucwords($jenis) . " | Semua")->withType(session('type'))->withDatas($datas)->withLabels($labels)->withTables($dataTables)->withYears($years)->withTotal($total)->withColors($colors)->withAlphas($alphas); } } }
public function index() { /* Helper Variable */ $colors = ["#17A768", "#F1601D", "#F1AD1D", "#BBAE93", "#15B768", "#F5701D", "#E1AD2D", "#B5A2A3", "#25B764", "#95A01D", "#B17CBD", "#A0A2A3", "#25B764", "#95A01D", "#B17CBD", "#A0A2A3", "#25B764", "#95A01D", "#B17CBD", "#A0A2A3", "#25B764", "#95A01D", "#B17CBD", "#A0A2A3", "#25B764", "#95A01D", "#B17CBD", "#A0A2A3", "#25B764", "#95A01D", "#B17CBD", "#A0A2A3"]; $alphas = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "aa", "ab", "ac", "ad", "ae", "af", "ag", "ah", "ai", "aj", "ak"]; $helper = ['colors' => $colors, 'alphas' => $alphas]; /* Global Variable */ $breadcrumbs = null; // breadcrumbs $jenis = null; // tipe dana(belanja, pendapatan) if (session()->has('dana')) { $jenis = session('dana'); // get it from session } else { $jenis = 'belanja'; // default value of tipe dana } $years = DB::table('dana_lengkap')->select(DB::raw('tahun'))->where('tipe', ucwords($jenis))->groupBy('tahun')->orderBy('tahun', 'desc')->take(5)->get(); /* We have to invert the array */ $invert = $years; $idInvert = count($years) - 1; for ($i = 0; $i < count($years); $i++) { $years[$i] = $invert[$idInvert]; $idInvert--; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($years); $i++) { // list of tahun(Object) -> list of tahun (int) $years[$i] = $years[$i]->tahun; } $dataTables = null; $dataGraphs = null; $tooltip = null; /* Data Query */ if (session()->has('top')) { // TOP 10 $breadcrumbs = "Top 10 | " . ucwords($jenis); $datas = []; if (session()->has('tag')) { $tag = session('tag'); if ($tag === "ratio") { } else { // "tag" by default } } else { for ($i = 0; $i < count($years); $i++) { $temp = ['year' => $years[$i]]; $results = DB::table('dana_lengkap')->select(DB::raw('nama_lembaga, uraian, nilai'))->where('tipe', ucwords($jenis))->where('tahun', $years[$i])->orderBy('nilai', 'desc')->take(10)->get(); foreach ($results as $result) { array_push($temp, $result); } array_push($datas, $temp); } } /* Passing data to view */ dd($breadcrumbs); return view('')->withHelper($helper)->withType(session('type'))->withBreadcrumbs($breadcrumbs)->withTables($datas)->withYears($years); } else { // per Year Progress if (session()->has('filter')) { // Spesifik Lembaga $breadcrumbs = ucwords($jenis) . " | " . ucwords(session('filter')); $id = null; $levelMargin = 1; if (session()->has('id')) { $levelMargin = 2; $id = (int) session('id'); $breadcrumbs .= " > " . ucwords(Lembaga::find($id)->nama); } $roots = []; for ($i = 0; $i < count($years); $i++) { $ids = []; $results = null; if ($id != null) { $results = DB::table('dana_lengkap')->select(DB::raw('dana_id'))->where('tipe', ucwords($jenis))->where('tahun', $years[$i])->where('nama_lembaga', Lembaga::find($id)->nama)->where('level', 2)->where('golongan', session('filter'))->get(); } else { $results = DB::table('dana_lengkap')->select(DB::raw('dana_id'))->where('tipe', ucwords($jenis))->where('tahun', $years[$i])->where('level', 1)->where('golongan', session('filter'))->get(); } if ($results != null) { foreach ($results as $result) { array_push($ids, $result->dana_id); } } array_push($roots, $ids); } /* SAFETY FUNCTION IF DATA NOT EXIST */ if (count($roots) < 1 || count($roots[0]) < 1) { return redirect()->route('transparansi')->withError('data'); } /* Populate Data for Table */ /* What we need? * uraian dana * level * values per year */ $idsPerYear = []; for ($i = 0; $i < count($years); $i++) { $ids = []; for ($j = 0; $j < count($roots[$i]); $j++) { array_push($ids, $roots[$i][$j]); if (count(Dana::find($roots[$i][$j])->children) > 0) { foreach (Dana::find($roots[$i][$j])->children as $child) { array_push($ids, $child->id); if (count(Dana::find($child->id)->children) > 0) { foreach (Dana::find($child->id)->children as $child1) { array_push($ids, $child1->id); if (count(Dana::find($child1->id)->children) > 0) { foreach (Dana::find($child1->id)->children as $child2) { array_push($ids, $child2->id); if (count(Dana::find($child2->id)->children) > 0) { foreach (Dana::find($child2->id)->children as $child3) { array_push($ids, $child3->id); if (count(Dana::find($child3->id)->children) > 0) { foreach (Dana::find($child3->id)->children as $child4) { array_push($ids, $child4->id); if (count(Dana::find($child4->id)->children) > 0) { foreach (Dana::find($child4->id)->children as $child5) { array_push($ids, $child5->id); } } } } } } } } } } } } } array_push($idsPerYear, $ids); } $dataTables = []; for ($i = 0; $i < count($idsPerYear[0]); $i++) { $temp = null; if (Dana::find($idsPerYear[0][$i])->level > 1) { $temp = ['id' => [], 'nama' => Dana::find($idsPerYear[0][$i])->uraian, 'level' => Dana::find($idsPerYear[0][$i])->level - $levelMargin]; } else { $temp = ['id' => [], 'nama' => Dana::find($idsPerYear[0][$i])->lembaga->nama, 'level' => Dana::find($idsPerYear[0][$i])->level - $levelMargin]; } for ($j = 0; $j < count($years); $j++) { array_push($temp['id'], $idsPerYear[$j][$i]); array_push($temp, Dana::find($idsPerYear[$j][$i])->nilai); } array_push($dataTables, $temp); } /* Populate Data for Chart */ /* What we need? * sum values per year (y-axis) * label (tooltip) * years (x-axis) <- Already done! */ $dataGraphs = []; $tooltips = []; for ($i = 0; $i < count($dataTables); $i++) { if ($dataTables[$i]['level'] == 0) { $temp = ['nama' => $dataTables[$i]['nama']]; for ($j = 0; $j < count($years); $j++) { array_push($temp, $dataTables[$i][$j]); } array_push($dataGraphs, $temp); $tooltipDetail = ['nama' => $dataTables[$i]['nama'], 'id' => Dana::find($dataTables[$i]['id'][0])->lembaga->id, 'url' => strtolower(Dana::find($dataTables[$i]['id'][0])->lembaga->golongan)]; array_push($tooltips, $tooltipDetail); } } } elseif (session()->has('exclude')) { $breadcrumbs = ucwords($jenis) . " | Filtered"; $exclude = []; $exclude = session('exclude'); for ($i = 0; $i < count($exclude); $i++) { if (strpos($exclude[$i], "inas") || strpos($exclude[$i], 'matan') || strpos($exclude[$i], 'MD') || strpos($exclude[$i], 'lain')) { $exclude[$i] = strtolower($exclude[$i]); } else { $idArray = explode(',', $exclude[$i]); $temp = []; for ($j = 0; $j < count($idArray); $j++) { array_push($temp, (int) $idArray[$j]); } $exclude[$i] = $temp; } } /* Setting up level margin */ $levelMargin = 0; if ($exclude[0] === "dinas" || $exclude[0] === "kecamatan" || $exclude[0] === "bumd" || $exclude[0] === "lain-lain") { $levelMargin = 0; } else { $levelMargin = Dana::find($exclude[0][0])->level; } /* Populate Data for Table */ /* What we need? * uraian dana * level * values per year */ $dataTables = []; $parentId = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($exclude); $i++) { $temp = null; if ($exclude[$i] === "dinas") { $temp = ['id' => [], 'nama' => "Dinas", 'level' => 0]; for ($j = 0; $j < count($years); $j++) { array_push($temp['id'], -999); array_push($temp, 0); } $parentId = $i; } else { if ($exclude[$i] === "kecamatan") { $temp = ['id' => [], 'nama' => "Kecamatan", 'level' => 0]; for ($j = 0; $j < count($years); $j++) { array_push($temp['id'], -999); array_push($temp, 0); } $parentId = $i; } else { if ($exclude[$i] === "bumd") { $temp = ['id' => [], 'nama' => "BUMD", 'level' => 0]; for ($j = 0; $j < count($years); $j++) { array_push($temp['id'], -999); array_push($temp, 0); } $parentId = $i; } else { if ($exclude[$i] === "lain-lain") { $temp = ['id' => [], 'nama' => "Lain-lain", 'level' => 0]; for ($j = 0; $j < count($years); $j++) { array_push($temp['id'], -999); array_push($temp, 0); } $parentId = $i; } else { if ($levelMargin === 0) { if (Dana::find($exclude[$i][0])->level > 1) { $temp = ['id' => [], 'nama' => Dana::find($exclude[$i][0])->uraian, 'level' => Dana::find($exclude[$i][0])->level - $levelMargin]; } else { $temp = ['id' => [], 'nama' => Dana::find($exclude[$i][0])->lembaga->nama, 'level' => Dana::find($exclude[$i][0])->level - $levelMargin]; } for ($j = 0; $j < count($years); $j++) { array_push($temp['id'], $exclude[$i][$j]); array_push($temp, Dana::find($exclude[$i][$j])->nilai); if (Dana::find($exclude[$i][0])->level - $levelMargin === 1) { $dataTables[$parentId][$j] += Dana::find($exclude[$i][$j])->nilai; } } } else { if ($levelMargin === 1) { if (Dana::find($exclude[$i][0])->level - $levelMargin > 0) { $temp = ['id' => [], 'nama' => Dana::find($exclude[$i][0])->uraian, 'level' => Dana::find($exclude[$i][0])->level - $levelMargin]; } else { $temp = ['id' => [], 'nama' => Dana::find($exclude[$i][0])->lembaga->nama, 'level' => Dana::find($exclude[$i][0])->level - $levelMargin]; } if (count($exclude[$i]) > 1) { for ($j = 0; $j < count($years); $j++) { array_push($temp['id'], $exclude[$i][$j]); array_push($temp, Dana::find($exclude[$i][$j])->nilai); } } else { for ($j = 0; $j < count($years); $j++) { $results = DB::table('dana_lengkap')->select(DB::raw('dana_id'))->where('tipe', ucwords($jenis))->where('tahun', $years[$j])->where('level', $levelMargin)->where('nama_lembaga', Lembaga::find($exclude[$i][0])->nama)->get(); if ($j < 1) { array_push($temp['id'], -999); } else { array_push($temp['id'], $results[0]->dana_id); } array_push($temp, Dana::find($results[0]->dana_id)->nilai); } } } else { if (Dana::find($exclude[$i][0])->level > 1) { $temp = ['id' => [], 'nama' => Dana::find($exclude[$i][0])->uraian, 'level' => Dana::find($exclude[$i][0])->level - $levelMargin]; } else { $temp = ['id' => [], 'nama' => Dana::find($exclude[$i][0])->lembaga->nama, 'level' => Dana::find($exclude[$i][0])->level - $levelMargin]; } for ($j = 0; $j < count($years); $j++) { array_push($temp['id'], $exclude[$i][$j]); array_push($temp, Dana::find($exclude[$i][$j])->nilai); } } } } } } } array_push($dataTables, $temp); } /* Populate Data for Chart */ /* What we need? * sum values per year (y-axis) * label (tooltip) * years (x-axis) <- Already done! */ $dataGraphs = []; $tooltips = []; for ($i = 0; $i < count($dataTables); $i++) { if ($dataTables[$i]['id'][0] < 0) { $temp = ['nama' => $dataTables[$i]['nama']]; for ($j = 0; $j < count($years); $j++) { array_push($temp, $dataTables[$i][$j]); } array_push($dataGraphs, $temp); $tooltipDetail = ['nama' => $dataTables[$i]['nama'], 'id' => 0, 'url' => ""]; if ($levelMargin > 0) { $tooltipDetail['id'] = Dana::find($dataTables[$i]['id'][1])->lembaga->id; $tooltipDetail['url'] .= Dana::find($dataTables[$i]['id'][1])->lembaga->golongan; } else { $tooltipDetail['id'] = -999; $tooltipDetail['url'] .= strtolower($dataTables[$i]['nama']); } array_push($tooltips, $tooltipDetail); } } } else { // General $breadcrumbs = ucwords($jenis) . " | Semua"; $lembagas = ['dinas', 'kecamatan', 'bumd', 'lain-lain']; // List of lembaga, karena ini general /* Get Root Node */ $roots = []; // list of root ids per lembaga per year for ($i = 0; $i < count($years); $i++) { $ids = []; // list of root ids per lembaga for ($j = 0; $j < count($lembagas); $j++) { $temp = []; $results = DB::table('dana_lengkap')->select(DB::raw('dana_id'))->where('tipe', ucwords($jenis))->where('tahun', $years[$i])->where('level', 1)->where('golongan', $lembagas[$j])->get(); if ($results != null) { foreach ($results as $result) { array_push($temp, $result->dana_id); } } array_push($ids, $temp); } array_push($roots, $ids); } /* SAFETY FUNCTION IF DATA NOT EXIST */ if (count($roots) < 1 || count($roots[0]) < 1) { return redirect()->route('transparansi')->withError('data'); } /* Populate Data for Table */ /* What we need? * uraian dana * level * values per year */ $idsPerYear = []; for ($i = 0; $i < count($years); $i++) { $ids = []; for ($j = 0; $j < count($roots[$i]); $j++) { array_push($ids, -999); // penanda ganti lembaga for ($k = 0; $k < count($roots[$i][$j]); $k++) { array_push($ids, $roots[$i][$j][$k]); if (count(Dana::find($roots[$i][$j][$k])->children) > 0) { foreach (Dana::find($roots[$i][$j][$k])->children as $child) { array_push($ids, $child->id); if (count(Dana::find($child->id)->children) > 0) { foreach (Dana::find($child->id)->children as $child1) { array_push($ids, $child1->id); if (count(Dana::find($child1->id)->children) > 0) { foreach (Dana::find($child1->id)->children as $child2) { array_push($ids, $child2->id); if (count(Dana::find($child2->id)->children) > 0) { foreach (Dana::find($child2->id)->children as $child3) { array_push($ids, $child3->id); if (count(Dana::find($child3->id)->children) > 0) { foreach (Dana::find($child3->id)->children as $child4) { array_push($ids, $child4->id); if (count(Dana::find($child4->id)->children) > 0) { foreach (Dana::find($child4->id)->children as $child5) { array_push($ids, $child5->id); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } array_push($idsPerYear, $ids); } $dataTables = []; $idLembaga = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($idsPerYear[0]); $i++) { $temp = null; if ($idsPerYear[0][$i] < 0) { if ($lembagas[$idLembaga] === "bumd") { $temp = ['id' => [], 'nama' => "BUMD", 'level' => 0]; for ($j = 0; $j < count($years); $j++) { array_push($temp['id'], -999); } } else { $temp = ['id' => [], 'nama' => ucwords($lembagas[$idLembaga]), 'level' => 0]; for ($j = 0; $j < count($years); $j++) { array_push($temp['id'], -999); } } for ($j = 0; $j < count($years); $j++) { $sumValues = 0; for ($k = 0; $k < count($roots[$j][$idLembaga]); $k++) { $sumValues += Dana::find($roots[$j][$idLembaga][$k])->nilai; //!!JANGAN PEKE ROOTS BIAR BISA FILTER NANTI } array_push($temp, $sumValues); } $idLembaga++; } else { if (Dana::find($idsPerYear[0][$i])->level > 1) { $temp = ['id' => [], 'nama' => Dana::find($idsPerYear[0][$i])->uraian, 'level' => Dana::find($idsPerYear[0][$i])->level]; } else { $temp = ['id' => [], 'nama' => Dana::find($idsPerYear[0][$i])->lembaga->nama, 'level' => Dana::find($idsPerYear[0][$i])->level]; } for ($j = 0; $j < count($years); $j++) { array_push($temp['id'], $idsPerYear[$j][$i]); array_push($temp, Dana::find($idsPerYear[$j][$i])->nilai); } } array_push($dataTables, $temp); } /* Populate Data for Chart */ /* What we need? * sum values per year (y-axis) * label (tooltip) * years (x-axis) <- Already done! */ $dataGraphs = []; $tooltips = []; for ($i = 0; $i < count($dataTables); $i++) { if ($dataTables[$i]['id'][0] < 0) { $temp = ['nama' => $dataTables[$i]['nama']]; for ($j = 0; $j < count($years); $j++) { array_push($temp, $dataTables[$i][$j]); } array_push($dataGraphs, $temp); $tooltipDetail = ['nama' => $dataTables[$i]['nama'], 'id' => -999, 'url' => strtolower($dataTables[$i]['nama'])]; array_push($tooltips, $tooltipDetail); } } } /* Passing data to view */ if (session()->has('error')) { $message = ""; if (session('error') === "request") { $message = "Bad request detected!"; } else { $message = "Oops, the data you want not found..."; } return view('visualize.index')->withError($message)->withHelper($helper)->withType(session('type'))->withBreadcrumbs($breadcrumbs)->withJenis($jenis)->withTables($dataTables)->withYears($years)->withGraphs($dataGraphs)->withTooltips($tooltips); } else { return view('visualize.index')->withHelper($helper)->withType(session('type'))->withBreadcrumbs($breadcrumbs)->withJenis($jenis)->withTables($dataTables)->withYears($years)->withGraphs($dataGraphs)->withTooltips($tooltips); } } }