Exemple #1
 * new bootstrap file and `require` it here.
 * @see lithium\util\collection\Filters
setlocale(LC_ALL, 'en_US.UTF-8');
 * The libraries file contains the loading instructions for all plugins, frameworks and other class
 * libraries used in the application, including the Lithium core, and the application itself. These
 * instructions include library names, paths to files, and any applicable class-loading rules. This
 * file also statically loads common classes to improve bootstrap performance.
require __DIR__ . '/bootstrap/libraries.php';
 * Load application configuration file. May be accessed anywhere by calling Config::get()
\app\util\Config::load(realpath(__DIR__ . '/config.json'));
 * The error configuration allows you to use the filter system along with the advanced matching
 * rules of the `ErrorHandler` class to provide a high level of control over managing exceptions in
 * your application, with no impact on framework or application code.
require __DIR__ . '/bootstrap/errors.php';
 * This file contains configurations for connecting to external caching resources, as well as
 * default caching rules for various systems within your application
if (PHP_SAPI !== 'cli') {
    require __DIR__ . '/bootstrap/cache.php';
 * Include this file if your application uses one or more database connections.