/** * Affiche les competences en selectionnant celle de l'etudiant * * @return View */ public function getCompetence() { $array['competences'] = Competence::all(); $etudiant_competence = Auth::user()->user->competences()->get()->toArray(); $array['etudiant_competence'] = array(); foreach ($etudiant_competence as $value) { array_push($array['etudiant_competence'], $value['nom']); } return View::make('etudiant.competence')->with($array); }
/** * This function changes the language om the competences table in the database. * This is done by checking the language from the parameter and then make * an update in the table * @param type $language */ private function competenceLanguage($language) { $competences = \App\Competence::all(); $increment = 0; if ($language == 'en') { foreach ($competences as $competence) { $increment++; \App\Competence::where('id', $increment)->update(['name' => trans_choice('localization.competences', $increment)]); } } elseif ($language == 'sv') { foreach ($competences as $competence) { $increment++; \App\Competence::where('id', $increment)->update(['name' => trans_choice('localization.competences', $increment)]); } } elseif ($language == 'tr') { foreach ($competences as $competence) { $increment++; \App\Competence::where('id', $increment)->update(['name' => trans_choice('localization.competences', $increment)]); } } }
/** * Show the form for editing the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function edit($id) { $array['offre'] = OffreStage::where('offre_stages.id', $id)->with('competences')->first(); if (isset($array['offre']->date_debut)) { $array['offre']->date_debut = date('Y-m', strtotime($array['offre']->date_debut)); } $array['competences']['mine'] = $array['offre']->competences->lists('id'); $array['promotions'] = Promotion::all(); $array['competences']['all'] = Competence::all(); $array['entreprises'] = Entreprise::all(); return $array; }
/** * Retourne l'ensemble des competences */ public function all() { return Competence::all(); }