Exemple #1
  * @param array $Appearances
  * @param bool  $wrap
  * @return string
 static function getHTML($Appearances, $wrap = WRAP)
     global $CGDb, $_MSG, $Search;
     $HTML = '';
     if (!empty($Appearances)) {
         foreach ($Appearances as $Appearance) {
             $Appearance['label'] = CoreUtils::escapeHTML($Appearance['label']);
             $img = self::getSpriteHTML($Appearance);
             $updates = self::getUpdatesHTML($Appearance['id']);
             $notes = self::getNotesHTML($Appearance);
             $tags = $Appearance['id'] ? self::getTagsHTML($Appearance['id'], true, $Search) : '';
             $colors = self::getColorsHTML($Appearance);
             $eqgp = $Appearance['ishuman'] ? 'eqg/' : '';
             $RenderPath = FSPATH . "cg_render/{$Appearance['id']}.png";
             $FileModTime = '?t=' . (file_exists($RenderPath) ? filemtime($RenderPath) : time());
             $Actions = "<a class='btn typcn typcn-image darkblue' title='View as PNG' href='/cg/{$eqgp}v/{$Appearance['id']}.png{$FileModTime}' target='_blank'></a>" . "<button class='getswatch typcn typcn-brush teal' title='Download swatch file'></button>";
             if (Permission::sufficient('staff')) {
                 $Actions .= "<button class='edit typcn typcn-pencil blue' title='Edit'></button>" . ($Appearance['id'] !== 0 ? "<button class='delete typcn typcn-trash red' title='Delete'></button>" : '');
             $safelabel = self::getSafeLabel($Appearance);
             $HTML .= "<li id='p{$Appearance['id']}'>{$img}<div><strong><a href='/cg/v/{$Appearance['id']}-{$safelabel}'>{$Appearance['label']}</a>{$Actions}</strong>{$updates}{$notes}{$tags}{$colors}</div></li>";
     } else {
         if (empty($_MSG)) {
             $_MSG = "No appearances to show";
         $HTML .= "<div class='notice info align-center'><label>{$_MSG}</label></div>";
     return $wrap ? "<ul id='list' class='appearance-list'>{$HTML}</ul>" : $HTML;
Exemple #2
 public function processLabel() : string
     $label = preg_replace(new RegExp('(?:(f)ull[-\\s](b)od(?:y|ied)(\\sversion)?)', 'i'), '<strong class="color-darkblue">$1ull $2ody</strong>$3', CoreUtils::escapeHTML($this->label));
     $label = preg_replace(new RegExp('(?:(f)ace[-\\s](o)nly(\\sversion)?)', 'i'), '<strong class="color-darkblue">$1ace $2nly</strong>$3', $label);
     $label = preg_replace(new RegExp('(?:(f)ull\\s(s)cene?)', 'i'), '<strong class="color-darkblue">$1ull $2cene</strong>$3', $label);
     $label = preg_replace(new RegExp('(?:(e)ntire\\s(s)cene?)', 'i'), '<strong class="color-darkblue">$1ntire $2cene</strong>$3', $label);
     return $label;
Exemple #3
 function testEscapeHTML()
     $result = CoreUtils::escapeHTML("<script>alert('XSS')</script>");
     self::assertEquals("&lt;script&gt;alert('XSS')&lt;/script&gt;", $result);
     $result = CoreUtils::escapeHTML('<');
     self::assertEquals("&lt;", $result);
     $result = CoreUtils::escapeHTML('>');
     self::assertEquals("&gt;", $result);
Exemple #4
  * Get HTML for a color group
  * @param int|array  $GroupID
  * @param array|null $AllColors
  * @param bool       $wrap
  * @param bool       $colon
  * @param bool       $colorNames
  * @param bool       $force_extra_info
  * @return string
 static function getHTML($GroupID, $AllColors = null, bool $wrap = true, bool $colon = true, bool $colorNames = false, bool $force_extra_info = false) : string
     global $CGDb;
     if (is_array($GroupID)) {
         $Group = $GroupID;
     } else {
         $Group = $CGDb->where('groupid', $GroupID)->getOne('colorgroups');
     $label = CoreUtils::escapeHTML($Group['label']) . ($colon ? ': ' : '');
     $HTML = "<span class='cat'>{$label}" . ($colorNames && Permission::sufficient('staff') ? '<span class="admin"><button class="blue typcn typcn-pencil edit-cg"></button><button class="red typcn typcn-trash delete-cg"></button></span>' : '') . "</span>";
     if (!isset($AllColors)) {
         $Colors = self::getColors($Group['groupid']);
     } else {
         $Colors = $AllColors[$Group['groupid']] ?? null;
     if (!empty($Colors)) {
         $extraInfo = $force_extra_info || !UserPrefs::get('cg_hideclrinfo');
         foreach ($Colors as $i => $c) {
             $title = CoreUtils::aposEncode($c['label']);
             $color = '';
             if (!empty($c['hex'])) {
                 $color = $c['hex'];
                 $title .= "' style='background-color:{$color}' class='valid-color";
             $append = "<span title='{$title}'>{$color}</span>";
             if ($colorNames) {
                 $append = "<div class='color-line" . (!$extraInfo || empty($color) ? ' no-detail' : '') . "'>{$append}<span><span class='label'>{$c['label']}";
                 if ($extraInfo && !empty($color)) {
                     $rgb = CoreUtils::hex2Rgb($color);
                     $rgb = 'rgb(' . implode(',', $rgb) . ')';
                     $append .= "</span><span class='ext'>{$color} &bull; {$rgb}";
                 $append .= '</span></div>';
             $HTML .= $append;
     return $wrap ? "<li id='cg{$Group['groupid']}'>{$HTML}</li>" : $HTML;
Exemple #5
  * Turns an 'episode' database row into a readable title
  * @param bool        $returnArray Whether to return as an array instead of string
  * @param string      $arrayKey
  * @param bool        $append_num  Append overall # to ID
  * @return string|array
 public function formatTitle($returnArray = false, $arrayKey = null, $append_num = true)
     if ($returnArray === AS_ARRAY) {
         $arr = array('id' => $this->getID(array('append_num' => $append_num)), 'season' => $this->season ?? null, 'episode' => $this->episode ?? null, 'title' => isset($this->title) ? CoreUtils::escapeHTML($this->title) : null);
         if (!empty($arrayKey)) {
             return isset($arr[$arrayKey]) ? $arr[$arrayKey] : null;
         } else {
             return $arr;
     if ($this->isMovie) {
         return $this->title;
     return $this->getID(array('pad' => true)) . ': ' . $this->title;
Exemple #6
  * Returns the HTML code of the navigation in the header
  * @param bool $disabled
  * @return string
 static function getNavigationHTML($disabled = false)
     if (!empty($GLOBALS['NavHTML'])) {
         return $GLOBALS['NavHTML'];
     global $do;
     // Navigation items
     if (!$disabled) {
         $NavItems = array('latest' => array('/', 'Latest episode'), 'eps' => array('/episodes', 'Episodes'));
         if ($do === 'episodes') {
             global $Episodes, $Pagination;
             if (isset($Episodes)) {
                 $NavItems['eps'][1] .= " - Page {$Pagination->page}";
         global $CurrentEpisode;
         if (($do === 'episode' || $do === 's' || $do === 'movie') && !empty($CurrentEpisode)) {
             if ($CurrentEpisode->isMovie) {
                 $NavItems['eps'][1] = 'Movies';
             if ($CurrentEpisode->isLatest()) {
                 $NavItems['latest'][0] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
             } else {
                 $NavItems['eps']['subitem'] = CoreUtils::cutoff($GLOBALS['heading'], Episodes::TITLE_CUTOFF);
         global $Color, $EQG;
         $NavItems['colorguide'] = array("/cg" . (!empty($EQG) ? '/eqg' : ''), (!empty($EQG) ? 'EQG ' : '') . "{$Color} Guide");
         if ($do === 'colorguide') {
             global $Tags, $Changes, $Ponies, $Pagination, $Appearance, $Map;
             if (!empty($Appearance)) {
                 $NavItems['colorguide']['subitem'] = (isset($Map) ? "Sprite {$Color}s - " : '') . CoreUtils::escapeHTML($Appearance['label']);
             } else {
                 if (isset($Ponies)) {
                     $NavItems['colorguide'][1] .= " - Page {$Pagination->page}";
                 } else {
                     if ($GLOBALS['data'] === 'full') {
                         $NavItems['colorguide']['subitem'] = 'Full List';
                     } else {
                         if (isset($Tags)) {
                             $pagePrefix = 'Tags';
                         } else {
                             if (isset($Changes)) {
                                 $pagePrefix = "Major {$Color} Changes";
                         $NavItems['colorguide']['subitem'] = (isset($pagePrefix) ? "{$pagePrefix} - " : '') . "Page {$Pagination->page}";
         if ($GLOBALS['signedIn']) {
             $NavItems['u'] = array("/@{$GLOBALS['currentUser']->name}", 'Account');
         if ($do === 'user' || Permission::sufficient('staff')) {
             global $User, $sameUser;
             $NavItems['users'] = array('/users', 'Users', Permission::sufficient('staff'));
             if (!empty($User) && empty($sameUser)) {
                 $NavItems['users']['subitem'] = $User->name;
         if (Permission::sufficient('staff')) {
             $NavItems['admin'] = array('/admin', 'Admin');
             global $task;
             if ($task === 'logs') {
                 global $Pagination;
                 $NavItems['admin']['subitem'] = "Logs - Page {$Pagination->page}";
         $NavItems[] = array('/about', 'About');
     } else {
         $NavItems = array(array(true, 'HTTP 503', false, 'subitem' => 'Service Temporarily Unavailable'));
     $GLOBALS['NavHTML'] = '';
     foreach ($NavItems as $item) {
         $sublink = '';
         if (isset($item['subitem'])) {
             list($class, $sublink) = self::_processHeaderLink(array(true, $item['subitem']));
             $sublink = " &rsaquo; {$sublink}";
             $link = self::_processHeaderLink($item, HTML_ONLY);
         } else {
             if (isset($item[2]) && !$item[2]) {
             } else {
                 list($class, $link) = self::_processHeaderLink($item);
         $GLOBALS['NavHTML'] .= "<li{$class}>{$link}{$sublink}</li>";
     $GLOBALS['NavHTML'] .= '<li><a href="http://mlp-vectorclub.deviantart.com/" target="_blank">MLP-VectorClub</a></li>';
     return $GLOBALS['NavHTML'];
Exemple #7
  * Format log entry details
  * @param array $MainEntry Main log entry
  * @param array $data      Data to process (sub-log entry)
  * @return array
 static function formatEntryDetails($MainEntry, $data)
     global $Database, $CGDb;
     $details = array();
     $reftype = $MainEntry['reftype'];
     switch ($reftype) {
         case "rolechange":
             /** @var $target User */
             $target = $Database->where('id', $data['target'])->getOne('users');
             $details = array(array('Target user', $target->getProfileLink()), array('Old group', Permission::ROLES_ASSOC[$data['oldrole']]), array('New group', Permission::ROLES_ASSOC[$data['newrole']]));
         case "episodes":
             $details[] = array('Action', self::$ACTIONS[$data['action']]);
             $details[] = array('Name', (new Episode($data))->formatTitle());
             if ($data['season'] === 0) {
                 $details[] = array('Overall', "#{$data['episode']}");
             if (!empty($data['airs'])) {
                 $details[] = array('Air date', Time::tag($data['airs'], Time::TAG_EXTENDED, Time::TAG_STATIC_DYNTIME));
             $details[] = array('Two parts', !empty($data['twoparter']));
         case "episode_modify":
             $link = $data['target'];
             $EpData = Episodes::parseID($data['target']);
             if (!empty($EpData)) {
                 $Episode = Episodes::getActual($EpData['season'], $EpData['episode'], Episodes::ALLOW_MOVIES);
                 if (!empty($Episode)) {
                     $link = "<a href='" . $Episode->formatURL() . "'>" . $Episode->formatTitle(AS_ARRAY, 'id') . "</a>";
             $details[] = array('Episode', $link);
             if (empty($Episode)) {
                 $details[] = array('Still exists', false);
             unset($data['entryid'], $data['target']);
             $newOld = self::_arrangeNewOld($data);
             if (!empty($newOld['airs'])) {
                 $newOld['airs']['old'] = Time::tag($newOld['airs']['old'], Time::TAG_EXTENDED, Time::TAG_STATIC_DYNTIME);
                 $newOld['airs']['new'] = Time::tag($newOld['airs']['new'], Time::TAG_EXTENDED, Time::TAG_STATIC_DYNTIME);
             if (isset($newOld['title']['old']) && isset($newOld['title']['new'])) {
                 $details[] = array('Title', self::charDiff($newOld['title']['old'], $newOld['title']['new']));
             foreach ($newOld as $thing => $ver) {
                 $details[] = array("Old {$thing}", $ver['old']);
                 $details[] = array("New {$thing}", $ver['new']);
         case "userfetch":
             $details[] = array('User', Users::get($data['userid'])->getProfileLink());
         case "banish":
         case "un-banish":
             $details[] = array('User', Users::get($data['target'])->getProfileLink());
             $details[] = array('Reason', CoreUtils::escapeHTML($data['reason']));
         case "post_lock":
             $Post = $Database->where('id', $data['id'])->getOne("{$data['type']}s");
             self::_genericPostInfo($Post, $data, $details);
         case "color_modify":
             $details[] = array('Appearance', self::_getAppearanceLink($data['ponyid']));
             $details[] = array('Reason', CoreUtils::escapeHTML($data['reason']));
         case "req_delete":
             $details[] = array('Request ID', $data['id']);
             $typeNames = array('chr' => 'Character', 'obj' => 'Object', 'bg' => 'Background');
             $details[] = array('Description', CoreUtils::escapeHTML($data['label']));
             $details[] = array('Type', $typeNames[$data['type']]);
             $IDstr = "S{$data['season']}E{$data['episode']}";
             $details[] = array('Episode', "<a href='/episode/{$IDstr}'>{$IDstr}</a>");
             $details[] = array('Posted', Time::tag($data['posted'], Time::TAG_EXTENDED, Time::TAG_STATIC_DYNTIME));
             if (!empty($data['requested_by'])) {
                 $details[] = array('Requested by', Users::get($data['requested_by'])->getProfileLink());
             if (!empty($data['reserved_by'])) {
                 $details[] = array('Reserved by', Users::get($data['reserved_by'])->getProfileLink());
             $details[] = array('Finished', !empty($data['deviation_id']));
             if (!empty($data['deviation_id'])) {
                 $details[] = array('Deviation', self::_link("http://fav.me/{$data['deviation_id']}"));
                 $details[] = array('Approved', $data['lock']);
         case "img_update":
             $Post = $Database->where('id', $data['id'])->getOne("{$data['thing']}s");
             $data['type'] = $data['thing'];
             self::_genericPostInfo($Post, $data, $details);
             $details[] = array('Old image', "<a href='{$data['oldfullsize']}' target='_blank'>Full size</a><div><img src='{$data['oldpreview']}'></div>");
             $details[] = array('New image', "<a href='{$data['newfullsize']}' target='_blank'>Full size</a><div><img src='{$data['newpreview']}'></div>");
         case "res_overtake":
             $Post = $Database->where('id', $data['id'])->getOne("{$data['type']}s");
             self::_genericPostInfo($Post, $data, $details);
             $details[] = array('Previous reserver', Users::get($data['reserved_by'])->getProfileLink());
             $details[] = array('Previously reserved at', Time::tag($data['reserved_at'], Time::TAG_EXTENDED, Time::TAG_STATIC_DYNTIME));
             $diff_text = '';
             $diff = Time::difference(strtotime($MainEntry['timestamp']), strtotime($data['reserved_at']));
             foreach (array_keys(Time::$IN_SECONDS) as $unit) {
                 if (empty($diff[$unit])) {
                 $diff_text .= CoreUtils::makePlural($unit, $diff[$unit], PREPEND_NUMBER) . ' ';
             $details[] = array('In progress for', rtrim($diff_text));
         case "appearances":
             $details[] = array('Action', self::$ACTIONS[$data['action']]);
             $PonyGuide = empty($data['ishuman']);
             $details[] = array('Guide', $PonyGuide ? 'Pony' : 'EQG');
             $details[] = array('ID', self::_getAppearanceLink($data['id']));
             $details[] = array('Label', $data['label']);
             if (!empty($data['order'])) {
                 $details[] = array('Ordering index', $data['order']);
             if (!empty($data['notes'])) {
                 $details[] = array('Notes', '<div>' . nl2br($data['notes']) . '</div>');
             if (!empty($data['cm_favme'])) {
                 $details[] = array('CM Submission', self::_link("http://fav.me/{$data['cm_favme']}"));
                 $details[] = array('CM Orientation', CGUtils::$CM_DIR[$data['cm_dir']]);
                 if (!empty($data['cm_preview'])) {
                     $details[] = array('Custom CM Preview', "<img src='" . CoreUtils::aposEncode($data['cm_preview']) . "'>");
             if (!empty($data['usetemplate'])) {
                 $details[] = array('Template applied', true);
             $details[] = array('Private', !empty($data['private']));
             if (!empty($data['added'])) {
                 $details[] = array('Added', Time::tag($data['added'], Time::TAG_EXTENDED, Time::TAG_STATIC_DYNTIME));
         case "res_transfer":
             $Post = $Database->where('id', $data['id'])->getOne("{$data['type']}s");
             self::_genericPostInfo($Post, $data, $details);
             $details[] = array('New reserver', Users::get($data['to'])->getProfileLink());
         case "cg_modify":
             $details[] = array('Appearance', self::_getAppearanceLink($data['ponyid']));
             $CG = $CGDb->where('groupid', $data['groupid'])->getOne('colorgroups');
             if (empty($CG)) {
                 $details[] = array('Color group ID', '#' . $data['groupid']);
                 $details[] = array('Still exists', false);
             } else {
                 $details[] = array('Group', "{$CG['label']} (#{$data['groupid']})");
             if (isset($data['newlabel'])) {
                 $details[] = array('Label', self::charDiff($data['oldlabel'] ?? '', $data['newlabel']));
             if (isset($data['newcolors'])) {
                 $details[] = array('Colors', self::charDiff($data['oldcolors'] ?? '', $data['newcolors'], 'block'));
         case "cgs":
             $details[] = array('Action', self::$ACTIONS[$data['action']]);
             $details[] = array('Color group ID', '#' . $data['groupid']);
             $details[] = array('Label', $data['label']);
             $details[] = array('Appearance', self::_getAppearanceLink($data['ponyid']));
             if (isset($data['order'])) {
                 $details[] = array('Ordering index', $data['order']);
         case "cg_order":
             $details[] = array('Appearance', self::_getAppearanceLink($data['ponyid']));
             $details[] = array('Order', self::charDiff($data['oldgroups'], $data['newgroups'], 'block'));
         case "appearance_modify":
             $details[] = array('Appearance', self::_getAppearanceLink($data['ponyid']));
             $changes = JSON::decode($data['changes']);
             $newOld = self::_arrangeNewOld($changes);
             if (isset($newOld['label']['new'])) {
                 $details[] = array('Label', self::charDiff($newOld['label']['old'], $newOld['label']['new'], 'block'));
             if (isset($newOld['notes']['new']) || isset($newOld['notes']['old'])) {
                 $details[] = array('Notes', self::charDiff($newOld['notes']['old'] ?? '', $newOld['notes']['new'] ?? '', 'block smaller'));
             if (isset($newOld['cm_favme']['old'])) {
                 $details[] = array('Old CM Submission', self::_link('http://fav.me/' . $newOld['cm_favme']['old']));
             } else {
                 if (isset($newOld['cm_favme']['new'])) {
                     $details[] = array('Old CM Submission', null);
             if (isset($newOld['cm_favme']['new'])) {
                 $details[] = array('New CM Submission', self::_link('http://fav.me/' . $newOld['cm_favme']['new']));
             } else {
                 if (isset($newOld['cm_favme']['old'])) {
                     $details[] = array('New CM Submission', null);
             $olddir = isset($newOld['cm_dir']['old']) ? CGUtils::$CM_DIR[$newOld['cm_dir']['old']] : '';
             $newdir = isset($newOld['cm_dir']['new']) ? CGUtils::$CM_DIR[$newOld['cm_dir']['new']] : '';
             if ($olddir || $newdir) {
                 $details[] = array('CM Orientation', self::charDiff($olddir, $newdir, 'inline', new FineDiff\Granularity\Paragraph()));
             if (isset($newOld['private']['new'])) {
                 $details[] = array('<span class="typcn typcn-lock-' . ($newOld['private']['new'] ? 'closed' : 'open') . '"></span> ' . ($newOld['private']['new'] ? 'Marked private' : 'No longer private'), self::SKIP_VALUE, self::KEYCOLOR_INFO);
             if (isset($newOld['cm_preview']['new'])) {
                 $details[] = array('New Custom CM Preview', "<img src='" . CoreUtils::aposEncode($newOld['cm_preview']['new']) . "'>");
             } else {
                 if (isset($newOld['cm_preview']['old'])) {
                     $details[] = array('New Custom CM Preview', null);
         case "da_namechange":
             $User = Users::get($data['id'], 'id', 'name');
             $newIsCurrent = $User->name === $data['new'];
             $details[] = array('User', $User->getProfileLink());
             if ($newIsCurrent) {
                 $details[] = array('Old name', $data['old']);
             } else {
                 $details[] = array('Name', Logs::charDiff($data['old'], $data['new']));
         case "video_broken":
             $IDstr = "S{$data['season']}E{$data['episode']}";
             $details[] = array('Episode', "<a href='/episode/{$IDstr}'>{$IDstr}</a>");
             $url = VideoProvider::getEmbed(new EpisodeVideo(array('provider' => $data['provider'], 'id' => $data['id'])), VideoProvider::URL_ONLY);
             $details[] = array('Link', "<a href='{$url}'>{$url}</a>");
             $details[] = array('<span class="typcn typcn-warning"></span> Couldn\'t process details', 'No data processor defined for this entry type', self::KEYCOLOR_ERROR);
             $details[] = array('Raw details', '<pre>' . var_export($data, true) . '</pre>');
     return array('details' => $details);
use App\CGUtils;
use App\CoreUtils;
use App\Models\User;
use App\DeviantArt;
use App\Permission;
use App\Users;
use App\Appearances;
use App\ColorGroups;
use App\Tags;
/** @var $Appearance array */
/** @var $heading string */ ?>
<div id="content">
	<div class="sprite-wrap"><?=Appearances::getSpriteHTML($Appearance)?></div>
	<p>from the MLP-VectorClub <a href="/cg"><?=$Color?> Guide</a></p>

<?  if (Permission::sufficient('staff')){ ?>
	<div class="notice warn align-center appearance-private-notice"<?=!empty($Appearance['private'])?'':' style="display:none"'?>><p><span class="typcn typcn-lock-closed"></span> <strong>This appearance is currently private (its colors are only visible to staff members)</strong></p></div>

	$RenderPath = FSPATH."cg_render/{$Appearance['id']}.png";
	$FileModTime = '?t='.(file_exists($RenderPath) ? filemtime($RenderPath) : time()); ?>
	<div id="p<?=$Appearance['id']?>">
		<div class='align-center'>
			<a class='darkblue btn typcn typcn-image' href='/cg/v/<?="{$Appearance['id']}.png$FileModTime"?>' target='_blank'>View as PNG</a>
			<button class='getswatch typcn typcn-brush teal'>Download swatch file</button>
<?  if (Permission::sufficient('staff')){ ?>
			<button class='blue edit typcn typcn-pencil'>Edit metadata</button>
<?php   if ($Appearance['id']){ ?>
Exemple #9
<?  if (isset($browser['browser_name'])){ ?>
	<div class="browser-<?php 
echo CoreUtils::browserNameToClass($browser['browser_name']);
<?  } ?>
echo rtrim(($browser['browser_name'] ?? 'Unknown browser') . ' ' . ($browser['browser_ver'] ?? ''));
echo !empty($browser['platform']) ? "on {$browser['platform']}" : 'Unknown platform';

echo !empty($Session) ? CoreUtils::notice('warn', "You're debugging session #{$Session['id']} (belongs to " . Users::get($Session['user'])->getProfileLink() . ")") : '';
echo CoreUtils::notice('info', 'Browser recognition testing page', "The following page is used to make sure that the site's browser detection script works as it should. If you're seeing a browser and/or operating system that's different from what you're currently using, please <a class='send-feedback'>let us know.</a>");

		<h2>Your User Agent string</h2>
echo !empty($browser['user_agent']) ? CoreUtils::escapeHTML($browser['user_agent']) : '&lt;empty&gt;';
Exemple #10
            $Title = $LinkedPost->label;
            if ($LinkedPost->isRequest) {
                $Description = 'A request';
            } else {
                $_user = Users::get($LinkedPost->reserved_by, 'id', 'name');
                $Description = 'A reservation' . (!empty($_user->name) ? " by {$_user->name}" : '');
            $Description .= ' on the MLP-VectorClub\'s website';
if ($ThumbImage[0] === '/') {
    $ThumbImage = ABSPATH . ltrim($ThumbImage, '/');
$Title = CoreUtils::escapeHTML($Title);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
echo $Title;
	<meta charset="utf-8">
	<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, height=device-height, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no">
	<meta property="og:type" content="website">
	<meta property="og:image" content="<?php 
echo $ThumbImage;
Exemple #11
: </span><?php 
        echo CoreUtils::cutoff(Episodes::removeTitlePrefix($PrevEpisodeTitle['title']), Episodes::TITLE_CUTOFF);
    } else {
        echo "&nbsp;";
		<div class="main">
    echo CoreUtils::escapeHTML($heading);
				<p>Vector Requests & Reservations</p>
    if (Permission::sufficient('staff')) {
				<p class="addedby"><em><?php 
        echo $CurrentEpisode->isMovie ? 'Movie' : 'Episode';
 added by <?php 
        echo Users::get($CurrentEpisode->posted_by)->getProfileLink() . ' ' . Time::tag($CurrentEpisode->posted);