public function attbyalph()
        if (\Request::ajax()) {
            $caracter = \Input::get('caracter');
            $enfants = Child::where('nom_enfant', 'LIKE', $caracter . '%')->where('user_id', \Auth::user()->id)->get();
            foreach ($enfants as $enfant) {
                echo '   <tr>
                            <td><div class="minimal single-row">
                                    <div class="checkbox_liste ">
                                        <input type="checkbox" value=" ' . $enfant->id . ' " >

                            <td><img class="avatar" src=" ' . asset('uploads/' . $enfant->photo) . '"></td>
                            <td>' . $enfant->nom_enfant . '</td>
                            <td>15-09-2015 </td>
                                <a href="#" class="actions_icons">
                                    <i class="fa fa-trash-o liste_icons"></i></a>
                                <a href="#"><i class="fa fa-archive liste_icons"></i>

                            <td><a href="' . action('AttendancesController@show', [$enfant->id]) . '"><div  class="btn_details">Détails</div></a></td>
 public function index()
     if (Auth::check()) {
         $children = Child::where('user_group', '=', Auth::user()->user_group)->get();
     $users = User::all();
     $transactions = Transactions::all()->sortByDesc('created_at')->take(20);
     return view('home', compact('users', 'transactions', 'children'));
 public function indexef()
     $children = Child::where('f_id', \Auth::user()->id)->get();
     return view('attendances.indexef', compact('children'));
  * Update the specified resource in storage.
  * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function update(Request $request, $id)
     $validator = Validator::make([$request->all(), 'photo' => $request->photo], ['photo' => 'image'], ['photo.image' => "L'image doit etre de type valide JPEG\\PNG"]);
     if ($validator->passes()) {
         $enfant = Child::where('user_id', \Auth::user()->id)->where('id', $id)->first();
         $enfant->nationalite = \DB::table('countries')->where('id', $request->nationalite)->first()->nom_fr_fr;
         $enfant->nom_enfant = $request->nom_enfant;
         $enfant->date_naissance = $request->date_naissance;
         if ($request->transport == 1) {
             if (Transport::where('user_id', \Auth::user()->id)->first()->somme > 0) {
                 $child = Child::where('user_id', \Auth::user()->id)->where('id', $id)->first();
                 $child->transport = 1;
             } else {
                 return redirect()->back()->withErrors(["Vous n'avez pas encore précisé un prix pour le transport"]);
         } elseif ($request->transport == 0) {
             $child = Child::where('user_id', \Auth::user()->id)->where('id', $id)->first();
             $child->transport = $request->transport;
         $family = Family::where('email_responsable', $request->em)->first();
         $family->adresse = $request->adresse;
         $family->numero_fixe = $request->numero_fixe;
         $family->numero_portable = $request->numero_portable;
         $family->nom_pere = $request->nom_pere;
         $family->nom_mere = $request->nom_mere;
         $image = $request->photo;
         if (isset($image) && !empty($image)) {
             $filename = $image->getClientOriginalName();
             $path = public_path('uploads/' . $filename);
             Image::make($image->getRealPath())->resize(313, 300)->save($path);
             $child = Child::where('user_id', \Auth::user()->id)->where('id', $id)->first();
             $child->photo = $filename;
             $child->nationalite = \DB::table('countries')->where('id', $request->nationalite)->first()->nom_fr_fr;
         } else {
             $pic = Child::findOrFail($id);
             if (isset($pic->photo)) {
                 $filename = $pic->photo;
             } else {
                 $filename = null;
             $pic->photo = $filename;
             $child->nationalite = \DB::table('countries')->where('id', $request->nationalite)->first()->nom_fr_fr;
         return redirect()->back()->with('success', 'Modifications réussies !');
     } else {
         return redirect()->back()->withErrors($validator);
    public function trier_sexe()
        if (\Request::ajax()) {
            $year = \Input::get('year');
            $month = \Input::get('month');
            $sexe = \Input::get('sexe');
            $enfants = Child::where('user_id', \Auth::user()->id)->whereRaw('EXTRACT(year from created_at) = ?', [$year])->whereRaw('EXTRACT(month from created_at) = ?', [$month])->where('sexe', $sexe)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->get();
            foreach ($enfants as $enfant) {
                foreach ($enfant->bills as $e) {
                    if ($e->status == 1) {
                        $class = 'label-success';
                    } else {
                        $class = 'label-danger';
                if ($enfant->photo) {
                    $photo = asset('uploads/' . $enfant->photo);
                } else {
                    $photo = asset('images/no_avatar.jpg');
                echo ' <tr>
                            <td><div class="minimal single-row">
                                    <div class="checkbox_liste ">
                                        <input type="checkbox" name="select[]" value="' . $enfant->id . '">

                            <td><img class="avatar" src=" ' . $photo . ' "></td>
                            <td>' . $enfant->nom_enfant . '</td>
                            <td>' . $enfant->date_naissance->format('d-m-Y') . ' </td>
                            <td><span class="label ' . $class . ' label-mini"><i class="fa fa-money"></i></span></td>
                                <a href=" ' . action('ChildrenController@delete', [$enfant]) . ' " class="actions_icons delete-child">
                                    <i class="fa fa-trash-o liste_icons"></i></a>
                                <a class="archive-child" href="' . action('ChildrenController@archive', [$enfant]) . '"><i class="fa fa-archive liste_icons"></i>

                            <td><a href="' . action('ChildrenController@show', [$enfant->id]) . '"><div  class="btn_details">Détails</div></a></td>
 public function search()
     $child = Child::where('nom_enfant', 'LIKE', '%' . \Input::get('terms') . '%')->where('user_id', \Auth::user()->id)->get();
     $family = Family::where('nom_pere', 'LIKE', '%' . \Input::get('terms') . '%')->where('user_id', \Auth::user()->id)->orWhere('nom_mere', 'LIKE', '%' . \Input::get('terms') . '%')->get();
     return view('')->with(['child' => $child, 'family' => $family]);
Exemple #7
    public function searchinst()
        if (\Request::ajax()) {
            $terms = ucfirst(\Input::get('terms'));
            $child = Child::where('nom_enfant', 'LIKE', '%' . $terms . '%')->where('user_id', \Auth::user()->id)->get();
            if ($child->count()) {
                foreach ($child as $c) {
                    foreach ($c->bills as $bill) {
                        if ($bill->status == 0 && !$bill->deleted_at) {
                            $class = 'label-danger';
                            $message = 'Non Réglée';
                        } else {
                            $class = 'label-success';
                            $message = 'Réglée';
                        $photo = asset('uploads/' . $bill->child->photo);
                        echo '  <tr>
                            <td>  ' . $bill->id . '</td>
                            <td><img class="avatar" src="' . $photo . '"></td>
                            <td>' . $bill->child->nom_enfant . '</td>
                            <td> ' . $bill->start->format('d-m-Y') . ' </td>
                            <td>  ' . $bill->somme . '  Dhs</td>
                            <td><span class="label ' . $class . ' label-mini">
                               ' . $message . ' </span>
                                <a  href="' . action('BillsController@delete', [$bill->id]) . '" class="actions_icons delete-bill">
                                    <i class="fa fa-trash-o liste_icons"></i></a>
                                <a class="archive-bill" href="' . action('BillsController@archive', [$bill->id]) . '"><i class="fa fa-archive liste_icons"></i>

                            <td><a href="' . action('BillsController@details', [$bill->id]) . '"><div  class="btn_details">Détails</div></a></td>
            } else {
                $children = Child::where('user_id', \Auth::user()->id)->get();
                foreach ($children as $child) {
                    foreach ($child->bills as $bill) {
                        if ($bill->status == 0 && !$bill->deleted_at) {
                            $class = 'label-danger';
                            $message = 'Non Réglée';
                        } else {
                            $class = 'label-success';
                            $message = 'Réglée';
                        $photo = asset('uploads/' . $bill->child->photo);
                        echo '  <tr>
                            <td>  ' . $bill->id . '</td>
                            <td><img class="avatar" src="' . $photo . '"></td>
                            <td>' . $bill->child->nom_enfant . '</td>
                            <td> ' . $bill->start->format('d-m-Y') . ' </td>
                            <td>  ' . $bill->somme . '  Dhs</td>
                            <td><span class="label ' . $class . ' label-mini">
                               ' . $message . ' </span>
                                <a  href="' . action('BillsController@delete', [$bill->id]) . '" class="actions_icons delete-bill">
                                    <i class="fa fa-trash-o liste_icons"></i></a>
                                <a class="archive-bill" href="' . action('BillsController@archive', [$bill->id]) . '"><i class="fa fa-archive liste_icons"></i>

                            <td><a href="' . action('BillsController@details', [$bill->id]) . '"><div  class="btn_details">Détails</div></a></td>
Exemple #8
 public function exportPdf($ids = null)
     $ids = explode(',', substr($ids, 0, -1));
     $ids = array_unique($ids);
     $model = Bill::whereIn('id', $ids)->where('user_id', \Auth::user()->id)->get(['id', 'child_id', 'start', 'somme', 'status']);
     Excel::create('La liste des Factures', function ($excel) use($model, $ids) {
         $excel->sheet('La liste des Factures', function ($sheet) use($model, $ids) {
             foreach ($model as $bill) {
                 $bill->date = $bill->start->toDateString();
                 if ($bill->status == 0) {
                     $bill->status = 'Non Réglée';
                 } else {
                     $bill->status = 'Réglée';
                 $bill->child_id = Child::where('id', $bill->child_id)->first()->nom_enfant;
             $sheet->setWidth('A', 15);
             $sheet->setWidth('B', 15);
             $sheet->setWidth('C', 15);
             $sheet->setWidth('D', 15);
             $sheet->setWidth('E', 15);
             for ($i = 1; $i <= count($ids) + 1; $i++) {
                 $sheet->row($i, function ($rows) {
             $sheet->cells('A1:E1', function ($cells) {
                 $cells->setFont(array('family' => 'OpenSans', 'size' => '15', 'bold' => true));
             $sheet->row(1, array('Num De Facture', 'Nom de l\'élève', 'Somme', 'Statut', 'Date'));
Exemple #9
                        <div class="bloc_info"><img src="{{ asset('images/factures.png') }}" >
                            <span class="count">
echo App\Bill::where('status', 0)->where('user_id', \Auth::user()->id)->CurrentYear()->count();
                            </span><p>Factures non réglées</p></div>
                    <div class="col-md-4">
                        <section class="panel bloc">
                            <div class="panel-body">
                                <a href="#">
                                    <div class="bloc_info"><img src="{{ asset('images/anniversary.png') }}" >
$annv = \App\Child::where('user_id', \Auth::user()->id)->whereRaw('EXTRACT(month from date_naissance) = ?', [\Carbon\Carbon::now()->month])->whereRaw('EXTRACT(day from date_naissance) = ?', [\Carbon\Carbon::now()->day])->count();
                                        <span class="count">{{ $annv }}</span><p>Anniversaires</p></div>


<script src="{{ asset('js\codrops\Notification-Styles-Inspiration\js\modernizr.custom.js') }}"></script>
<script src="{{ asset('js\codrops\Notification-Styles-Inspiration\js\classie.js') }}"></script>
<script src="{{ asset('js\codrops\Notification-Styles-Inspiration\js\notificationFx.js') }}"></script>
    public function enfbyalph()
        if (\Request::ajax()) {
            $caracter = Input::get('caracter');
            $enfants = Child::where('nom_enfant', 'LIKE', $caracter . '%')->where('user_id', \Auth::user()->id)->get();
            foreach ($enfants as $enfant) {
                echo ' <tr>
                            <td><div class="minimal single-row">
                                    <div class="checkbox_liste ">
                                        <input type="checkbox" name="select[]" value="' . $enfant->id . '">

                            <td><img class="avatar" src=" ' . asset('uploads/' . $enfant->photo . '') . ' "></td>
                            <td>' . $enfant->nom_enfant . '</td>
                            <td>' . $enfant->date_naissance->format('d-m-Y') . ' </td>
                            <td><span class="label label-success label-mini"><i class="fa fa-money"></i></span></td>
                                <a href="#" class="actions_icons delete-child">
                                    <i class="fa fa-trash-o liste_icons"></i></a>
                                <a class="archive-child" href="#"><i class="fa fa-archive liste_icons"></i>

                            <td><a href="' . action('ChildrenController@show', [$enfant->id]) . '"><div  class="btn_details">Détails</div></a></td>
            //  echo json_encode($enfants);
Exemple #11
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
 public function handle()
     if (Carbon::now()->toDateString() == Carbon::now()->startOfMonth()->toDateString()) {
         $users = User::where('type', 'ecole')->get();
         foreach ($users as $user) {
             $sc = SchoolYear::where('user_id', $user->id)->where('current', 1)->first();
             if ($sc->type == 'Semis' && Carbon::now()->between($sc->startch1, $sc->endch2)) {
                 foreach ($user->children as $child) {
                     foreach ($child->bills as $bill) {
                         $getChild = Bill::where('child_id', $bill->child_id)->where('reduction', 0)->where('school_year_id', $sc->id)->where('nbrMois', 1)->orderBy('id', 'desc')->first();
                         if ($getChild) {
                             $facture = new Bill();
                             $facture->start = $getChild->end->toDateString();
                             $facture->end = $getChild->end->addMonth()->toDateString();
                             $facture->status = 0;
                             $facture->user_id = $getChild->user_id;
                             $enfant = Child::where('user_id', $getChild->user_id)->where('id', $getChild->child_id)->first();
                             $taman = '';
                             $transportStatus = $enfant->transport;
                             foreach ($enfant->levels as $level) {
                                 $getPriceOfLevel = PriceBill::where('niveau', $level->id)->where('user_id', $getChild->user_id)->first();
                                 $taman = $getPriceOfLevel->prix;
                             $transportStatus == 0 ? $facture->somme = $taman : ($facture->somme = $taman + Transport::where('user_id', $getChild->user_id)->first()->somme);
                             $facture->nbrMois = $getChild->nbrMois;
                             $facture->reductionPrix = null;
                             $facture->school_year_id = $getChild->school_year_id;
                             $facture->reduction = 0;
                             $facture->child_id = $getChild->child_id;
                             $facture->f_id = $getChild->f_id;
             } elseif ($sc->type == 'Trim' && Carbon::now()->between($sc->startch1, $sc->endch3)) {
                 foreach ($user->children as $child) {
                     foreach ($child->bills as $bill) {
                         $getChild = Bill::where('child_id', $bill->child_id)->where('reduction', 0)->where('school_year_id', $sc->id)->where('nbrMois', 1)->orderBy('id', 'desc')->first();
                         if ($getChild) {
                             $facture = new Bill();
                             $facture->start = $getChild->end->toDateString();
                             $facture->end = $getChild->end->addMonth()->toDateString();
                             $facture->status = 0;
                             $facture->user_id = $getChild->user_id;
                             $enfant = Child::where('user_id', $getChild->user_id)->where('id', $getChild->child_id)->first();
                             $taman = '';
                             $transportStatus = $enfant->transport;
                             foreach ($enfant->levels as $level) {
                                 $getPriceOfLevel = PriceBill::where('niveau', $level->id)->where('user_id', $getChild->user_id)->first();
                                 $taman = $getPriceOfLevel->prix;
                             $transportStatus == 0 ? $facture->somme = $taman : ($facture->somme = $taman + Transport::where('user_id', $getChild->user_id)->first()->somme);
                             $facture->nbrMois = $getChild->nbrMois;
                             $facture->reductionPrix = null;
                             $facture->school_year_id = $getChild->school_year_id;
                             $facture->reduction = 0;
                             $facture->child_id = $getChild->child_id;
                             $facture->f_id = $getChild->f_id;
         /*  $enfants =  Child::has('bills')->get();
                 foreach($enfants as $e)
                     foreach($e->bills as $b)
                        $d = Bill::where('child_id',$b->child_id)->orderBy('id','desc')->first();
                        $bill = new Bill();
                         $bill->start =$d->end->toDateString();
                         $nextMonth7 =$d->end->addMonth()->toDateString();
                         if(Carbon::parse($nextMonth7)->month == 7)
                             $bill->end = Carbon::parse($nextMonth7)->addMonths(2)->toDateString();
                             $bill->end = $nextMonth7;
                         $bill->status = 0;
                         $bill->user_id = $d->user_id;
                         $bill->somme =  $d->somme;
                         $bill->child_id =$d->child_id;
                         $bill->f_id = $d->f_id;
 public function bike_report()
     $csv = Export::newCSV(["family id", "child name", "age", "bike style", "bike size"]);
     $children = Child::where('bike_want', 'Y')->join('household', '', '=', 'child.household_id')->where('approved', 1)->get();
     foreach ($children as $child) {
         $csv->insertOne([$child->household_id, $child->name_last . ", " . $child->name_first, $child->age, $child->bike_style, $child->bike_size]);
     $csv->output('GiftProjectBikeReport_' . date("YmdHis") . '.csv');