public static function checkin_callback() { if (isset(\Auth::user()->id)) { //All the vars $user_id = \Auth::user()->id; $beer_id = Input::get('beer_id'); $fb_place_id = Input::get('fb_place_id'); $image_unique_id = 0; /* * If there is any images * */ if (Input::file('image')) { $image_unique_id = date('Ymdhis') . rand(0, 9999); $beer_meta = new BeerImg(); $beer_meta->beer_id = $beer_id; $beer_meta->description = Input::get('description'); $beer_name = Input::get('name'); $imageName = "beerhit.com_" . strtolower($beer_name) . $beer_meta->beer_id . $image_unique_id . '.' . Input::file('image')->getClientOriginalExtension(); $path = public_path('/images/catalog/' . $imageName); $img = ImageManagerStatic::make(Input::file('image')); // resize the image to a width of 960 // and constrain aspect ratio (auto width) $img->resize(960, null, function ($constraint) { $constraint->aspectRatio(); $constraint->upsize(); }); $img->save($path); //Save image information to database $beer_meta->img_id = $image_unique_id; $beer_meta->filename = $imageName; $beer_meta->path = '/images/catalog/' . $imageName; $beer_meta->user_id = \Auth::user()->id; $beer_meta->place_id = $fb_place_id; $beer_meta->save(); } $checkin = new Checkin(); $checkin->user_id = $user_id; $checkin->place_id = $fb_place_id; $checkin->beer_id = $beer_id; $checkin->source = 1; //we are using facebook, 1 for now $checkin->save(); $place = ['place_id' => Input::get('fb_place_id'), 'name' => Input::get('location'), 'category' => Input::get('fb_category'), 'street' => Input::get('fb_address'), 'city' => Input::get('fb_city'), 'state' => Input::get('fb_state'), 'zip' => Input::get('fb_zip'), 'latitude' => Input::get('fb_lat'), 'longitude' => Input::get('fb_lng')]; $place_meta = Places::updateOrCreate(['place_id' => Input::get('fb_place_id')])->update($place); //Log information \UserBeerHelper::userLog($user_id, $beer_id, 300, $fb_place_id, $image_unique_id); return redirect("profile/" . \Auth::user()->username); } else { return "err - user not login"; } }
public function upload_callback() { if (isset(\Auth::user()->id)) { if (Input::file('image')) { $image_unique_id = date('Ymdhis') . rand(0, 9999); $beer_id = Input::get('beer_id'); $beer_meta = new BeerImg(); $beer_meta->beer_id = $beer_id; $beer_meta->description = Input::get('beer_description'); $beer_name = Input::get('name'); $imageName = "beerhit.com_" . strtolower($beer_name) . $beer_meta->beer_id . $image_unique_id . '.' . Input::file('image')->getClientOriginalExtension(); $path = public_path('/images/catalog/' . $imageName); $img = ImageManagerStatic::make(Input::file('image')); // resize the image to a width of 960 and constrain aspect ratio (auto width) $img->resize(960, null, function ($constraint) { $constraint->aspectRatio(); $constraint->upsize(); }); $img->save($path); //Save image information to database $beer_meta->img_id = $image_unique_id; $beer_meta->filename = $imageName; $beer_meta->path = '/images/catalog/' . $imageName; $beer_meta->user_id = \Auth::user()->id; $beer_meta->save(); /*UserActivity*/ \UserBeerHelper::userLog(\Auth::user()->id, $beer_id, 200, 0, $image_unique_id); $page_title = "Uploaded : Beerhit!"; $page_descs = ""; $message = "Thanks you!"; //Once upload is done, redirect to the image landing page return redirect("beer/{$beer_name}/gallery/picture/{$image_unique_id}")->with(compact('page_title', 'page_descs', 'message', 'beer_meta')); } else { return "no file entered"; } } else { return "need to login"; } }