/** * Get all of the articles for a given user. ** * * @return mixed */ public function forUser() { if ($this->user->is_admin) { return $this->article->all()->sortBy('created_at'); } return $this->article->where('user_id', $this->user->id)->orderBy('created_at', 'asc')->get(); }
public function index(Request $request) { $output = Article::all(); // $url = $request->url(); // dd($url); return view('articles.index', compact('output')); }
public function run() { $article = Article::all()->first(); DB::table('places')->delete(); $place = Place::create(array('name' => 'Innocenti Evasioni', 'url' => 'http://www.innocentievasioni.com/', 'address' => 'Via Privata della Bindellina, 20155 Milano', 'lat' => '45.492522', 'lng' => '9.149578', 'status' => Place::GEOLOCALIZED)); $article->places()->attach($place); }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return Response */ public function index() { $teachers = Teacher::topN(6); $articles = Article::all(); $categories_in_pane = ArticleCategory::all(); return response()->view('site.colabor', array('teachers' => $teachers, 'other_articles' => $articles, 'categories_in_pane' => $categories_in_pane)); }
public function welcome() { $id = 1; $parent = Cate::select('id', 'name', 'parent_id')->where('catetype_id', $id)->get()->toArray(); $article = Article::all(); return view('welcome', compact('parent', 'article')); }
public function getArticle($cate, $arti) { $arti = substr($arti, 0, -5); //cắt chuối ".html" cuối article alias $category = Category::where("category_alias", $cate)->first(); //lấy category đầu tiên có alias bằng tham số category alias $listCategory = Category::all(["id", "category_alias", "category_name"])->toArray(); $allArticles = Article::all(["id", "title", "alias", "summary", "content", "image", "category_id", "author", "created_date"])->where('category_id', $category["id"])->toArray(); //lấy tất cả bài viết trong category if ($category != null) { $message = ""; $category_name = $category["category_name"]; if (count($allArticles) == 0) { $message = 'Không có bài viết nào.'; } else { $article = Article::where("alias", $arti)->first(); if ($article != null) { $relateArticles = Article::where('category_id', $category["id"])->where("id", '!=', $article["id"])->orderBy('created_date', 'desc')->get()->take(2)->toArray(); return view('front.blog.article', compact('listCategory', 'relateArticles', 'message', 'category_name', 'article', 'mess')); } else { $message = "Không tìm thấy bài viết phù hợp"; return view('front.blog.error', compact('listCategory', 'message', 'category_name')); } } return view('blog.index', compact('listCategory', 'message', 'category_name')); } }
public function index() { $articles = Article::all(); if (Request::wantsJson()) { return $articles; } return view('articles.index', compact('articles')); }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return Response */ public function index() { // return view('Admin')->withPages(Page::all()); // return view('Admin',['pages'=>Page::all()]); return view('Admin')->with('pages', Page::all())->with('articles', Article::all()); // $pages['pages'] = Page::all(); // return view('Admin',$pages); }
public function listArticle() { $article = new Article(); $list = $article->all()->toArray(); return view('admin.article.index')->with('listArticle', $list); //có thể có cách khác assign biến ra //return view('article.index',compact('list')); <== phần này ở ngoài sẽ đọc luôn cái list }
public function testCreateAndList() { $articleCount = 10; for ($i = 1; $i <= $articleCount; $i++) { Article::create(['title' => 'subject ' . $i, 'body' => 'body ' . $i]); } $articles = Article::all(); $this->assertEquals($articleCount, count($articles)); }
/** * Show the application dashboard. * * @return Response */ public function index() { $articleCount = Article::all()->count(); $partTypeCount = PartType::all()->count(); $brandsCount = Brand::all()->count(); $modelCount = BrandModel::all()->count(); // dd($articleCount); return view('home')->with(['articleCount' => $articleCount, 'partTypeCount' => $partTypeCount, 'brandsCount' => $brandsCount, 'modelCount' => $modelCount]); }
public function index() { if (!Auth::check()) { return redirect('/'); } $users = User::all(); $articles = Article::all(); return view('auth.profil', compact('users', 'articles')); }
/** * Bootstrap the application services. * * @return void */ public function boot() { view()->composer('partials._blog-aside', function ($view) { $view->with('postDate', Article::all()->groupBy(function ($date) { return Carbon::parse($date->created_at)->format('M-y'); })); $view->with('tags', Tag::all()); }); }
/** * Test the localized model. */ public function testLocales() { $locales = ['en', 'nl', 'fr', 'de']; $this->visit('/create')->see('Article created'); $this->assertCount(1, Article::all()); $this->assertCount(count($locales), ArticleTranslation::all()); foreach ($locales as $locale) { $this->visit("/{$locale}")->see("Title {$locale}")->see("Text {$locale}"); } }
public function index() { $articles = Article::all(); $tutorials = Tutorial::all(); $users = User::where('is_sitepoint', false)->get(); $meetups = Meetup::all(); $projects = Project::all(); $bugs = Bugreport::all(); return view('backend.pages.dashboard', compact('articles', 'tutorials', 'users', 'meetups', 'projects', 'bugs')); }
/** * Display the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function show($slug) { $med = Meds::where('slug', $slug)->firstorFail(); $czynnik = $med->skladnik_aktywny; $medLike = Meds::where('skladnik_aktywny', $czynnik)->limit(6)->get(); $czynnik2 = $med->skladnik_aktywny2; $medLike2 = Meds::where('skladnik_aktywny2', $czynnik2)->limit(6)->get(); $articleSide = Article::all()->random(2); return view('show', compact('med', 'medLike', 'czynnik', 'medLike2', 'czynnik2', 'articleSide')); }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function store(Request $request) { // $article = new Article(); $article->body = $request->input('body'); $article->title = $request->input('title'); $article->save(); $articles = Article::all(); dd($articles); }
/** * Display the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function show($id) { $active = 'articles'; $articles = Article::all(); if ($article = Article::find($id)) { return view('articles.show', compact('article', 'active')); } else { Request::session()->flash('Error', 'this article not found Please ty again'); return view('articles.index', compact('articles', 'active')); } }
public function index() { // /*1. 获取分类*/ // $navs = Nav::getnav()->get()->toArray(); // $navIndex = array(); // // dd($navs); // $this->parseArray($navs); /*获取文章*/ $articles = Article::all(); $returnData = ['articles' => $articles]; return view('index.index')->with($returnData); }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @param Request $request * @return Response */ public function store(Request $request) { $this->validate($request, ['nom' => 'required|max:255|min:2', 'description' => 'required|max:255', 'code' => 'required|max:255']); $article = new Article(); $article->nom = Input::get('nom'); $article->description = Input::get('description'); $article->code = Input::get('code'); $article->save(); $articles = Article::all(); $data_validations = ["Votre article a été ajouté"]; return view('article/index', compact('articles', 'data_validations')); }
public function showTable(Request $request) { // //for users table if ($request->url() == url('backend/tableusers')) { $users_record = User::all(); return view('backend/tableusers', compact('users_record')); } //for articles table if ($request->url() == url('backend/tablearticles')) { $articles_record = Article::all(); return view('backend/tablearticles', compact('articles_record')); } }
public function destroy($id) { $tag = Tag::findOrFail($id); $articles = Article::all(); foreach ($articles as $article) { $article_ids[] = $article->id; } //删除与文章关联的tag $tag->articles()->detach($article_ids); if ($tag->delete()) { return redirect('admin/tags')->with('message', '删除成功!'); } else { return back()->withInput()->with('errors', '保存失败!'); } }
public function buildForm() { $ArticleCategories = ArticleCategory::all(['id', 'name'])->sortBy('name')->pluck('name', 'id')->toArray(); $ArticleMasters = Article::all(['id', 'title'])->sortBy(['master', 'title'])->pluck('title', 'id')->toArray(); $this->add('title', 'text', Helper::buildFormAddWithIcon('Provide a title', 'title', 'fa fa-external-link', 'success', 'required|min:4|max:80')); $this->add('description', 'textarea', Helper::buildFormAddWithIcon('Add a description (needed for Facebook, twitter etc.) Min 20, max 500 characters', 'description', 'fa fa-facebook', 'success', 'required|min:20|max:500', '', 'vendor.laravel-form-builder.textarea-icon')); $this->add('url', 'url', Helper::buildFormAddWithIcon('Is the article linked? Here you can provide a link (optional)', 'url', 'fa fa-at', 'success', '', 'http://')); $this->add('picture_url', 'url', Helper::buildFormAddWithIcon('This is a picture URL needed for facebook and other API\'s (if you don\'t have the URL yet, upload and update)', 'url', 'fa fa-file-picture-o', 'success')); $this->add('body', 'textarea', Helper::buildFormAddWithIcon('Write your article:', 'body', 'fa fa-pencil-square-o', 'success', 'required|min:10', '', 'vendor.laravel-form-builder.textarea-icon')); $this->add('categories', 'select', array_merge(['choices' => $ArticleCategories, 'selected' => function () { return $this->model->categories->pluck('id')->toArray(); }], Helper::buildFormAddWithIcon('Choose the categories of this article (required)', 'categories[]', '', 'success', '', '', 'vendor.laravel-form-builder.select-icon', false, true))); $this->add('published_at', 'date', Helper::buildFormAddWithIcon('Published at', 'published_at', 'fa fa-calendar', 'success', 'date_format:Y-m-d', date('Y-m-d'), '', true)); $this->add('can_comment', 'checkbox', ['label' => 'Users can leave a comment']); $this->add('auto_comments', 'checkbox', ['label' => 'Comments are automatically approved']); $this->add('strip_tags', 'checkbox', ['label' => 'Check this if copy/pasted from a website']); $this->add('master', 'select', ['choices' => $ArticleMasters, 'empty_value' => '--- Select master article', 'property' => 'title', 'label' => 'If this article is linked to another article, make your choice here:']); }
public function loadCategory() { $categories = Category::all(); $articles = Article::all(); // link the category id and the its related articles $articlesNumber = []; foreach ($categories as $category) { if (CategoriesController::getArticleNumber($category->id) != null) { $articlesNumber[$category->id] = CategoriesController::getArticleNumber($category->id)[0]->article_number; } else { $articlesNumber[$category->id] = '0'; } } if (User::getCurrentUser() != null) { $is_manager = User::getCurrentUser()->is_manager; } else { $is_manager = false; } return compact('categories', 'articles', 'articlesNumber', 'images', 'is_manager'); }
/** * Display sitemap.xml * * @return Response */ public function index() { $sitemap = App::make("sitemap"); if (!$sitemap->isCached()) { // main page $home = URL::to('/'); $sitemap->add($home, date('c', time()), '1.0', 'daily'); $perPage = 15; // tags foreach (config('sitemap.tags') as $tag => $label) { $url = route('tag', $tag); $sitemap->add($url, date('c', time()), '0.7', 'weekly'); // pages of tag $pages = ceil(Article::byTag($tag)->count() / $perPage); if ($pages > 1) { for ($page = 2; $page <= $pages; $page++) { $sitemap->add("{$url}/page/{$page}", date('c', time()), '0.7', 'weekly'); } } } // all posts $posts = Article::all(); foreach ($posts as $post) { if ($post->path) { $url = route('post', $post->path); } else { $url = route('post_by_id', $post->id); } $date = max(strtotime($post->created_at), strtotime($post->updated_at)); $sitemap->add($url, date('c', $date), '0.9', 'daily'); } // archive pages $pages = ceil(count($posts) / $perPage); if ($pages > 1) { for ($page = 2; $page <= $pages; $page++) { $sitemap->add("{$home}/page/{$page}", date('c', time()), '0.8', 'daily'); } } } return $sitemap->render('xml'); }
/** * A basic test example. * * @return void */ public function testSeedDatabase() { $articles = \App\Article::all(); if ($articles->count() == 0) { echo "\nFiling the Users tables\n"; factory(App\User::class, 20)->create()->each(function ($u_1) { $u_1->categories()->save(factory(\App\Models\Users\UserCategory::class)->create()); $u_1->detail()->save($v_2 = factory(\App\Models\Users\UserDetail::class)->create()); $v_2->avatar()->save(factory(\App\Models\Users\UserAvatar::class)->create()); $u_1->photos()->save(factory(\App\Models\Users\UserPhoto::class)->create()); $u_1->setting()->save(factory(\App\Models\Users\UserSetting::class)->create()); $u_1->articles()->save($v_2 = factory(\App\Article::class)->create()); $v_2->categories()->save(factory(\App\Models\Articles\ArticleCategory::class)->create()); $v_2->photos()->save(factory(\App\Models\Articles\ArticlePhoto::class)->create()); $v_2->comments()->save($w_3 = factory(\App\Models\Articles\ArticleComment::class)->create()); //$w_3->photos()->save(factory(\App\Models\Articles\ArticleCommentPhoto::class)->create()); $u_1->sites()->save($v_2 = factory(\App\Site::class)->create()); $v_2->categories()->save(factory(\App\Models\Sites\SiteCategory::class)->create()); $v_2->photos()->save(factory(\App\Models\Sites\SitePhoto::class)->create()); $v_2->comments()->save($w_3 = factory(\App\Models\Sites\SiteComment::class)->create()); $w_3->photos()->save(factory(\App\Models\Sites\SiteCommentPhoto::class)->create()); $v_2->articles()->save($w_3 = factory(\App\Models\Sites\SiteArticle::class)->create()); $w_3->photos()->save(factory(\App\Models\Sites\SiteArticlePhoto::class)->create()); $w_3->comments()->save(factory(\App\Models\Sites\SiteArticleComment::class)->create()); $u_1->professions()->save($v_2 = factory(\App\Profession::class)->create()); $v_2->categories()->save($w_3 = factory(\App\Models\Professions\ProfessionCategory::class)->create()); $v_2->comments()->save(factory(\App\Models\Professions\ProfessionPhoto::class)->create()); $w_3->subcategories()->save(factory(\App\Models\Professions\ProfessionSubcategory::class)->create()); $v_2->comments()->save($w_3 = factory(\App\Models\Professions\ProfessionComment::class)->create()); //$w_3->photos()->save(factory(\App\Models\Professions\ProfessionCommentPhoto::class)->create()); }); factory(App\User::class, 'admin', 2)->create()->each(function ($u_1) { $u_1->detail()->save(factory(\App\Models\Users\UserDetail::class)->create()); }); echo "Done\n"; } else { echo "The databases are already seeded\n\n"; } }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return Response */ public function index() { $pageTitle = 'All Articles'; $originalArticles = Article::all(); $i = 0; $articles = array(); foreach ($originalArticles as $originalArticle) { $author = User::find($originalArticle->author); $category = Category::find($originalArticle->category_id); $isManageable = 0; // administrator if (Auth::user()->hasRole(['administrator'])) { $isManageable = 1; } // department manager if (Auth::user()->hasRole(['department_manager'])) { if (Auth::user()->departments->first()->id == $author->departments->first()->id) { $isManageable = 1; } } // category manager if (Auth::user()->hasRole(['category_manager'])) { if (Auth::user()->id == $category->manager) { $isManageable = 1; } } // article manager if (Auth::user()->hasRole(['article_manager'])) { if (Auth::user()->id == $author->id) { $isManageable = 1; } } $articles[$i] = array('id' => $i + 1, 'title' => $originalArticle->title, 'author' => $author->name, 'category' => $category->display_name, 'updated_at' => $originalArticle->updated_at, 'is_manageable' => $isManageable); $i++; } return view('home.articles.index', compact('pageTitle', 'articles')); }
public function index() { $articles = Article::all(); //gets the articles in assending order //$articles = Article::latest()->get();//order the articles in desending order //$articles = Article::latest('published_at')->where('published_at', '<=' Carbon::now())->get() //$articles = Article::latest('published_at')->published()->get();//the scope method found as scopePublished in Article class //return $articles; //return view('articles.index')->with('articles', $articles); return view('articles.index', compact('articles')); }
public function supplierDetails($id) { $supp = Supplier::where('id', $id)->with('articles')->first(); $articles_supplier = Article::where('supplier_id', $id)->get(); if (!isset($supp->id)) { return redirect('/404'); } else { $leftmenu['supplier'] = 'active'; $articles = Article::all(); } return view('/suppliers/details', ['supp' => $supp, 'leftmenu' => $leftmenu, 'articles' => $articles, "articles_supplier" => $articles_supplier]); }
/** * Show the form for editing the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function edit($id) { $pagesAll = Page::all(); $articlesAll = Article::all(); $templatesAll = Template::all(); $contentAreasAll = ContentArea::all(); $content_areas = ContentArea::lists('name', 'id'); $pages = Page::lists('name', 'id'); $article = Article::findOrFail($id); return view('site.edit', compact('article', 'pages', 'content_areas', 'pagesAll', 'articlesAll', 'templatesAll', 'contentAreasAll')); }